Archive for NSA

Donald Trump Is Being Investigated For “Obstruction Of Justice,” Not The Firing Of FBI Director James Comey

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2017 by sheriffali

Donald  Trump’s own words, verbal and written, his behavior and intent, he Trump may have very well convicted himself; as defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503


“Obstruction of justice is defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503, which provides that “whoever . . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense).” Persons are charged under this statute based on allegations that a defendant intended to interfere with an official proceeding, by doing things such as destroying evidence, or interfering with the duties of jurors or court officers.


A person obstructs justice when they have a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, they must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but the person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a nexus between the defendant’s endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the defendant must have knowledge of this nexus.


  • 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.” [Legal Information Institute]


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump, Pathological Liar, Life-Time Fraud, Bigot, Fascist, Racist, Treasonous Anti-American Despot, ILLEGITIMATE President!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 10, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump, Pathological Liar, Life-Time Fraud, Bigot, Fascist, Racist, Treasonous Anti-American Despot,        ILLEGITIMATE President!


Donald Trump And His Administration Is Either Unable Or Unwilling To Face The Threat An Emboldened Russia And Their Proxy, WiKileaks, Pose To The United States.


The FBI has an ongoing investigating into “Russia’s Alfa Bank” that accessed the Email Server at the Trump Tower 2,800 times during the 2016 Election Campaign.


[US NEWS] “The new Wikileaks release of sensitive CIA documents about its cyber capabilities is many things, but perhaps most importantly it is a reminder that the campaign Russia is waging against the West and the United States is an ongoing effort, not something that happened in the past.


Not only does this new release involve Wikileaks, the main outlet for Russia’s stolen materials from the Clinton campaign and the DNC, but a big part of the new dump provides previously undisclosed information about the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence, the unit assigned by President Obama to respond to Russia’s interference in our politics last summer.


In a normal time, Russia’s re-emergence would be considered the greatest security threat to America and our traditional allies. But the Trump administration has been remarkably silent on the issue. Despite tweeting on issues ranging from the ratings of his old television show to Ivanka’s businesses, the new president has not once gone to Twitter to condemn any of these Russian aggressions. Nor has he even acknowledged that Russia intervened in our politics last year (let alone condemned it) or authorized a collective response to its ongoing efforts to disrupt the politics of our most important allies in Europe.


What has been even more disturbing than Trump’s silence on Russia has been his seeming embrace of elements of Russia’s foreign policy that in no way advance America’s interests. He has repeatedly criticized America’s intelligence community, which was instrumental in dismantling the old Soviet Union. He outrageously posited an equivalency between Russia’s oppressive ways and America’s long championing of democracy.


He has encouraged the breakup of the European Union and questioned the utility of the NATO, the military alliance designed to contain Russia’s regional ambitions. His idea of cooperating with Russia on combating the Islamic State group in the Middle East is an almost comical parrot of Kremlin propaganda. And he is openly floating the idea of having America walk away from the current global trading system, a system that has been instrumental in the successful advance of American style capitalism and values throughout the world.”


Open The Link To Read US News Full Report;


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The sanctimonious New York Times defending treasonous Edward Snowden is “beyond the pale!”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 2, 2014 by sheriffali

The New York Times that are using phantasmagoric rationales and internecine opinions to defend treasonous Snowden, does not justify and will never justify what Edward Snowden has done to his Country. People should have the better sense to know that The New York Times position in this matter hasn’t anything to do with the safety of America or its people, but, it has to do with The New York Times being one of the beneficiaries of publishing articles of Snowden’s stolen property.


I will guarantee you that if America or any of its people come under attack, this is the same New York Times that would be pointing the “finger” at the United States Government for not doing their job. All of the American News Papers; Television Stations; Magazines; Radio Stations and every form of News Outlet, are owned by FIVE MAJOR CORPORATIONS. So, if you choose to be on the side of The New York Times position in regards to Edward Snowden, you should know that you are taking the side of big business over the safety of you and your Country.


Edward Snowden who has betrayed his country and is a “treasonous,” took Tax Payers money that paid his very hefty salary; breached his oath of office; stole One Million Seven Hundred Thousands Intelligence Classified Documents and gave it to both China and Russia, claiming that he was doing this for the good of the American people.


One has to ask, who are benefitting from Snowden’s stolen leaks? Most certainly it is not the American people, but rather, the Russian and Chinese Government. Because with every leak by Snowden, whether Snowden is truthful or not, “we America,” looks more like an Ochlocracy [A Mob/Mafia type Government] than a Democracy, and if you can’t see the difference for yourselves, then no one can convince you as to how wrong, deceptive and unpatriotic, Edward Snowden is, and, just how serious of a “fraud” Vladimir Putin is!


Snowden and those that supports him claims that he is a Patriot doing his moral duty! Well, is that true? Every major country in the World is spying on each other including Russia and China. Russia spies on America for Military purposes while China spies on America on a daily basis for Industrial Espionage purposes.



You may not agree with everything your country does, but, under no circumstances you shouldn’t betray your country to any foreign Government, especially, those that want to see America fall so that their despicable, deplorable, communist rule; can prosper. Edward Snowden is fully cognizant of Vladimir Putin’s outrageous myrmidon rule against his people and Gays and Lesbians [LGBT], but, Snowden has no comment on any issue, except to further scandalize America.


A spokesperson for the ACLU that supports what Edward Snowden has done, said earlier today [January 2, 2014] that Edward Snowden gave his word to The New York Times that he did not give any of the information to China or Russia and that President Obama should grant clemency to Edward Snowden. How can anyone believe a “THIEF?”


Have we become that stupid as to believe that when Snowden landed in Hong Kong and obtained protection to get to Russia that the Chinese did it for free? And, when the “still” KGB Putin granted asylum to Edward Snowden that he too did it for free?


If Edward Snowden believed that the Government was doing wrong, he had every opportunity to go to the New York Times; The Washington Post; The ACLU or any LIBERAL News Organization in America and allow them to reveal what he had stolen. However, one must look at where he chose to release his Country’s Classified Information.

 If Snowden is the man he claims to be, then he should return to his Country and allow a Jury to judge what he did as right or wrong!



I am a father too and I understand your pain, but, your son did commit treason and he is a coward!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2013 by sheriffali

I am a father too and I understand your pain, but, your son did commit treason and he is a coward!


I understand your pain as a father because I have four children, however, your son “did” commit TREASON. By what other name can you call someone who steals information and give it to our enemies.


We have associations with China and Russia because it is necessary to maintain stability in the world, but, it would be difficult to conclude that China and Russia is on our side.


Your son took a job that was paid for by the Tax Payers and if he had difficulties with what the NSA was doing, he could have resigned and go to an Attorney or to the Public via the Media, just like what the coward did when he ran away to Hong Kong.

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