Archive for Obamacare

In Rare Unity, Hospitals, Doctors and Insurers Criticize Health Bill. GOP TAHCA Takes Away One Trillion Dollars From Health Care And Gives It To The Rich!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 5, 2017 by sheriffali

AA 1-26

Republicans and Donald Trump have spent 104 days from January 20, 2017 to May 04, 2017 working around the clock to destroy the lives of Millions of Americans by repealing Obamacare and implementing [TAHCA] “The American Health Care Act,” which takes away One Trillion Dollars from Health Care and give it to Corporations and the Rich. However, we must never forget the 7 years 2010-2016 the GOP Controlled Congress voted 62 times to repeal Obamacare. And yes, it is millions of uninformed, ignorant, mostly uneducated and brainwashed Americans that vote these people into Office and vote to keep them in Office. Amazing isn’t it?


[NYT] “It is a rare unifying moment. Hospitals, doctors, health insurers and some consumer groups, with few exceptions, are speaking with one voice and urging significant changes to the Republican health care legislation that passed the House on Thursday.


The bill’s impact is wide-ranging, potentially affecting not only the millions who could lose coverage through deep cuts in Medicaid or no longer be able to afford to buy coverage in the state marketplaces. With states allowed to seek waivers from providing certain benefits, employers big and small could scale back what they pay for each year or reimpose lifetime limits on coverage. In particular, small businesses, some of which were strongly opposed to the Affordable Care Act, could be free to drop coverage with no penalty.


The prospect of millions of people unable to afford coverage led to an outcry from the health care industry as well as consumer groups. They found an uncommon ally in some insurers, who rely heavily on Medicaid and Medicare as mainstays of their business and hope the Senate will be more receptive to their concerns.


“The American Health Care Act needs important improvements to better protect low- and moderate-income families who rely on Medicaid or buy their own coverage,” Marilyn B. Tavenner, the chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s trade group, said in a strongly worded statement.” Open NYT For Full Article:


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 AA 1-23

AA 1-25


The Most Powerful Country In The World, America, At A Cost of 653 Billion Dollars Annually For Defense, Is Being Wrecked From The Inside By Donald Trump And Republican Legislators And Nothing Is Being Done About It!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 5, 2017 by sheriffali


America was always looking for the foreign enemy trying to destroy America and it is amazing when destruction came on November 8, 2016, it wasn’t some foreign invaders, all along it was Treasonous Trump and Republican Traitors that prevailed in the most illegal Election in America that gave them the Presidency; The House of Representatives; The Senate; 32 Republican Governors and control of most of America’s 1,022 Counties.


Republicans are not doing one single thing to help America or the American people because, between Donald Trump and the disingenuous Republicans, they are too busy enacting Polices to destroy President Obama’s Legacy and Accomplishments that will hurt America’s most vulnerable and the Republicans really don’t care.


For the people that voted for Donald Trump and Republicans in Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and other States, they are going to be hurt the most and it shouldn’t come as any surprise. Most Republican Voters are stigmatized with the “Stockholm Syndrome,” they are Uninformed, Ignorant, Uneducated and Brainwashed, always voting against their own interest.


Perhaps Republican Votes should give heed to Mark Twain that said; “When You Are Dead You Don’t Know You Are Dead, Others Do But You Don’t! The Same Is With Stupidity.”


What we do or where we go from here with Republicans in charge of all of the Government, Federally and Most States is anyone’s guess. Perhaps we as a country may withstand the imminent destruction of America or we may not survive; only time will tell.


The Corporate Corrupt Owned Media are equally responsible for this disaster. The Media did Donald Trump’s Bidding and Selling of his Lies, Scams, Conning, Racism, Bigotry, Fascism and Treason. Like Republicans, the Media is also Bankrupt of all morality or shame! God Help Us!


Twitter @sheriffali


America May Have Had An Overdose Of The Charlatan Donald Trump And It Looks Like The Beginning Of The End For The Bankruptcy Swindler, As The 2016 GOP Hopefuls Remain Sociopaths, Blaming President Obama And Hillary Clinton For George W Bush And Dick Cheney’s Recklessness And Criminality

Posted in Politics, Republican Second Debate with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 17, 2015 by sheriffali

[NYT] So it went, somewhat tediously and surreally, for many stretches of the debate on Wednesday night and especially for the first half-hour, during which Rand Paul took the precise measure of — and raised the correct question about — the egomaniacal front-runner.


“Do we want someone with that kind of character, that kind of careless language, to be negotiating with Putin?” Paul asked.


“I think really there’s a sophomoric quality that is entertaining about Mr. Trump, but I am worried,” he added, and I nodded so vigorously at the “worried” part that I’m going to need balm and a neck brace tomorrow.


Paul went on to single out Trump’s “visceral response to attack people on their appearance — short, tall, fat, ugly. My goodness, that happened in junior high. Are we not way above that?”


No, we aren’t. Or at least Trump isn’t. And “junior high” is too easy on him, too kind. Trump comes from, and belongs in, the sandbox, as he demonstrated the second that Paul paused and Trump fired back: “I never attacked him on his look, and believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter right there.”


How lovely. And how adult! And less than an hour later, Fiorina had to stand there and try not to squirm as she was asked to react to Trump’s recent comments about her in a Rolling Stone interview: “Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?”


Fiorina held her head, including her face, high. “I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said,” she stated tightly, and with more dignity than Trump or the situation deserved.

Trump rushed in: “I think she’s got a beautiful face and I think she’s a beautiful woman.” Watch out, Carly. Next comes an invitation for a private ride in his Trump-i-copter.


I mentioned my nodding, but my real injuries came from shaking my head, over and over, because I couldn’t quite believe the Trump-centric nature of it all. I’m still mystified that he’s done this well in the polls for this long.


I know that Americans have lost faith in institutions — understandably. I know that Americans are turned off by politics as usual — justly.


But have we sunk to a point where we’re prepared to reach for someone so careless with his insinuations, so merrily and irresponsibly ignorant, that he used some of his precious time on Wednesday night to fan irrational, repudiated fears about a link between vaccines and autism?


Are we buoyed by a bully who calls anyone who disagrees with him a “loser,” promises vaguely that his presidency will be “unbelievable” (his favorite adjective, and an unintentionally telling one), and presents little besides his tumescent ego and stagey rage?


The CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who was the debate’s moderator, pressed hard to get Trump to say, with even a scintilla of specificity, why he believes that he’d be more effective in dealing with Vladimir Putin than Obama has been.


And all that Trump could muster was: “I would get along with him.”


How? Why? Not a single detail. But Trump doesn’t do details. He just crows that he will know the most, be the best and win. He’s a broken record of grandiose, self-infatuated music.


The most satisfying, encouraging moments of the debate were those when other candidates tried to point that out directly or indirectly. Chris Christie did so several times. During his opening remarks, he asked the camera to move from him to the audience, saying that the election isn’t really about the candidates, who soak up the spotlight, but the people, who deal with the consequences.



Twitter @sheriffali


Open The Link To Read Full NYT Article By Frank Bruni


Clint Eastwood The Stunt You Pulled During the GOP 2012 Convention Had A Major Flaw; “The Empty Chair Really Represents The Do Nothing Republicans.”

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 6, 2015 by sheriffali

These Chicken Hawks Want To Spend The Money On Senseless Wars But Are Hell Bent On Cutting Social Services For Students The Poor And The Needy.


Hey Clint, what type of country do you envision? One where the Rich get Richer and the Poor die of lack of Food and Medical Services! Any country that fails to take care of the vulnerable in their Society has no business criticizing anyone about Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy. We know you are a good Actor, Director and Producer, but, it seems self evident that your thoughts are no different than the Repugnant Republican Reprobates.


We are most certain that you are cognizant of the fact that President Obama has pulled us out of the deep and unforgiving waters that George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republicans threw us into.


However, you may disagree with my personal opinion, but you of all people should apologize to President Obama for your phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Empty Chair Metaphor!

I am not suggesting this because Mr. Obama is looking for an apology, but by you taking this Giant Step may cause the Republicans pause as to the sanity of the GOP Party.



Twitter @sheriffali


CLINT EASTWOOD - EMPTY CHAIR AUG 6 15CLINT WASTWOOD - EMPTY CHAIR OBAMA11225202_10204636634013842_7008209934779498632_nBUSH CHENEY 12 BILLION THEFT11705101_680842512048078_8281975310403781006_nCLINTON CAMPAIGN - NEXT POTUS


President Obama – Man On Fire – Not Having To Carry Whining Democrats On His Back; Republicans And Benjamin Netanyahu Have Met Their Match!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 19, 2015 by sheriffali

Meet Drama Obama Because Mr. Cool Has Left The Building!


Obama is gambling that he won’t hurt his party and that in 10 years Iran will be a better member of the international community. But he can’t do worse as an oracle of the Middle East than the conservative warmongers who ravaged the region.



[Maureen Dowd NYT] Washington — IN the midst of Iran mania, the president got tossed a question about Bill Cosby.


Would he revoke the Medal of Freedom given to a comedian who has been accused of subverting the free will of dozens of women, and counting?


It was a riveting moment.


It has been said that Cliff Huxtable was instrumental in paving the way for Barack Obama.


Until the nation began watching the sterling Obamas, the sterling Huxtables were the most celebrated positive image of a wholesome, engaging, upper-middle-class black family.


The president may have flashed back to another White House news conference in 2009 when he forthrightly — and correctly — accused the police of acting “stupidly” in arresting his friend Skip Gates on a suspicion of breaking into his own Cambridge, Mass., home. The backlash from the police led to Obama suffering through the inane “beer summit.”


So when April Ryan of the American Urban Radio Networks asked about Cosby, President Obama’s lawyerly side kicked in at first. He punted, saying he did not comment on cases that could be litigated.


Then he looked down, pressed his lips together and unleashed a well deserved hell on Cosby. Because in the sunset of his presidency, Obama’s bolder side is rising. He’s a lame duck who doesn’t give a damn.


“If you give a woman — or a man, for that matter — without his or her knowledge, a drug, and then have sex with that person without consent, that’s rape,” he said.


The father of two daughters reflected genuine disgust.


With Cosby, the Charleston, S.C., eulogy with the rendition of “Amazing Grace” and the visit with felons in federal prison in Oklahoma to speak up for that unloved constituency, and say “There but for the grace of God,” the president who once tread gingerly on race has discovered a more gingery voice.


And the chorus in the land finally proclaims: “That’s the man I voted for.”


Daniel Patrick Moynihan used to tell colleagues that one is only president from the inauguration to the first midterm. But President Obama is rewriting the book on Oval Office juice.


He has talked wistfully in private for years about “going Bulworth” and emulating Warren Beatty’s hilariously blunt senator in that movie. Now he’s doing it.


“This is the guy I know,” David Axelrod told me. “He’s focused on big things, speaking hard truths and damning small politics, and that is why so many of us were attracted to him from the start.”


When CBS’s Major Garrett grandstanded in the White House press conference, asking the president why he was content “to leave the conscience of this nation, the strength of this nation, unaccounted for in relation” to the Americans stuck in prison in Iran, Obama gave Garrett the back of his hand.


“Major,” he shot back, “that’s nonsense, and you should know better.”


Time to dismiss the Anger Translator.


The president is far more energized than a couple years ago, when — thwarted by intransigent Republicans and the intractable Middle East — he acted as though he would like to quit, if it was a job you could stride away from.


He clearly enjoys settling into his favorite role — the man alone in the arena, disdaining the flattering rituals and back-scratching of politics, the dread drinks with Senator McConnell and stupid golf with Speaker Boehner.

 “Eight months ago, he was left for dead after the midterm elections,” Axelrod said. “But he saw it as a liberating moment, the starting buzzer on the final quarter. And he is working down his list of things undone and knocking them out one after another. For those of us who were there from the start, it’s thrilling to see.”


Aside from Mitch McConnell, the happiest person last November when McConnell won was Obama because he was freed from having to humor Harry Reid and Hill Democrats.


He passed the trade bill with help from Republicans who spent years trying to hurt him and he is now teaming with the Koch brothers, who have spent a fortune trying to kill his agenda, for a criminal justice overhaul.


He brushed away the contentious politics on Cuba, the Confederate flag and Iran and said it was long past time to move on.


A few years ago, he privately fretted that he was no longer lucky. But he got lucky with the Supreme Court on health care and gay marriage.


He wrote in his memoir that from the time he was young, he learned the trick of not seeming angry so he wouldn’t alarm white folks.


But now he seems eager to mix it up as he goes through his rhymes-with-bucket list. As Glenn Thrush put it in his “Meet ‘Drama’ Obama” piece in Politico, “Mr. Cool has left the building.”


Obama has always radiated the smug air that he was right and any other positions were illogical. But it is gratifying when aimed at the obnoxious Republicans and more obnoxious Bibi.


Republicans were never going to go for the Iran deal. Their apocalyptic statements were written well in advance and they just had to hit “Send” followed by a fund-raising appeal to Jewish donors.


Twitter @sheriffali


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Obama Gains Vindication and Secures Legacy With Health Care Ruling – A Victory For The American People

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 26, 2015 by sheriffali

The Republicans that are running on empty and not doing anything to help America or the American people, they again came out in full force, “we must repeal Obamacare.”


John Boehner and Mitch McConnell lead the charge against Chief Justice Roberts and continue lying about how bad the Affordable Care Act is for America.


It is stunning to witness the stupidity of some Americans when asked if they like the Affordable Care Act, they say that it is great; then when asked if they like Obamacare, they fraught with disdain.


These are the people that make up the Republican Voters and yes, Republican Politicians continue to prey on the vulnerable, uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed base.[Sheriff Ali]


[NYT] WASHINGTON — For years, President Obama has faced the sneers of political adversaries who called his health care law Obamacare and assailed his effort to build a legacy that has been the aspiration of every Democratic president since Harry S. Truman.


But on Thursday, Mr. Obama walked into the Rose Garden to accept vindication as the Supreme Court, for a second time, affirmed the legality of a part of the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Obama said the law “is working exactly as it’s supposed to” and called for an end to the vitriolic politics that have threatened it. 

“The point is, this is not an abstract thing anymore,” Mr. Obama told reporters, with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. smiling broadly beside him. “This is not a set of political talking points. For all the misinformation campaigns, all the doomsday predictions, all the talk of death panels and job destruction, for all the repeal attempts — this law is now helping tens of millions of Americans.”


Mr. Obama’s plea to stop “refighting battles that have been settled again and again and again” met on Thursday with immediate resistance. House Speaker John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, promised to “do everything we can” to undermine the law. Jeb Bush, a Republican candidate for president, vowed “to repeal and replace this flawed law” if he succeeds Mr. Obama in the Oval Office.



Mr. Boehner said he will continue to move forward with a lawsuit against the president that argues that Mr. Obama overstepped his legal authority in carrying out the health care act, although the case is in its early stages at the district court level and could take years to come before the Supreme Court. Other Republicans mused on Thursday about using parliamentary maneuvers to chip away at the law.


But for Mr. Obama, the ruling was a personal affirmation of the wisdom of engaging in a costly political fight that began almost as soon as he took office. The court’s ruling, Mr. Obama said Thursday, cements the Affordable Care Act in American history as the logical extension of Social Security and Medicare.


“This generation of Americans chose to finish the job,” Mr. Obama said, reading from one of two sets of remarks — one written as if the Supreme Court upheld the subsidies and another as if the court did not. Cody Keenan, Mr. Obama’s chief speechwriter, had prepared both sets before the court announced its decision.


Once the decision was announced, and just before walking into the Rose Garden, Mr. Obama signed the set of remarks for Mr. Keenan that were written as if the court had ruled against the administration. “Didn’t need this one, brother!” Mr. Obama scrawled across the bottom.



Twitter @sheriffali


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If You Are Not In The 5% Top Earners Voting Republican Is Against Your Own Interest And That Of Your Children And The Generations To Come.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 14, 2015 by sheriffali

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100% White Guy George W Bush January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009, trashed America; 50% Black Guy President Obama dug us out of the ditch, however, not all, but many White Americans of all ages, gives Obama the lowest of Ratings.

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 9, 2014 by sheriffali

This is what George W Bush Presidency left to; Us, our Children, and our Grandchildren:

January 20, 2001, the national debt was $5,727,776,738,304.64.

January 20, 2009, the national debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08.

Growth of the National Debt under Bush: $4,899,100,310,608.44.

Annual growth of the National Debt under Bush’s: $612,387,538,826.05.

When Bush Left Office we had an annual Deficit of 1.4 Trillion Dollars

Adding the unpaid wars of 6.1 Trillion and the unpaid Tax Cuts of 1.2 Trillion Dollars will take you close to the Present 17 Trillion National Debt


Under George W Bush phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Orwellian Policies the Stock Market Crashed; The Housing Market Crashed; Our Financial Institutions either crashed or were in serious problems and the our Financial System was on the verge of turning us into a Banana Republic. Unemployment reached 10.2%; spending was 8.9% of our GDP; Our GDP growth was -5.8%; Consumer Confidence was 34%.

During much of Bush’s tenure, he had a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate that assisted Bush in this derangement. And now, the same American People, about 90% of the Country that lost almost everything, the majority of them are the same voters that have returned The House and Senate to the reckless Republicans that wrecked their lives. Amazing isn’t it!


President Obama January 20, 2009 to December 1, 2014 walked us out of the deep and unforgiving waters Bush and Cheney tossed us into;


Under President Obama’s Policies the Stock Market is at Record Highs; The Housing Market Rebounded; Our Financial Institutions are stable and our Financial System is on solid concrete footing; Unemployment is 5.8% with over 10.3 million new jobs; spending is 2.4 of our GDP; Our GDP growth 4.1%%; Our Annual Deficit is 5.65% and Consumer Confidence is 93%.


Twitter @sheriffali





Historians Drop A Truth Bomb On CNN: Obama Has Already Built His Legacy

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 1, 2014 by sheriffali

CNN for quite a while has become Tabloid News and they no longer report the News, they Manufacture garbage and have been trying to pass it off as News. They have insulted the intelligence of their Viewers, many of whom have since moved away from CNN like they have ignored Fox Misnomer Hate News.


The major Culprits at CNN are; Wolf Blitzer, Candy Crowley, John King, Gloria Borger and most recently, David Gergen, one of many CNN Consultants. It is self evident that their Viewership are so low, which accounts for why CNN Hosts, most of them have become rambunctious, lying, shameless hypocrites.


Prior to the Mid-Term Elections CNN 24/7 beat the drums of a world that was ending because of Terrorists like ISIS and others; Ebola that was killing Americans; Russia was going to start World War 111 and blaming it all on President Obama’s ineffective Presidency. Have you noticed that since the very night of the Mid Term Election Returns, CNN has dropped the “world ending fear,” and if they do speak about it, it is five minutes or less?


The idea that Barack Obama has not been a successful president is myth that was created by his Republican opponents, and embraced by a bitter mainstream media like CNN and others.


This president has been very successful, and history will regard his accomplishments kindly even if the media will never give him his fair due.


CNN’s Candy Crowley tried to spin Obama as an unpopular president coming down the homestretch of his second term, but she was quickly straightened out by a panel of historians who discussed the fact that the president still has plenty of juice left.


CROWLEY: So, he said in jest, sort of. Here is a man who, for six years, has made no secret about the fact that he doesn’t like either the rhythms or the rituals of Washington, D.C. So, he has two years left. Can a man who doesn’t like the rituals or the rhythms of Washington, D.C., make good on those last two years? Put it first – put it into history for me. Who has made good?


DOUGLAS BRINKLEY, PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: A lot of presidents made good on their second term when you think about. Look at Ronald Reagan had the Iran-contra problem, but then he was able to do some incredible diplomacy with Mikhail Gorbachev, helping to end the cold war in its last years. I mean, Bill Clinton, his second term I was able to keep driving on that idea of getting a budget surplus, getting rid of our deficit and by the end of his term, he wasn’t (ph) very popular, Al Gore wanted to be seen with him but nevertheless he had an accomplishment there.


So, in foreign affairs, it’s wide open and then you always have executive power, and you’ve seen a president now using the Clean Air Act of 1970, the provisions in it, to lay down executive orders on climate change, on stopping coal emissions or reducing them. So, there’s an environmental legacy and they all sign these big national monuments on their way out. Greater (ph) (INAUDIBLE) –


CROWLEY: Like post offices on a much higher level, right?


BRINKLEY: Yes. I mean, it’s still (INAUDIBLE) we just saw with the executive order on immigration, he still has a lot of juice left in him.




And Karen, what does he care whether — this is a man in his, percentage wise, in the 43, 44, 45 percent. Does he care about that or just take the executive order route and moving on?


KAREN TUMULTY, WASHINGTON POST, NATIONAL POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: I think he is very much looking toward his legacy at this point.


He came to Washington to sort of change the way it worked. I think he’s given up on that idea. So yes, he’s going to use his executive power. It’s a – it’s going to be a gigantic job just to implement the laws that passed in the first couple years of his term.


And finally you talk to people at the White House and they say that it is very important to the president before he leaves office to use the bully pulpit to sort of change the terms of engagement, so that no future presidential candidate could ever run as opposing gay marriage or as opposed immigration reform. Essentially he wants to leave behind a national conversation that has changed because he was here.


CROWLEY: Richard Norton Smith?


RICHARD NORTON SMITH, PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: That’s a lot harder to do. I would agree with Karen. In effect, he created his legacy early. He created his legacy with the Health Care Act, and now he’s going to make sure that it is defended, well-defended and almost invulnerable to the next president, whoever it might be.


That said, you know, we’re not talking about our fathers, let alone our grandfather’s presidency. This is a dynamic office. This is not T.R.’s bully pulpit or FDR’s fireside chats. In many ways a president’s — Harry Truman was the first president to pardon a White House turkey and I guarantee — and he went out of office with a whole lot lower popular approval ratings than this president has at the moment, but in the end it doesn’t matter what the popular approval rating is on the last day in office because guess what? We are the folks who are going to be the ultimate electoral jury…




SMITH: …the historians who decided that Harry Truman wasn’t near (ph) a (ph) great president.


CROWLEY: (INAUDIBLE) George H. W. Bush about that, too, out of office with that.


Candy Crowley’s comments were another example of Beltway media running down President Obama because he doesn’t like Washington. Chuck Todd wrote a book that is based around the premise that Obama is not a good president because he never played the games that the press that cover the president require in order to have their egos properly soothed.


It isn’t that Obama hasn’t done anything. If anything, the president has been a victim of his own early successes in office. As Rachel Maddow pointed out nearly four years ago, President Obama accomplished 85% of his entire first-term agenda in two years.


In 2010, Maddow listed what the president had done in his first two years, “The fair pay act for women, expanding children’s health insurance, new hate crimes legislation they said could not be done, tobacco regulation, credit card reform, student loan reform, the stimulus — which in addition to helping pull this country back from the brink of a great depression, was also the largest tax cut ever, the largest investment in clean energy ever, the largest investment in education in our country ever. There was also a little thing you may have heard of called health reform. Also, Wall Street reform, the improvements to the new G.I. Bill, the most expansive food SAFETY BILL SINCE THE 1930s. And tomorrow, President Obama will officially sign a repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”


Twitter @sheriffali









Appeals Court Throws Out Obamacare Lawsuit Similar To House GOP Suit [TPM]

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 24, 2014 by sheriffali

A federal appeals court threw out a lawsuit by a group of conservative doctors who sued the Obama administration for violating the Obamacare statute by delaying the employer mandate.


A three-judge panel on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday unanimously affirmed a lower court decision that the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons lacked standing to sue because they failed to prove that the administration’s move would harm them.


“In a market economy everything is connected to everything else through the price system. To allow a long, intermediated chain of effects to establish standing is to abolish the standing requirement as a practical matter,” Judge Frank H. Easterbrook wrote for a three-judge panel of Republican appointees.


Notably, the lawsuit is similar to the one that the Republican-led House voted to authorize against Obama in July. GOP leaders say they plan to sue the president over the one-year delay of the employer mandate, although they’ve left some wiggle room to target another piece of Obamacare.


Legal experts say House Republicans will have a hard time achieving standing, which is required in order for the case to be heard on the merits. Their argument for standing is different, though, than the doctors’ claim: Republicans say Obama’s end-run around Congress threatens the separation of powers.


“The Supreme Court does not think that the Constitution’s structural features are open to litigation by persons who do not suffer particularized injuries,” Easterbrook wrote for the 7th Circuit panel.


The doctors association that brought the lawsuit said in 2011 its goal is “to fight socialized medicine and to fight the government takeover of medicine.” Prominent members have included former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and current Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).


7th Circuit ACA Employer Mandate Ruling



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