Archive for School Shootings

Republicans And The National Rifle Association Have The Blood Of American Children, Women And Men On Their Hands For Their Unwillingness To Assist In Passing Stronger Background Checks For Gun Purchasers

Posted in Guns, Politics, Republicans with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 2, 2015 by sheriffali


Stronger Background Checks would not stop all of the senseless killings, but it would help to prevent Mentally Disturbed People and Questionable People from purchasing Guns. Gun Advocates always throws up a smoke screen that Guns don’t kill people, but it actually does. At Sandy Hook School it was bullets from a Gun by a mentally disturbed man that killed the 20 Children and the 7 adults. On Thursday’s shooting in Oregon it was bullets that killed the people, irrespective who pulled the trigger.


The GOP and some Democrats have totally misused the Second Amendment to the Constitution as a panacea as an excuse for better Gun Sense. The Republican Congress that are paid by the Taxpayers do everything virtually possible to disavow their responsibility in educating the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed citizens that no one is advocating the ban on Guns, but rather the responsibility of Gun Ownership and the insanity of the insane having a Gun.


Red States have gone totally out of control by allowing Guns in Schools, Churches, Airports, Bars and just about anywhere. And it is those same States where the people are least educated and perhaps never give even one thought, that Guns would never turn them into Doctors, Lawyers and Scientists or make a better life for their children.


My wife and I owned several Guns and we raised four children without Gun accidents in our home or having shot anyone. I am not against Gun Ownership, but I am against Mentally Ill people and Criminals from owning Guns. And yes I know, Criminals can still find a way to purchase a Gun, but even if we stop one shooting from better Background Checks, it would be worth it to save even one life.


Twitter @sheriffali

Seditious American Jihadists in America responsible for inciting the Anarchist criminal mentality…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2014 by sheriffali

The people in the image below are responsible for the out of control Gun Violence and the anti-government mentality that is sweeping the Nation, hedging on extremely dangerous grounds. Republicans and Fox News may very well be responsible for the deaths of the two Police Officers in Las Vegas. If you would recall, many in the GOP and Fox News took the side of the Law Breaking perpetrator in the Bundy Ranch Escapade in Nevada.


Outside of the United States and perhaps England, in almost any other country if these people couldn’t be found, the statement directly below would apply to them. When some in the Media and Politicians participate in “seditious acts,” they should be held responsible for the consequences.  


“Wanted for inciting violence through seditious acts and are responsible for Gun Violence against 74 schools since the devastating Sandy Hook murder of 20 children and other Gun related deaths!”


Twitter @sheriffali