Archive for Koch Brothers

America Needs To Keep The White House Under Democratic Control. The Economy Is Bouncing Back Strong Once Again And Republicans Are Hoping To Win In Order To Wreck America Again. Please Look At The Three Images In This Blog As It Relates To Bernie Sanders And What The Hispanic Vote Says About Mr. Sander’s Chances.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 10, 2015 by sheriffali

Even as Bernie Sanders moves up in the polls, many people are realizing that there’s a big hole in his coalition: black voters.


Barack Obama won a razor-thin victory over Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primaries seven years ago in large part because black voters supported Mr. Obama by a 5-to-1 margin. Without their support, he would have lost, and lost big — probably by more than 20 points in the national popular vote.


As a result, many have framed Mr. Sanders’s challenge in racial terms. But his challenge in getting the support of nonwhite voters is not simply a problem of race. It’s primarily a problem with moderate and less educated Democrats, regardless of race, which disproportionately affects his support among nonwhite voters. His challenge among black voters may be no greater than his challenge among ideologically and demographically similar white voters.


It’s not very fair to Mr. Sanders, or any liberal Democrat, to judge his support among black voters by comparing him with Mr. Obama. In 2008, there was a strong relationship between the proportion of a demographic group that self-identified as liberal and Mr. Obama’s strength against Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Obama lost all of the least liberal groups of the Democratic Party, except black voters.


Without Mr. Obama’s unusual strength among black voters, another challenge to Mrs. Clinton on her left would struggle to keep Mrs. Clinton from doing well enough on moderates to deny her the nomination. The easiest way to think about Mr. Sanders’s challenge is to remember Mr. Obama’s weakness among Hispanic voters in 2008. Over all, Mr. Obama lost Hispanic voters by 26 points against Mrs. Clinton — worse than his margin among white voters.


Mr. Obama’s weakness among Hispanic voters didn’t fit neatly into the conventional explanation of Mr. Obama’s challenges in 2008. Commentators often presumed that Mr. Obama was weak among less liberal and less educated white voters because of racism, so they undertook tortured efforts to fit Hispanic voters into the same frame, arguing that Hispanic voters wouldn’t vote for a black candidate, perhaps because of urban rivalries between blacks and Hispanics.


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See “Hillary Clinton White House” page in my Facebook Account.


Open New York Times List For Full Story


Composition Of The Republican Party: Rich Scum Reprobates; Repugnant Minions Of The Rich Scum [Known As GOP Politicians] And Suckers [Known As GOP Voters]

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 28, 2015 by sheriffali

[“All of the Media, Television, Radio, News Papers, Magazines, Publishers are all owned by Six [6] Rich Scum like Rupert Murdoch, Comcast and the likes. There isn’t any more real News, only Opinions from the Hosts and Writers as Dictated by their Corporate Bosses].


It is a fact that the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump and the likes are Parasitic Parasites affecting America’s Society via their Repugnant Minions, Republican Politicians.


It is also a fact that most Republican Voters are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed, living in Red States run by Republicans and they are the Poorest in the Nation. Despite all of the whining by the GOP, Whites living in Red States are the biggest recipients of Government Assistance; Food Stamps, Welfare and other Social Services.


It is also a fact that Republican Politicians does not promote Education to their Constituencies, because Poll after Poll shows that the Republican Voters definitively have a very low IQ.


It is also a fact that Republican Politicians permeates Guns over Books, Bigotry, Racial Prejudice, Religion, Hate, and Misinformation to their Voters, in order to keep them uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed that factually, keep these GOP Voters, voting against their own interest and that of their children and their country.


Factually, Republicans haven’t done anything in the past 14 years that is of benefit to the 99% of Americans that do not fit into the Rich Scum Bags Club. Republicans are always promoting Wars, Tax Cuts for the Rich, paid for by slashing vitally needed Social Programs for the Middle Class, Students, Poor and the Elderly.


]See whether or not you fit into one or both of the categories below and if you do, please ask yourself, what is best for you and your children; keep doing the same or make a change for progress?]


Benjamin Franklin said; “We are all born Ignorant, but we have to work hard to remain stupid.”


Mark Twain said; “When you are dead you don’t know you are dead, others do, but you don’t; the same applies to stupidity.”


Twitter @sheriffali


Another Blow To KeystoneXL Pipeline; Shell Withdraws From Massive Tar Sand Oil Project!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 26, 2015 by sheriffali

[Think Progress] Keystone XL is not the only deciding factor in the future of tar sands extraction.


The outsized debate over the Keystone XL pipeline, which entered a new era yesterday after Obama wielded his veto pen against legislation approving its construction, is not the only element in the debate over whether the greenhouse gas-intensive tar sands get developed. Oil supply, demand, and cost are pulling some major levers too: with oil prices at rock-bottom lows, on Monday Royal Dutch Shell announced it was shelving plans to build a new tar sands mine in northern Alberta — the largest such project to be deferred.


Shell withdrew its applications for the Pierre River project, which would have produced 200,000 barrels-per-day (bpd), to focus on maintaining profitability for its existing 255,000-bpd tar sands operations, according to the company.


“The Pierre River Mine (PRM) remains a very long term opportunity for us but it’s not currently a priority,” said Lorraine Mitchelmore, Shell Canada President and Executive Vice President of Heavy Oil. “Our current focus is on making our heavy oil business as economically and environmentally competitive as possible.


Shell was one of the earliest tar sands producers to cut staff due to low oil prices, laying off around 300 workers at its Albian tar sands project in Alberta starting last month.


Instability makes it hard for most companies to do business, and unreliable oil prices are no different. Crude oil prices have fallen more than 50 percent over the last six months, hovering between $50 and $60 per barrel of late. Last August, Mitchelmore said Shell Canada’s tar sands business met profitability markers when crude traded above $70 per barrel.


Shell originally halted work on the Pierre River project a year ago, stating the need to re-evaluate the timing as a heated environmental review process was taking longer than anticipated. The project was first proposed in 2007.


Tar sands are extremely GHG intensive, and the shelving of the Pierre River project along with two other tar sands endeavors — Total’s Joslyn North and Statoil’s Corner Project — has helped avoid the emissions of 2.8 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to stopping the construction of 18 new coal plants with a lifespan of four decades. Tar sands oil produces as much as three times the greenhouse gas emissions of conventionally produced oil. The government of Alberta, where the mines are sited, expects to lose $5.5 billion in revenue this year because of low oil prices.


Twitter @sheriffali


A Tartar would be more at home on Cheapside than President Obama in the haunts of Republican Christian Hypocrites.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 21, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama’s speech seems to the Babylonian Republicans and their Followers among whom he dwells, an outlandish tongue, his manners are singular and his actions are strange.


Obama walks through the hypocritical, extremist Republican world as a pilgrim in a foreign land. He is a stranger in his own country. The Babylonian Republicans, have forgotten all he has done rescuing America from the derangement of; Bush, Cheney and the Republican Congress. They dishonor him, set up new laws and alien customs, suing him for reforming a broken Health Care System and know him not. Never was a Non-Foreigner so speckled a bird among the denizens of any land as Obama among his mother’s brethren. It is no marvel, then, he is unknown and a stranger here in his own land.


But here is the sweetness of his lot: He is a stranger with Thee. Thou art his fellow-sufferer, his fellow-pilgrim. Oh, what joy he feels to wander in such blessed society! His heart burns within him by the way when Thou dost speak to him, and though he be a sojourner, he is far more blest than those who sit in the Republican House,  Senate and the Governor’s Mansions, and far more at home than Republican Followers who dwell in their ceiled houses, like the Koch Brothers.  [Modification of Charles Spurgeon’s writing to express my vision of President Obama’s Predicament]


Twitter @sheriffali



Why are Republicans so offended by Liberals accomplishments?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 13, 2014 by sheriffali



Liberals got women the right to vote! Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote! Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly out of Poverty. Liberals ended Segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Right Act; The Voting Right Act; Liberals created Medicare and Medicaid and passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.


Republicans/Conservatives Accomplishments:


Republicans Voted against all of the above and have continued to this day to abolish the Programs or gut the Programs by cutting funding for which they have done and will continue to do.


Republican Supporters that are not Millionaires or Billionaires!


Republican Run Red States are some of the Poorest in the Nation; 45% of Children depend on Food Stamps; the Unemployment Insurance that expired December 2013 that the Republicans have refused to pass the extension Bill, hundreds of thousands of active and returning Veterans and the people that still can’t find work due to the unbelievable collapse of our Economy on George W. Bush’s Stewardship, are without the Unemployment Insurance and most of them are completely without any money to take care of their children.


Hence, it begs the question that whether you are Republican, Independent or Democrat and you if are not in the Millionaires or Billionaires Club, why do you support the GOP with your vote that enhances misery on you and your children?


Are you so blinded by being brainwashed or ignorance that you are unable to face reality? Or is it some other prejudice that possesses you body, soul and mind that causes you to suffer for the Republican Politicians that have and continues to protect only the very rich?


The Republicans just passed a Budget in the House of Representatives solely on GOP Party line that increases the Middle Class Taxes by $2,000.00, but, gives an additional $87,000.00 to the Rich. Just when you are going to face reality that your Greek god, Ronald Reagan idea of “trickled-down-economics is a farce that have scammed you and continue to scam you of having a better life for you and your children!

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