Archive for rush limbaugh

Who could have guessed that the GOP [Grand Old Party] on our 238th Birthday would have turned into Gruesome Obnoxious Psychopaths?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 4, 2014 by sheriffali

They are Holding the Country Hostage to their arrogance, intolerance, racism, discrimination, non-domestic agenda and their Seditiousness, inciting Anarchy that is creating Criminal Minded Gun Toting Anarchist with Gun Violence taking the lives of 40 Americans every day.


Republicans have nothing to offer in the way of Jobs, Education, Infrastructure, hence the reason why they are preying of their base by misusing the Second Amendment and hate, while picking the pockets of the Middle-Class and Poor Republicans, that are uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed.


Whether you are Republican or Democrat, if you are not in the top 5% income bracket, Republican Legislators do not care about you. Vote out the GOP from Control of the House of Representatives in November, if not for you, do it for your children and your beloved America.


Set aside partisanship if you can and ask yourself, “What has the Republican Congress done for you since retaking Control of the House of Representatives in 2010?” The Republican Senators went as far as blocking a 21 Billion Veterans Bill claiming that it wasn’t paid for, and at the same time asking for 600 billion in Tax Breaks for big business that  would have to be put on America’s Credit Card just like they did the 5.1 trillion dollars they indebted us with for the two mismanaged Wars, one of them Iraq, that had no justification, took the lives of 4,500 Americans, wounded 50,159 and killed over 500,000 Iraqis.


If John McCain in 2008 or Mitt Romney in 2012 had won the Presidency instead of President Obama, I guarantee we would be in at least six or more countries fighting other people Civil and Religious Wars.


“We the People,” this is not the time for petty differences about Republicans or Democrats, it is time to be an American First and do what is right for America. Don’t just accept Cable News as gospel because it is not and don’t just accept what your Congressional Representatives tell you, check out  the facts, verify it, the information is available and easier to access than anytime before.  


Twitter @sheriffali


Jim Wright, Iraq War Veteran said; “I’ll tell you what, let’s go back to Iraq;

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 17, 2014 by sheriffali


Oh, yes, let us do that, I’ll dig out my uniform and strap on my Pistol and gird up my Sword and ride into battle again, so long as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Glen Beck, Michael Savage, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, and every single one of the powered, Botoxed talking heads at Fox News are in the Vanguard.


That’s right, you cowards, you put on a uniform and lead the charge this time.” [Verbatim]


Listening to John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Dick Cheney, Paul Bremmer and their mouth piece at Fox News, one would think that the terrible ordeal our Soldiers encountered during an uncalled for invasion of Iraq that left, 4,500 dead, over 50,000 wounded, more than 75,000 with severe mental problems at a cost of 1.7 trillion dollars, that somehow the Soldiers just want to turn around and reinvade Iraq.


Republicans blocked the 21 Billion dollars Veterans Bill; refuse to extend the Unemployment Insurance that returning Veterans need; slashed Food Stamps that helps to subsidize Veterans and yet Republicans and the loud mouths at Fox News totally bankrupt of shame, are making up stories, the lies that got us into Iraq in the first place, and in the name of Patriotism for which Republicans and the people at Fox News are totally bankrupt of, are auguring day and night that the chaos in Iraq is somehow President Obama’s fault.


One significant bold-faced lie they are telling is that Obama didn’t leave a residual force in Iraq. How could he? George W Bush in late 2008 signed an agreement with the Iraqi Government that all Americans Forces would leave Iraq at the end of 2011. There was an understanding that Prime Minister Nour al-Maliki would sign a Status of Forces Agreement that would provide immunity to our residual Soldiers from Iraqi Laws. Mr. Maliki who was basically installed as Prime Minister by George W Bush, he is an Iraqi Shiite that lived in exile in Iran for 20 years. He didn’t return until George W Bush invaded Iraq and captured Saddam Hussein. Prior to the end of 2011 Mr. Maliki refused to sign the SOFA and Obama had no choice but to remove all American troops.


Republicans and Fox go further with their lies and say that the Obama Administration didn’t try hard enough to get the SOFA signed. It really didn’t matter who was President because Nour al-Maliki allegiance is with Iran and Iran was calling the shots. Iran made it clear to Maliki that they Iran didn’t want any American troops left in Iraq. America was never an occupier of other people’s country, so the only alternative for Mr. Obama would have been to remain an occupier and continue to have American troops killed and wounded at a cost of three billion dollars per week.


Nour al-Maliki after America exited he fired all of the highly trained Commanders and installed his cronies, all Shiites. What you see now that is happening in Iraq is the retribution by the Shiites that caused the Sunnis to abandon the Iraqi Army, because they don’t see the need to fight for a country where the “installed” Government, has literally preyed on them.


I would trust President Obama’s judgment to do what is best in this situation, rather than the internecine Pundits and talking heads that are constantly on the Television.


Twitter @sheriffali


Legislating Ignorance About Guns And The NRA Puppets In Congress

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2014 by sheriffali


And if pro-gun members of Congress continue to have their way, it will stay that way.


“Eighteen months and dozens of school shootings after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., public-health experts still lack basic information on the roots of gun violence and how best to prevent it.


In 1996, at the behest of the National Rifle Association, Congress effectively barred federally financed research on gun violence. After Newtown,President Obama called for an end to the ban and asked Congress to provide $10 million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study gun violence. He also included the $10 million request in his recent budget proposal to Congress. In addition, Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced legislation authorizing appropriators to provide funding.


Recently, however, Representative Jack Kingston, a Republican of Georgia and leader of the House subcommittee that sets the C.D.C. budget, toldProPublica that “the president’s request to fund propaganda for his gun-grabbing initiatives through the C.D.C. will not be included in the FY2015 appropriations bill.” Mr. Kingston does not have the last word; the full appropriations committee has yet to finalize the C.D.C. budget. But his stance does not bode well for gun-violence research or for science-based policy making more broadly.


The aim of such research is the same as research into any other health threat, like car crashes or smoking: to use scientific methods to chart the dimensions of a threat, identify remedies and address the problem collaboratively.


That is a different approach from one that views gun violence through the lens of law enforcement or mental health. And that is one reason the gun lobby and its toadies in Congress oppose it. It is potentially transformative, in the way that norms, behaviors and laws involving drunken driving and smoking have been transformed.

Questions that could usefully be examined were detailed in a report last year by experts convened by the federal Institute of Medicine at the request of the C.D.C. For example, the experts called for research comparing the probabilities of thwarting a crime with a gun with the probabilities of injuring a family member or committing suicide. Such data could upend the notion that guns are necessary for personal safety.


The report also suggested that research into mass shootings that actually occurred and those that were prevented could challenge that notion that mass shootings are inevitable in an open society. Other recommended research would examine how young people acquire and use guns, as well as the relative effectiveness of various gun-violence prevention strategies.


The price of ignorance on those and other questions is measured in tens of thousands of preventable deaths and avoidable injuries from guns, year in and year out. Compared with that, $10 million for the C.D.C. to study the problem and propose solutions would be a small price to pay. [NYT]


Twitter @sheriffali


Seditious American Jihadists in America responsible for inciting the Anarchist criminal mentality…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2014 by sheriffali

The people in the image below are responsible for the out of control Gun Violence and the anti-government mentality that is sweeping the Nation, hedging on extremely dangerous grounds. Republicans and Fox News may very well be responsible for the deaths of the two Police Officers in Las Vegas. If you would recall, many in the GOP and Fox News took the side of the Law Breaking perpetrator in the Bundy Ranch Escapade in Nevada.


Outside of the United States and perhaps England, in almost any other country if these people couldn’t be found, the statement directly below would apply to them. When some in the Media and Politicians participate in “seditious acts,” they should be held responsible for the consequences.  


“Wanted for inciting violence through seditious acts and are responsible for Gun Violence against 74 schools since the devastating Sandy Hook murder of 20 children and other Gun related deaths!”


Twitter @sheriffali


Satan’s Son Dick Cheney went on Fox Hades and denounced Obama’s Afghan Troop Withdrawal!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2014 by sheriffali


We lost 6,781 Soldiers and 50,159 were wounded, when George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld were in Office and, Dick Cheney had the nerve to go on Fox News and denounce Obama’s planned troop withdrawal from Afghanistan at the end of 2014. [We have been in Afghanistan for 13 years; lost over 2,000 precious lives; spent trillions and yet, Cheney and the warmongering right wing doesn’t only want to remain in Afghanistan, they want to start wars, almost everywhere. Just listen to John McCain and Lindsay Grahm!]


Cheney should be wearing an Orange Jump Suit with a Number on the back along with the rest of Bush’s Vulcans [gods of fire], for their criminal negligence in truncating the Afghanistan Justified War to Invade Iraq.


Why can’t the followers of these inept people see the truth? The malfeasance of these pernicious people and uselessness of the GOP House and Senate is so self evident, one has to be totally uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed, “to defend what was once called “The Grand Old Party,” the GOP!”


Twitter @sheriffali


[FACT] President Obama has issued the least number of executive orders since the 1800’s!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 20, 2014 by sheriffali

And yet the Fox News Nut Cases, “masters of misnomers” and totally bankrupt of shame, would tend to tell you otherwise and the Fox Wing-Nuts Followers, brainwashed, brain-dead, ignorant and gullible Americans, believe these outlandish lies, perhaps in the same manner as they do that “Climate Change is a fallacy.”


Every American can do their own research and find out the “truth” about anything, rather than take their gospel from CABLE NEWS that have their own agenda; “create commotion with lies; bring on their shows people so far apart in their thinking that if words killed, they would all be dead.


CABLE NEWS HOSTS willingly participate in this hypocrisy at the orders of their Corporate Bosses whose only concerns are; increase viewership in order to garner more advertising to increase revenues in the name of AVARICE!


Of all of America’s Cable News, Fox promotes the most hate; runs down President Obama as if he comes at nights and steals their “only” underwear; have the most notorious, Obama Haters that are bankrupt of truth and decency that never existed before. Lou Dobbs, Smith Varney, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Riley and the rest of Hacking Murdoch’s team lead by Roger Ailes, leaves an open ended question; “why would any sane person listen and follow these people?


Look at any of the shows on Fox and see who their repeated guests are; Rush Limbaugh, John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Sara Palin, Donald Trump, and as for their guests from Congress, “they are the worst of the extreme right of the Republican Party. 


Dick Baal Cheney, Satan’s great grandson 73rd Birthday celebrated inside the Gates of Hades by BEELZEBUB!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 30, 2014 by sheriffali

Today, January 30, 2014 is Dick Cheney’s 73rd Birthday. Being the great grandson of Satan, Cheney has a big birthday bash with all the trimmings of the fires of retribution by Beelzebub, who spares nothing in the celebration of his great grandson egregious machinations.


Beelzebub only released a few photos of some of the special guests who are very dear friends of Baal Cheney. Cheney’s daughter, Liz, is the special guest speaker. Complete Media Black-Out is fully enforced.


What is wrong with the Republican Party?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on February 8, 2013 by sheriffali

The Republicans continuous and contentious extreme right-wing poisonous deluge as advocated by Karl Rove, Dick Morris, Rush Limbaugh, John McCain, Lindsay Graham and so many others, continually insults the American people, labeling them as “takers.”


Looking back over the past forty years, there has never been so much extremism, hate, racism and everything that ails the human souls, as permeated by most Republicans over the past four years.


It seems self evident that the Statesmen and Women in the GOP have either died or retired and what is left are the dregs; that permeate total insanity as a panacea to their dwindling influence.


Those tired Old White Men really needs to retire and go home to their families and enjoy their twilight years, thus allowing the younger and more susceptible generation to re-launch a New-Breed of Republicans, that would seek the interest of “all” Americans, and disavow the internecine advocacies that have become the GOP’S brand.


Fox News, whose ratings have fallen by 40% in January 2013, fired Dick Morris for his sorely incorrect predictions in the 2012 Presidential Election. It is just reward for Morris who reaped what he has been sowing for the past decade plus.


However, it is going to take more than removing Dick Morris and Sarah Palin for Fox to reestablish itself as a News worthy Television Station. Outside of Chris Wallace, Bret Baier and Shepard Smith, almost all of the other Fox Hosts are so pernicious that their egregiousness just doesn’t allow a person to look at Fox’s misnomer news.


Hence, the additional problem for the Republicans happens to be Fox News. Just imagine, Greta Van Susteren almost every night her guests includes; John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and others, the same people that screwed America into the ground and yet, Fox repeatedly makes claim that they are “Fair and Balance.”


And let us not forget Sean Hannity, who has been preaching hate, racism and falsehoods for way too long that I do not believe that he can tell the difference between truth and fiction.


Over 400,000 twitter followers @sheriffali


When Cruelty Is Cute – Paul Ryan!

Posted in Children, Cruelty, George W. Bush, Heartless, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Pickwick, Politics, Poverty, Scrooge, The Elderly, Uncategorized with tags , , , on August 16, 2012 by sheriffali

“He’s Scrooge disguised as a Pickwick, an ideologue disguised as a wonk. Not since Ronald Regan tried to cut the budget by categorizing ketchup and relish as vegetables has the G.O.P. managed to find such an attractive vessel to mask harsh policies with a smiling face.”


By: Maureen Dowd

New York Times

I’d been wondering how long it would take Republicans to realize that Paul Ryan is their guy.

He’s the cutest package that cruelty ever came in. He has a winning air of sad cheerfulness. He’s affable, clean cut and really cut, with the Irish altar-boy widow’s peak and droopy, winsome blue eyes and unashamed sentimentality.

Who better to rain misery upon the heads of millions of Americans?

He’s Scrooge disguised as a Pickwick, an ideologue disguised as a wonk. Not since Ronald Reagan tried to cut the budget by categorizing ketchup and relish as vegetables has the G.O.P. managed to find such an attractive vessel to mask harsh policies with a smiling face.

The Young Gun and former prom king is a fan of deer hunting, catfish noodling, heavy metal and Beethoven. He’s a great dad who says the cheese, bratwurst and beer of Wisconsin flow in his veins. He’s so easy to like — except that his politics are just a teensy bit heartless.

Rush Limbaugh hails Ryan as “the last Boy Scout,” noting that the tall, slender 42-year-old is a true believer: “We now have somebody on the ticket who’s us.”

For the rest of us, at least, Ryan is not going to raise our hopes only to dash them. Unlike W., he’s not even going to make a feint at “compassionate conservatism.” Why bother with some silly scruple or toehold of conscience?

Unlike some of the right-wing ayatollahs, Ryan doesn’t threaten with moral and cultural gusts of sulfur. He seems more like a friendly guidance counselor who wants to teach us how to live, get us in shape, PowerPoint away the social safety net to make the less advantaged more self-reliant, as he makes the rich richer. Burning the village it takes to save it, so we can avoid the fiscal cliff, or as he and his fellow conservative Cassandras ominously call it, “the debt bomb.”

Like Mitt Romney, Ryan truly believes he made it on his own, so everyone else can, too. He shrugs off the advantage of starting as the white guy from an affluent family, able to breeze into a summer internship for a Wisconsin Republican senator as a college student.

Only 16 and the youngest of four when he discovered his lawyer dad dead in bed from a heart attack at 55, Ryan had to grow up fast.

The Midwestern kid was guided by what David Stockman calls “Irving Kristol’s ex-Trotskyites” turned neo-cons; Jack Kemp, the cheery supply-sider who actually cared about the disadvantaged, and by one of Kemp’s favorite authors, Russian émigré and cult leader Ayn (pronounced like swine, as she used to say) Rand.

“And the fight we are in here, make no mistake about it, is a fight of individualism versus collectivism,” Ryan said in a 2005 speech to the Atlas Society. He even gave copies of “Atlas Shrugged” to staffers at Christmas. He did not emulate Rand on everything, given that she adamantly opposed Ronald Reagan, saying, “Since he denies the right to abortion, he cannot be a defender of any rights.”

Ryan co-sponsored the Sanctity of Life Act enshrining a fertilized egg with the definition of “personhood” and supported a bill Democrats nicknamed the “Let Women Die Act,” which would have let hospitals that get federal money deny women abortions even in life-threatening circumstances.

And Rand would not have approved of Ryan’s votes in the House backing W.’s profligate spending on unwinnable wars, a bank bailout and a Medicare expansion. She would no doubt have been thrilled, however, that under the Ryan budget plan, the megarich Romney would go from paying shamefully as little as possible in taxes to virtually no taxes.

Ryan was drawn to Rand’s novels, with their rejection of “the altruist morality,” making narcissism a social virtue; her exhortation that man must not only strive for “physical values” — her heroes were hot — and self-made wealth, but a “self-made soul.” Like John Galt, who traces a dollar sign “over the desolate earth” at the end of “Atlas Shrugged,” Rand idolized the dollar. She wore a brooch shaped like a dollar sign, and a 6-foot dollar sign stood beside her coffin at her wake.

Although the Catholic Ryan told Fox News’s Brit Hume in an interview that aired Tuesday night that he “completely disagreed” with Rand’s “atheistic philosophy,” he said his interest in economics was “triggered” by her.

His long infatuation with her makes him seem even younger than he looks with his cowlick because Randism is a state of arrested adolescence, making its disciples feel like heroic teenagers atop a lofty mountain peak.

The secretive, ambiguous Romney was desperate for ideological clarity, so he outsourced his political identity to Ryan, a numbers guy whose numbers don’t add up.

This just proves that Romney will never get over his anxiety about not being conservative enough. As president, he’d still feel the need to prove himself with right-wing Supreme Court picks.

Ryan should stop being so lovable. People who intend to hurt other people should wipe the smile off their faces.