Archive for Stealing

The Media Is Not “Fake News,” However; Almost All Of The Media Work For The Same Owner, “Mr. Avarice Mendacity”

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2017 by sheriffali

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The Media Is Not “Fake News,” However; Almost All Of The Media Work For The Same Owner, “Mr. Avarice Mendacity”


“The present state of the US Economy and the good jobs report, all of the “Credit Still Goes To President Obama, however, “The Media Credits Donald Trump, even though that despite Trump and Republicans are in Control of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, they haven’t passed a single legislation, other than Trump’s unhinged Executive Orders.


The only accomplishments by Trump and Republicans have at this time are; Scandals, Lying, Obstruction Of Justice, Treason, Take Away People’s Health Insurance and give Trillion Dollar Tax Break to the Rich, they all add up to be Parasitic Parasites.” [Sheriff Gerry Ali]


[Media] “The economy is emerging as a bright spot for President Trump as he struggles to move his congressional agenda amid a series of controversies.


The S&P 500 is up more than 12 percent since Election Day, unemployment has reached a 16-year low and economic growth in the coming year is expected to reach 2.3 percent, more robust growth than the 1.6 percent it grew in 2016.


Trump sought to play up his handling of the economy again on Friday at an event to end a week meant to highlight his efforts on legislation to fund new infrastructure projects across the country.


“We are here to think big, to act boldly, and to rise above the petty partisan squabbling of Washington, D.C. We are here to take action. It’s time to start building in our country, with American workers and with American iron and aluminum and steel,” Trump said in a speech at the Department of Transportation.



Trump has often gotten in his own way when it comes to publicizing his handling of the economy.


This was supposed to be the administration’s “infrastructure week,” but it was almost entirely overshadowed by the appearance by fired FBI Director James Comey at the Senate Intelligence Committee.


The controversy surrounding Comey’s firing has led to a new drop in the polls for Trump, whose approval rating in the Real Clear Politics average is just 39 percent, with 55 percent expressing disapproval.


After James Comey’s testimony eclipsed Trump’s planned infrastructure week, he and first daughter Ivanka Trump will embark on a road show this week highlighting workforce development and job creation in the Midwest, including new German-style apprenticeship initiatives.


 Twitter @sheriffali

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I am a father too and I understand your pain, but, your son did commit treason and he is a coward!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2013 by sheriffali

I am a father too and I understand your pain, but, your son did commit treason and he is a coward!


I understand your pain as a father because I have four children, however, your son “did” commit TREASON. By what other name can you call someone who steals information and give it to our enemies.


We have associations with China and Russia because it is necessary to maintain stability in the world, but, it would be difficult to conclude that China and Russia is on our side.


Your son took a job that was paid for by the Tax Payers and if he had difficulties with what the NSA was doing, he could have resigned and go to an Attorney or to the Public via the Media, just like what the coward did when he ran away to Hong Kong.

Follow me and 600,000 others on Twitter @sheriffali