Archive for president abraham lincoln

We cannot deny that there isn’t still a race problem in America, but we also cannot deny that we have made enormous progress!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 28, 2013 by sheriffali

What Oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life.”


Despite all of America’s imperfections, she still stands at the top of the Pleiades of Nations. Former President Abraham Lincoln was quite honest when he said that; “He did not control events and that events control him.” As it was for President Lincoln, for the most part it has been the same for the former and present Presidents.


We all must be mindful that History does not adhere to our anxiety of timing, but rather, it lends itself to its own pace. American History cannot be studied backwards, it must be dwelled upon in the present, encompassing, all of the past as a guide to the great ongoing journey of American History.


If we are to continue on this marvelous journey, then, from our Leaders to every citizen, “we must not see ourselves as being better than others; we must allow wisdom to guide us to see that we are only different.”


On this great day; the 50th Anniversary of the greatest speech of the 20th Century, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “I have a dream” speech, will always be a work in progress. If we awake from that dream, then we would be subjected to the loss of hope for better tomorrows for the present and future generations!