Archive for Peace

The Republicans are all mouth and no brain!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 16, 2014 by sheriffali


For Republicans to be whining about President Obama misreading Putin, they should reflect on their own guy, The Great George W. Bush who saw Putin’s Soul! I think the truth of the matter is the past Presidents that have dealt with Putin and Obama who is now dealing with Putin; they can’t be faulted for what they saw in Chameleon Putin!

Putin seems a little deranged and also possibly enraged over the collapse of the USSR. On top of that the information Edward Snowden stole and gave to Putin has America’s Defense Plan in the unlikely event of war. Putin who must have examined what Snowden gave him then realized that he “badly needed” a buffer zone and hence the reason he annexed Crimea, however, Russia’s entry into Crimea is “only” by air or Sea.  On the Eastern Part of Ukraine, Russia “land” borders with Ukraine and that may be Putin’s next goal.

The right wing who seems always hell bent on war can criticize Obama all they want, but, war seems like the most unlikely option. Economic Sanctions on the other hand, especially “targeting” Russia’s Central Bank would collapse Russia’s already devastated economy. But, even so, Obama has to be mindful of our European Allies. The Republicans are all mouth and no brain!

Follow me on Twitter @sheriffali


President Obama and President Putin can rectify the present indifferences without starting a war, but, the demagogues must stop their vacuousness!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 30, 2014 by sheriffali

In the final analysis, President Obama and President Putin can resolve the indifferences over the annexation of Crimea. Mr. Obama using measured sanctions against Russia, while leaving Mr. Putin enough room to extricate himself, represents Obama’s intelligence over ego. It seems that Putin is not a crazy man but he is definitely a proud man! Putin initiating a call to Obama on Friday, is a sign that this brisk but dysfunctional period can end without each side killing the other!


If we step back for a moment and without ignoring the lives lost or the humongous number of injured soldiers, the trillions of dollars spent on both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars; we could have rebuilt all the damaged schools; repair our badly needed infrastructure; invest into retraining American Workers and do more to efficiently educate America’s Children.


What did we get for the thousands of lives lost and the trillions of dollars spent?


Iraq! After eight years all we did was replace a Sunni Dictator with a Shiite Dictator that cast his lot with Iran. I am no defender of Saddam Hussein, but Iraq is far worst today than when we unintelligently and arrogantly invaded that sovereign country.


Afghanistan! After thirteen years; the Obama Administration did finally kill Osama Bin Laden in 2011 and during the course over the past years, we captured some bad people. However, had we remained focused when we attacked Afghanistan, our Soldiers perhaps could have captured the bad people and we would have been out of there in a matter of two to three years.


John McCain and some Republicans that never saw a war they didn’t like should give heed to the words of the wise and the humble;


“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can; only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.” DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER


“All wars represent a failure of diplomacy.” TONY BENN


“There never was a good war or a bad peace.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN


“As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination; when it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.” OSCAR WILDE


“War may sometimes be a necessary evil, but no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” JIMMY CARTER


Imagine the irony! Jeb Bush, the man who “shop-lifted” the State of Florida that propelled his brother, George W. Bush to the Presidency, attacked President Obama for “America’s Passivity.” People can agree or disagree, but it is the opinion of many that George W. Bush erased 225 years of America’s credibility by his futile and inept war expeditions. Bush started a war on “terror” in Afghanistan that became an Orwellian never ending war on “terror,” solely because Bush truncated Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq, for which the end results for both wars were; thousands of dead soldiers; tens of thousands injured; one hundred thousand plus dead innocent Iraqi’s that was caught in what is deemed as collateral damage and trillions of dollars spent.


If the Polls are correct majority of Americans are presently giving President Obama a failing grade and within the same Poll, predictions are that Republicans will win over the Senate. To think of the terrible state America was in at the end of 2008 and compare it with where we are today, it is positively shocking that so many people can believe wantonness by the Republicans over reality!


Is it hate or Obama’s race that make him prey to the many whites? Gallup just released a Poll for which the results reflected that “more whites” are more inclined to the Republican Party since Obama became President. 






The Jewish Jihadist, Benjamin Netanyahu; internecine polices doesn’t help us with Iran!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 25, 2013 by sheriffali

Considering that Israel is largest recipient of America’s foreign aid for which they received in 2012 THREE BILLION DOLLARS, and in addition, the United States unequivocal guarantee of securing Israel’s security and sovereignty, one would think that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would do his part in supporting our efforts for a long term peace, rather than the obnoxious, obstructionist, equally destructive part that Mr. Netanyahu continues to promulgate.


The agreement that was reached on November 23, 2013 with Iran, did not only involve the United States, but, included Russia, China, France and United Kingdom, all Permanent Members of The United Nations Security Council and in addition, The European Union Foreign Policy Chief and Germany’s Foreign Minister.


It is always necessary to have the five permanent members of the United Nations Council on the same side, because, any one of the five permanent members veto, would render any “International” effort moot.  


However, prior to the agreement being reached and subsequent, Mr. Netanyahu got on every News Outlet and denounced the agreement as a Historic Mistake. Keep in mind that this is the same man that continues to erect Jewish Settlements in the West Bank and equally destructive, Mr. Netanyahu always take the “hard-line” position when it comes to a most vital Policy as it pertain to a Two-State Settlement between Israel and Palestine.


No one is that much of a “fool” to believe that this initial agreement is going to resolve Iran’s Nuclear ambitions, but, after thirty years of having gotten no where in resolving our differences with Iran, it is good that some process begins.


Along with Benjamin Netanyahu’s parasitic views we find on the Sunday programs Richard Haass. This is the same man that told former President George W. Bush that the war with Iraq would only last six days. There are other Congressional Representatives in the Senate and the House, mostly Republicans, who have voted to cut food stamp benefits, but, are also hell-bent on predicting that the agreement is a mistake and are jockeying for war!


The American People had better wake up and remain conscious, because in 2003, 80% of Americans supported Bush’s effort for the invasion of Iraq and we know how well that turned out. At the present time 56% of Americans support the diplomatic route with Iran, while 36% is against, but, most of the time many Americans are like tumbleweed, they roll with the wind!


Guilt is the dark night in which the fair star of divine love shines with serene splendor!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 6, 2013 by sheriffali

Have you ever weighed and considered how great the sins of God’s people are? Think how heinous are our own transgressions, and we will find that not only does a sin here and there tower up like an alp, but that our iniquities are heaped upon each other, as in the old fable of the giants who piled Pelian upon Ossa – mountain upon mountain.


Consider the aggregate of sin there is in the life of one of the most sanctified of God’s children and attempt to multiply this, the sin of one only, by the multitude of the redeemed, “a number which no man can number,” and you will have some conception of the great mass of the guilt of the people for whom Jesus shed His Blood.


Angles cast their crowns before Him! All the choral symphonies of heaven surround His glorious throne, and yet, God took the form of a servant, and is scourged and pierced, bruised and torn, and at last slain; since nothing but the blood of the incarnate Son of God could make atonement for our offenses.


Therefore, the believer, even when sin rolls like a black flood, and the remembrance of the past is bitter, can yet stand before the blazing throne of the great and Holy God and cry, “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died; yea rather, that had risen again.


While the recollection of our sins fills us with shame and sorrow, we at the same time make it a foil to show the brightness of God’s Mercy. Guilt is the dark night in which the fair star of divine love shines with serene splendor!


“Search me O God

And know my heart,

Try me and know my anxieties

See Lord, if there is any wicked way in me,

And lead me the way everlasting.”

(Psalm 139)


Follow me and 750,000 others on Twitter @sheriffali

 GUILT JULY 6 2013



Bill Clinton is the last person that should be giving Obama advice on military matters! [SYRIA]

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 15, 2013 by sheriffali

Bill Clinton is the last person to suggest Obama would look like a “wuss” if he didn’t assist the Syrian Opposition. Mr. Clinton while he was President and was seeking reelection in 1996, allowed one of the most heinous genocides to take place on “his watch!”


838,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda and Bill Clinton did not do anything. In his Presidential Memoirs he issued lots of apologies but that couldn’t bring back the dead!


The night before going to a court hearing for the lies he told in regards to Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton was warned by his military advisors that they did not have any proof that the Pharmaceutical Plant in Sudan was owned by Osama Bin Laden, but, “wag the dog” Clinton bombed the plant and killed 101 innocent people.


Mr. Clinton has no business lecturing Obama or anyone about “matters of war and peace.” I think that Obama has kept a steady hand on our foreign affairs. He got us out of Iraq and is winding down the war in Afghanistan.


McCain and others whined about Obama leading from behind in Libya, well, whether Obama lead from behind or in front, we successful got rid of a Dictator that baffled all of the previous Presidents, going back 42 years, and we did so without the loss of any American lives.


Not everything Mr. Obama had done is without fault, but, I think President Obama has been a good steward for America on Economic and Foreign Affairs, and I would quicker trust his judgment over the “talking-Head-Pundits!”


New York Times June 15, 2013 – Syria



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