Archive for Pope Francis

John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, The Pope And The Exorcism – BENGHAZI

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 5, 2015 by sheriffali

[MAUREEN DOWD NYT] John Boehner stands smiling in front of the mirror in the bathroom of his English basement apartment on G Street on Capitol Hill. He breaks into song as he fastidiously ties the four-in-hand knot in his bright green tie to get the perfect dimple.


“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-A, my, oh my, it’s almost my last day,” he belts. “Plenty of golf and sunshine heading my way.”


The Speaker speaks: “I’m almost free of these knuckleheads. That visit by Pope Francis was a blessed exorcism. I’m casting out the demons. Begone, Ted Cruz, you jackass! Away, Louie Gohmert! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, out you unclean devil, Mark Meadows. You wanted to get rid of me and I’m soon going to be rid of you.”


Boehner chuckles as he heads out to meet his security detail and the black S.U.V.s that won’t be at his disposal after October 30. “You’re the only part of the job I’m going to miss,” he tells the Capitol police officer at the wheel. “There’s just nothing like being driven right up to my private smoking room at Trattoria Alberto.”


His Blackberry ring-a-ding dings. He rolls his blue eyes. It’s another panicked call from Kevin McCarthy. Boehner is beginning to wonder if the kid just doesn’t have it, if he’s bombsville. McCarthy styled himself as one of the “young guns,” along with Eric Cantor, who misfired, and Paul Ryan, who can’t pull the trigger. Now Boehner’s worried that McCarthy might be a pop gun.


“Kevin, did you make another mess I gotta clean up?” the Speaker growls. “Stop blubbering. That’s my department. Obviously, you really stepped in it with that Benghazi crack on ‘Hannity.’ You told Sean that I get a B-minus as speaker? I give you a D for Dumbo.


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Open Link To Read The Full New York Times Article By Maureen Dowd.


Weighing Trump’s Bankruptcy Swindling And Sexism Against Carly Fiorina Dishonesty; Lost Causes For America!

Posted in Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 23, 2015 by sheriffali

One part of me wants to bash Carly Fiorina for her persistent dishonesty. The other part wants to defend her against Donald Trump’s persistent sexism. So here’s both.


Fiorina’s dishonesty is flagrant and unapologetic. Called on her misstatements, Fiorina doesn’t cede ground, she attacks critics. Exhibit A isher evocative description, at the most recent GOP debate, of a nonexistent Planned Parenthood video: “Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’ ”


Horrific, but untrue. The sting video, released by an anti-abortion group, features a former technician for a fetal tissue procurement company describing how a Planned Parenthood employee “taps the heart and it starts beating,” then instructs her to remove the brain.

As concluded, “The video does contain images of what appear to be intact fetuses, but they don’t fit Fiorina’s description.” One clip, in which a fetus appears to move, is credited to a different anti-abortion group, and it’s unclear where it was filmed. Another shows a stillborn baby, it turns out, not an aborted fetus.


Fiorina’s comments could be chalked up to forgivable hyperbole, easily remedied. The audio from the technician is gruesome enough, and Fiorina could be excused for thinking, as the video’s producers presumably intended, that she was actually watching the scene being described.


But backing down is not the Fiorina way. Repeatedly challenged after the debate, she repeatedly asserted that she was correct and that any disagreement was lazy partisanship from critics who hadn’t bothered to watch.


“I didn’t misspeak,” Fiorina told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “I have seen those images.” Fox News’s Chris Wallace asked her, “Do you acknowledge what every fact-checker has found . . . there is no actual footage of the incident that you just mentioned?”


Fiorina: “No, I don’t accept that at all. . . . I haven’t found a lot of people in the mainstream media who have ever watched these things.”

This dishonesty is part of a pattern. Fiorina’s up-by-the-bootstraps foundational story — from secretary to chief executive — is similarly misleading. In fact, Fiorina is the child of privilege. Her father was a Stanford law professor, Duke Law School dean, deputy attorney general and federal appeals court judge. Horatio Alger this is not.


At the same time, Trump manages to put me in Fiorina’s corner. In TrumpWorld, where women matter for their looks, there only two kinds: attractive, and therefore “bimbos” (see, e.g., Megyn Kelly), or “dogs.” Which is not quite what he said about Fiorina to Rolling Stone but close: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?


Even when he is backpedaling, Trump can only do it condescendingly, in terms of appearance. “I think she’s got a beautiful face, and I think she’s a beautiful woman,” Trump said at the debate. Dig, Donald, dig.


And even when he’s not commenting on appearance, Trump’s criticism of Fiorina is laced with not-so-subtle sexism. “She’s got a good pitter-patter,” Trump told Stephanopoulos, “but if you listen to her for more than five minutes straight, you get a headache.” He used the same dismissive line on “Fox & Friends” the next day.


Pitter-patter? Headache? The first is classic trivializing of what a woman has to say. The second is classic invocation of woman as nagging shrew. It’s easy to imagine Trump complaining to one of his ex-wives that she’s giving him a headache. It’s hard to imagine him using those words in connection with one of his male opponents. (They are, instead, “low-energy” — shades of, ahem, low-T.)


Not that Trump’s fellow candidates are paragons of gender-neutral virtue. How revealing that Mike Huckabee picked his wife and Ben Carson his mother as candidates for the $10 bill.


Really, women are only valued as wives and mothers? They can’t think of a woman — an American woman, Jeb Bush, not Margaret Thatcher — with accomplishments besides marriage and procreation? What if a female candidate selected her husband or father to be featured on the national currency?


Fiorina rejected the premise as mere “gesture,” arguing that “we ought to recognize that women are not a special interest group.” But currency is inherently symbolic; including a woman is about equal, not special, treatment.


Fiorina’s response lets her appear above the fray of gender politics, even as she benefits from being the only woman in the GOP race and touts her ability to take on Hillary Clinton.


Anyone else get the sense that the only woman Fiorina would be happy to see on the $10 bill is. . . Fiorina? {Washington Post Ruth Marcus}


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Global Climate Pact Gains Momentum as China, U.S. and Brazil And Pope Francis Detail Plans

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 1, 2015 by sheriffali


  Republicans And The US Supreme Court Continue

  To Favor Corporations/Big Business [Koch Brothers]

  Over The Health Of American Children Now And In

  The Future Generations To come


WASHINGTON — Five months before a United Nations summit meeting aimed at forging a historic global accord to cut climate-warming emissions, significant signs of progress toward an agreement are emerging.


China, the world’s largest greenhouse gas polluter, submitted a 16-page plan to the United Nations on Tuesday detailing how it plans to shift its economy to reduce fossil fuel emissions by 2030. On the same day, President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, which is among the top 10 carbon emitters, and President Obama announced in Washington that their nations had agreed to sharply expand electricity generation from renewable sources.


But it is increasingly evident that the policy actions by these countries and others will not be enough to stave off a rise in the atmospheric temperature of 2 degrees Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. At that point, scientists say, the planet will be locked into a future of extreme storms, droughts, food and water shortages, and rising sea levels.


Under a United Nations accord reached in Peru last December, every nation is to submit a plan for cutting carbon emissions well ahead of the December summit meeting in Paris. The plans by the individual nations will form the core of the new agreement.


Twitter @sheriffali


Pope’s Views on Climate Change Add Pressure to GOP Religious Candidates; Pope Francis Holds A Master’s Degree In Chemistry

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 17, 2015 by sheriffali

WASHINGTON — As the steamy hurricane season descends on Miami, the city’s Roman Catholic archbishop, Thomas G. Wenski, is planning a summer of sermons, homilies and press events designed to highlight the threat that a warming planet, rising sea levels and more extreme storms pose to his community’s poorest and most vulnerable.


His sermons and speeches are meant to amplify the message of Pope Francis’ highly anticipated, highly controversial encyclical on the environment, which the Vatican is expected to unveil on Thursday. A papal encyclical, or teaching document, is among the strongest and most authoritative statements made by the Catholic Church.


In a draft of the document leaked on Monday, Francis reiterated the established science that burning fossil fuels are warming the planet, said the impact threatened the world’s poor and called for government policies to cut fossil fuel use.


Archbishop Wenski will repeat those messages in his sermons, and he hopes that they will resonate with two members of his flock in particular: Florida’s junior senator, Marco Rubio, and former Gov. Jeb Bush, both Catholics and both Republican presidential candidates.


Like many Republicans, Mr. Bush and Mr. Rubio have questioned or denied the established science of human-caused climate change, and have harshly criticized policies designed to tax or regulate the burning of fossil fuels. Both of their campaigns have courted influential and deep-pocketed donors, such as the billionaire brothers Charles G. and David H. Koch, who vehemently oppose such climate policies.


Twitter @sheriffali


Open New York Times Link For Full Article



We highlight other people’s crimes to take the moral high ground as a pretext to ignore the real issues! The issue of Race in America!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 21, 2014 by sheriffali

“America was built on two monumental crimes: The Genocide of the Native Americans and the Enslavement of Africans. The tendency of Official America is to memorialize other people’s crimes and to forget its own in order to seek a high moral ground as a pretext to ignore real issues.”


Two [2] Blacks are killed every week with impunity by White Police. This is a National and International disgrace and one that is never given any attention by Republicans. Between Republicans and Fox Misnomer News, it is self evident that the White Police was more than justified in shooting Michael Brown, the 18 year old teenager six [6] times.


This shouldn’t be a surprise to any sane person because if you look at the reality surrounding President Obama, a man who took over as President under circumstances that no other President had to deal with in the past 50 years.


Bush and Cheney reaped havoc on America and the world, they left everything upside down and threw us in deep and unforgiving waters. Obama came along and anyone that says we are worst off today than when President Obama took Office, are being deceptive, uninformed, ignorant and or, so brainwashed that to them, the 50% Black Man is the cause of all that ails America.


Earlier today Gallup released another Poll and Obama’s rating fell even lower, it is down to 35%. Why? The Dow was 7,200 when he took office and on Wednesday it closed at 16,979. The NASDQ closed at a 14 year high. Job opening in June stood at 4.6 million, the largest in 13 years. The Housing Market that collapsed by Wall Street Greed and perpetuated by the lack of regulations, bankrupted millions; millions lost their homes and those that manage to keep their homes, they did so with their mortgage under water. And yes, the Housing Market has rebounded. Unemployment that was over 10% with jobs being lost at the rate of 800,000 per month under Bush, job gains since Obama took Office is 10,000,000. Based on recent surveys, 75 of the jobs are high-wage jobs, not minimum wage.


The News Media reported that 33% of Americans wanted Obama impeached and one has to wonder why the news couldn’t be, 66% doesn’t want the President impeached. I will tell you why. The 1,500 Television Stations; 9,000 Radio Stations; the 1,500 News Paper; the 3,000 Magazines and the 2,400 Publishers are owned by six [6] Corporations and big Corporations aren’t friends with Obama. So, the Public no longer hear the News, they hear Opinions, Opinions as directed by the Corporate Owners to their Employees. Today, Americans are more uninformed about the difference between facts and fiction.


“WASHINGTON — Nearly two times a week in the United States, a white police officer killed a black person during a seven-year period ending in 2012, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI.


On average, there were 96 such incidents among at least 400 police killings each year that were reported to the FBI by local police. The numbers appear to show that the shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., last Saturday was not an isolated event in American policing.


The reports show that 18% of the blacks killed during those seven years were under age 21, compared to 8.7% of whites. The victim in Ferguson was 18-year-old Michael Brown.


While the racial analysis is striking, the database it’s based on has been long considered flawed and largely incomplete. The killings are self-reported by law enforcement and not all police departments participate so the database undercounts the actual number of deaths. Plus, the numbers are not audited after they are submitted to the FBI and the statistics on “justifiable” homicides have conflicted with independent measures of fatalities at the hands of police. [Partly USA Today]


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Did Pontiff Benedict resign, or, did the Vatican Pontificators resign him, to rescue their own dismal image?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 17, 2013 by sheriffali

It is quite possible that Pope Benedict’s resignation wasn’t voluntary, but perhaps it may be the conspiracy of the Vatican’s Collegiums Pontificum in an attempt not only to rescue their faltering dismal image, but to rescue their financial house from all of the egregious misuse of funds, from cover-ups of molestation; to robbing the dead; to the disgraced Vatican Bank and a host of other problems.


The ousting of Pope Benedict is perhaps due to the most significant factor and that is, almost fifty (50%) percent of The Roman Catholic Church Members are Latin Americans, hence the reason for the first Non-European Pope in more than one thousand (1,000) years.


Vatican’s appointment of Pope Francis is perhaps an attempt to hold on to their most loyal Members that accounts for 50% of the Roman Catholic Religion:


Not all but most Spanish people are die-hard loyalist to the Roman Catholic Religion and who else but them, would continue to give their unwavering support in dedication and money to men who seems in their own minds to have usurped God and have convinced others that they are Holier than Christ Himself. When God in the flesh walked the earth in the form of Jesus Christ, He did so in the most humble manner. However, take a good look at Pope Benedict with his costume from his head down to his toe that looks like he is in the Brazilian Carnival Parade.  


Robbing those whose faith could not be shaken – the Dead:


Cardinal Roger M. Mahony used 115 million dollars from a Los Angeles cemetery maintenance fund to pay landmark settlements with molestation victims. The church did not inform the relatives of the deceased that it had taken the money, which amounted to 88% of the fund. The families of those buried in the church-owned cemeteries and interred in its mausoleums have contributed to a dedicated account for the perpetual care of the graves and crypts. But, the Robe-Wearing Gangsters calling themselves Priests, Cardinals and the likes, literally robbed the dead.


Vatican Bank mysteries and scandals!


Robert Calvi, sometimes referred to as “God’s Banker,” was found dead in 1982, hanging from a bridge in London. The Vatican Bank was recently in the news following the Ferrari-driving Lawyer who has been charged with defrauding insurance companies and using the Vatican Bank to hide the loot.


To his credit, Pope Benedict XV1 tried to insert some transparency into the bank’s operations, but ran into the Vatican Political Wall. Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, President of the Vatican Bank was fired because he was getting too close to the truth.


The Vatican Bank has been involved in money laundering and various forms of illegal activities for decades. The Vatican which is the Roman Catholic Religion is the only religion in the world that has Embassies in several countries and instituted self-amnesty for all those in esteem positions in the Church.


In the final analysis, the heads of the Roman Catholic Church/Religion is not about God, it is about cover-ups; schemes; money laundering; sex abuse to innocent children and perhaps murder. The question is why anyone would follow these Pharisees whose deeds are unequivocally – “pharisaic ostentation.”

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