Archive for Politics

Corrupt Gulliver, Donald Trump And The Lilliputians, Republicans, Are Taking America Beyond The Point Of No Return!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 15, 2017 by sheriffali

Lilliputians [Republicans] are a society of people with all the arrogance and sense of self-importance associated with real men. Republicans are typically greedy, jealous, manipulative, conniving, violent, selfish, and untrustworthy; they are in all ways, an accurate portrayal of their President Gulliver [Donald Trump]. They live in a world of lies and fiction, manipulating the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed.


Since taking control of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives on January 20, 2017, Gulliver and the Lilliputians are using Political divisiveness in decimating America’s Greatness. Going on 9 months now, Trump and the Republicans haven’t done a single thing to help the American people, period.


There were 7 straight months of Repeal Obamacare with Deathcare. President Gulliver Trump has been running the country as he ran his businesses, by fraud and lies right into the ground. President Gulliver’s agenda of “Make America Great Again” is really about making America “all” White again. Gulliver has used his Executive Powers as he uses Toilet paper, only, instead of removing crap he is aiding and abetting in crap. Racism, Violating the Constitution, Pardoning a Racist Corrupt Sheriff Joe Arpaio and promoting White Supremacy, Neo Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan as if his life depended on it.


At least in Author Jonathan Swift’s story the Lilliputians restrained Gulliver, but at the present time, Republicans are enabling Trump’s derangement as he continues to tear the very fabric that made America great, into irreparable shreds. Amazingly enough, Jonathan Swift made use of the Lilliputians as a device for satirizing actual people in his own life, such as what we are living in the present.


How and if we survive Donald Trump and the Republicans is anyone’s guess. You see in the final analysis, it seems impossible for Crooks, Liars and Thieves, The Republicans, are in any position to stop the World’s biggest Crook, Liar and Thief, Donald Trump.


***In various parts of this short article, Author Jonathan Swift account of Gulliver and the Lilliputians are intertwined and entwined.


Twitter @sheriffali

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Hillary Clinton Warned Us: “As Bloomberg Report Russia Hackers Reached Voting Systems In 39 States With The Kremlin’s Goal Of Deleting Voter Registration.” Donald Trump Is An Illegitimate President, Period!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 13, 2017 by sheriffali

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Bloomberg reported that the Russian hackers reached voting systems in 39 states and that their motive was to impact the election:


The hack into US voting systems by Russia was worse than reported. Thirty-nine states were compromised, and the Obama administration worried that the Kremlin’s goal was to delete voter registration information.


The hack into US voting systems by Russia was worse than reported. Thirty-nine states were compromised, and the Obama administration worried that the Kremlin’s goal was to delete voter registration information.


In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers’ accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.


The Obama administration believed that the Russians were possibly preparing to delete voter registration information or slow vote tallying in order to undermine confidence in the election. That effort went far beyond the carefully timed release of private communications by individuals and parties.


The reason why the Russians weren’t successful is chilling. They ran out of time before Election Day. It is easy to see the Russians, who had already gotten the voter registration lists, purging Democratic voters in key states to help Trump.


Twitter @sheriffali


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Under Donald Trump And The Republican Controlled Congress America Started Moving On A Path Away From The Peace, Prosperity And Stability That Have Defined The Past 75 Years

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 6, 2017 by sheriffali

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[WAPO] “In economics, as in life, things often take longer to happen than you think they will and then happen faster than you thought they could. So it may turn out with the catastrophic international economic policies of President Trump. It is possible that last week will be remembered as a hinge in history — a moment when the United States and the world started moving on a path away from the peace, prosperity and stability that have defined the past 75 years.


For all that has gone wrong in the past three-quarters of a century, this period has witnessed more human betterment than any time. The rate of fatalities in war has steadily declined, while growing integration has driven global growth and improvement in life expectancy and living standards. Progress is too slow, and not well enough shared, but Americans have never lived so well. This has been driven by remarkable developments in human thought, especially in science and technology, and a relatively stable global order that has been underwritten by the United States.



Will these trends continue? Optimists have suggested that despite the revanchist and often anti-rationalist rhetoric of his campaign, Trump has in the international sphere surrounded himself with rational establishment advisers and has either retreated or been stymied by Congress on proposals such as launching trade wars and building walls.


Until last week, they had a reasonable argument. No longer. We may have our first post-rational president. Trump has rejected the view of modern science on global climate change, embraced economic forecasts and trade theories outside the range of reputable opinion, and relied on the idea of alternative facts rather than evidence-based truth.



Even for conservative statesmen such as Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Henry Kissinger, the idea of a community of nations has been a commonplace. Come now H.R McMaster, national security adviser, and Gary Cohn, director of the National Economic Council, who have been held out as the president’s most rational, globally minded advisers.


They have taken to the Wall Street Journal to proclaim that “the world is not a global community” and advanced a theory of international relations not unlike the one that animated the British and French at Versailles at the end of World War I. On this view, the objective of international negotiation is not to establish a stable, peaceful system or to seek cooperation or to advance universal values through compromise, they wrote, but to strike better deals in “an arena where nations, nongovernmental organizations, and businesses compete for advantage.”


In service of this theory, the president in the past two weeks renounced any claim to U.S. moral leadership by failing to convincingly reaffirm traditional U.S. security commitments to NATO and abandoning participation in the Paris global climate agreement. The latter is probably our most consequential error since the Iraq War and may well be felt even longer.

There will be consequences to all of this, as there were to the pursuit of short-term advantage rather than systemic stability at Versailles. One does not need to subscribe to pessimistic versions of Graham Allison’s “Thucydides Trap” as it relates to worries about how China as a rising power may fill the vacuum left by the United States.


How, after the events of the past week, can U.S. adversaries and allies alike not follow German Chancellor Angela Merkel in concluding that the United States is now far less predictable and reliable? How can the responses be other than destabilizing?


It is essential that leaders in U.S. society signal clearly their disapproval of the course the administration is taking. History will judge poorly business leaders who retain positions on Trump administration advisory boards because they hope to be in a position to cut favorable deals. Elon Musk of Tesla and Robert Iger of Disney have taken the correct and principled stand by resigning their presidential appointments. More should follow.


What is to be done? The U.S. president is not America. The world will be watching to see whether Trump’s words and deeds represent an irrevocable turn in the nation’s approach to the world or a temporary aberration. The more that leading figures in U.S. society can signal their continuing commitment to reason, to common purpose with other nations, and to addressing global challenges, the more the damage can be contained. And, of course, Congress has a central role to play in preventing dangerous and destabilizing steps.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Hillary Clinton First Interview Since November 8, 2016 With New York Times Nicholas Kristof At Tina Brown’s Women In The Work Summit

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 9, 2017 by sheriffali

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“As a person, I’m O.K.,” she said. “As an American, I’m pretty worried.”


“As any sane, person, informed, humbled, educated and not brainwashed, Donald Trump’s Policies against Women, Immigrants, Health Care, Climate Change and the Trump Administration in complete Chaos, it is fair to say, we are all worried, here in America and abroad, especially when the Republican Congress are enabling Trump’s insanity.” [Sheriff Ali]


Hillary Clinton NYT Interview:


 [NYT] “In the most wrenching, humiliating way possible, Hillary Clinton has been liberated. She is now out of the woods again, and speaking her mind.


In her first interview since the election, she acknowledged that she had expected to defeat Donald Trump and that the outcome had been “so devastating.”


“I just had to make up my mind that, yes, I was going to get out of bed, and, yes, I was going to go for a lot of long walks in the woods. And I was going to see my grandchildren a lot and spend time with my family and my friends. They have rallied around me in an amazing way.”


“As a person, I’m O.K.,” she said. “As an American, I’m pretty worried.”


Clinton spoke to me for more than 45 minutes on stage Thursday at Tina Brown’s Women in the World Summit. She seemed relaxed and comfortable, much less guarded than during the campaign.


I’ve known Clinton a bit for many years, and when she was running for office she was always monumentally careful in her language — a natural impulse when critics are circling, but it also diminished her authenticity as a politician. Her prudence came across to voters as “calculating.”


Now she’s out of her shell, freed by defeat, and far more willing to speak bluntly.


“Certainly misogyny played a role” in her loss, she said. “That just has to be admitted.”


She noted the abundant social science research that when men are ambitious and successful, they may be perceived as more likable. In contrast, for women in traditionally male fields, it’s a trade-off: The more successful or ambitious a woman is, the less likable she becomes (that’s also true of how women perceive women). It’s not so much that people consciously oppose powerful women; it’s an unconscious bias.” Open NYT Link For One Of The Most Amazing Hillary Clinton Interviews:


Twitter @sheriffali  

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The false equivalence between Donald and Hillary is one of the most nefarious media deceptions we’ve ever seen. Don’t fall for it. Donald is disliked because he lies to people, Hillary because she is lied about.

Posted in Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on May 23, 2016 by sheriffali

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In recent weeks, we’ve seen a systematic effort by the national media to normalize Donald and equate him with Hillary. Bernie Sanders and some on the left are aiding and abetting them.

But there is NOTHING, absolutely nothing in common between Hillary and Donald. She is light to his darkness, stability to his chaos, discipline to his recklessness, compassion to his bigotry, intelligence to his ignorance.


David Roberts at Vox Writes:

She understands how policy and government work. She’s not openly racist; she hasn’t encouraged street violence. There’s no risk that she would disrupt the international order or cause an economic crisis out of pique.

And he rightfully concludes:

There will be a tidal pull to normalize this election, to make it Coca-Cola versus Pepsi instead of Coca-Cola versus sewer water.


The New Yorker’s Adam Gopnik is making waves with a blunt   assessment of the danger Donald Trump poses:

One can argue about whether to call him a fascist or an authoritarian populist or a grotesque joke made in a nightmare shared between Philip K. Dick and Tom Wolfe, but under any label Trump is a declared enemy of the liberal constitutional order of the United States—the order that has made it, in fact, the great and plural country that it already is. He announces his enmity to America by word and action every day.


And yet, our national media, the Republican Party, and a handful of Hillary detractors on the left want to pretend that there is some parity between Hillary and Donald. There. Is. Not.

Hillary’s negative ratings are the result of a billionaire-funded conservative effort to destroy her image. Trump, on the other hand, is despised by millions of people because his behavior is unquestionably despicable.

Lamentably, the right-wing attack campaign against Hillary’s character has been bolstered by Bernie, his aides and surrogates, whose Wall Street Dog Whistle is a disgusting and baseless attempt to paint her as corrupt.

There is no equivalence between Hillary and Donald, and yet our national media — whose mission to undermine Hillary supersedes any common sense or ethical standards — are foisting this false equivalence on the public.

Watch Jane Hall explain how the media’s constant questions about Hillary’s trustworthiness contribute to a lack of trust. “Push polling” as she correctly calls it. It is a dirty game and they know exactly what they’re doing.

Written by Peter Daou; was a former adviser to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry and a veteran of two presidential campaigns. He is the CEO of True Blue Media, which owns and operates Blue Nation Review.


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John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, The Pope And The Exorcism – BENGHAZI

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 5, 2015 by sheriffali

[MAUREEN DOWD NYT] John Boehner stands smiling in front of the mirror in the bathroom of his English basement apartment on G Street on Capitol Hill. He breaks into song as he fastidiously ties the four-in-hand knot in his bright green tie to get the perfect dimple.


“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-A, my, oh my, it’s almost my last day,” he belts. “Plenty of golf and sunshine heading my way.”


The Speaker speaks: “I’m almost free of these knuckleheads. That visit by Pope Francis was a blessed exorcism. I’m casting out the demons. Begone, Ted Cruz, you jackass! Away, Louie Gohmert! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, out you unclean devil, Mark Meadows. You wanted to get rid of me and I’m soon going to be rid of you.”


Boehner chuckles as he heads out to meet his security detail and the black S.U.V.s that won’t be at his disposal after October 30. “You’re the only part of the job I’m going to miss,” he tells the Capitol police officer at the wheel. “There’s just nothing like being driven right up to my private smoking room at Trattoria Alberto.”


His Blackberry ring-a-ding dings. He rolls his blue eyes. It’s another panicked call from Kevin McCarthy. Boehner is beginning to wonder if the kid just doesn’t have it, if he’s bombsville. McCarthy styled himself as one of the “young guns,” along with Eric Cantor, who misfired, and Paul Ryan, who can’t pull the trigger. Now Boehner’s worried that McCarthy might be a pop gun.


“Kevin, did you make another mess I gotta clean up?” the Speaker growls. “Stop blubbering. That’s my department. Obviously, you really stepped in it with that Benghazi crack on ‘Hannity.’ You told Sean that I get a B-minus as speaker? I give you a D for Dumbo.


Twitter @QuoVadisGA



Open Link To Read The Full New York Times Article By Maureen Dowd.


Republicans And The National Rifle Association Have The Blood Of American Children, Women And Men On Their Hands For Their Unwillingness To Assist In Passing Stronger Background Checks For Gun Purchasers

Posted in Guns, Politics, Republicans with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 2, 2015 by sheriffali


Stronger Background Checks would not stop all of the senseless killings, but it would help to prevent Mentally Disturbed People and Questionable People from purchasing Guns. Gun Advocates always throws up a smoke screen that Guns don’t kill people, but it actually does. At Sandy Hook School it was bullets from a Gun by a mentally disturbed man that killed the 20 Children and the 7 adults. On Thursday’s shooting in Oregon it was bullets that killed the people, irrespective who pulled the trigger.


The GOP and some Democrats have totally misused the Second Amendment to the Constitution as a panacea as an excuse for better Gun Sense. The Republican Congress that are paid by the Taxpayers do everything virtually possible to disavow their responsibility in educating the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed citizens that no one is advocating the ban on Guns, but rather the responsibility of Gun Ownership and the insanity of the insane having a Gun.


Red States have gone totally out of control by allowing Guns in Schools, Churches, Airports, Bars and just about anywhere. And it is those same States where the people are least educated and perhaps never give even one thought, that Guns would never turn them into Doctors, Lawyers and Scientists or make a better life for their children.


My wife and I owned several Guns and we raised four children without Gun accidents in our home or having shot anyone. I am not against Gun Ownership, but I am against Mentally Ill people and Criminals from owning Guns. And yes I know, Criminals can still find a way to purchase a Gun, but even if we stop one shooting from better Background Checks, it would be worth it to save even one life.


Twitter @sheriffali

{Corporations} {Big Business} {The 1%} Own The Republican Party! Six {6} Corporations Own All Of The Media, So, Essentially, The Media Has Become Stooges For the GOP! ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, New York Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, Politico And Other News Agencies And Are Doing The Republicans’ Bidding To Regain Control Of The White House In The 2016 Presidential Election

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Corporate Whores, Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 1, 2015 by sheriffali

The Media is even helping the Republicans cover-up their Criminal Wrongdoings! The Republican Speaker-To-Be Kevin McCarthy went on National Television and stated that the Benghazi Investigation was all about damaging Hillary Clinton’s credibility for the Presidency.


Republican Congressman, Kevin McCarthy even bragged about Mrs. Clinton’s falling Poll Numbers and stated unequivocally, they took credit, both him and his Republican Colleagues. One would think that this type of corruption would be Headlines, but it wasn’t!


Just imagine, the Republican Party spent Millions of Taxpayers’ Dollars both directly and indirectly and got paid with Taxpayers money for not doing their jobs, but instead, using “Material Misrepresentations” to deceive the American people.


If the American people would stop allowing the Politicians and the Media to divide America, we can rebound as a Country, but if not, sooner rather than later we will be another Banana Republic.


George W Bush and Dick Cheney’s Administration lied us into a War For Oil Profit that killed 4,500 American Soldiers and in excess of 500,000 Iraqis at a cost of 1.7 Trillion Dollars and neither the Media or the Republican Party has blinked an eye, “they all blame President Obama!”


Twitter @sheriffali


Why New York Times, Politico, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS And Other News Entities No Longer Have Reporters, But Rather Puppets Doing Their Corporate Bosses Bidding, Is Solely Because Six [6] Corporations Own All Of The Media;

Posted in HIllaryClinton2016, Media Political Stooge For GOP, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2015 by sheriffali

The Six Corporations Own: All of the 1,500 Television Stations, 9,000 Radio Stations, 1,500 News Papers, 1,100 Magazines, 2,400 Publishers – All Owned by the Six Corporations and of course as we are aware according to the US Supreme Court, Corporations are people and Corporations are Big Business and Big Business likes Republicans, because Republicans protect the 1%.


There aren’t any more Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters, Dianne Sawyer, Walter Cronkite, but we do have are Low-Level Puppets hiding behind the word Journalism.


If you haven’t noticed this drastic change since the 2010 Mid Term Election into the Presidential 2012 Election and the 2014 Mid Term and now into the 2016 Presidential Election, then you may not be as smart as you think.


Twitter @sheriffali wrote an article titled “Why Politico Became A GOP Stooge!”


House Conservatives Push Trey Gowdy for Leadership Job; the Man and his party that wasted over 60 Million Dollars chasing Benghazi and Emails, hoping to Politically Assassinate Hillary Clinton! The Woman the Republicans and the Media fear the most

Posted in Democrats, HIllaryClinton2016, Politics, Republicans, White House 2016 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2015 by sheriffali

The Media; the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, FOX and other News Outlets have become Stooges for the Republicans!


WASHINGTON — House conservatives, fearful that the post-John A. Boehner era of leadership may look more like a modestly renovated old house than a newly built one, have begun to cast about for one of their own to join the upper ranks: the head of the committee that has been ripping into Hillary Rodham Clinton for well over a year.


While Representative Kevin McCarthy of California appears to have the momentum to become the next speaker of the House, the race for his current job, majority leader, has been thrown into a bit of chaos, with the only female candidate for the post withdrawing from consideration and an incipient grass-roots effort emerging to persuade Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, who has been leading the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email account as secretary of state, to step into the race.


“He is the kind of smart fighter our country needs and the American people deserve,” Representative Mia Love, Republican of Utah, said in a prepared statement Tuesday.


Ms. Love is among a growing number of members getting behind the “Draft Gowdy” movement, begun in part by Mr. Gowdy’s colleagues in the South Carolina congressional delegation. “With impressive communication skills, genuine compassion and the tenacity of a prosecutor, he will unite the party and the people around a truly American agenda,” she said.


Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, also supports a promotion for Mr. Gowdy.



Twitter @sheriffali