Archive for the Helping each other Category

When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by Hillary Clinton in the pursuit of achieving goals for Children, Women, Men and Equal Justice For All Under The Law, I feel no doubt of Hillary’s herculean undertakings as President Of The United States.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Blacks, BORN OF A WOMAN, Children, Christ, Colin Powell, Democrats, Donald Trump, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Helping each other, Helping others, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HOPE, Hypocrisy, LGBT, Mahatma Gandhi, Media, Obama Administration, Peace, Politics 2016, Poverty, President Obama, Racism, Religion, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, Women's Rights with tags , on October 30, 2016 by sheriffali


It is remarkable how the Media, Republicans, some Independents and some Democrats have constantly and consistently “labeled” Hillary Clinton as “untrustworthy.”



Hillary Clinton’s problem is not “transparency” it is “Misogyny!” America, for all of the braggadocio we indulge in about “Human Rights and Equal Rights and Equal Rights for Women,” we are hypocrites, hypocrites because despite being one of the most stable Democracies in the world, our words fall short. It is not our words that ring of hypocrisy, “it is our DEEDS.”



We are on the verge of Electing the First Woman to be President and yet, despite Hillary Clinton being enormously educated, very qualified and the most experienced person to ever seek the Presidency, the Media, Republicans, some Independents and yes, some Democrats just cannot usurp the bias they have against women being at the top of the Ladder.



As President Obama said during the Democratic Convention, “not him, not Bill nor any other person is more qualified to be President than Hillary Clinton.”




Hillary Clinton is a Yale Graduate Attorney and was named 3 years in a Row as one of America’s top 100 Lawyers by the American Bar association; Hillary was First Lady of Arkansas; First Lady of The United States; two term US Senator and Secretary of State and yet, Americans compare her to her “Opponent” who has never done anything for anyone, but conned Investors, robbed Employees and Contractors, created a fraudulent University and literally embezzled money from the young, middle-age, Veteran and yes, Seniors, for which he is facing a Fraud Trial under the RICO-ACT on November 28, 2016 and a Rape Case of a minor in December 2016.



People are wrong when they lay claim that Hillary Clinton is the Lesser of Two Evils, no she is not! Hillary Clinton has spent her entire adult life fighting for Children’s, Women, Men and Equal Rights for all, that is a service that should be praised, but instead, it is denigrated by almost every American News Agency – Television, Radio and Print.



Please no complacency! Support and Vote Hillary Clinton for President and give Hillary a Democratic Controlled Congress by getting rid of the “Do Nothing Republican Congress.”




Twitter @sheriffali






“Let Him kiss me with the kiss of His mouth!” Songs of Solomon 1:2 [HAPPY EASTER]

Posted in Agape, BEYOND THIS WORLD, Christ, Christianity, God, GOD IN THE FLESH, God is not a religion, GOD'S GRACE, God's love, God's Spirit, He still stands tall, Helping each other, Helping others, Honesty, HOPE, Hope for better tomorrows, humility, Infallible God, MERCY AND GRACE with tags , , , , , , on March 30, 2013 by sheriffali

The month of April is said to derive its name from the Latin verb aperio, which signifies to open, because all of the buds of blossoms are now opening, and we have arrived at the gates of the flowery year.


In beginning a new month, let us seek the same desires after our Lord as those which glowed in the heart of the elect spouse. See how she leaps at once to Him; there are no prefatory words; she does not even mention His name; she is in the heart of her theme at once, for she speaks of Him who was the only Him in the world to her.


How bold is her love! It was much condescension which permitted the weeping penitent to anoint His feet with spikenard – it was rich love which allowed the gentle Mary to sit at His feet and learn of Him – but here, love, strong, fervent love, aspires to higher tokens of regard, and closer signs of fellowship.


Esther trembled in the presence of Ahasuerus, but the spouse of joyful liberty of perfect love knows no fear. If we have received the same free spirit, we also may ask the like. By kisses we suppose to be intended those varied manifestations of affection by which the believer is made to enjoy the love of Jesus.


The kiss of reconciliation we enjoyed at our conversion; and it was sweet as honey dropping from the comb. The kiss of acceptance is still warm on our brow, and we know that He hath accepted our persons and our works through rich grace. The kiss of daily, communion; is that which we pant after to be repeated day after day, till it is changed into the kiss of reception, which removes the soul from earth, and the kiss of consummation which fills it with the joy of heaven.


Faith is the road, but communion with Jesus is the well from which the pilgrim drinks. O lover of our souls, be not strange to us; let the limps of Thy blessing meet the lips of our asking; let the lips of Thy fullness touch the lips of our need, and straightway the kiss will be effectuated. 


“When we educate a man we educate an individual, when we educate a woman, we educate an entire family!”

Posted in Agape, Aspirations, Better Tomorrows, Dreams, Education, Equal rights for all, Hama Mangaroo, Helping each other, Helping others, Oneness with God, Spirituality, Women with tags , , , , on November 23, 2012 by sheriffali

My goal is helping “children from every race, every class








My goal is helping “children from every race, every class, irrespective of where they were born or their circumstances, and help as many as I can to obtain a proper education, for that will be their Passport that would take them through their sojourners’ life! 

“The real function of power and the order it creates is the liberation of men and women to think and be and make the most of themselves!


“When we educate a man we educate an individual, when we educate a woman, we educate an entire family!”



“If I can stop one heart from breaking,

I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life the aching,

Or cool one pain,

Or help one fainting robin

Unto his nest again,

I shall not live in vain.”

(Emily Dickinson) 


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