Archive for the Bernie Sanders Category

Hillary Clinton Is Amply Qualified To Be President. Be Part Of History And Vote Hillary Clinton The First Female President!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, American History, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Children, Colin Powell, Democrats, Dr. Susan Rice, Equal rights for all, Equality, GOD'S GRACE, HOPE, Kathy Perry, LGBT, Media, New York City, Obama Administration, Peace, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, President Obama, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , on November 7, 2016 by sheriffali


[WAPO] “WITH THE presidential campaign entering its final days, you have likely heard the latest theory gaining currency among political pundits: If the election is about Hillary Clinton, and not Donald Trump, she is sure to lose.


We have written a lot in recent months about why Mr. Trump is manifestly unqualified — by experience, temperament and outlook — for the Oval Office. We agree that attention paid to his unfitness is to Ms. Clinton’s benefit. But we also believe that fair examination of Ms. Clinton in her own right provides convincing evidence that she is well prepared and fully capable to succeed as president of the United States.



When we endorsed Ms. Clinton, we stressed we were not choosing between the lesser of two evils. “Hillary Clinton,” we wrote, “has the potential to be an excellent president. . . . Anyone who votes for her will be able to look back, four years from now, with pride in that decision.” Not only has Ms. Clinton sketched out a thoughtful and ambitious policy agenda but she has run an impressive campaign, including her choice of running mate and her nimble mastery of three debates.


We are not alone in our recommendation. Most newspapers — including conservative newspapers that never before supported a Democrat for president — have endorsed Ms. Clinton, as have publications that broke decades-long traditions of not choosing sides. She has been backed by an impressive number of officials, former officials and experts from both sides of the aisle, including cabinet secretaries, retired military and Nobel Prize winners. Tellingly, people who worked most closely with her are most enthusiastic. “Prepared, detail-oriented, thoughtful, inquisitive and willing to change her mind if presented with a compelling argument,” was the testimonial offered by Michael J. Morell, 33-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, who has served presidents of both parties and never publicly backed a presidential candidate before. “I never saw her bring politics into the Situation Room.”


These capabilities — President Obama has said there has never been anyone more qualified than Ms. Clinton to serve as president — must not be obscured in the sideshow whipped up by her opponents and unfortunately enabled by FBI Director James B. Comey’s ill-advised letter to Congress last month. There is no question that Ms. Clinton has flaws and has made mistakes in her 30 years in public life, but the caricature painted by her opponents is more slander than reality. Yes, she was wrong to use a private email server as secretary of state, but that does not constitute treason. Nor, as Mr. Comey’s Sunday letter makes clear, did it involve criminal behavior. Yes, she and her husband should have taken more care in avoiding even the appearance of conflicts with the Clinton Foundation, but that again doesn’t mean that crimes were committed or that the foundation doesn’t do worthy work.


It is hard to imagine that any other politician subjected to decades of unrelenting conspiracy-mongering, unprecedented scrutiny and outright misogyny would fare as well as she has. Some of the emails from her staff stolen by Russia and released show thoughtless comments and embarrassing political calculations by her staff, but many others reveal a woman with discipline and resilience who thinks thoughtfully about the important issues of the day and pushes for pragmatic solutions. Those are the qualities we hope will result in her being elected president on Nov. 8.”


Twitter @sheriffali




Washington Post Editorial






When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by Hillary Clinton in the pursuit of achieving goals for Children, Women, Men and Equal Justice For All Under The Law, I feel no doubt of Hillary’s herculean undertakings as President Of The United States.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Blacks, BORN OF A WOMAN, Children, Christ, Colin Powell, Democrats, Donald Trump, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Helping each other, Helping others, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HOPE, Hypocrisy, LGBT, Mahatma Gandhi, Media, Obama Administration, Peace, Politics 2016, Poverty, President Obama, Racism, Religion, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, Women's Rights with tags , on October 30, 2016 by sheriffali


It is remarkable how the Media, Republicans, some Independents and some Democrats have constantly and consistently “labeled” Hillary Clinton as “untrustworthy.”



Hillary Clinton’s problem is not “transparency” it is “Misogyny!” America, for all of the braggadocio we indulge in about “Human Rights and Equal Rights and Equal Rights for Women,” we are hypocrites, hypocrites because despite being one of the most stable Democracies in the world, our words fall short. It is not our words that ring of hypocrisy, “it is our DEEDS.”



We are on the verge of Electing the First Woman to be President and yet, despite Hillary Clinton being enormously educated, very qualified and the most experienced person to ever seek the Presidency, the Media, Republicans, some Independents and yes, some Democrats just cannot usurp the bias they have against women being at the top of the Ladder.



As President Obama said during the Democratic Convention, “not him, not Bill nor any other person is more qualified to be President than Hillary Clinton.”




Hillary Clinton is a Yale Graduate Attorney and was named 3 years in a Row as one of America’s top 100 Lawyers by the American Bar association; Hillary was First Lady of Arkansas; First Lady of The United States; two term US Senator and Secretary of State and yet, Americans compare her to her “Opponent” who has never done anything for anyone, but conned Investors, robbed Employees and Contractors, created a fraudulent University and literally embezzled money from the young, middle-age, Veteran and yes, Seniors, for which he is facing a Fraud Trial under the RICO-ACT on November 28, 2016 and a Rape Case of a minor in December 2016.



People are wrong when they lay claim that Hillary Clinton is the Lesser of Two Evils, no she is not! Hillary Clinton has spent her entire adult life fighting for Children’s, Women, Men and Equal Rights for all, that is a service that should be praised, but instead, it is denigrated by almost every American News Agency – Television, Radio and Print.



Please no complacency! Support and Vote Hillary Clinton for President and give Hillary a Democratic Controlled Congress by getting rid of the “Do Nothing Republican Congress.”




Twitter @sheriffali






Donald Trump Will Never Be President But He Peeled The Racist Scab Off Republicans, Some In The Media And Has Literally Embarrassed America And Damaged America’s Most Powerful Weapon – DEMOCRACY, By Falsely Claiming That America’s Election Is Rigged!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, America's 98%, Angry McCain, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Democrat, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Human Vulture, humility, Hypocrisy, Media, Megan kelly, New York City, Newt Gingrich, Planned Parenthood, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Politics 2016, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Racism, Republican Scam, Republicans, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Right Wing Extremists, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 19, 2016 by sheriffali


Republicans, The Media And Just About Any Sane Person Always Knew That Donald Trump Was, Is And Always Will Be, A Hard-Core Racist, Bigoted, Fascist, Misogynist, Bankruptcy Swindler, Con Man And Perhaps The Worst Of America, And Yet The GOP Nominated Donald Trump To Be President.


The Irony is mind-boggling! For Decades Republicans have been crying foul over fabricated Voter Fraud and now that their Nominee, Con Man Trump has stuck it in their Faces, somehow, they can’t seem to run away fast enough from this Low-Life-Disgusting-Man – Donald Trump. [A Bipartisan Study Of One Billion Votes Showed 31 Cases Of Voter Fraud – FACT]



[Los Angeles Times] “Donald Trump is the most ableist presidential nominee in modern American political history.


Trying to stay on top of Trump’s outrages is exhausting. The 2005 tape of him linking his fame to consequence-free sexual assault overshadowed his racist comments about the guilt of the Central Park 5. At the debate, he threatened to jail Hillary Clinton, so we had to talk about his fascistic tendencies — before returning to his abhorrent behavior toward women. Now that he released an ad mocking he’s Clinton for her alleged physical ailments, it’s time to talk about his ableism.


Ableism, the individual or systematic discrimination against and stigmatization of people with disabilities or people perceived to have disabilities, is still an unfamiliar concept to many Americans — some of whom aren’t even willing to admit that racism or sexism are real. Ableists convey the message that disabled people are not full members of our society, leading to exclusion and even abuse. Trump is fully complicit in sending precisely that message.


Trump is using invented illnesses to try and portray Clinton as not fit to lead.


Here are just a few examples. Trump has fixated on Clinton’s health for months now, but it’s gotten worse. At a recent rally, he pretended to wobble and then faint in front of a laughing crowd. He routinely questions her stamina (a thinly veiled code for health) and he and his surrogates promote conspiracy theories that Clinton has conditions including strokes, Parkinson’s and epilepsy. While it’s not necessarily ableist to want to know about a candidate’s health, Trump is using invented illnesses to try and portray Clinton as not fit to lead.


Fat-shaming is another kind of ableism, and Trump especially likes to mock women he deems overweight, such as Alicia Machado (the former Miss Universe) and Rosie O’Donnell. He has also made fun of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s weight. 


Bizarrely, Trump’s supporters have lately been using the candidate’s routine ableism as a defense against accusations that he mocked a disabled New York Times reporter last November. Supporters are arguing that Trump wasn’t specifically insulting the reporter, but that he routinely uses spastic arm motions — what Ann Coulter calls “standard retard” — to make fun of people.”


Save America By Supporting And Voting Hillary Clinton For President and Vote To Elect A Democratic Controlled House And Senate Congress.


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Los Angles Time Link For Full Article





Showing Confidence, Hillary Clinton Pushes Into Republican Strongholds With Michelle Obama Leading The Way Into Arizona

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Blacks, CNN, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, LGBT, Michelle Obama, Obama Administration, Obama's Compassion, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, President Obama, Racism, Republican Scam, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , on October 18, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “Hillary Clinton’s campaign is planning its most ambitious push yet into traditionally right-leaning states, a new offensive aimed at extending her growing advantage over Donald J. Trump while bolstering down-ballot candidates in what party leaders increasingly suggest could be a sweeping victory for Democrats at every level.


Signaling extraordinary confidence in Mrs. Clinton’s electoral position and a new determination to deliver a punishing message to Mr. Trump and Republicans about his racially tinged campaign, her aides said Monday that she would aggressively compete in Arizona, a state with a growing Hispanic population that has been ground zero for the country’s heated debate over immigration.


Mrs. Clinton is “dramatically expanding” her efforts in Arizona, her campaign manager, Robby Mook, told reporters on Monday. She is pouring more than $2 million into advertising and dispatching perhaps her most potent surrogate, Michelle Obama, for a rally in Phoenix on Thursday.


In Indiana and Missouri, Mr. Mook said, the campaign will spend a total of $1 million to drive voter turnout, despite what he acknowledged was an “uphill battle” for Mrs. Clinton in two states that could determine control of the Senate. Mrs. Clinton is also directing more money to a series of presidential battleground states with competitive House races.”


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton President and Elect a Democratic Controlled Congress!


Twitter @sheriffali



Open NYT Link For Full Article






Hillary Clinton Gets Gored By The Dishonest Corporate Media!

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 White House, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Hillary Clinton, HIllaryClinton2016, Politics, Politics 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Progress, Racism, Republican Scam, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Right Wing Extremists, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Veterans, Vote Hillary, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on September 6, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “Americans of a certain age who follow politics and policy closely still have vivid memories of the 2000 election — bad memories, and not just because the man who lost the popular vote somehow ended up in office. For the campaign leading up to that end game was nightmarish too.


You see, one candidate, George W. Bush, was dishonest in a way that was unprecedented in U.S. politics. Most notably, he proposed big tax cuts for the rich while insisting, in raw denial of arithmetic, that they were targeted for the middle class. These campaign lies presaged what would happen during his administration — an administration that, let us not forget, took America to war on false pretenses.


Yet throughout the campaign most media coverage gave the impression that Mr. Bush was a bluff, straightforward guy, while portraying Al Gore — whose policy proposals added up, and whose critiques of the Bush plan were completely accurate — as slippery and dishonest. Mr. Gore’s mendacity was supposedly demonstrated by trivial anecdotes, none significant, some of them simply false. No, he never claimed to have invented the internet. But the image stuck.


And right now I and many others have the sick, sinking feeling that it’s happening again.


 True, there aren’t many efforts to pretend that Donald Trump is a paragon of honesty. But it’s hard to escape the impression that he’s being graded on a curve. If he manages to read from a Teleprompter without going off script, he’s being presidential. If he seems to suggest that he wouldn’t round up all 11 million undocumented immigrants right away, he’s moving into the mainstream. And many of his multiple scandals, like what appear to be clear payoffs to the state attorneys general   to back off investigating Trump University, get remarkably little attention.


Meanwhile, we have the presumption that anything Hillary Clinton does must be corrupt, most spectacularly illustrated by the increasingly bizarre coverage of the Clinton Foundation.


Step back for a moment, and think about what that foundation is about. When Bill Clinton left office, he was a popular, globally respected figure. What should he have done with that reputation? Raising large sums for a charity that saves the lives of poor children sounds like a pretty reasonable, virtuous course of action. And the Clinton Foundation is, by all accounts, a big force for good in the world. For example, Charity Watch, an independent watchdog, gives it an “A” rating an “A” — better than the American Red Cross.”


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton President and Vote for a Democratic Controlled House And Senate! Stop the do nothing Republican Congress!


Twitter @sheriffali


Open Link To Read NYT Paul Krugman Full Article





Imagine! Hillary Clinton, The First Woman Presidential Nominee Being Told By The Man She Beat, Bernie Sanders, To Adopt His Platform.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 White House, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republicans, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Uncategorized, Women, Women's Rights on June 18, 2016 by sheriffali


Hillary Clinton won 17 Million Votes and 2,795 total Delegates.


Bernie Sanders won 12.5 Million Votes and 1,832 total Delegates.


Yet, Bernie Sanders wouldn’t quit and is still seeking Donations while criticizing Hillary Clinton, President Obama and the Democratic Party. Sanders remain an Independent, but want to reform the Democratic Party.



The FEC issued 639 pages of Bernie Sanders Campaign Violations and his wife, Jane Sanders is under Bank Fraud Investigation in Vermont, but the Media has given Bernie Sanders a free pass as they did with Donald Trump.



Despite all Bernie Sanders promises, he hasn’t released his Tax Returns, except for 7 incomplete pages.


Hillary Clinton has released 33 years of Tax Returns.


We, Democrats, need to push back against Bernie Sanders Back-Stabbing and at the same time keep focused on The GOP Nominee, Con Man, Donald Trump and the disgraceful Republican Party.



Support Hillary Clinton to insure Hillary becomes the 45TH President to continue President Obama’s Legacy, Policies and build on Obama’s Achievements, making America even greater than what it already is.


Twitter @sheriffali 

BOHRC MAY 24 2016

HRC MAY 23 2016 5


HRC JUNE 18 16 4

The Corporate Owned Misogynistic Media Give Charlatan, Donald Trump, The Bankruptcy Swindler, Bigot, Fascist, Racist Billions In Free Air And Print Time, Even Though He Is A Known Crook That Wouldn’t Release His Taxes, But The Same Misogynistic Media Criticizes And Denigrates Hillary Clinton Even Though She Has Released 33 Years Of Tax Returns.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, Bernie Sanders, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on May 24, 2016 by sheriffali

BOHRC MAY 24 2016 4

To prove that the Media is Anti-Women Anti-Hillary, the same can be said about Bernie Sanders. Except for the release of 7 incomplete pages from his 2014 Tax, Sanders has and continue to refuse to release his Tax Returns, despite his many promises.


Bernie Sanders Wife, Jane Sanders, is under investigation for Bank Fraud in Vermont, but the main stream Media also gives her a free pass, not because of her, but because of Bernie Sanders.

BOHRC MAY 24 2016 3

Three Corporations own all of the Media; 1,500 Television Stations, 9,000 Radio Stations, 1,100 Magazines, 1,500 News Papers and 2,400 Publishers. Hence the reason in Print and on Television the News is the same. They may say it differently or print it differently, but it is still propaganda.


Today’s News is Propaganda and Journalism is DEAD!


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is fighting Two Unethical Men, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders as well as the powerful Anti-Women Anti-Hillary Media.


However, Hillary Clinton will prevail and we will elect the First Woman President, shaming the Male Dominated Chauvinistic Media, Misogynist Men and even some not so bright Women.


Twitter @sheriffali


Whether you are a man or woman, Hillary Clinton is the most experienced, knowledgeable Person that has ever run for President. Let us make History; Visit Hillary’s website and give her your support.

BOHRC MAY 24 2016 2

BOHRC MAY 24 2016

If Bernie Sanders won the Democratic Party nomination, the GOP would drop their campaign of manufactured lies against Hillary Clinton and immediately begin dumping Bernie Sanders’ closet full of skeletons into the daylight.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Baggage Is Real, Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders Baggage, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Vote Hillary with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 14, 2015 by sheriffali

Bernie’s carefully crafted image would disintegrate in a matter of days. His baggage is real, and it’s not pretty.


[Joshua Brennig] Bernie Sanders’ father was a high school drop-out, who tormented his family with rants about their financial problems. He blamed society and economic inequality for his plight, though as a white male in a middle class neighborhood, he was hardly among the downtrodden.


This was Bernie’s inspiration to take up the cause of economic justice, though he would spend half of his life as an able-bodied college graduate living off of unemployment checks, and the women in his life, between odd jobs. By his own admission, Bernie was not a great student, starting at Brooklyn College and transferring to Univ. of Chicago, but his enrollment kept him protected from the draft.

He joined socialist organizations and dabbled in far-left communist politics, gaining national notoriety by petitioning the school to let students have sex in the dormitories. This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction. He participated in the 1963 March on Washington, a few demonstrations, and was arrested once, but his activism for civil rights ended when he became obsessed with socialism. NOT “democratic socialism”, but oppressive far-left Marxism.


Bernie married his college sweetheart, Deborah Shilling, and spent his small inheritance on a summer home in Vermont on 85 acres. The shack had a dirt floor and no electricity, maintaining his proletariat credibility, but not impressing his new bride. He refused to get a steady job, so his wife didn’t stick around long, divorced after 18 months.


The Viet Nam war was escalating, and when the next draft was announced, Bernie applied for a conscientious objector deferment. His deferment was denied, so he dodged the draft by having a kid out of wedlock in 1969 with his new girlfriend, Susan Mott, even though he STILL wasn’t working, and had no way to support the child. By the time his draft number came up, he was too old to be drafted anyway. He continued to subsist on odd carpentry jobs and unemployment checks, and occasionally selling $15 articles, including the one about how women fantasize about gang rape. He still refused to get a steady job to support his child. His girlfriend left him.


In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll, and took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR. His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office, and shared his radical leftist political views. They visited the pro-Soviet Sandinista Government in Nicaragua known for their human rights violations, support for anti-American terrorists, and the imprisonment and exile of opponents. Bernie blindly overlooked the carnage to stand with fellow socialists. They traveled to Cuba in hopes of meeting Bernie’s hero Fidel Castro, but access to him was denied.

Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of Burlington at the age of 40. After several failed elections, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT, and eventually a Senate seat, which he has managed to keep off and on. For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of three bills, and two of them were for naming post offices.



He’s a draft-dodging deadbeat dad, a globe-trotting communist dilettante, and a petulant detractor of hard-working honorable Democrats. His one skill is yelling about how unfair the world is, and how everything SHOULD be. But he has no plans for how to make it happen, and no idea what goes on in the rest of the world or how to deal with problems overseas. His excuse for not having a foreign policy or national security plank on his platform: “I’ve only been campaigning for three months.” His socialist friends are bitter about what they see as a betrayal of their values by Bernie’s pursuit of the Democratic nomination.


His former wife and girlfriend run when they see reporters and will not speak to the press. Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy. Former employees and coworkers describe him as hostile and belligerent. All of the Democrats in Vermont’s government have endorsed Hillary Clinton. The people who know Bernie best cannot stand him.  His supporters cannot explain how he is qualified to be president. As for his detractors, we can only watch in horror as this Nader 2.0 works an appalling act of sabotage on the Democratic Party.


Twitter @sheriffali



Bernie Sanders Spent His Honeymoon From His Second Marriage In the USSR

Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Shoot Straight About His Married Lives And Children



Hillary Rosen To Bernie Sanders; You Shouldn’t Throw Stones On LGBT Rights [Washington Post]; Hillary Clinton’s Explanation Is What Actually Transpired And Your Version Senator Sanders, Just Isn’t True! Slate Magazine Also confirmed The Same Facts

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, LGBT, Republicans with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 27, 2015 by sheriffali


Friday October 23, 2015 on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) read my tweet aloud. Surreal but true. It started when on Friday, when Hillary Clinton was on Maddow’s show and said that President Bill Clinton was acting defensively when he signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law in 1996 in order to prevent a worse piece of legislation codifying a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage.


Sanders attacked Hillary on this point at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Iowa, saying that it wasn’t true — that DOMA was discriminatory plain and simple. So I tweeted.


Despite the fact that it is impossible to put the entire complicated history of the LGBT social change movement in 140 characters, Bernie Sanders seems to think that my tweet somehow validated his moral superiority to Hillary Clinton on LGBT rights.


Nothing could be further from the truth. First of all, it was Bill Clinton and not Hillary Clinton that signed DOMA. Bernie Sanders was in the House of Representatives and voted against the bill, but unlike his own revisionist history, he wasn’t for same-sex marriage at the time either. He should have read the rest of my tweets on the subject.


In the twenty years since DOMA, Hillary Clinton has not only evolved on the issue, she has become a global leader in the fight for LGBT equality. As senator from New York, she pushed to repeal the ban on gays in the military and secure employment protections for LGBT Americans. As secretary of state she extended her view of human and women’s rights with a groundbreaking speech at the United Nations in 2011 declaring that “gay rights are human rights” and made the protection of gays, lesbians and transgender people a priority in her dealings with repressive regimes around the world. Perhaps most importantly, she engaged with the community – closely – for the last 25 years. Listening, learning, sometimes disagreeing but always striving and evolving and always caring.


Bernie Sanders has done none of the above. Despite being from Vermont, a state with a progressive record on LGBT rights, Sanders was a follower. He supported civil unions as a solution for as long as many leading Democrats.


In short, Bernie Sanders may like the idea that I can prod my friends the Clintons to do better and more, but he can’t compete with how often they have listened and responded. He would do better to look for another issue with which to “ensnare” Hillary, because LGBT rights just isn’t his thing.


Twitter @sheriffali


 WHITE HOUSE - 2016 HILLARY ROSEN 10 27 15 2

Open Links of Washington Post and Slate Magazine for LGBT Articles