Archive for Republicans Liars Crooks

John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, The Pope And The Exorcism – BENGHAZI

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 5, 2015 by sheriffali

[MAUREEN DOWD NYT] John Boehner stands smiling in front of the mirror in the bathroom of his English basement apartment on G Street on Capitol Hill. He breaks into song as he fastidiously ties the four-in-hand knot in his bright green tie to get the perfect dimple.


“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-A, my, oh my, it’s almost my last day,” he belts. “Plenty of golf and sunshine heading my way.”


The Speaker speaks: “I’m almost free of these knuckleheads. That visit by Pope Francis was a blessed exorcism. I’m casting out the demons. Begone, Ted Cruz, you jackass! Away, Louie Gohmert! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, out you unclean devil, Mark Meadows. You wanted to get rid of me and I’m soon going to be rid of you.”


Boehner chuckles as he heads out to meet his security detail and the black S.U.V.s that won’t be at his disposal after October 30. “You’re the only part of the job I’m going to miss,” he tells the Capitol police officer at the wheel. “There’s just nothing like being driven right up to my private smoking room at Trattoria Alberto.”


His Blackberry ring-a-ding dings. He rolls his blue eyes. It’s another panicked call from Kevin McCarthy. Boehner is beginning to wonder if the kid just doesn’t have it, if he’s bombsville. McCarthy styled himself as one of the “young guns,” along with Eric Cantor, who misfired, and Paul Ryan, who can’t pull the trigger. Now Boehner’s worried that McCarthy might be a pop gun.


“Kevin, did you make another mess I gotta clean up?” the Speaker growls. “Stop blubbering. That’s my department. Obviously, you really stepped in it with that Benghazi crack on ‘Hannity.’ You told Sean that I get a B-minus as speaker? I give you a D for Dumbo.


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Open Link To Read The Full New York Times Article By Maureen Dowd.