Archive for May, 2017

With Donald Trump’s Inability To Lead, Vladimir Putin Is About To Raise From The Dead, Benito Mussolini.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 30, 2017 by sheriffali

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History has a definitive record of Benito Mussolini who was Leader of the “National Fascist Party.” Mussolini an ally of Adolf Hitler died on April 28, 1945 and Hitler April 30, 1945. Butchers alike died days apart after the ruins of World War 11.


As Trump continues to alienate America’s Allies, especially Europe, the US Embassy in Italy still doesn’t have an Ambassador and Putin is using his savvy Ambassador Sergey Razov to Court Italy’s Communist Party. Donald Trump’s quest to live up to Vladimir Putin’s demands has created a major vacuum for world Leadership and Putin isn’t wasting anytime.


Trump’s illegitimate Presidency that has evolved into “Special Counsel Investigating “Trump Russia Collusion,” and with each passing day bombshell after bombshells hit Trump Right in the head and Donald Trump hasn’t been able to do anything productive or honest since he assumed the Office of the Presidency. Unless and until Donald Trump is impeached from Office and Trump’s Cronies are removed from the helm of power, America is falling fast and furious from being the “World Leader.”


Realistically, Donald Trump hasn’t only abandoned America’s Allies, Trump has abandoned America and the America people, including those that voted for him and still support him.


Twitter @sheriffali


[NYT] “ROME — President Trump made the most of his short time in Italy. He was treated to a private audience with the pope, met with both the country’s president and its prime minister in Rome, flew to Sicily for a summit meeting of world leaders and visited with American troops at a nearby naval air station.


But as the sudden burst of diplomatic activity subsided with his departure, European and American officials fear a return to the new normal of American inattention as the administration struggles with political turmoil and Russia-related scandals back home.


All the while, Russia is assiduously courting Italy, a country that once had the largest Communist party outside the Soviet bloc and that many analysts consider the soft underbelly of the European Union.


In Rome, Mr. Trump left behind an embassy without an ambassador, and forfeited a geopolitical playing field that Moscow’s ambassador in Rome, Sergey Razov, is exploiting.

 A deliberate, gray-haired career diplomat, Mr. Razov has been plugging away at building relationships with Italian politicians, organizing concerts for Italy’s earthquake survivors and visiting Italian regional officials who lament the “unfair” sanctions on Russia — which Moscow dearly wants lifted.


Next month, Mr. Razov will offer a sumptuous buffet when he hosts the annual Russia Day celebration amid the dripping chandeliers, coffered ceilings and gilded interiors of his Villa Abamelek residence.


Like Mr. Razov’s energetic diplomacy, much of Russia’s relationship building is being done in plain sight, as when President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia hosted Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni this month in Sochi, and President Sergio Mattarella a few weeks before that in Moscow.”

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Hillary Clinton Slams Trump During Her Alma Mater May 26 2017 Commencement Speech 48 Years After Becoming The First Student To Deliver A Commencement Speech In Her Role As Wellesley College Class President!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , on May 26, 2017 by sheriffali

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“Apparently CNN and other News Agencies that helped torpedo the 2016 Election and Elected America’s Biggest Embezzler and Con Man Donald Trump are still on the War Path against Hillary Clinton. However, loyal Supporters such as myself and tens of millions of other Supporters, stand steadfast in our dedication and commitment to one of America’s most educated, qualified and experienced Leaders – Hillary Clinton.”


[VOX] “Addressing the graduating class at Wellesley College Friday, Clinton’s commencement speech delivered punch after punch at the man who robbed her of the presidency: Donald Trump.


She took jabs at the right-wing Pizzagate conspiracy, the White House’s “alternative facts” — from the crowd size at inauguration to “drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants” — and compared his administration to that of Richard Nixon.


Clinton returned to her alma mater to give the 2017 commencement speech 48 years after becoming the first student to deliver a commencement speech in her role as Wellesley class president — a historic moment that landed her on the pages of Life magazine in 1969.


Now, having been first lady, a senator, and secretary of state, and with two failed presidential runs under her belt, Clinton gave a speech that was far from a rosy picture about the joys of entering the real world. Rather, she said this class was “graduating at a time when there is a full-fledged assault on truth and reason” — making a call to action.


“As the history majors among you here today know all too well, when people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society,” she told the graduating class. “That is not hyperbole. It is what authoritarian regimes throughout history have done. They attempt to control reality.”


Clinton makes subtle comments about impeachment


[1] She wasn’t talking about Trump — well, not explicitly.


Instead, Clinton was recalling the start of her career as an activist during the height of the Vietnam War protests, explaining a time of dishonesty from top officials, mass casualties abroad, and “deep differences over civil rights and poverty.”


She was talking about Richard Nixon, but everyone in the audience got the message. This was really more about a comparison to Trump:


“We were asking urgent questions about whether women, people of color, religious minorities, immigrants would ever be treated with dignity and respect. And by the way, we were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice.”


Transcript Of Hillary Clinton Commencement Speech May 26 2017



 Open Link For Full Article On Hillary Clinton’s Speech


Twitter @sheriffali

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What Happened To America’s Democracy, The Constitution, Free And Fair Elections And Rule Of Law?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 24, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump with the aid of Russia colluded with a Foreign Government and buttressed by Republicans Suppressing and Purging The Minority Vote, literally stole the 2016 Election and despite all of the evidence on Breaking News every day, Trump and his Appointees continue to violate the Law with no realistic consequences of Justice in the immediate “aftermath.”


Donald Trump illegalities as President are in “Plain-Sight.” Jeff Sessions lied about his connection with Russia during his confirmation hearing and Sessions is still the Attorney General. Michael Flynn, the disgraced former National Security Advisor ignores Subpoenas for essential documents and nothing is being done to hold Flynn in contempt. And yes, the list goes on, much too long for this blog.


Donald Trump, Ivana Trump, Eric Trump, Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner have and continue to create the biggest conflict of interests and apart from Democrats beating their Chests and the News reporting the conflicts, Trump and Family continue to march forward with their criminal activities.


What is most amazing are the Republicans that are always screaming about the Constitution and the Rule of Law, they are either defending or silent on all of Donald Trump and the Trump Administration, open and reckless behavior and violations.


Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are mixed up in a massive Russian money scandal and these two with such enormous power, they defend Donald Trump because both of them, Ryan and McConnell are as corrupt as Trump.


When is it going to end? Is America going to live up to its promise that “No One Is Above The Law? Even if Donald Trump only last a year or two, the damage that Trump is doing to America, aided by Republicans, it is very questionable as to whether or not America would again be the inspiration and vision of Democracy?


At the moment the only two winners are – Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin!


Twitter @sheriffali

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Trump 105 Billion Dollars Arms Sale To Saudi Arabia Would Help To Create An Even Greater Famine Disaster In Yemen; Congress Could Stop Him; Would They?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 20, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump Is Morally Bankrupt, Absolutely Without Shame, Vulgar, A Pathological Liar, Definitive Crook And Trump Is Taking America’s Credibility Down Along With His Already Parasitic, Parasite, Satanic Life!


[WAPO] “Mark Pocan, a Democrat, has represented Wisconsin’s 2nd Congressional District in the House since 2013. He sits on the House Appropriations Committee and is first vice chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.


Donald Trump ran for president as the world’s greatest dealmaker. His first international destination as president, Saudi Arabia, is where he reportedly registered eight companies during his campaign. Yet by announcing one of the largest arms-sales deals in U.S. history during this visit, Trump is revealing to the world a dark side to his boasts of creating jobs: He may be helping to create a famine as well.



Yes, as Saudi Arabia is reportedly “pulling out all the stops” to “dazzle and impress” the president — not to mention the chief executives of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Dow Chemical and Blackstone who have followed Trump to the country — the Saudi kingdom is using U.S.-made planes and bombs to enforce a blockade of food and aid on its neighbor, Yemen, the poorest country in the region.” Open WAP Link For Article:



Twitter @sheriffali

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Joe Biden Spits In Hillary Clinton’s Face Despite The 2016 Election Was Stolen By Treason & Fraud

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 19, 2017 by sheriffali

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Joe Biden who has 2020 ambitions told a “Salt Hedge Fund Conference” in Las Vegas;“I never thought she was a great candidate,” Biden said, according to reports. “I thought I was a great candidate.”


Joe Biden who ran for President in 1988 and 2008 and who was forced out of the 2008 Primaries for “Plagiarism,” always seems to have “foot in mouth disease.” I have been and I am always going to be a Democrat, but at times people within the Democratic Party are the Democrats own best enemies.  


[WAPO]Former vice president Joe Biden stirred the Democratic pot a little bit on Thursday night.


Appearing at the SALT hedge fund conference in Las Vegas, the possible 2020 presidential candidate weighed in on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 candidacy in a way that Clinton supporters sure won’t like.


“I never thought she was a great candidate,” Biden said, according to reports. “I thought I was a great candidate.”


Biden clarified, according to CNN, that “Hillary would have been a really good president.” But that isn’t likely to make Clinton supporters feel much better.



Biden isn’t the first leading Democratic figure with possible designs on 2020 to apparently slight Clinton. Clinton’s 2016 primary foe, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), has repeatedly offered some version of this quote: “It wasn’t that Donald Trump won the election; it was that the Democratic Party that lost the election.”



Those comments have definitely rubbed some Clinton supporters the wrong way, and Biden’s are likely to even more so, given how direct they were.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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US Spies Heard Russian Intelligence Vowing To Target Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Bid. Outside Of Hillary’s Dedicated Supporters No One In The US Government Stood Up For Her! Why?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 19, 2017 by sheriffali

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Hillary Clinton one of the most Educated, Experienced and Qualified person ever to seek the Office of The President of The United States was let down by the people who had the power to intervene; The United States Government. In addition we had Treasonous Donald Trump that colluded with Russia and the Fraudulent Republicans that Suppressed and Purged the Minority Vote, all in an effort to stop the First Female President.


For all of the advancements America has made in Medicine, Technology, Military, Economics and so many other great things, the United States is still buried in Misogyny. Far less advanced countries have elected Women Leaders but in America; “A Woman’s Place Is Still In The Home.”


Just examine the facts; 63% of White Men and 52% of White Women voted for Trump despite being fully cognizant that Donald Trump is a Racist, Fascist, Bigot, Con Man, Bankruptcy Fraud, Pathological Liar, Groper and certainly deranged that has no loyalty to America. Donald Trump has stood with Vladimir Putin and Russia against the 17 American Intelligence Agencies; Former Presidents; Secretaries of State and just about everything American.


Witnessing the shame and degradation and how Trump has demeaned America, I wonder if those Trump/GOP Voters and the American Media are having any regrets?


Twitter @sheriffali

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US Spies-The Hill Report

“U.S. spies reportedly heard a Russian military intelligence officer bragging about his organization planning to target Hillary Clinton in May 2016.

The officer told a colleague that GRU would cause havoc in America’s presidential election, Time reported Thursday.

The officer reportedly described the intelligence agency’s effort as retribution for what Russian President Vladimir Putin considered Clinton’s influence campaign against him while serving as secretary of State. 

Senior U.S. intelligence officials told Time that American spies transcribed the conversation and sent it to headquarters for analysis.

Time reported that an official document based on the raw intelligence was then circulated.

“We didn’t really understand the context of it until much later,” a senior U.S. intelligence official said. 

Putin publicly accused Clinton of conducting a major operation against Russia when protests erupted in more than 70 cities in 2011.

The Russian leader said that Clinton had sent “a signal” to demonstrators and that the State Department had actively worked to fuel the unrest.” Open Link for full article:

Hillary Clinton Launched A New Political Group Titled “Onward Together,” To Promote America’s Democracy And Resist Donald Trump And Republicans Unpatriotic Abuse Of The US Constitution And Of America And The American People.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 16, 2017 by sheriffali

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In the 2016 Election Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote in excess of 2.9 Million Votes. Treasonous Trump Colluded With Vladimir Putin and Russia and at home, Fraudulent Republicans Suppressed and Purged Minority Voters.


Looking at the present Chaos at the White House and the Republican Controlled Congress, it is fair to say, Hillary Clinton didn’t lose, America and the World lost the most qualified person to ever have ran for the Presidency of the United States. We will soon find out the outcome of Donald Trump’s Treason and Fraud enabled by 95% of the “Most Dishonest Republican Party in American History.”


[NYT} “Hillary Clinton on Monday announced the launch of Onward Together, a new political group aimed at advancing progressive causes by harnessing grass-roots opposition to President Trump’s policies.

Mrs. Clinton, 69, who until recently had maintained a low profile after her loss in the presidential election in November, said on Twitter that her new group would encourage people to “get involved, organize, and even run for office.”


Mrs. Clinton, 69, who until recently had maintained a low profile after her loss in the presidential election in November, said on Twitter that her new group would encourage people to “get involved, organize, and even run for office.”


“More than ever, I believe citizen engagement is vital to our democracy,” she added. “I’m so inspired by everyone stepping up to organize and lead.”


Mrs. Clinton went on to praise the work of several grass-roots groups that have emerged as part of a broad liberal movement opposed to Mr. Trump and his policies. Onward Together will support those groups, she said, though she did not describe what form the assistance would take.


Onward Together is registered as a 501(c) (4) group, the Internal Revenue Service designation for so-called social welfare nonprofits, which are often cited for a rise in dark money in politics because of their ability to protect donor anonymity.” Open New York Times Link For The Full Article:

Twitter @sheriffali

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The Hillary Clinton Karma Tracker: Presidential Election Edition! Did you or someone you love work to interfere with Hillary Clinton’s rightful ascent to the White House in the 2016 presidential election? Good luck. [Huffington Post]

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2017 by sheriffali

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Hillary Clinton spent her entire adult life dedicated to America, the American People and the World and for those that willfully wronged her, “Karma” doesn’t forget!


From Donald Trump, Mike Spence and other Previous Clinton-crossers who are now paying the price include former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Campaign manager Paul Manafort, InfoWars’ disgraced front-man Alex Jones, Bill O’Reilly, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Bannon, Jesse Watters, and Roger Ailes are all gentleman of the Right-Wing media who had epic breakdowns in 2017.

Sooner or later, they’ll learn. They always do:

Never cross a Clinton.


“There’s an old saying that comes out of Arkansas from the era of the young Governor William Jefferson Clinton and his radical liberal wife, Hillary Rodham: “Never cross the Clintons.


Since their emergence onto the political scene, the gossip rags and the dark recesses of the fake internet have been riddled with outlandish, unverified accounts of what happens when one dares to stand in their way.


Donald Trump’s first 100 days in the White House are officially a thing of the past and with nearly six months having passed since the 2016 presidential election, the unexpected defeat of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has remained the subject of intense postmortem speculation.


The on-going debate as to why she lost and the degree to which domestic (Comey, Sanders) and foreign (Russia) actors had an impact on the outcome have been given renewed life in recent weeks as Clinton has made a sort of public comeback, traversing the nation speaking to various women’s and civil rights organizations, even declaring herself a member of the “resistance.”


Donald Trump, however, is having a rougher go of it. He appears at times unconvinced of his own legitimacy, frequently regaling the press with histrionic outbursts about illegal Hillary voters, or the electoral map, or some other grandiose exercise in distraction.


Compare the respective weekends of the former rivals:


 Uproarious standing ovations and love from the crowd have become a typical night out for Clinton, even as certain members of the media threaten to silence her.


Meanwhile, an interesting phenomenon has been quietly taking place. As if forewarned by that prescient and mysterious saying out of Arkansas, participants to Clinton’s downfall are dropping like flies. Slowly, surely, methodically, they are paying the piper in glorious, ironic comeuppances that are the stuff of Shakespeare.


Was Hillary Clinton pre-ordained for the presidency after all? Is Hillary in fact “the Queen” and a deity whose wake is littered with the smote souls of those who dared cross her?


Behold, the fallen: Marine Le Pen”



Open Huffington Post Link For Full Article:


Twitter @sheriffali

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Sealed Indictment Issued Against Donald Trump; Impeachment Inquiry Begins.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 14, 2017 by sheriffali

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[Claude Taylor And Louise Mensch Are Two Of The Most Reliable News Sources And More Reliable Than The Main Stream Corporate Media. Their News Reports Have Been At Times Well Ahead Of The Main Stream Media.]


According to Claude Taylor and Louise Mensch a sealed indictment has been delivered against none other than President Donald Trump. Generally the sources that Taylor and Mensch use have a long standing track record of proving to be correct, so it seems we can trust them on this matter.


Many times indictments have been brought against associates of Trump, but this time it is allegedly for the big man himself. Taylor and Mensch are taking a united front on guaranteeing this information is legitimate, as stated on Mensch’s website, as of Saturday.


Open Link For Full Article:


GOP Leaders Including Paul Ryan And Mitch McConnell Have Been Busted In A Massive Russian Money Scandal.


A former White House staffer has confirmed that U.S. Intel intercepts have caught both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell OUTRAGEOUSLY plotting to funnel Russian money into the 2016 presidential electionThe leaders of the GOP are now directly complicit in Team Trump’s collusion with Russia.


Open Link For Full Article:


It is a fact that every time Republicans control both Houses of Congress and the White House there are always massive Scandals; the Treasury Runs Dry and Laws are broken and the they do go unchecked under the GOP Leadership. A good example is Reagan and the Iran Contra Scandal and George W Bush and Dick Cheney’s 8 years.


Donald Trump and Republicans is knee deep in Russia Gate and as you are aware, no real attempt has been made by the GOP clean out the Swamp. However, you do recall the years and money they spent on Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s Email. According to Republicans, “The Constitution and Laws are only to be obeyed by Democrats.


Twitter @sheriffali

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70-Year-Old Trump Claims He Invented A 78-Year-Old Economic Theory – “Priming The Pump.” If You Are Not Ashamed Of Donald Trump, Then You Have No Shame At All!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 12, 2017 by sheriffali

Egbert Ray Nichols [1884-1958] created the Theory “Priming The Pump In 1939’ – Pump Priming Theory Of Government Spending.” Yet America’s most illegitimate and fraudulent Treasonous President, just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to lying, conning, fraud, and taking credit for things this 70 year old unintelligent “Child-Man” is incapable of doing.


It is rather amazing how swiftly America has fallen from the most Admired Country in the World to the most questionable, solely because in the 112 days of this illegitimate Presidency, Donald Trump has told so many lies than the Fact-Checkers simply just cannot keep up with. Trump’s Executive Orders of purely “Internecine Policies,” have done more damage to the United States, since its inception in 1776.


However, worst than Donald Trump are the “Fraudulent Republicans that are enabling Trump’s Treason, they too have become Traitors To The Union.” Just reveled sources in the past days suggest than GOP Leaders that includes Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are part of a massive Russian Money Scandal.


Perhaps, just perhaps, the ray of hope in this very dark-grey dawn is that the Republican Voters are beginning to awaken as to what Donald Trump and Republicans are doing to America and the American people. Republicans are running away from their Town Halls because their Constituents are drilling them very harshly for their recklessness in blindly supporting Trump. At one Republican Town Hall earlier this week, a GOP Voter got up and shouted to his Senator; “When are you going to stop being a Politician and be an American First?” [Very Powerful Question To Every Politician, Democratic or Republican]


This is the Esquire Magazine Link where Donald Trump Took Credit during an Interview for the “Priming The Pump Theory”


Let us all continue to do our part and be hopeful that America will awaken to brighter and better tomorrows, not just for America, but for the entire world.


Twitter @sheriffali

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