Archive for October, 2017

This Is America Under Donald Trump And Republicans Full Control. A 10 Year Old Child Just Out Of Emergency Surgery Taken Into Custody By US Immigration For Deportation.

Posted in American History, United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 28, 2017 by sheriffali

The days of America’s shining shore for the poor, needy, sick and forgotten are closing fast and furious under the control of Anti-Human Donald Trump and Unpatriotic Republicans. The Statue Of Liberty Fires are gone and only the Ember remains;


Statue Of Liberty Poem

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


{NYT}”One of the newest arrivals this week at the Baptist Children’s Home Ministries facility for child migrants in San Antonio, Tex., is 10 years old.


She has cerebral palsy. Her name is Rosa Maria Hernandez, and she does not understand why, days after undergoing emergency gallbladder surgery, she has not yet seen her mother, even though they are less than a three-hour drive apart.


“Do I get to go home tomorrow?” she asked her mother on Wednesday evening, when they spoke over FaceTime.

“I told her that she was only there because she was recovering, and once she was recovered, then she could come with me,” recalled her mother, Felipa de la Cruz, speaking in Spanish.

“O.K., Mommy.”

The truth is that Ms. de la Cruz does not know when her daughter will be released.


They live in the border town of Laredo illegally, and when Ms. de la Cruz sent Rosa Maria to Corpus Christi for the surgery early Tuesday, the girl’s ambulance was stopped at a Border Patrol checkpoint. After agents learned the girl was an undocumented immigrant, they followed her to the hospital and guarded her room. When she was discharged, the agents took her to the shelter, which houses juveniles in immigration custody.


Checkpoints Isolate Many Immigrants in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley NOV. 22, 2015


“It’s the period when she needs me the most,” said Ms. de la Cruz, who cannot visit her daughter because she, too, could be arrested at a checkpoint. “I can’t help her. When I start to think about her, I start to get sad.”


In a year when President Trump’s hard line on illegal immigration has driven the number of immigration arrests up by more than 40 percent, Rosa Maria’s case has sped straight to the heart of the immigration-debate maelstrom.”



Open New York Times For Full Heart Wrenching Story


Twitter @sheriffali


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Republicans and Donald Trump are lying to you. FACT: America is not the “Highest Tax Nation In The World.”

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 19, 2017 by sheriffali

Trump and Republicans are offering you more “Trickled Down Economics, AKA “Reganomics.”Give more to the top 2% and it will trickle down to the Working Class American and the Vulnerable!

Countries with the highest taxes in the world from “One through Ten” are; Aruba, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Japan, United Kingdom, Finland and Ireland.

1. Aruba

With its 58.95% income tax rate, Aruba, a constituent member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, currently has the world’s highest. Additionally, its citizens earn the highest income of all places in the Caribbean.

2. Sweden

Sweden has the second highest income tax rate in the world, and the highest in Europe, with a 56.6% deducted from annual income. Though Swedes may be taxed heavily, sales on residential properties are exempted from taxation there.


3. Denmark

Its small population may be a reason for the Danes’ government to impose a total tax rate equivalent to 55.38% of per capita income in order to meet for the needs of its people. Many see this as a justification to its high tax rates, which also allows for increased social program accessibility for the Danish people. Maybe this is part of why the Danish are viewed as some the happiest people in the world.

4. Netherlands

Globally known for its major shipping ports and a productive floriculture sectorNetherlands stands in the fourth position with a total tax rate of 52% on per capita income.



  1. Belgium

With a population of over 12 million people, this diverse country is where the European Union calls home, and has a 50% total tax rate on income.

6. Austria

A German-speaking country with a population estimated at over 8 million people, Austria ranks as one of the most taxed countries in Europe. If you are earn a salary of more than $74,442 USD in Austria, then you can expect to have your paycheck docked by 50%.

7. Japan

With its capital being home to more millionaires than any other city on the globeJapan is another high-ranking country on our list, with a tax rate of 50% on income. The country boasts a median income of about $27,000, and the supremacy of Japanese corporations among Asian in producing a variety of sophisticated technology and automobiles means there is plenty of income for the government to tax.



  1. United Kingdom

The British tax rate is at 50% for those earning incomes in excess of $234,484. This European country favors citizens earning less than $14,000, as they are exempted from tax. Unfortunately for the rich, they are not given any pity by the state.



  1. Finland

With a median income of $31,000, this country has become world-renowned for making marked improvements in its educational infrastructure, and pays its teachers more than almost anywhere else in the world. It has a tax rate of $49.2% on income of over $87,222.



  1. Ireland

Though major corporations such as Google and Apple are taking advantage of the relatively low 12.5% income tax rate on corporations, Irish citizens are not quite as lucky. They are met with a tax rate of 48% on incomes over $40,696.




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Stephen Paddock Killed 59 People And Wounded 527 In Las Vegas. Mr. Paddock Is The Symptom Of Republicans Pimping For The National Rifle Association And Donald Trump Promoting Racism And Hate!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 2, 2017 by sheriffali

Donald Trump, the life time racist and one of the world’s most corrupt people, enabled by the Republican Congress are taking America down the Abyss. The free fall is so expeditious that it is difficult to ascertain whether or not America can be saved before Donald Trump is removed from the Presidency and Republicans lose control of Congress. To many, this concern may not be on their minds, but unless or until America wakes up to the devastation of the country that is taking place, the United States may become exactly what Russia was, subsequent to the collapse of the USSR in 1991.


The American Corporate Media that didn’t do their jobs as they should have in 2016 is one of the main reasons we have a culprit and treasonous in the White House. With such devastating tragedy in Las Vegas, “Neither” the Media, Republicans or Donald Trump would call Stephen Paddock a Terrorist. Why, solely because Stephen Paddock is a “White American.” Had it been a Black Man, Mexican or Muslim that committed this heinous act; from the White House to the Halls of Congress and across the Media spectrum, “Terrorism would be the Headlines for days or even weeks to come.”


The Weapon [s] Mr. Paddock used to kill and injure so many, it has no business to be in the hands of any Civilian. It is egregious in war, much less on the Streets and the Homes of Americans. But, Republican just like Donald Trump and the NRA, they prey on their Base because, they are uninformed, ignorant, mostly uneducated and brainwashed. All you need is a Gun in one hand and a Bible in the other! No emphasis is placed on Education because the dumber you are, the more likely you will Vote Republican. Quite frankly, America’s Evangelicals, Donald Trump and Republicans, are America’s ISIS!


Twitter @sheriffali

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