Archive for the Lindsay Graham Category

The Orange Volcano Donald Trump, Exploded And Magma Is Spewing On All Republicans!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, GOP Insanity, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, Kelly Ayotte, Lindsay Graham, Media, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, New York City, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Racism, Religion, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vengeful McCain, Vote Hillary, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2016 by sheriffali


Subsequent to Barack Obama winning the Presidency in 2008, Mitch McConnell and his Myrmidons went into “Over-Drive” to make President Obama a “One Term President.”


As was told by a former Republican, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson said  Republicans, headed by Mitch McConnell on the day of President Obama Inauguration ordered all Members Of The GOP to do everything within their powers to make Obama a “One-Term-President, even if such actions were destructive to America and the American People.


Col. Wilkerson’s Exact Words – Verbatim:


“Let me just be candid: My Party is full of Racists. And the real reason a considerable portion of my Party wants President Obama Out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as Commander In Chief and President, and everything to do with the color of his skin. And that is despicable.”


In the final analysis, we all reap what we sow and that is without a doubt. Modern Day Republicans took the Party of one of America’s Greatest President, Abraham Lincoln and they literally destroyed the GOP. It is anyone’s guess as to whether or not after November 8, 2016 if there would still be a meaningful Republican Party, or, would they have to start all over from scratch.


Republicans sowed for decades; Bigotry, Fascism, Racism, Hate, Lies, Intolerance and every despicable adjective that comes to mind and now, the Republican Egregious Machinations, Metastasized in the Vulgar, Lewd, Bigoted, Racist, and Swindler – Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is fully cognizant he is going down, but Trump is Hell Bent on Taking the Republican Party with him.


Unite and Vote Blue as if your life depends on it, because in reality, it does. Hillary Clinton is hated by many because she is lied about; on the other hand, Donald Trump is hated because he lies and he is a parasitic parasite, despicable, vulgar, notorious, sorry excuse for a human being.


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton for President and Elect a Democratic Controlled House and Senate, for America to keep moving forward, after President Obama, who has done an exceedingly great job as President, despite the “Do Nothing, Obstructionist Republicans.”


Twitter @sheriffali



Is Not A Perfect Place But It Is A Wonderful World Filled With Dreams And Hope For All. Vote Hillary Clinton President!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Bush's Policies, Bushmaster .223 AR-15 ASSAULT RIFLE, Christianity, CNN, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Democrat, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Dreams, Fox News, George W. Bush, GOP Insanity, GOP Is A Cancer, Hate, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Hillary Firewall To The Nomination, HIllaryClinton2016, humility, Koch Brothers, LGBT, Lincoln Luther Obama, Lindsay Graham, Mahatma Gandhi, Michelle Obama, Moslems, Native Americans, NRA, Obama Administration, Paul Ryan, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama 2013 Inaugural Address, President Obama Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton Presidency 2016 Vote Hillary For President United Vote Blue Democratic Senate Democratic House Racism Fascism Bigotry Hate Gun Violen, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republican Scam, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, SANDY HOOK BABIES, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Thank you Hillary, United States, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights on July 16, 2016 by sheriffali


“Republicans Insanity Would Be On Display Beginning Monday July 18th Under One Roof Labeled RNC Convention.”



As the Politics reaches fever pitch remember just how much Republicans are very much alike when it comes to the Insanity of the Jihadists.



The Jihadists are big on the Quran and Guns!



Republicans are big on the Bible and Guns!



The Jihadists carries out heinous crimes against innocent people!



Republicans ignore that 93 Americans of all races are killed every day right here in America by some form of Gun Violence, yet, Republicans accept Blood Money from the NRA and defend the 2nd Amendment by profound misuse of what the Founding Fathers intended.



Jihadists accept Money from Despots and defend their insanity by misuse of Islam.



This November, we must Elect Hillary Clinton as President and remove Republicans from Leading the Senate and House of Representatives and as many Governors’ Mansions.



Hillary Clinton as President with a Democratic Controlled Senate and House can and will implement sensible Laws not to take away the rights of people to own Guns, but stop as many as possible unqualified people from owning Guns.




President Obama has rescued America from the Disasters of George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republican Congress and set us on a path forward, and, Hillary Clinton will continue President Obama’s Legacy, Policies and build on Obama’s Achievements that would inure benefits to all Americans and people of Goodwill around the World.



Give Hillary Clinton your support. Unite And Vote Blue For An Even Greater America.


Twitter @sheriffali


Twitter @hrcwhitehouse


Federal Appeals Court Judges for the D.C. Circuit forgot about the 13th Amendment!

Posted in Abraham Lincoln, Better Tomorrows, Blacks, Chuck Hagel, CIRCUMSTANCE, Clint Eastwood, Colin Powell, Contradicting 150 years, Current events, Double-Standard, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Susan Rice, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Federal Courts, Frederick Douglass, John McCain, Limiting the black President, Lindsay Graham, McCain gone bonkers, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Racism, Republican Legislators, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Rush Limbaugh, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on January 26, 2013 by sheriffali

In ruling against President Obama’s “recess appointments” that contradicts 150 years of practice by Republican and Democratic Administrations; Federal Circuit Court Judges; David B. Sentelle, Karen LeCraft Henderson and Thomas B. Griffith must have missed;


Abraham Lincoln’s 13th Amendment to the Constitution!


But why should we be surprised?


Frederick Douglass gave us the answer on September 25 1883, as to why Republican Legislators would be so unrelenting on President Obama!


“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.


If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” [Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]

Over 350,000 followers @sheriffali [Twitter]

 PRESIDENT OBAMA - ABRAHAM LINCOLN                                               



If Obama Nominated Water, John McCain would oppose, dehydrate and die!

Posted in Chuck Hagel, Defense Secretary, Hate, Hubris, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, McCain gone bonkers, Politics, President Obama on January 9, 2013 by sheriffali

President Obama’s Nomination of Chuck Hagel as the next Secretary of Defense

With each passing day, Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham are becoming less and less relevant and combined with their vehement hate for President Obama; they are doing much damage to America, their respective families and themselves.


John McCain and Chuck Hagel are both decorated Vietnam War Veterans and used to be “bosom buddies,” that is, until Obama Nominated Chuck Hagel to be the next Defense Secretary.


A close study of Mr. McCain prior to his defeat in the 2008 election, represented a man who cared about his country; its people; a person who was able to work with the opposition, however, it is self evident that McCain’s loss has sent him bonkers. In 2007, John McCain, Ted Kennedy and former President, George W. Bush came together with sincerity to resolve America’s Immigration problems through Immigration Reform.


John McCain is no longer the man he used to be and his insanity has brought out very obvious and sinister peculiarities about the man, and truly, this is a very sad state of affair. But then again that is what “hate” does to people.

As [Boethius] so wisely noted; “There would be no place for hatred among wise men. For who but the foolish would hate good men? Vice is a disease of the mind, just as feebleness shows ill health to the body.”

Chuck Hagel is a good and decent man; a man who when called upon served his country and received; Two Purple Hearts; The Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry; Army Commendation Medal and the Combat Infantryman Badge. Mr. Hagel took the patriotic path as opposed to those that willfully dogged the draft; George W. Bush, Bill Clinton; Donald Rumsfeld; John Bolton; Mitt Romney and so many others.


After returning to civilian life Mr. Hagel Co-Founded Vanguard Cellular; served as President of the McCarthy Group and served in the United States Senate from 1997 until he retired in 2008. He is currently a professor at the Edmund W. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.


The haters on the extreme right and few on the extreme left are misrepresenting Mr. Hagel’s statements with an unrelenting affront that is totally dubious. Two of Mr. Hagel’s remarks are;


“The Israeli Government essentially continues to play games…Desperate men do desperate things when you take hope away. And that’s where the Palestinians are today.”


“I think we should continue to pursue openings with Iran, understanding this is still a nation very hostile to the West.” We need to understand cold, hard realities and be very clear-eyed and clearheaded, but every opening we should take.”


After eleven years of war; thousands of our precious men and women in uniform lost their lives; tens of thousands lost their arms or legs or both and in excess of 60,000 in a peculiar mental state of mind, trillions of dollars spent, we need people like Mr. Hagel who ask us to be clear-eyed and clearheaded.


It is my distinct opinion that despite all of the “hubris” from McCain and others to deny Mr. Hagel to be the next Defense Secretary, we do have sixty seven sensible Senators that would see the wisdom in President Obama’s Nomination of Mr. Hagel.


Follow me on Twitter – over 350,000 followers @sheriffali


Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham “scrotums” are on “fire,” because of Parboiled American Brown Rice!

Posted in 2001, Balls on fire, Benghazi, Bush's Policies, Commitment, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Dick Cheney, Dr. Susan Rice, Dreams, Education, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Fox News, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, humility, Hypocrisy, John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, Libya, Lindsay Graham, Patience, Politics, President Obama, Racism, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Violence, Women's Rights with tags , on November 27, 2012 by sheriffali

This “Rice” [Susan] looks fairly short to “long grain white rice,” Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Kelly Ayotte. Dementia! There isn’t any other word to describe McCain, Graham, Ayotte and others who are following them on the Benghazi tragedy. As for Mrs. Ayotte she follows McCain and Graham like a dog in “heat,” but as for those two guys, well they no longer have “heat,” they are possessed by “HATE!”


Ambassador Rice subsequent to the Benghazi attacked that killed our Ambassador and three other Americans, stated that the information she was providing was what they had at the time and that, we would have to wait until a proper investigation is completed, to know the facts. I am of the firm belief that the Obama Administration is doing everything possible to find the perpetrators of this heinous act and bring them to justice, just as Obama did with Osama Bin Laden.


We must never forget that it was George W. Bush and his Administration that sat on threats made by Al Qaeda right up until August 6, 2001. This is no fiction it is fact! The Court Ordered release of the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) on August 6, 2001 read;


Al Qaeda determined to strike within the United States using Aircrafts as Weapons.”


The daily Intelligence Briefing on August 6,  was given to then President George W. Bush carried that statement right at the very top. Bush’s then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice saw the same information as Bush did. Along with these two, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and many others would have had access to the NIE briefing and what did they do; NOTHING! They sat on their arrogant backsides and allowed us to be decimated by the 9/11 attacks that killed over 3,000 Americans on American Soil.


One has to wonder; where were the Balls on fire McCain, Graham, the “in heat” Ayotte along with the other non-stop critics on the Benghazi attack then? Where was the Republicans Media Mouth Piece – Fox News – when 9/11 occurred?


I am neither White nor Black and people can think whatever they want, but, I am no racist. However, to suggest that racism does not exist in America is a fool’s folly! It seems very apparent that when a Republican Administration Screws-Up we should just accept it because it is beyond us. However, in this Benghazi tragedy I do believethat it is not only because President Obama is a Democrat, but it has more to do with him being Black!


© Sheriff Ali November 27, 2012


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Two angry, old, white Senators threatened an African American Woman!

Posted in Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Current events, Double-Standard, Dr. Susan Rice, Equality, Fox News, George W. Bush, Hate, Hypocrisy, Libya, Lindsay Graham, Politics, President Obama, Racism, Religion, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Senator John McCain, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Women's Rights with tags , , , on November 16, 2012 by sheriffali

Two angry, old, white Senators, John McCain and Lindsay Graham, threatened to block the confirmation of an African American Woman, Dr. Susan Rice, if she is nominated by President Obama to become the next Secretary of State! Dr. Rice is presently, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations!


For John McCain, this is not about racism but it is about his loss in the 2008 Presidential Election and, Mitt Romney’s loss in the 2012 Election, for which Senator McCain was a major supporter of Mitt Romney.


As for Senator Graham I can’t say one way or the other about his stance on race, but he is one pissed off White Man!


Both McCain and Graham in a joint news statement on November 14th 2012 said that Dr. Rice is at fault for the attack in Libya that killed four Americans. They also said she does not have the morale standing or the status to be Secretary of State because of the Libya matter.


However, it is highly hypocritical of Senator McCain in this regard. In 2005 when George W. Bush nominated Condoleezza Rice to be Secretary of State, John McCain threw his full support behind her, exclaiming that she had the honesty and integrity to serve as Secretary of State.


John McCain’s support remained steadfast for Condoleezza Rice despite the fact (not hyperbole) that Ms. Rice had lied to the American people about not having any knowledge about Osama Bin Laden’s threats to use Air Planes as lethal weapons inside of the United States. Ms. Rice also lied to the American people on several more occasions in 2002, when she advised President Bush to invade Iraq over “weapons of mass destruction.”


On Thursday night when pressed by the media over McCain’s doubled standard, he claimed “that people have a right to disagree with him, but he will stand in opposition of Dr. Susan Rice’s nomination.”

Listening to both Senators McCain and Graham, I can’t help but believe that these two Senators opposition really hasn’t anything to do with the qualified Dr. Susan Rice, but rather, McCain and Graham’s anger over Barack Obama being President.


And if this be true, then this is really sad for our country!



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