Archive for HillaryClinton2016

{Corporations} {Big Business} {The 1%} Own The Republican Party! Six {6} Corporations Own All Of The Media, So, Essentially, The Media Has Become Stooges For the GOP! ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, New York Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, Politico And Other News Agencies And Are Doing The Republicans’ Bidding To Regain Control Of The White House In The 2016 Presidential Election

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Corporate Whores, Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 1, 2015 by sheriffali

The Media is even helping the Republicans cover-up their Criminal Wrongdoings! The Republican Speaker-To-Be Kevin McCarthy went on National Television and stated that the Benghazi Investigation was all about damaging Hillary Clinton’s credibility for the Presidency.


Republican Congressman, Kevin McCarthy even bragged about Mrs. Clinton’s falling Poll Numbers and stated unequivocally, they took credit, both him and his Republican Colleagues. One would think that this type of corruption would be Headlines, but it wasn’t!


Just imagine, the Republican Party spent Millions of Taxpayers’ Dollars both directly and indirectly and got paid with Taxpayers money for not doing their jobs, but instead, using “Material Misrepresentations” to deceive the American people.


If the American people would stop allowing the Politicians and the Media to divide America, we can rebound as a Country, but if not, sooner rather than later we will be another Banana Republic.


George W Bush and Dick Cheney’s Administration lied us into a War For Oil Profit that killed 4,500 American Soldiers and in excess of 500,000 Iraqis at a cost of 1.7 Trillion Dollars and neither the Media or the Republican Party has blinked an eye, “they all blame President Obama!”


Twitter @sheriffali


Why New York Times, Politico, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS And Other News Entities No Longer Have Reporters, But Rather Puppets Doing Their Corporate Bosses Bidding, Is Solely Because Six [6] Corporations Own All Of The Media;

Posted in HIllaryClinton2016, Media Political Stooge For GOP, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2015 by sheriffali

The Six Corporations Own: All of the 1,500 Television Stations, 9,000 Radio Stations, 1,500 News Papers, 1,100 Magazines, 2,400 Publishers – All Owned by the Six Corporations and of course as we are aware according to the US Supreme Court, Corporations are people and Corporations are Big Business and Big Business likes Republicans, because Republicans protect the 1%.


There aren’t any more Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters, Dianne Sawyer, Walter Cronkite, but we do have are Low-Level Puppets hiding behind the word Journalism.


If you haven’t noticed this drastic change since the 2010 Mid Term Election into the Presidential 2012 Election and the 2014 Mid Term and now into the 2016 Presidential Election, then you may not be as smart as you think.


Twitter @sheriffali wrote an article titled “Why Politico Became A GOP Stooge!”