Archive for the Media Political Stooge For GOP Category

Hillary Clinton Isn’t The Lesser Of Two Evils. She Is One Of The Most Experienced Candidates In History. [Los Angeles Time]

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Children, Current events, Democrat, Democrats, Equal rights for all, Equality, Federal Courts, Hillary Clinton, Media, Media Bias For GOP, Media Political Stooge For GOP, Politics 2016, Poverty, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , on September 25, 2016 by sheriffali


[Los Angeles Times] “Greetings and salutations from Matthew Fleisher, digital editor of The Times Opinion section, here. We’ve got 44 days left until the most nerve-racking election in our nation’s history. Take a deep breath and relax while you still can.


It’s not exactly controversial to argue that Donald Trump is unfit to be president — and that, should he win in November, the country could plunge into an economic and moral abyss that would be difficult to recover from.


Yet while the conventional wisdom acknowledges that Hillary Clinton must become the next president for the good of the nation, there aren’t too many folks who seem to be especially happy about it.


Is America really just holding its collective nose and choosing the lesser of two evils by voting for Clinton?


The Times editorial board puts that notion t0 rest with a full-throated endorsement of the Democratic candidate.


Some voters who do not like Trump worry that Clinton, too, has serious shortcomings. And of course she does; all politicians do. She has a penchant for secrecy that has caused her significant problems, not least in the investigation of her ill-advised decision to use a private email server for her official communications as secretary of State. It is true that her family foundation took millions of dollars from foreign leaders and overseas business people while she was in Obama’s Cabinet, creating the potential for conflicts of interest. She and her husband have spent years among the rich and powerful and have grown at home in that favor-trading world in a way that makes many voters uneasy. This page has criticized her in the past for adjusting her positions to match popular opinion and for being a little too comfortable with the use of military force. And at least on the hustling, she lacks the authentic, let’s-have-a-beer personality that many voters seek in a candidate.


To be a great president, she will have to struggle to overcome her own weaknesses. But compared with Trump’s infirmities as a candidate, her failings are insignificant. It’s absurd — and perilous — to portray this election, as so many are doing, as a choice of the “lesser of two evils” or to suggest that her flaws are in any way on a level with his.


Neither Libertarian Gary Johnson nor Green Party candidate Jill Stein offers a serious alternative to the major-party candidates. Even voters who have questions about Clinton must recognize that neither Stein nor Johnson stands a chance of winning — and that a vote for either is merely one less vote for the only candidate who can defeat Trump. Besides, neither is a better candidate than Clinton; both were interviewed at length by The Times editorial board, and despite certain superficial appeal, neither comes close to matching Clinton’s qualifications, expertise or understanding of the political process.

The election of Hillary Clinton as the first female president of the United States would surely be as exhilarating as it is long overdue, a watershed moment in American history after centuries of discrimination against women. But that’s not the chief reason to vote for her. She deserves America’s support because she is the overwhelmingly better candidate. Against a Romney or a McCain, she would almost certainly be our choice. Against Trump? The question answers itself.


If Clinton does lose, we’ll have mealy-mouthed equivocations of the press to thank. At least according to Harvard professor and Times op-ed contributor Thomas Patterson, whose analysis of election media coverage found that two-thirds of stories written about Clinton are negative in tone, while almost completely ignoring the substance of her policy positions. In fact, Trump has been quoted more often about Clinton’s policies than she has. 


 Presidential politics aside, Californians have a giant decision on their hands about whether to legalize and regulate marijuana, by passing Proposition 64. The Times editorial board argues for a yes vote, because the reality is that California has already, essentially, legalized marijuana. 


Just because marijuana should probably be legal doesn’t mean it can’t have deleterious effects on developing brains. How do you talk to your kids about marijuana, legal or otherwise, without delving into hyperbole, or diminishing the true dangers? 


 Worried about scarring your kids with your potty mouth (possibly while discussing marijuana)? Well, don’t. While homophobic and racial slurs can cause anxiety and depression in kids, there’s no scientific proof that exposure to your typical four-letter words causes any sort of direct harm. 


Is it OK to sleep next to your newborn baby? In a piece that drew its share of impassioned critiques  from the medical establishment, op-ed contributors Robert LeVine and Sarah LeVine argue, yes, it can even be beneficial. 


On Sunday, after 60 years, legendary Dodgers announcer Vin Scully will call his final game. On her podcast, Patt Morrison speaks with Roz Wyman, the woman who fought to bring Scully and the Dodgers to L.A. all those decades ago.”


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton for President and Vote for a Democratic Controlled House and Senate. 


Twitter @sheriffali   




Hillary Clinton Is Going To Win In A Landslide Irrespective Of What The Irresponsible Media Is Telling You And Donald Trump Is Going To Lose Spectacularly And Take The Republican Party With Him.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, CNN, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Double-Standard, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, KKK, LGBT, Media Political Stooge For GOP, Michelle Obama, New York City, Politics, Politics 2016, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republican Scam, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with tags , , , , , , on September 19, 2016 by sheriffali


In 2012 right up until Election Day the Media kept on deceptively saying that Mitt Romney was going to win, when in fact they knew months before that President Obama was going to be reelected. This was the Media’s game to create commotion and raise their ratings and satisfy their avarice for Mammon.


Now as we draw closer to November 8, 2016, it is vividly clear to the educated, the non-racist, the decent American people that far outnumber Donald Trump and his gang of Liars, Haters, White Supremacists and the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed, that Mathematically, “The Electoral Map” profoundly eliminates Donald Trump from the Presidency.


However, seeing what scandalous scumbags now pass for Journalists and what the shameless Corporate Owned Media has become, sensible people shouldn’t be surprised of what the Media, The Republican Party and Donald Trump the Surrogate for this nastiness, is permeating to the world that is bringing down shame on all of America Nationally and Internationally.


Apparently for Cable News especially CNN, the bigger lies you tell the more Free Air Time you receive, directly or indirectly. Donald Trump’s outlandish statements and his pathological lying is a feast for the Television Media. On MSNBC the only few people that are actually doing their Jobs are; Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Lawrence O’Donnell and Joy Reid.


All of the others especially Chuck Todd are disgracing their parent Company, NBC. As for CNN they have fallen so far down from grace, it would be amazing if they could ever stand upright again. I think we all are cognizant of the total disgrace Fox News has been and continues to be.


To keep America uplifted and moving forward with respect, please look seriously at Hillary Clinton’s record and you would find that Republicans and the Media has painted a fictional picture of Hillary. Hillary


Clinton doesn’t owe anyone any money; Hillary has never filed Bankruptcy; About Hillary Emails, the Bush Administration willfully destroyed 22 million emails and no one bat an eye. Colin Powell used private email and server solely because the State Department Antique System and Arcane rules make it impossible for a Secretary of State to do their job, without improvising. All of the published emails of Hillary Clinton have never contained anything illegal or damaging to America, yet all we have heard for the past years are Benghazi and Emails.


Please support and vote Hillary Clinton for President and give President Hillary Clinton a Democratic Controlled Senate and House.


Twitter @sheriffali





Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears have created a fictional version of Clinton. They’re also a disservice to voters.

Posted in 2016, 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Democrat, Democrats, Hate, Media, Media Bias For GOP, Media Political Stooge For GOP, Michelle Obama, Obama Administration, Politics, Politics 2016, Republican Scam, Republicans, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States with tags , , , , , on September 10, 2016 by sheriffali


Many Americans think Clinton is a congenital liar — that’s because of the right and the media, not her! [By Heather Digby Parton Salon]


That tweet from Chris Cilizza of The Washington Post’s The Fix blog is cleverly framed to be about the voters’ view of this campaign. Both candidates do have high unfavorable ratings among the public (as does the Congress and pretty much every other institution, including the press.) That jaded comment by a member of the media, however, illustrates something important. Some members of the press are not just commenting on a reality; they are pushing the theme of two equally unpalatable candidates and it just isn’t true.



The main problem for Clinton is that people think she is a congenital liar. When asked what it is she lied about, most people can’t point to anything specific; they just know she’s dishonest and corrupt. The fact that she’s been dogged by political enemies and investigated by special prosecutors, the media and Congress with unlimited budgets and every possible means of getting to the truth and has been exonerated doesn’t seem to register. Indeed, the fact-checkers all find her to be more honest than virtually anyone in politics  while Donald Trump, by contrast, lies more than he tell the truth. 


To understand how this came to be, go back to a column from 1996 in The New York Times by vicious right-wing columnist William Safire who first dubbed her a “congenital liar” All the crimes that he accused her of committing and lies he insisted that she had told later proved him to be the liar (or badly misinformed), but it didn’t matter. For many reasons, not the least of which was simple sexism, it was set in stone that this feminist, lawyer first lady was devious, calculating and power mad — Madame Defarge and Evita rolled into one. The political press has filtered its coverage of her through that lens ever since.



As Amanda Marcotte has documented, the current “lock her up!” fever, that burning desire to see her humiliated and imprisoned {or in some cases executed for treason} goes back to the 1990s as well. And it’s no less disturbing now than it was then. It’s fed by the press’ insatiable appetite for juicy tidbits doled out piece by piece by right-wing operatives, each story building on itself to create a narrative of crisis and criminality despite there being no evidence of it being true.


The assumption behind the “Clinton Foundation scandal” is that the mere possibility of “impropriety” is a form of corruption despite there being absolutely no proof that any favoritism or transaction actually took place. (The fact that all politicians in Washington from President Barack Obama to lowly congress people have contacts every day with people who give them money for their campaigns directly doesn’t put any of that in perspective for some reason.) She alone is being held liable for the big money problem that infects our system from top to bottom.


Twitter @sheriffali

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The Anti Hillary Clinton Media And The Misogynistic Republicans Including Those That Despise Strong Women, Wouldn’t Stop Our First Woman President Hillary Clinton!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, CNN, Democrat, Democratic Debate, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, George W. Bush, GOP Insanity, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, HOPE, LGBT, Media, Media Bias For GOP, Media Political Stooge For GOP, Michelle Obama, New York City, Paul Ryan, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Politics 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, World on August 19, 2016 by sheriffali


The Anti Hillary Clinton Media and Republicans are throwing everything including the Kitchen Sink at our future President, Hillary Clinton, but nothing they do is going to stop The First Woman President, Hillary Clinton. We will see to that!



Republicans and the Media are saying that if Donald Trump pivots to the middle he can possibly change his doomed campaign. However, no hypocritical speech or anything else Trump does could change Donald Trump from the lives he has wrecked, his Bigotry, Fascism, Racism, Misogyny, Hate, Bankruptcy Swindling and Con Man Donald Trump has been and continues to be.



We need to be vigilant in defending the lies that are being promulgated against our Hillary Clinton.



Hillary Clinton has released hers and Bill Clinton Taxes from 1977 to 2015. Con Man Donald Trump has and continues to refuse to release his Taxes. Donald Trump is a serial liar and the most despicable person America has ever seen.


Please support Hillary Clinton’s Presidency and vote in a Democratic Senate and House of Representatives.



Twitter @sheriffali





Why New York Times, Politico, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS And Other News Entities No Longer Have Reporters, But Rather Puppets Doing Their Corporate Bosses Bidding, Is Solely Because Six [6] Corporations Own All Of The Media;

Posted in HIllaryClinton2016, Media Political Stooge For GOP, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2015 by sheriffali

The Six Corporations Own: All of the 1,500 Television Stations, 9,000 Radio Stations, 1,500 News Papers, 1,100 Magazines, 2,400 Publishers – All Owned by the Six Corporations and of course as we are aware according to the US Supreme Court, Corporations are people and Corporations are Big Business and Big Business likes Republicans, because Republicans protect the 1%.


There aren’t any more Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters, Dianne Sawyer, Walter Cronkite, but we do have are Low-Level Puppets hiding behind the word Journalism.


If you haven’t noticed this drastic change since the 2010 Mid Term Election into the Presidential 2012 Election and the 2014 Mid Term and now into the 2016 Presidential Election, then you may not be as smart as you think.


Twitter @sheriffali wrote an article titled “Why Politico Became A GOP Stooge!”