Archive for newt gingrich

Troubling History Of Republican Speakers Of The House 1995 – 2015

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2015 by sheriffali

U.S. Accuses Ex-House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Paying to Hide ‘Misconduct’

CHICAGO — J. Dennis Hastert, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, has been charged with lying to the F.B.I. and making cash withdrawals from banks in a way that was designed to hide that he was paying $3.5 million to someone for his “misconduct” from years ago, a federal indictment released on Thursday said.


Mr. Hastert, 73, the longest-serving Republican speaker, had worked as a lobbyist since leaving office. The indictment, announced by the United States attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, said Mr. Hastert, who was once a high school teacher and wrestling coach in Yorkville, Ill., had so far paid $1.7 million to the person, who had lived in Yorkville and had known Mr. Hastert for most of his or her life. Mr. Hastert worked in Yorkville from 1965 to 1981.


In 2010, during meetings between Mr. Hastert and the unnamed individual, the two discussed “past misconduct” by Mr. Hastert against the person, according to the indictment.


In those meetings and in later discussions, Mr. Hastert agreed to provide money to the person “in order to compensate for and conceal his prior misconduct,” the indictment said. It said he was structuring the cash withdrawals in increments designed to avoid bank reporting requirements. The indictment does not provide details of the misconduct.


Twitter @sheriffali


[FACT] President Obama has issued the least number of executive orders since the 1800’s!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 20, 2014 by sheriffali

And yet the Fox News Nut Cases, “masters of misnomers” and totally bankrupt of shame, would tend to tell you otherwise and the Fox Wing-Nuts Followers, brainwashed, brain-dead, ignorant and gullible Americans, believe these outlandish lies, perhaps in the same manner as they do that “Climate Change is a fallacy.”


Every American can do their own research and find out the “truth” about anything, rather than take their gospel from CABLE NEWS that have their own agenda; “create commotion with lies; bring on their shows people so far apart in their thinking that if words killed, they would all be dead.


CABLE NEWS HOSTS willingly participate in this hypocrisy at the orders of their Corporate Bosses whose only concerns are; increase viewership in order to garner more advertising to increase revenues in the name of AVARICE!


Of all of America’s Cable News, Fox promotes the most hate; runs down President Obama as if he comes at nights and steals their “only” underwear; have the most notorious, Obama Haters that are bankrupt of truth and decency that never existed before. Lou Dobbs, Smith Varney, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Riley and the rest of Hacking Murdoch’s team lead by Roger Ailes, leaves an open ended question; “why would any sane person listen and follow these people?


Look at any of the shows on Fox and see who their repeated guests are; Rush Limbaugh, John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Sara Palin, Donald Trump, and as for their guests from Congress, “they are the worst of the extreme right of the Republican Party. 


Republicans racism pointed at the highest office in America!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2013 by sheriffali

If Ted and Rafael Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, Ann Coulter and others weren’t unequivocally sure that they would inure a tremendous negative backlash, they would use the word NIGGER, when speaking about President Obama.


Rafael Cruz narcissistic deluge about sending President Obama back to Kenya, which was conceived by Newt Gingrich’s derogatory remarks when he stated that to understand Obama, you would have to go back to Colonial Kenyan Times, reflects CNN double Standards, who tries to walk on both sides of the road at the same time, appointed Gingrich to Host their revived dumb show – CROSSFIRE!] It should really be called CROSSFIRE-WANTONNESS] Fox News is not only egregious, it is pernicious against Obama, but to their demented credit, they always walk on the extreme right!]


The scheming Donald Trump built an empire on the backs of the Investors for which he filed Bankruptcies four times leaving them in no man’s land, and let us not forget the hundreds of Students he ripped off with his Demonic, Crooked and Ponzi Scheme – Trump University! The only thing Trump can teach students is to be a heartless bastards and how to scheme people out of their money! [Remember his contribution to Racism? Obama’s Birth Certificate]


If a Black person had done 1/10 of 1% of what Donald Trump has been doing over the years, they would be in Prison for the rest of their life!


Just imagine, capricious Bush and Cheney damn near bankrupted the country; Obama came in and saved us from becoming like Russia in 1990, and yet these internecine racist blame Obama for everything that ails America.


All those with 401K plans, when Bush left Office your retirement plan was cut in half or less and today, it is back to 100% and then some. The Dow Jones that went from 14,000 down to 6,500 under Bush now stands at 15,600. For the lame brains that don’t understand, the Dow reflects our financial Pillar of Strength! The one trillion plus annual deficit that Obama inherited is now less than half and yet, Republicans lies promulgate that the deficit is rising.


Remember in 2008 when job loses were averaging 800,000 per month? Well, look at what has happened over the past five years.


Open Mother Jones Magazine Link and see what Ted Cruz father, Rafael Cruz said about President Obama.


The “ongoing-ordeal” of Raped Pregnant Women!

Posted in Abortion, Children, Cruelty, Extreme Views, GOP PLATFORM, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Todd Akins, Uncategorized, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on August 23, 2012 by sheriffali

Shauna Prewitt bravely shared her story with Soledad O’Brien [CNN] August 23, 2012…of how she became pregnant after being raped, kept the child and then fought her attacker’s request for sole custody. Did you know 31 states have laws protecting parental rights for men who father through rape? Do you think those laws are fair?



Comments by Sheriff Ali


The Republicans [If given the opportunity] will turn American Women to suffer the same consequences of Afghan and Pakistani Women, where Males control all rights over women,, removing g and usurping their dignity and the very hope of life as  human beings.


How or why some American Women follow these hypocritical excuses for men calling themselves Republicans; this is truly beyond my ability to comprehend!


Even in Saudi Arabia where a 19 year old married woman got raped by six Saudi Soldiers, she was the one arrested and sent to prison and ordered to undergo 99 lashes (beatings).


Perhaps, just perhaps, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, John Boehner, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and “all” of the Political Republican men, maybe; “Arabs – in White Anglo-Saxon, outer-skin!” [Wolves in Sheep Clothing, Coyotes against women]

The Official Republican Platform on Abortion…

Despite the Republicans from Mitt Romney and others being critical of Todd Akin’s remarks about rape, The Republican Party Official Platform on Abortion for the Republican Convention beginning on August 27, 2012 is;




“Faithful to the ‘self-evident’ truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn ha a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed, we support human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.”


[Read carefully and notice there aren’t any exceptions for rape or incest or the safety of the mother’s life, and as such, “their position is no different that that of Todd Akin and Paul Ryan when they proposed the “Personhood Act” in 2011 that was endorsed by more than 200 Republicans in the House of Representatives”].

Piers Morgan, stop the “WHINING” about this is the dirtiest campaign ever. You sound like an overgrown man trapped in an adolescence mind!

Posted in CNN, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Piers Morgan, Politics, President Obama, Super Pac, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on August 8, 2012 by sheriffali

When you interviewed Mitt Romney at the Olympics in London, you suddenly collapsed into passive syndrome when you tried to pin him down. I would have to say that Romney’s declarative, transitive sentences caused the interest in the interview to vanish as fast as vapor trails, because after whining for months about Mitt Romney not giving any interviews to anyone but Fox News, when you had the opportunity, “you blew it.”


But, on tonight’s show [August 8, 2012] you are quick to trample over President Obama because of the Super Pac add blaming Romney for the woman’s death.


Romney used dishonest carpet bombing against his opponents; Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry and others to get as far as he has, and now that his phantasmagoric rationales and internecine assertions against Obama are being reciprocated in kind, you sit there like some self-righteous Dictator, spewing nonsense. [Romney never took responsibility for what the Super Pac was doing, so why should President Obama?]


I have lived in America going on 42 years and that is longer than you have and each and every election cycle, people complain about what is or isn’t the dirtiest campaign.


George H.W. Bush used Willie Horton and his son whose Orwellian policies created a terror State and bankrupted a once great nation, he George W. Bush was as dirty as it gets. In 2000 he ran ads claiming that Senator John McCain’s adopted child was indeed fathered by McCain. In 2004 Bush and his ochlocracy swift-boated John Kerry, when it was Kerry that placed his life on the line for his country.


If you want to talk about something as a Journalist; inform the uninformed and unknowledgeable American Citizen to be told the “actual facts,” by an honest Journalist and not another opinion maker spouting hyperboles and twisted information.


Yes tell them that President Bush, Dick Cheney and their “ochlocracy,” threw us into the abyss and left us for dead. Hence it is amazing to me that you who have dealt with the financial market and are fully aware that the Dow fell to 6,500 in 2007 and that the Dow are now over 13,000 which is a major indicator on the positive side; you permeate such a pessimistic view.


We were shedding jobs at a rate of almost 800,000 per month, from September 2008   and the unemployment losses continued to the end of Bush’s Presidency and well into all of 2009 until Obama’s Policies took effect. Now, for thirty straight months we have added jobs to the tune of 4,500,000, but you beat-up on President Obama as though he is the cause of all that ails America.


You know as well as anyone with financial knowledge that Bush’s stimulus and Obama’s, were never really intended to be “job creation funding.” The stimulus money from both Presidents was then and now, to “prop-up” our financial Institutions that almost bankrupted us.



 Sheriff Ali