Archive for September, 2018

Wisconsin ID Law Suppressed 200,000 Votes, Trump won by 22,748 – The Nation Magazine: Con Man Trump claims he is like Abraham Lincoln – Newsweek Magazine: Republicans and Trump Trillion Dollar Deficit placed America on a path of fiscal ruin – USA Today:

Posted in Republican Legislators with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 13, 2018 by sheriffali

 Wisconsin ID Law suppressed 200,000 Votes in 2016. Trump won Wisconsin by 22,748 Votes. Republicans and Trump are fraudulent Anti-Democracy and Russian Puppets.




 Donald Trump, you are no Abraham Lincoln, you’re a pathetic, lying, thieving, racist pig. And you’re a Putin/Russian Puppet.



 Crooked Donald Trump and Fraudulent Republicans Trillion Dollar deficit have placed America on the path to ruin. That’s what happens when you hire corrupt crooks to run the Country.

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