Archive for Republicans Fraud

The 2016 Election Wasn’t Only Stolen From Hillary Clinton By Republicans Fraud; Russia Hacking; Traitor Trump’s Treason; But Hillary Clinton Was Stabbed In The Back By People Within The Democratic Party, Even From The Very Top!

Posted in HIllaryClinton2016 with tags , , , , , , on September 7, 2017 by sheriffali

Of all of the Political figures in my lifetime thus far, I have stood with Hillary Clinton right out of the Gates of Yale University; her mission of “The Children’s Defense Fund,” Hillary’s undercover work in the South, exposing the White Racists that incarcerated young “Black Youths” in adult prison; as First Lady of Arkansas and the United States; US Senator; Secretary of State and the First Woman Nominee of a major party for the Presidency of the United States.


In her new book “What Happened, I condone all of Hillary Clinton’s “Score-Settling” and “Criticism” of the “Back-Stabbers” in the Democratic Party and especially, Hillary’s take down of the “Liar and Fraud, Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton also went after the fraudulent Republicans that suppressed and purged the “Minority-Votes,” the Russian Hacking and Treasonous, Traitor and Corrupt Donald Trump, Russia involvement.


Twitter @sheriffali

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Hillary Clinton Warned Us: “As Bloomberg Report Russia Hackers Reached Voting Systems In 39 States With The Kremlin’s Goal Of Deleting Voter Registration.” Donald Trump Is An Illegitimate President, Period!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 13, 2017 by sheriffali

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Bloomberg reported that the Russian hackers reached voting systems in 39 states and that their motive was to impact the election:


The hack into US voting systems by Russia was worse than reported. Thirty-nine states were compromised, and the Obama administration worried that the Kremlin’s goal was to delete voter registration information.


The hack into US voting systems by Russia was worse than reported. Thirty-nine states were compromised, and the Obama administration worried that the Kremlin’s goal was to delete voter registration information.


In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers’ accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.


The Obama administration believed that the Russians were possibly preparing to delete voter registration information or slow vote tallying in order to undermine confidence in the election. That effort went far beyond the carefully timed release of private communications by individuals and parties.


The reason why the Russians weren’t successful is chilling. They ran out of time before Election Day. It is easy to see the Russians, who had already gotten the voter registration lists, purging Democratic voters in key states to help Trump.


Twitter @sheriffali


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The Media Is Not “Fake News,” However; Almost All Of The Media Work For The Same Owner, “Mr. Avarice Mendacity”

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2017 by sheriffali

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The Media Is Not “Fake News,” However; Almost All Of The Media Work For The Same Owner, “Mr. Avarice Mendacity”


“The present state of the US Economy and the good jobs report, all of the “Credit Still Goes To President Obama, however, “The Media Credits Donald Trump, even though that despite Trump and Republicans are in Control of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, they haven’t passed a single legislation, other than Trump’s unhinged Executive Orders.


The only accomplishments by Trump and Republicans have at this time are; Scandals, Lying, Obstruction Of Justice, Treason, Take Away People’s Health Insurance and give Trillion Dollar Tax Break to the Rich, they all add up to be Parasitic Parasites.” [Sheriff Gerry Ali]


[Media] “The economy is emerging as a bright spot for President Trump as he struggles to move his congressional agenda amid a series of controversies.


The S&P 500 is up more than 12 percent since Election Day, unemployment has reached a 16-year low and economic growth in the coming year is expected to reach 2.3 percent, more robust growth than the 1.6 percent it grew in 2016.


Trump sought to play up his handling of the economy again on Friday at an event to end a week meant to highlight his efforts on legislation to fund new infrastructure projects across the country.


“We are here to think big, to act boldly, and to rise above the petty partisan squabbling of Washington, D.C. We are here to take action. It’s time to start building in our country, with American workers and with American iron and aluminum and steel,” Trump said in a speech at the Department of Transportation.



Trump has often gotten in his own way when it comes to publicizing his handling of the economy.


This was supposed to be the administration’s “infrastructure week,” but it was almost entirely overshadowed by the appearance by fired FBI Director James Comey at the Senate Intelligence Committee.


The controversy surrounding Comey’s firing has led to a new drop in the polls for Trump, whose approval rating in the Real Clear Politics average is just 39 percent, with 55 percent expressing disapproval.


After James Comey’s testimony eclipsed Trump’s planned infrastructure week, he and first daughter Ivanka Trump will embark on a road show this week highlighting workforce development and job creation in the Midwest, including new German-style apprenticeship initiatives.


 Twitter @sheriffali

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Don’t Look Now But Hillary Clinton Is Back Speaking Truth To Donald Trump’s Lies; Facts To Trump’s Denials And Law To Trump’s Treason, Fraud And Conflicts Of Interests!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2017 by sheriffali

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Former First Lady, United States Senator, Secretary of State And Legitimate Winner Of The 2016 Presidential Election Popular Vote By 3,000,000, Hillary Clinton Still Have Much To Offer Sensible Americans That Are Not Blinded By Hate And Falsehoods. In Addition The Former Secretary Of State Has Much To Offer The World.


[The Hill] “Hillary Clinton is moving back into the spotlight as the vanquished Democratic presidential nominee seeks to carve out her role during the Trump administration.


It’s a step she’s taking cautiously after stepping away from the political arena for roughly two months at the urging of her friends and associates. During that time, she emerged in public only for an occasional speech or college appearance. 


But March represented a turning point as Clinton ratcheted up her opposition to Trump on Twitter and made three public speeches.


With her new rallying cry of “Resist, persist, insist, enlist,” Clinton is keeping up her fight against Trump while giving Democrats space to find a new person to carry the torch in 2020. 


“She’s always been someone who gets out there and fights for what she thinks is right,” one former Clinton campaign staffer told The Hill.


“She’s striking an appropriate balance. She still has an appreciation that she’s not the face of the Democratic Party and people don’t want her to be … but having worked for her and having seen how hard she fights, I’d be disappointed if she spent the rest of her career in the woods.” 


For a politician who held White House aspirations for years, Clinton’s November loss — which came despite a victory in the popular vote — likely weighed heavy.”


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Link For Full Article – The Hill

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Donald Trump’s Unprecedented Treason And Corruption That Are Being Enabled By Republicans Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell And Others, Is A Direct Threat To Our Democracy And Has Placed America In A “State Of Emergency.”

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 12, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump is removing Prosecutors that have been the Bastion of upholding America’s Democracy by objectively investigating corruption and they are being replaced with “Trump And The GOP Cronies.”


Politico has done an amazing job in connecting the “DOTS” of the Trump Russia Ties using seven charts, please open the link, I promise, you wouldn’t regret it –


Never before in American History of 240 years has there ever been this level of Treason and Corruption and most amazing, Republicans who always proclaim to be Patriots defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they seem to be “Knee-Deep” with Donald Trump ties to Russia and Trump’s Corruption within the United States.


This is a defining and pivotal moment for America because Republicans are controlling the White House, The Senate, The House Of Representatives and 32 Governorships. It is difficult to ascertain what the Republican Voters were or are thinking to have placed “ONE” Party with such outlandish degree of fraud, that has in Trump’s first 50 days as President, damaged the very fabric of America’s Democracy.


Those that stand for Honesty, Decency and Democracy, yes, it is a difficult time, but “Americans have always endured and overcame and yes, we shall overcome again.” The Resistance and the Protests must be enlarged and continue with no respite.


Months of South Koreans Protests led to the Impeachment and removal of South Korea’s President and the Arrest of Samsung’s CEO for Corruption. If South Korea can do it, so can we!


Twitter @sheriffali

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Our President, Hillary Clinton Reemerges From Her Stolen Election Celebrating Oscar de La Renta’s Dominican Republic Immigrant Roots – A Pointed Jab At Donald Trump’s Failed Immigration Policy

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 18, 2017 by sheriffali


“Legal Matters are often difficult for the Legal-Minds and far too difficult for the Non-Legal-Minds, but as difficult and impossible as it may seem, Donald Trump and his Campaign involvement with Russia that now extends beyond the Presidency and into the Congressional Races, will bring down this administration. Sooner rather than later, the verdict will be – “Treason for Trump and all others involved” and vindication for Hillary Clinton that may lead to her own Presidency.


This is not just wild optimism, this I deemed to be “Pessimistically Optimistic,” from a Constitutional Legal Standpoint. Keep The Faith!” Sheriff Ali


“She may have been the loser but Hillary Clinton is still getting the ovations, especially in her town, New York.


After a devastating loss, Clinton is recovering her New York State of mind with the help of the Big Apple’s fashion, entertainment and theater crowds, who always supported her and now have embraced her back into the fold.


It turns out that many New Yorkers — loud, opinionated, even obnoxious on occasion — have a soft spot for the ex-first lady, ex-senator, ex-secretary of state, ex-Democratic presidential nominee who has become one of them, even more so than native-born Donald Trump. He couldn’t even win his childhood district in Queens (she got 85% of the vote; he got less than 14%). [USATODAY]}


“U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications


As part of intelligence operations being conducted against the United States for the last seven months, at least one Western European ally intercepted a series of communications before the inauguration between advisers associated with President Donald Trump and Russian government officials, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. [NEWSWEEK]”


Legal Matters are often difficult for the Legal-Minds and far too difficult for the Non-Legal-Minds, but as difficult and impossible as it may seem, Donald Trump and his Campaign involvement with Russia that now extends beyond the Presidency and into the Congressional Races, will bring down this administration. Sooner rather than later, the verdict will be – “Treason for Trump and all others involved” and vindication for Hillary Clinton that may lead to her own Presidency.


This is not just wild optimism, this I deemed to be “Pessimistically Optimistic,” from a Constitutional Legal Standpoint. Keep The Faith!


Twitter @sheriffali




Do Not Be Complacent! What Donald Trump And Republicans Are Doing Right Now Is Exactly Duplicating Adolf Hitler’s Germany In The 1930’s. Remember, As Bad As it Was, Everything Hitler Did Was Legal!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 18, 2017 by sheriffali

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“The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Prevail Is For Good People To Do Nothing.”


 History Repeats Itself: It Didn’t Start With The Gas Chambers! It Started With Politicians Playing On The Prejudices Of A Christian Nation; With A Message Of Us Versus Them, Intolerance And Hate Speech; Denying Basic Rights And Ordinary Citizens Turning A Blind Eye, Exactly What Is Happening In America With Donald Trump And Republicans.


Notice how the most Powerful People (Starting From The Top) are surprisingly silent as the Law Breaker, Con Man and Crook, Donald Trump has and continues to break the Law every hour of every day.


Remember, all that Adolf Hitler was doing and did, were all legal, because Policy Makers either assisted Hitler or were conspicuously silent, the same thing that is happening in America at the present time.


The United States Government knew that Russia was Hacking America for years, and as it turned out, Russia’s Hacking is what propelled Donald Trump to the Presidency, along with Republicans Larceny, FBI Shelling and a regressed White House.


Time is running out as we approach High-Noon, January 20, 2017, to take the Giant Step of Evoking The War Powers Act and calling a Re-Vote. Failure to stop Donald Trump and the out of control Republicans will signal the end of America as we know it.


President Obama, we stand with you, but it is only you that still possess the power to save America from the dark hours that are upon us. It is a difficult decision for you but please remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;


“In The End We Will Remember Not The Words Of Our Enemies But The Silence Of Our Friends. Injustice Anywhere Can Become Injustice Everywhere.” [MLK]


Twitter @sheriffali


The Hidden Reason Republicans And Donald Trump Are Repealing Obamacare Is A Giant Tax Cut For The Rich, By Killing Children, Women And Men!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 17, 2017 by sheriffali


[ACA] “Obamacare” Is Far More Popular Now Since Its Inception!


Republican Voters That Are Not In The Top 5% Of Wealthy Americans Really Do Suffer With A Serious Case Of The “Stockholm Syndrome.” Voting Donald Trump And Republicans That Now Takes Away Your Guaranteed Medical Insurance And Are Hell-Bent On Privatizing Medicare, Medicaid And Social Security, Is Way Beyond Stupid And Falls In Line With Mark Twain’s;


“When you are dead you don’t know you are dead, others do, but you don’t; the same is with stupidity.”


 [Vox] “There is one fact that is both central to the debate over repealing the Affordable Care Act yet strangely absent from explicit discussion about it. One of the main ways the ACA makes health insurance affordable is by providing families earning less than 400 percent of the poverty line (i.e., less than $85,000 for a family of three or less than $47,550 for a single person) with tax credits to defray the cost of purchasing insurance. Giving people money helps make things more affordable. President Obama and the congressional Democrats who wrote the law didn’t find the money for those subsidies hidden in a banana stand — they did what Democrats like to do when paying for things and raised taxes on affluent families.


Republicans do not like this idea. They dislike the idea of raising taxes on wealthy households so much that back in 2011, they pushed the country to the brink of defaulting on the national debt rather than agree to rescind George W. Bush’s high-end tax cuts. In December 2012, they tried to insist that they wouldn’t let Obama extend the portion of the Bush tax cuts that everyone (including rich people) got unless he also extended the tax cuts that only rich people got.”


Twitter @sheriffali




Open Vox Link For Full Article!



Justice Department Inspector General To Investigate Director James Comey And The FBI Pre-Election Actions? Obama Why Didn’t You Denounce Creepy Comey Before The Election?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 12, 2017 by sheriffali


President Obama “we,” your Supporters and Admirers do believe that you have been an excellent President, however, your non-actions, verbally and otherwise over Russia’s Hacking, Republicans Embezzling, Donald Trump’s Treason, FBI Shelling, allowed our Democratic Election Process to become “Undemocratic” and now we are faced with a Criminal as the 45th President, Donald, Groping, Swindling, Pathological Liar and Fraudulent Racist Trump to be Leader Of The Free World? WHY?


[Washington Post] “The Justice Department inspector general will review broad allegations of misconduct involving the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email practices and the bureau’s controversial decision shortly before the election to announce the probe had resumed, the inspector general announced Thursday.


The probe will be wide ranging — encompassing the FBI’s various public statements on the matter, whether its deputy director should have been recused and whether FBI or other Justice Department employees leaked nonpublic information, according to a news release from Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.


[The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send his bombshell letter on Clinton emails. Here’s why she didn’t.]


Lawmakers and others had called previously for the inspector general to probe the FBI’s pre-election actions when it came to the Clinton probe, alleging that FBI Director James B. Comey bucked long-standing policies with his communications about the case and that information seemed to have leaked inappropriately — perhaps to former New York City mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.


Horowitz said in a news release that he will explore those topics and more, though he will not re-litigate whether anyone should have faced charges.


“The review will not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the FBI or the Department regarding the substantive merits of investigative or prosecutive decisions,” the news release said, using an acronym for the Office of the Inspector General.


The FBI’s probe into whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private email server when she was secretary of state has long been controversial and politically charged.


Perhaps most notably, Comey on Oct. 28 — after previously announcing publicly that he was recommending no charges in the case — sent a letter to congressional leaders telling them that agents had resumed the Clinton probe after finding potentially relevant information in an unrelated case.


The day before, senior Justice Department leaders had warned Comey not to send the letter, because it violated two long-standing department policies — discussing an ongoing investigation and taking any overt action on an investigation so close to an election. At the time, it was less than two weeks before the election, and early voting had already begun.


Comey sent a second letter to Congress, just days before the election, saying that the investigation was complete and he was not changing the decision he had made in July to bring no charges against Clinton. But the damage — in the minds of Clinton supporters, at least — had been done. Clinton has blamed the renewed FBI inquiry for blunting her momentum in the last weeks of the presidential election.


Horowitz wrote that he will explore “allegations that Department or FBI policies or procedures were not followed” in connection with both letters, but his probe will extend beyond that. He wrote that he also will explore “allegations that Department and FBI employees improperly disclosed non-public information” — which is perhaps a reference to Giuliani, who seemed to claim at one point he had insider FBI knowledge. And Horowitz wrote that his inquiry will extend back to Comey’s July announcement that he was recommending the Clinton base be closed without charges.


In that instance, Comey took the unusual action of criticizing Clinton and her aides as “extremely careless” in their treatment of classified material, even as he said no reasonable prosecutor would charge them. His comments drew criticism from some in the legal world who said it was unfair for him to opine on a person he was not giving the opportunity to defend herself in court.”]


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Washington Post Link For Full Article:



Hillary Clinton Didn’t Lose And Donald Trump Didn’t Win! The Massive Election Rigging Scandal The Media Ignored

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 10, 2017 by sheriffali


[Salon] In 27 states, a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck suppressed and purged minority votes.




The election of 2016 may well have been stolen — or to use Donald Trump’s oft-repeated phrase — “rigged,” and nobody in the media seems willing to discuss it.


The rigging was a pretty simple process, in fact: in 27 Republican-controlled states (including critical swing states) hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people showed up to vote, but were mysteriously blocked from voting for allegedly being registered with the intent to vote in multiple states.


Greg Palast, an award-winning investigative journalist, writes a stinging piece in Rolling Stone magazine (August 2016 edition), predicting that the presidential election had already been decided: “The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters.” He also wrote and produced a brilliant documentary on this exact subject that was released well before the election, titled The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.


He said a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck had been quietly put together in Kansas and was being used by Republican secretaries of state in 27 states to suppress and purge African American, Asian and Hispanic votes in what would almost certainly be the swing states of the 2016 election.


Crosscheck was started by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach back in 2007 under the guise of combating so-called voter fraud. In the ultimate thumb in the eye to the American voter, the state where Crosscheck started was the only state to refuse to participate in a New York Times review of voter fraud in the 2016 election, which found that, basically, there wasn’t any fraud at the level of individual voters. Turns out, according to Palast, that a total of 7 million voters—including up to 344,000 in Pennsylvania, 589,000 in North Carolina and up to 449,000 in Michigan (based on available Crosscheck data from 2014)—may have been denied the right to have their votes counted under this little known but enormously potent Crosscheck program.


Yes, that’s way more than enough votes to swing the 2016 election to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. But no one seems to care.


Not Hillary Clinton, not the DNC, not the New York Times, not the Washington Post, not even MSNBC. In fact, on November 26, MSNBC Host Joy Reid ended her interview of Greg Palast by saying, “I wish more people would listen to what you have to say.”


But he was never asked back, by Joy or anyone else at MSNBC.




Why wouldn’t the media and lawyers swoop in to every swing state and demand that every single purged, provisional or uncounted vote either be counted or verified to be illegitimate?


Why is it more relevant to focus on a crazed and completely unsubstantiated and untrue allegation about 3 million “illegal aliens” voting, but not a claim by a fellow journalist that 7 million American citizens weren’t allowed to have their votes counted?


Yes, Hillary was insistent that we must accept the results of the election, but doesn’t that require legitimate, verified or verifiable results? A coach who questions a call on the field is not challenging the system; he just wants to make sure the result is accurate.


So maybe investigative journalist Greg Palast is completely wrong. Completely inaccurate. Maybe there weren’t 7 million voters who were at risk of being excluded, with millions of them being handed “placebo” ballots (provisional ballots) that almost never get opened or counted. Maybe it’s only a million or two citizens. The problem is that the Republican secretaries of state are refusing to say, and the press has dropped the topic.


Twitter @sheriffali


Open Salon Link For Full Article:
