Archive for Ignorant Americans

Criticizing President Obama By The Media And Some Citizens Have Taken Us Into New Heights Of National Disgrace…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 12, 2015 by sheriffali

Outraged over President Obama not attending Paris March is misplaced. Terrorist killed 12 on January 7; killed 1 January 8; French Authorities killed 3 Terrorists on January 9 and another on the run; France made a Public announcement January 10 that Terrorists Cells have been activated; Paris March set for January 11. Just how do you get the President of the United States amongst one million plus people without risking his life and that of many others?


All of the Media that are owned by six [6] Corporations really no longer report the News, the Media most of the time manufacture garbage and pass it on to the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated, brainwashed, hate-mongers, bigots, prejudiced and to some degree, racists, as though it is fact. Jake Tapper of CNN went as far as stating that he is ashamed of his country.


Despite France having suffered severe loss from Religious Fanatics the French Government including the Opposition and the French Citizens maintained their dignity in their time of grief. But not here in America where the right and left wing Nut Jobs go the extra mile to indulge in phantasmagoric rationales and internecine deluge, embarrassing themselves, but most importantly embarrassing the United States that view America as a National and International Disgrace.


President Obama has become the Piñata of senseless criticism, especially by Republican Legislators and their dumbfounded Trolls on Social Media that have allowed hate to usurp common sense and every ounce of decency from them.


President Obama from the time he took Office on January 20, 2009, both he and his Administration have been fighting Terrorists every day for the past six years. They have had some successes and some setbacks. What most people fail to realize is that Terrorists live for Terror, it is “Human Wickedness” and you can’t kill that with a Gun. And in that regard, perhaps, just perhaps, the world need to step back and reexamine the “cause” of this most disgusting symptom of killers, rapists and everything despicable to human society.


America and other Nations paroxysm that has totally spun out of control along with Lex Talionis for the past 13 years, really haven’t resolved the world’s Terrorism, if anything, is has gotten worst. I admit, I don’t have the answer!


Twitter @sheriffali



Do We Have More Stupid People Than Smart In America?

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2014 by sheriffali



Republicans are sucking the life-blood out of the 98% and giving it to the 2% and Americans are voluntarily extending their arms for the GOP-NEEDLE! Why?


Republicans, Democrats, Independents, The News Media And The Pollsters Are Fully Cognizant That The Republican Congress Haven’t Done Anything For The American People, Except Obstruct; So Why Are We Bombarded Every Day With Republicans Are Going To Take The Senate?


According to a recent Poll 72% of Americans are convinced that the Republican Party for the past six years have been the worst Congress, but, amazingly enough in the same Poll 75% said they want the Republicans to Control the Senate in addition to controlling the House of Representatives.


I do believe that if your IQ is 59 you can still see the contradiction and if the Polling is correct, you do not only see the contradiction but you also see, the “stupidity.” According to other Polling Data; the majority of Americans cannot name the three branches of the Federal Government; they cannot name a Congressional Member or Senator of their own State; they have no idea what GDP means much less to know that with 5% of the world’s population we account for almost 25% of the world’s GDP.


The Media, all of them are fully cognizant of how close America was to becoming a bankrupt Country when George W Bush left Office at 12:00 Noon on January 20, 2009 and just how far we have come since then, but, the good things they never tell the American people.


Twitter @sheriffali




The Media, News is no longer News Flight MH370; Politics; etc; and

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 29, 2014 by sheriffali

Because Americans have become dependent on the misnomer news for information, our society has now accumulated more brainwashed; uninformed and ignorant people, than anytime before.


During the last GOP CPAC gathering Sarah Palin on National Television said; “Putin invaded Georgia and Obama didn’t do anything about it!” Ms. Palin got allot of traction from the extreme right wing and that was self-evident from the various social media comments. I am yet to see any bona fide News Organization, rebut the fact that Obama wasn’t President then. If it was anyone else but Ms. Palin making the statement I would give them the benefit of the doubt that they were willfully being pernicious, however, when it comes to Ms. Palin, nothing surprises me, because anyone living in Alaska who can see Russia from their back yard, I feel certain that “all of their dogs are not barking.”


Phantasmagoric rationales and Over-Speculation, Assumptions and way too many experts have caused and continue to cause, enormous grief to the families and friends on the Missing-Flight, MH370.


The News Media both Television and Print are continually reporting ostensible information from anonymous sources that are heart-wrenching and the worst part is that, 22 days into this tragedy, not one thing has proven to be correct.


However, if we move past the present Missing-Aircraft, just about everything else that the News Organizations classify as news, it is nothing short of gossip from their megalomaniac guests, the usual suspects that they constantly bring on their show, to add drama, especially when it comes to Politics.


For the five Corporations that owns all of the Television Stations, Radio Stations, Magazines, News Papers and the likes, News is no longer News; to them it is a race to report anything, irrespective of who gets hurts, so long as viewership increases and brings in more advertising for their unquenchable thirst of avarice for “mammon.”


I would like to say “shame on them,” however; I would be wasting my time because these Corporate Owners are bankrupt of all morale values which in turn, make them absent of shame!