Archive for October, 2014

Just as one Former Navy Seal is about to reveal himself as Osama bin Laden’s Killer in an interview on Fox News, another, Matt Bissonnette is being investigated for spilling Classified Secrets.[UPI October 31, 2014.]

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 31, 2014 by sheriffali

Former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette not only wrote a best-sellling book about the raid that killed bin Laden, but he also speaks at corporate events about his role on the elite Navy SEAL Team 6 that tracked down the master terrorist. In one event at an Atlanta gold club, everyone was first asked to turn in their cell phones while Bissonnette spoke so nothing could be recorded.


Bissonnette says he has been hounded since he first told his story in 2011 on “60 Minutes.” His attorney claims he thought a settlement had been reached over the issue with the Pentagon and Justice Department when Bissonnette forfeited some of his millions of dollars in royalties from the book.


Now Bissonnette is about to follow up his first book, “No Easy Day,” with another next month, “No Hero: The Evolution of a Navy SEAL,” published under his pen name, Mark Owen. His attorney said the manuscript was submitted to the Pentagon for review.


Bissonnette’s attorney said he decided to write his first book after the CIA and Pentagon cooperated with the creators of the film “Zero Dark Thirty.” Bissonnette’s view, his attorney told the New York Times, was: “Wait a minute. This is our story, not their story.”


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Nurse Kaci Hickox V. Chris Christie and the Republicans Science Deniers!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 29, 2014 by sheriffali

People don’t understand but I need attention and if being up here on the bridge in my Birthday Suit will help me, then damn it, I will just sit here. It looks likes locking-up the Nurse may have back-fired. Governor Como deceived me, he said he will stick with me but then Obama pressured him and he caved. What a fool I am.


FORT KENT, Maine — A nurse who was confined against her will at a New Jersey hospital after returning from West Africa where she treated Ebola patients said Wednesday that she’s prepared to go to court if the state of Maine tries to quarantine her. However, Maine’s governor said the state will “seek legal authority to enforce the quarantine” on Kaci Hickox.


Governor Paul R. LePage issued a statement saying state officials “are very concerned about her safety and health and that of the community” and said that Maine State Police will monitor the residence in Fort Kent where Hickox is staying.


“Upon learning the health care worker intends to defy the protocols, the Office of the Governor has been working collaboratively with the State health officials within the Department of Health and Human Services to seek legal authority to enforce the quarantine,” the statement said.


Meanwhile, Hickox spoke to NBC’s “Today” show and ABC’s “Good Morning America” from Fort Kent, where her boyfriend is a senior nursing student.


She said she has so far abided by the state’s voluntary quarantine. She had no contact with anyone Tuesday and will have no human contact again Wednesday, she said.

“I don’t plan on sticking to the guidelines,” Hickox said on “Today.” ”I remain appalled by these home quarantine policies that have been forced upon me even though I am in perfectly good health.”


Her lawyer told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Hickox isn’t willing to cooperate further unless the state lifts “all or most of the restrictions.”


Hickox, who volunteered in Africa with Doctors Without Borders, was the first person forced into New Jersey’s mandatory quarantine for people arriving at Newark Liberty International Airport from three West African countries. [CBS]


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Fox News Is To The Uninformed What Bernard Madoff Was To His Investors; They Are Bacterial Diseases Eating Away At The Stupid

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 23, 2014 by sheriffali

In Research Poll Fox News “only” tells the truth 17% of the time” and even then, they add, delete or modified the truth. The remainder of the time they just manufacture outrageous, outlandish lies and, believe it or not, the Die-Hard Fox and Republican Followers believes the rubbish more than they believe the Gospel itself.


The Trolls of the Republican Party that are the same people that follows Fox righteously and they write such insane one line statements, you wonder if they are living in the Poorest Nation in the world where illiteracy usurps the truth by 99%. For those with some sanity you would swear that you left America and are in the Twilight Zone.


In America, the most advanced Nation in the world with so much factual information available to everyone, how could we have fallen so far so fast, to have that many, uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed people living amongst us.

I don’t know the answer but my better judgment tells me that the seditiousness promulgated by Republicans and Fox News, plays a major role in this sad state of affairs. To the followers of Republicans and Fox, phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism are facts, and the more you try to establish what is the truth, these people remain adamant in their stupidity.


But as was written, “it is easier to fool someone than to convince them that they are being fooled,” or another way to say this would be Mark Twain’s version of “stupidity. “When you are dead you don’t know you are dead, others do, but you don’t, applying this philosophy to stupidity that may be the answer.”


Twitter @sheriffali


Do Not Let Republican Candidates Hide Their Extremism These Midterms; Do Not Believe The Hyped-Up Polls; Media Conspiracy With The GOP!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 22, 2014 by sheriffali

Republicans and the People at Fox News should be ashamed to claim Patriotism and having any “nexus” to The United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights.


We’ve been witness to a concerted effort by the Republican Party, with the collusion of the mainstream media, to misdirect the American people, to draw their attention away from George W. Bush and to Barack H. Obama in his place. We’re told there were no terrorist attacks on the U.S. during the Bush administration (hello, 9/11!) but this is just the most prominent example.


Just this summer we saw Bush’s press secretary, Ari Fleischer, pretend he didn’t know when the Iraq War started. What is really important to Republicans is not Bush, whom they’d like to simply pretend never existed, but Obama. All history began with Obama.


This works on a smaller scale too, where what can’t be wished away can be ignored. Bill O’Reilly laughably claims he is an independent while toeing the Fox News line. So does the less notorious Joni Ernst, though when she opens her mouth you can see she’s all about the tea bagging.


And even if it does come up, because we insist on talking about it, we are told the extremism of Republican candidates doesn’t matter. The mainstream media broke its longstanding rule on institutional silence on Republican extremism in 2012, but they seem to have fallen back into their own ways this midterm election cycle. Just the other day, George F. Will, as Media Matters for America tells us,


“[D]ismissed Colorado Senate candidate Cory Gardner’s support for federal fetal personhood legislation that would outlaw abortions and some birth control measures nationwide, suggesting that Gardner’s position is irrelevant because the legislation has “zero chance of passing.”


Media Matters relates that, “In his October 17 syndicated column, Will sought to neutralize some of the most controversial parts of Gardner’s record: his past support for a statewide personhood bill in Colorado and current co-sponsorship of the Life At Conception Act in Congress”:


“Gardner favors over-the-counter sales of oral contraceptives. In addition to being common sense, Gardner’s proposal is his way of making amends for formerly advocating a state constitutional “personhood” amendment (it is again on the ballot this year and will be decisively rejected for a third time) and for endorsing similar federal legislation that has zero chance of passage. By defining personhood as beginning at conception, these measures might preclude birth control technologies that prevent implantation in the uterus of a fertilized egg.” [Politicususa]

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Open link for the full story;


Republican Budget Cutting Almost Halved The Center For Disease And Control Emergency Preparedness, And Now They Cast Blame On Everyone For Ebola!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 21, 2014 by sheriffali

The Republican fetish with starving government has helped land West Africa in an Ebola crisis. The director of the National Institutes of Health made that clear when he told Huffington Post that steep budget cuts by Congress has set back the institute’s work on both prevention and treatment for the disease and that if it hadn’t been for a decade’s worth of cuts, “we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready.”


It’s not just the NIH that’s suffered, and it’s not just in Africa where the cuts are harming people. The Center for Disease Control’s emergency preparedness budget has been nearly cut in half in just the past seven years. That means preparation at home. That means that local health departments in this country don’t have the funding—or the staff—they need to do the necessary preparation and training to deal with any epidemic. Judy Stone, MD is an infectious disease specialist, details the cuts at Scientific American.


The CDC’s discretionary funding was cut by $585 million during [2010-14]. Shockingly, annual funding for the CDC’s public health preparedness and response efforts were $1 billion lower for 2013 fiscal year than for 2002. These funding decreases have resulted in more than 45,700 job losses at state and local health departments since 2008. Again, it is not just the Ebola that is a looming threat. We need to worry about vaccine-preventable but neglected infections like influenza, measles, and whooping cough; the serious emerging viral infections in the US like Enterovirus-D68, chikungunya and dengue, as well as overseas MERS and bird flus, and natural disasters.


Just let that sink in a bit. $1 billion less for infectious disease control in 2013 than in 2002. The problems in the Texas hospital that led to one of the nursing staff contracting the disease could potentially have been prevented if the local public health infrastructure had the funding and the staff it needs to deal with a serious health public health threat. Meanwhile, Republicans will continue to screech that it’s all Obama’s fault and will do everything they can to terrify Americans about the (highly unlikely) Ebola epidemic at home. [DailyKos]


Twitter @sheriffali



The United States Supreme Court Five Conservative Justices, Is The Sewage Sludge Plant For Right Wing Republican Excrement.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 18, 2014 by sheriffali

Texas New Voter ID Law is deemed to be discriminatory against Blacks and Hispanics, but the Supreme Court struck down a Federal Judge ruling that had block the implementation of Texas Voter ID law in the upcoming Mid Term Election.


We saw these same Justices allowing Corporations to fuel as much money in all Elections when they ruled in the Citizens United Case. In addition they took the side of Corporations as “People,” in the Hobby Lobby case that discriminated against women’s right.


The tampering of the Voting Rights of Blacks and other minority Citizens begun, when Chief Justice Roberts and the other four Conservatives struck down Section 4 of the Voting Right Act that literally disabled Section 5, the most important Section of the Voting Right Act of 1964.


In any country but especially in America, when the Highest Court in the land decide cases based on Political Affiliation rather than the Constitution, we fall into the Abyss faster than we can even realize.


We must never forget that it was William Rehnquist’s Supreme Court that disenfranchised the State of Florida that gave George W Bush the Presidency. If we stop being prejudiced for a moment and or taking Political sides, Bush did more damage to America than did Pearl Harbor. Thousands died on 9/11/01 and thousands more died in George W Bush’s insane Invasion of Iraq.


When would the American people wake up and see the Republicans for the frauds they are? They cut 600 Million Dollars from the CDC Budget and now they blame everyone for the dangers of Ebola; they have blocked every Domestic Bill that would have helped the Working Class, Poor, Elderly, Students and the Country; they create millions of Veterans from Wars based on their phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Policies and then they Vote against Veterans Bills. And yet, the great majority of Americans that do not benefit from Republicans, those same people Vote to keep these repugnant reprobates in Office! Go figure how stupidity exist!


Twitter @sheriffali


When are the Voters going to see Republicans for the “frauds” they are?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 16, 2014 by sheriffali


Wretched Mortals Republican Congress Cut [$600,000,000.00] Six Hundred Million Dollars From the CDC Budget And Now They Are Blaming President Obama And Holding One of Their Dog and Pony Freak Show Hearings, Beating Up On The CDC. When Would The Voters See The Frauds For Who They Are?


They have obstructed, cut and or blocked all Bills having to do with helping the American people; Jobs Bill; Immigration Reform; Veterans Bill; Student Loans Decreased Interest; Block Companies From Moving Their Companies Overseas To Avoid Their Fair Share Of Taxes; and most critical, especially for Veterans and Children, Unemployment Insurance and cutting Food Stamps.


What is difficult to comprehend is that a comprehensive Poll was taken whereby 70% agreed that Republicans haven’t done anything to help, but in that same Poll, 75% want Republicans to control the Senate, in addition to them already controlling the House.


Why do people Vote against their own interest?


When you are dead you don’t know you are dead, others do but you don’t. Applying that same philosophy to “stupidity,” there’s your answer.


Twitter @sheriffali






Pentagon: Climate Change Poses ‘Immediate Risks’ to National Security

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 14, 2014 by sheriffali

Pentagon: Climate Change Poses ‘Immediate Risks’ to National Security


Climate change poses “immediate risks” to national security and will have broad and costly impacts on the way the U.S. military carries out its missions, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says. In a statement, Hagel called global warming a “threat multiplier,” saying rising seas and increasing numbers of severe weather events could exacerbate the dangers posed by threats ranging from infectious disease to terrorism. Hagel was in Peru on Monday for the Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas, where he planned to discuss a Defense Department report titled “2014 Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap.”


“Climate change will affect the Department of Defense’s ability to defend the Nation and poses immediate risks to U.S. national security,” the report says. Hagel said that rising sea levels could flood coastal military bases in the U.S. and around the world, while droughts, wildfires and more extreme temperatures could threaten military training activities. “Our supply chains could be impacted, and we will need to ensure our critical equipment works under more extreme weather conditions,” Hagel said.


 The Center for Climate and Security, a policy institute with an advisory board of retired senior military officers and national security experts, said in a statement it concurred with the roadmap’s assessment and urged policymakers to follow the military’s lead.


Twitter @sheriffali



Secretive X-37B Military Space Plane To Land in California after 22 months in Orbit!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 14, 2014 by sheriffali

The U.S. Air Force’s mysterious X-37B space plane will return to Earth this week —possibly as early as Tuesday — after 22 months in orbit on a secret mission.


The robotic X-37B space plane, also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle, will land at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, where Air Force officials are gearing up for its return. As of today (Oct. 12), the X-37B mini-shuttle has been in orbit since December 2012 and racked up a record-shattering 671 days in space.


“Team Vandenberg stands ready to implement safe landing operations for the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle, the third time for this unique mission” said Col. Keith Baits, 30th Space Wing commander, in a statement on Friday (Oct. 10). [See photos from the X-37B mission]


 The X-37B landing could occur on Tuesday (Oct. 14), according to several press reports, including Reuters. The spacecraft is designed to fly itself autonomously during landings.


The Air Force has two X-37B space planes in its fleet and has been flying them on secret missions since 2010. But the exact purpose of those flights have been shrouded in secrecy. The mission in orbit now, called Orbital Test Vehicle 3 (OTV-3), launched on Dec. 11, 2012 aboard an Atlas 5 rocket.


As its name suggests, the OTV-3 mission is the third X-37B flight, but it uses the same space plane that launched on the program’s first mission, OTV-1, in April 2010. That first flight lasted 225 days. The second X-37B space plane launched in March 2011 and returned to Earth in June 2012 after 469 days in orbit.


endurance milestones of the earlier missions in the dust. All X-37B missions are overseen by the U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office. The 3rd Space Experimentation Squadron at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, serves as mission control.


X-37B space planes resemble miniature versions of NASA’s space shuttles, just smaller, with two of the vehicles fitting inside the payload bay of a NASA shuttle. Each X-37B spacecraft is about 29 feet (8.8 meters) long and 9.5 feet (2.9 m). They have a wingspan of about 15 feet (4.6 m), and a small payload bay about the size of a pickup truck bed.


Boeing’s Phantom Works division built the X-37B mini-shuttles. The spacecraft are able to stay in orbit for months by using a solar array to generate power.


So far, all X-37B missions have landed in California at Vandenberg Air Force Base, but that may not always be the case.


Boeing is working to repurpose a retired NASA shuttle hangar at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, near the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station used to launch all X-37B space missions to date. Meanwhile, the U.S. Air Force has been studying the possibility of using a NASA runway previously used by space shuttles for future X-37B landings. [Yahoo News]


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