Archive for the Cruelty Category

A Vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan is a Vote for reinstating Bush and Cheney’s Policies that brought you misery!

Posted in Abortion, America's 2%, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Bernard Madoff, Bill Clinton, Binders of women, Bush's Policies, Cayman Islands, Children, China, CNN, Colin Powell, Commitment, Completely Wrong, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Cruelty, Current events, Deregulation, Dick Cheney, Extreme Views, Fox News, George W. Bush, Heartless, Hope for better tomorrows, Housing Market, Human Vulture, Karl Rove, KKK, Koch Brothers, Liar, Megan Kelly Fox News, Michelle Obama, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Politics, Racism, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Sean Hanity, Shyster, The Elderly with tags , , , on November 5, 2012 by sheriffali

The uninformed; the haters; the dishonest; the duplicitous; those that harbor prejudice and all Americans; the homes you lost; the jobs you lost; the savings you lost; the sixteen trillion dollars National Debt; the Iraq War; the Afghanistan War; the hope you lost; and all that you held near and dear to your heart like your children’s future, that perhaps seem like a bad dream, President Obama, wasn’t then or now, the destructive force that brought you these nightmares, that came from the Policies of former President and Vice President, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.


Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and all of the Republicans that have fed you the dishonesty that this is all Obama’s fault, they know, you know and I for know, that this is the most brazen lie that these duplicitous Ruritans have been using to prey on your ignorance; your frustration; your hopelessness; your hate; your prejudices and all that ails you, just so that you can empower them back into White House, The Senate and The House of Representatives.


President Obama has kept us from going into a depression; and the job market is growing again. We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month during the last five months of the Bush Presidency and well into the initial stages of the Obama’s Presidency, but we are moving forward again, and over the past 30 plus months, we have steady job growth to the tune of five million five hundred thousand jobs. The Dow Jones that fell to 6,500 during Bush’s stewardship has rebounded to 13,000 plus; the NASDAQ is up 125% and the Standard & Poor is up 75%. The housing market has rebounded; we have created more manufacturing jobs since 1996; The Auto Industry is back and on top again, don’t turn back now.


If you vote your fears; your ignorance; your prejudices; your hate and contempt for Obama because he is Half-White and Half-Black and put Mitt Romney and the Republicans back into controlling your life; the truth is, within the next two years or less, “we would be bankrupt just like Russia was in 1990.


Your choice your vote; “make the best of it!”


Written by Sheriff Ali:




Mitt Romney’s 47% speech suggests that Romney doesn’t know much about the culture of America!

Posted in America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Cruelty, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Human Vulture, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, The Elderly, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights with tags , , , , on September 18, 2012 by sheriffali

It suggests that Romney doesn’t know much about the culture of America. Yes, the entitlement state has expanded, but America remains one of the hardest-working nations on earth.



Mitt Romney and his Republican base can try to “spin” his 47% speech as much as they can, but, indeed, Romney called almost half of America





By David Brooks – New York Times:



Posted in Cruelty, Darkness, Flights of Insanity, God, God's Spirit, Hades, Heartless, Heaven, Hell, Hope for better tomorrows, humility, Illness, Patience, Poverty, Progress, Recovery, Sadness, September 11, Sickness, Sin, Spirituality, Towers of Tragedy on September 10, 2012 by sheriffali

September 11, the innocent were on the flights
And with no comprehension, knew not their plights,
The ideologically demented – they were on board
Fanatically disillusioned, was their concept of God

In their anguish and anger they commandeered the planes
With impunity for themselves, but for life, nothing but disdain,
So with instructions from “Sheol” they crashed into the Towers
Shockingly unimaginable destruction came in less than an hour

With so many lives that seemed headed for the grave
New York’s rescuers, exemplified the true meaning of – ” brave”,
Rushing into the buildings not knowing what to expect
Down came the mighty Towers and the smell of death

O! Father of light and Giver of unmerited grace
In this our darkest moments, show us Thine face,
Bless our aching hearts with a preamble of Your plan
For we trust in Your goodness, when you raise Your “right” hand

This tragedy is so immense, we just cannot comprehend
But this evil, we are sure, You will bring to an “end”…

© 2001-2011 by Sheriff G Ali

Author’s Comments:

“When pain is to be borne, a little courage helps more than much knowledge, a little human sympathy more than much courage, and the least tincture of the love of God, more than all.” [C.S. Lewis] LORD, HELP US TO UNDERSTAND THE MYSTERIES OF YOUR MERCIES!



Money is to Mitt Romney what Carcasses are to Vultures!

Posted in America's 2%, America's 98%, Cayman Islands, Children, Clint Eastwood, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Cruelty, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Heartless, Housing Market, Human Vulture, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, Progress, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Sub-Prime Mortgage, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights on September 9, 2012 by sheriffali

Malleable Mitt Romney’s statement on Meet the Press that he opposed the raising of the debt ceiling in 2011 without a cut, cap, and balance provision, is one of Romney’s more egregious false declarations and it is simply not true.


In July of 2011 when most of the Republican Leaders were weighing in on the debt ceiling, Romney was in his “Mitt’s Keep Silent Protection Program.” However, when it became abundantly clear that John Boehner would have to cave due to the recalcitrant Republican Congress Boehner was managing, on August 01, 2011, Mitt Romney issued a statement praising John Boehner for working out a deal that avoided The United States of America from defaulting on its debts.


Romney’s deplorable and willful paroxysm is just another reason why the American Voters in November 2012, had better revisit all of Romney’s positions that changed over time – as a means to an end. His so-called plan that he calls a budget for which he states; he would increase military spending by 2-trillion dollars; authorize another 5-trillion tax cut [that would benefit Romney and those at the very top 2%] and that he would avoid any immediate changes to Medicare and Social Security while balancing the budget at the same time without any specificity, proves that Mitt Romney is a Human-Vulture on the Middle-Class, the Elderly, the Poor and America’s Children.


Mitt Romney’s lame excuses of “not” releasing any more tax returns other than his 2010 returns, is self evident as to this Human-Vulture capriciousness that insults the  intelligence of the American people. If the American people cannot see that any concerns for 98% of the hard-working Americans by Mitt Romney is a big fat ZERO, and capitulate to the utter nonsense by this Vulture and propel him into office, when trouble comes, they would have no one to blame but themselves.


At a CNN debate in June, Mitt Romney insisted that President Obama had made the economy worse. Romney said; “What this President has done has slowed the economy. He didn’t create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.”


Then later in the month of June at a campaign stop in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Vulture Romney contradicted himself when he said; “I didn’t say that things were worse. What I said was, the economy hasn’t turned around”






Romney and Ryan are Rambunctious Radicals, Removed from all Reality, and are Relying on the Repugnant Right-Wing Reprobates!

Posted in Bermuda, Bill Clinton, Cayman Islands, Clint Eastwood, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Cruelty, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Housing Market, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Progress, Recovery, The Elderly, Veterans, Women's Rights on September 7, 2012 by sheriffali


Many of the people along with George W. Bush that brought us unpaid Wars and Two Unpaid Tax Cuts; deregulations that allowed Wall Street and the Banks to commit larceny on millions of Americans causing them to lose their homes; jobs; their savings and all that they had worked for, “they are back in the Romney Camp.


They are advocating more Wars and another five trillion dollars worth of Tax Cuts for those that are at the very top and deregulations, that would repeat the catastrophe that was manifested between 2001-2008.


Thirteen of the people in the photograph are Politicians that either worked directly for George W. Bush or were strong supporters of Bush’s madness; Karl Rove – “Bush’s brain that should have been labeled Drano (drain cleaner); Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Ari Fleisher, Lindsay Graham, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, Mitch Mc Connell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.


These people have Romney’s undivided attention; waiting in the Wings for a Romney – Ryan Victory, so that they can again reap havoc on the American people.


The other people in the photograph are Mr. Hacker – Rupert Murdoch’s Puppeteers, impersonating Journalists on Fox’s Misnomer News Chanel.      


Would the Middle-Class, the Poor and women ever see who and what these people [GOP] are all about?



President, John F. Kennedy: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Senator, Robert Kennedy: President, Gerald Ford: Senator, Ted Kennedy and President, Lyndon B. Johnson.

Posted in ANN ROMNEY, Children, Christ, Clint Eastwood, Cruelty, Darkness, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, God's Spirit, Hades, Heartless, Heaven, Hell, Hope for better tomorrows, Housing Market, humility, John F. Kennedy, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Gerald Ford, President Obama, Progress, Recovery, Scrooge on September 3, 2012 by sheriffali

I speak only for myself and people can disagree with me, but, having studied their lives from High School through University and from a humanitarian standpoint, these people truly cared about every human being, their Country and the World, but, that came at a cost and that cost was “The price one pays for caring and for doing good.” Most of the time you are grossly misunderstood by people, not necessarily uneducated or ignorant people, but, people who live by the assumption that any good deed must carry with it, some ulterior, sinister motive!


We don’t define History because History is about the past; however, our “deeds” allows History to define us as to whether we were a beacon of hope and light, or, a scrooge of darkness that permeated hopelessness!


As for President Barack Obama, I do believe that he possesses a “Spirit” in the likes of those above, but, it is going to take time, before History would be able to articulate one way or the other.


However, I do believe that History would be Kind to Mr. Obama because he risked his entire Presidency to do something that previous Presidents only talked about and that something is the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as “Health Care Reform.” In addition, he used his initial goodwill at the inception of his Presidency to “bail out our financial Institutions including the Auto Industry that kept us from falling into the abyss.”


Some Americans have very short or convenient memory and that is; “former President George W. Bush handed to President Obama; “an almost bankrupt country; two wars and two tax cuts which were unpaid for; unfunded programs and a collapsed Housing Market caused by deregulations for which Wall Street and most of the Banking Institutions used to scheme the American people out of their; Homes; Jobs; Saving and everything they had worked for all of their lives.

But, for Mitt Romney, The Republican Party and their followers, all of these disasters are somehow President Obama’s fault.   


The Narcissistic Poisonous Group of America; inspired by Republicans for taking our country back to 1964 and before!

Posted in ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Clint Eastwood, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Cruelty, Darkness, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, God, Heartless, Heaven, Hell, Hope for better tomorrows, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Patience, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Women's Rights on September 2, 2012 by sheriffali

Clint Eastwood

 Is now a proud member of the

“Narcissistic Poisonous Deluge Group”

Of America!


For all the wrongs that George W. Bush did in 8 years that literally turned America upside down and almost bankrupted us, people like Clint Eastwood and most in the Republican Party just hop backwards 32 years to Jimmy Carter and then fast forward to President Obama, [sort of like Bush never existed] and they blame Obama for all that ails us. Mr. Eastwood went as far as blaming Obama for either starting the Afghanistan War or for not ending it!


Clint Eastwood has been and will always be my movie hero, but, it is truly sad to see how he fell from grace being Mitt Romney and the Republicans Puppeteer.


No President in the History of America has been treated so disrespectfully like President Obama has, and continues to be. However, Eastwood’s utterances though very offensive, it is pale in comparison to what others have said and continue to say.


The statement “We have to take our country back,” it is not just some political misnomer, for it carries with it deep and indelible memories that dates back to 1964 and before.


All of these phantasmagoric rationales and internecine fabrications that the Republicans and their surrogates use to discredit Obama, is a “black stain” against us in the eyes of the world, simply for one simple fact; “we are always advocating to others about freedom of speech; tolerance; democracy; equal rights and a litany of noble things, but, the problem is that; “people often doubt what you say but they always believe what you do!”


Mr. Eastwood has now had the grand privilege of becoming a member of the “Narcissistic Poisonous Deluge Group of America.”


Present members;


New Gingrich; Sarah Palin; Michelle Bachman; Mitch McConnell; Condoleezza Rice; Mitt Romney; Paul Ryan; Donald Trump; Rupert Murdoch’s Puppeteers; Bill O’Rilly; Shawn Hannity; Britt Hume; Greta Van Susteren and so many others that it would literally take thousands of pages to write out of the names.


My advice to these people are; “there is a God and He is often accused of being slow, but be sure and know, He is never late!”

The Middle-Class; the Poor; the Elderly; Children; they deserve better than what Romney, Ryan and the Republicans would do them, again!

Posted in ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Children, Christ, Commitment, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Cruelty, Darkness, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Heartless, Heaven, Hell, Hope for better tomorrows, Housing Market, Illness, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Veterans, Women's Rights on August 30, 2012 by sheriffali

Just as a Rabbit cannot explain speed to a turtle, the extremists cannot decipherer the truth! – Romney – Ryan – Republicans; they don’t just play loose with the truth, “they tell bold face lies in the form of RED-MEAT,” permeating it to not all but some who are too full of hate; dumb or are still embedded with racism for which the Media would never acknowledge.


I am no racist, but if I would state that racism doesn’t exist, “I would be telling a bold face lie,” because, I don’t claim to be the smartest man in the world, but having been subjected to racism and discrimination because of my heritage and my name, I am living proof that people in all societies all over the world, are intertwined and entwined in some form of racism and discrimination.


One can talk about hard times but you would have to “actually live in hard times,” to truly appreciate the meaning of “hard times.” It is the same with “Starvation,” you can make claim to comprehend “Starvation,” but, you would have to experience “Starvation,” to know how it feels.


Make no mistake, there is a wide river between being hungry and starving and the latter would break the strongest person, after three or more days of “having nothing to eat!” Believe me, I know!


By all account I should be following the Republicans because my income fits in with their agenda, but the reason why I could never be part of that group is simple.


I have lived hard times; I have starved; I was ill and couldn’t get medical help, so despite having lifted out of that dungeon by the grace of God and my willingness to rise out of that misery, my heart pains me to see just how difficult life is for so many, not only in America, but around the world!

Trying to explain and or convince the Hard-Right Republicans; “truth, facts and reality,” is the same as “a Rabbit trying to explain speed to a Turtle.”

Posted in ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Cruelty, Darkness, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Heartless, Housing Market, Love Food, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, The Elderly, Women's Rights on August 29, 2012 by sheriffali

Following in the footsteps of Mitt Romney’s campaign, rarely have so many convention speeches been based on such shaky foundations and the lies and distortion continues and will continue until November 6, 2012 and thereafter.


Mitt Romney and The Republican Clan haven’t only been dishonest in distorting President Obama’s speech on “You didn’t build it,” verbally, they have resorted to actually “editing” the Video, and Mrs. Ann Romney and Governor Chris Christie insistence about “you can Trust Mitt to tell you the truth,” right along with God, Patriotism and no one ever asked for Mitt’s Birth Certificate,” is self evident of how badly the Republicans have fallen from grace over the years.


This is what the President actually said:


“Look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.


Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”


In another campaign season, the fact that the opposition edited the president’s voice to say something he didn’t say would be regarded as alarming by the media, however, this election it is just another day on the campaign trail.


The three businessmen the Republicans found who claims that the President insulted them “WITH YOU DIDN’T BUILD IT,” maybe the only three businessmen in America who have never made use of the interstate highway system, an Airport or the Internet, never benefited from farm price supports or a government-backed student loan, or never enjoyed a business-related tax break.


In the final analysis, to feel ashamed one has to possess conscience and in that regard, not all, but most Republicans are “morally bankrupt!”

Real Clear Politics most Recent Electoral College Map reflecting no Toss Ups States!

Posted in Children, Cruelty, Darkness, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, GOP PLATFORM, Heartless, Hope for better tomorrows, humility, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Patience, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Progress, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Sadness, Sub-Prime Mortgage, Super Pac, The Elderly, Women's Rights on August 26, 2012 by sheriffali

The information reflected on the image is from and I have attached the link below.


Real Clear Politics Electoral College Maps reflecting May through August 23, 2012 with no toss ups are;


May: Obama 368, Romney 170;


June: Obama 303, Romney 235;


July: Obama 332, Romney 206


August: Obama 303, Romney 235.


As we are all aware, it takes 270 Electoral College Votes to win the Presidency. What is self evident is that, although the numbers have changed, Former Governor Mitt Romney has never surpassed President Barack Obama.


From the hundreds of articles I have posted on my Face Book and Google Plus Pages and tweeted, it is no mystery that I support the President. My lack of enthusiasm and non-support for Mr. Romney is solely based on Romney’s constantly changing positions dating back to 1994, when he ran to unseat the now deceased Senator, Ted Kennedy.


People often doubt what you say but they always believe what you do, and in regards to “saying and doing,” Mr. Romney falls vividly short in his Political Positions as well as his Policy Positions.


As often said, “a day in Politics is a life time,” hence, anything is possible! However, with eight years of Former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and their Republican Policies that lead to an “Orwellian Terror State and bankrupted our Nation,” I do not believe that America has forgotten, the deep and unforgiving troubled waters that they left us in and how far we have come, irrespective of all of the negative commotion that are being permeated against the President.


Sometimes it is difficult for me to comprehend the Voters logic or intellect or both, when it comes to their decision making process, thus let us look at a few factors.


From January of 2001 through August of 2008, Bush’s polices lead to the creation of two million, six hundred thousand jobs, but from September 2008 until the day Mr. Bush left office, there was a job loss of three million two hundred thousand jobs. Job losses were at the rate of eight hundred thousand per month.


And, this continued into the Obama’s Presidency and well into almost all of 2009, until Obama’s policies were implemented. At the inception of 2010 through the end of July 2012, four million five hundred thousand jobs were created.


The Dow Jones fell from a high of 14,000 plus to 6,500 in 2007 and 2008. Today, August 26, 2012, the Dow Jones is at an all time four year high of 13,100 plus.


The two wars and the two gigantic tax cuts Bush generated were never paid for, hence when Obama took office, the bills came due and the Republican Party who was part of all of these debts, they held off raising the Debt Ceiling in a timely manner causing us for the first time, to lose our Triple A [AAA] ratings.


Of the five trillion dollars increase in our National debt since Obama took office, 88% were spent paying off the unpaid bills left by Bush and only 12% were used to implement and sustain Obama’s policies.


The Republicans allowed Wall Street and the Banks to go unregulated and they created a scheme whereby, they took home-owners mortgages, packaged it and sold it to investors as Derivatives [Sub-Prime Mortgage] and this was the catalyst that totally collapsed the housing market causing millions of Americans to lose their homes and millions more are living in homes that is classified as “underwater,” and may yet lose their homes.


John Paulson, the Hedge Fund Manager made his fortune betting that the sub-prime mortgage market would collapse, is worth 12.5 billion dollars. He has donated one million dollars to Super PAC’S on behalf of Romney and the Republican Party. He is one of the 23 people along with the Kochs brothers, David, Charles and William that are using their wealth to unseat Obama and elect Romney, so that they can add more billions to their already existing fortunes, whilst 98% of America would sink further back into the deep and unforgiving waters we were left in, at the end of 2008.


Amazing isn’t it! Obama is blamed by Mitt Romney, The Republican Party and the Republican and some Independent Voters, for all that ails us and our country.