Archive for Roman Catholic Church

Did Pontiff Benedict resign, or, did the Vatican Pontificators resign him, to rescue their own dismal image?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 17, 2013 by sheriffali

It is quite possible that Pope Benedict’s resignation wasn’t voluntary, but perhaps it may be the conspiracy of the Vatican’s Collegiums Pontificum in an attempt not only to rescue their faltering dismal image, but to rescue their financial house from all of the egregious misuse of funds, from cover-ups of molestation; to robbing the dead; to the disgraced Vatican Bank and a host of other problems.


The ousting of Pope Benedict is perhaps due to the most significant factor and that is, almost fifty (50%) percent of The Roman Catholic Church Members are Latin Americans, hence the reason for the first Non-European Pope in more than one thousand (1,000) years.


Vatican’s appointment of Pope Francis is perhaps an attempt to hold on to their most loyal Members that accounts for 50% of the Roman Catholic Religion:


Not all but most Spanish people are die-hard loyalist to the Roman Catholic Religion and who else but them, would continue to give their unwavering support in dedication and money to men who seems in their own minds to have usurped God and have convinced others that they are Holier than Christ Himself. When God in the flesh walked the earth in the form of Jesus Christ, He did so in the most humble manner. However, take a good look at Pope Benedict with his costume from his head down to his toe that looks like he is in the Brazilian Carnival Parade.  


Robbing those whose faith could not be shaken – the Dead:


Cardinal Roger M. Mahony used 115 million dollars from a Los Angeles cemetery maintenance fund to pay landmark settlements with molestation victims. The church did not inform the relatives of the deceased that it had taken the money, which amounted to 88% of the fund. The families of those buried in the church-owned cemeteries and interred in its mausoleums have contributed to a dedicated account for the perpetual care of the graves and crypts. But, the Robe-Wearing Gangsters calling themselves Priests, Cardinals and the likes, literally robbed the dead.


Vatican Bank mysteries and scandals!


Robert Calvi, sometimes referred to as “God’s Banker,” was found dead in 1982, hanging from a bridge in London. The Vatican Bank was recently in the news following the Ferrari-driving Lawyer who has been charged with defrauding insurance companies and using the Vatican Bank to hide the loot.


To his credit, Pope Benedict XV1 tried to insert some transparency into the bank’s operations, but ran into the Vatican Political Wall. Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, President of the Vatican Bank was fired because he was getting too close to the truth.


The Vatican Bank has been involved in money laundering and various forms of illegal activities for decades. The Vatican which is the Roman Catholic Religion is the only religion in the world that has Embassies in several countries and instituted self-amnesty for all those in esteem positions in the Church.


In the final analysis, the heads of the Roman Catholic Church/Religion is not about God, it is about cover-ups; schemes; money laundering; sex abuse to innocent children and perhaps murder. The question is why anyone would follow these Pharisees whose deeds are unequivocally – “pharisaic ostentation.”

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