Archive for SANDY HOOK

Legislating Ignorance About Guns And The NRA Puppets In Congress

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2014 by sheriffali


And if pro-gun members of Congress continue to have their way, it will stay that way.


“Eighteen months and dozens of school shootings after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., public-health experts still lack basic information on the roots of gun violence and how best to prevent it.


In 1996, at the behest of the National Rifle Association, Congress effectively barred federally financed research on gun violence. After Newtown,President Obama called for an end to the ban and asked Congress to provide $10 million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study gun violence. He also included the $10 million request in his recent budget proposal to Congress. In addition, Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced legislation authorizing appropriators to provide funding.


Recently, however, Representative Jack Kingston, a Republican of Georgia and leader of the House subcommittee that sets the C.D.C. budget, toldProPublica that “the president’s request to fund propaganda for his gun-grabbing initiatives through the C.D.C. will not be included in the FY2015 appropriations bill.” Mr. Kingston does not have the last word; the full appropriations committee has yet to finalize the C.D.C. budget. But his stance does not bode well for gun-violence research or for science-based policy making more broadly.


The aim of such research is the same as research into any other health threat, like car crashes or smoking: to use scientific methods to chart the dimensions of a threat, identify remedies and address the problem collaboratively.


That is a different approach from one that views gun violence through the lens of law enforcement or mental health. And that is one reason the gun lobby and its toadies in Congress oppose it. It is potentially transformative, in the way that norms, behaviors and laws involving drunken driving and smoking have been transformed.

Questions that could usefully be examined were detailed in a report last year by experts convened by the federal Institute of Medicine at the request of the C.D.C. For example, the experts called for research comparing the probabilities of thwarting a crime with a gun with the probabilities of injuring a family member or committing suicide. Such data could upend the notion that guns are necessary for personal safety.


The report also suggested that research into mass shootings that actually occurred and those that were prevented could challenge that notion that mass shootings are inevitable in an open society. Other recommended research would examine how young people acquire and use guns, as well as the relative effectiveness of various gun-violence prevention strategies.


The price of ignorance on those and other questions is measured in tens of thousands of preventable deaths and avoidable injuries from guns, year in and year out. Compared with that, $10 million for the C.D.C. to study the problem and propose solutions would be a small price to pay. [NYT]


Twitter @sheriffali


Seditious American Jihadists in America responsible for inciting the Anarchist criminal mentality…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2014 by sheriffali

The people in the image below are responsible for the out of control Gun Violence and the anti-government mentality that is sweeping the Nation, hedging on extremely dangerous grounds. Republicans and Fox News may very well be responsible for the deaths of the two Police Officers in Las Vegas. If you would recall, many in the GOP and Fox News took the side of the Law Breaking perpetrator in the Bundy Ranch Escapade in Nevada.


Outside of the United States and perhaps England, in almost any other country if these people couldn’t be found, the statement directly below would apply to them. When some in the Media and Politicians participate in “seditious acts,” they should be held responsible for the consequences.  


“Wanted for inciting violence through seditious acts and are responsible for Gun Violence against 74 schools since the devastating Sandy Hook murder of 20 children and other Gun related deaths!”


Twitter @sheriffali



Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 17, 2013 by sheriffali

The FIVE Democrats and FORTY-ONE Republicans that voted against the “background check,” are they for the American people or for “special interest?”


These forty six leeches that live off the Tax Payers that are always claiming to be Patriots and pretending to be on the side of the American people, they are Pariahs and Leeches that are sucking the blood out of the American people while protecting “special interest, are absolutely morally bankrupt of shame or conscience. 


People can disagree with me but if your child was one of the twenty (20) innocent children that were brutally killed at the Sandy Hook School, would you cast another vote for one of these “oligochaetes?”


The Background Check Bill was put together by a Republican and Democratic Senators who are members of the National Rifle Association, but yet saw the need for us as a Nation to make changes in our society for the good of all people, especially our children.


90% of the American public supports the Bill and yet these forty six selfish parasites voted with impunity against the Bill, thwarting the “will” of the people. If you are one of the 90% and the next time you go into the voting booth and pull the lever in favor of any of these people, thereafter, for every man, woman or child that are killed, you would have condone the pernicious, egregious machinations of these people, that lives off the hard working American people Tax Dollars.


We must return to our roots and remember; America was built on the notion that; “Our Government are derived by the people and for the people,” and not for special interest to whom so many Politicians have sold their souls!