Archive for Hillary Clinton 2016

Republicans Are In “Denial” About Hillary Clinton!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Bill Clinton, Democrat, Hillary Clinton, Kathy Perry with tags , , , , , , , , on October 27, 2015 by sheriffali

If there’s one thing you’d think the events of the last few weeks might accomplish, it’s to get Republicans to reconsider whether beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 will be the cakewalk they apparently have been expecting. Clinton has posted strong fundraising numbers. 


Joe Biden has pulled out. A Bernie Sanders upset is looking increasingly unlikely.  Clinton held her own, and then some, for half a day [11 hours] in last week’s Benghazi hearing. The credibility of the GOP investigations has been damaged.  Republican probe ringleaders may be reconsidering their focus on her emails.



But one of the most important advantages Clinton may have, according to Mark Halperin, is the quality of Republican thinking about the 2016 election:


Some Republicans so detest Hillary Clinton they are badly underestimating how likely she is, at this point in the campaign, to be America’s 45th president. Their denial is just as strong now as it was a month ago, before Clinton began a run of political victories that have enhanced her prospects….many elite and grassroots Republicans believe Clinton’s personality, which they can’t stand, will keep her out of the Oval Office no matter what.


Republicans are erroneously convinced they can beat Clinton solely with talk of Benghazi, e-mails, and other controversies that have nothing to do with the economy and the real lives of real people.


 Nowhere does the Fox News-Rush Limbaugh echo chamber more hurt Republican chances of beating Clinton than in the politics of scandal and controversy. To paraphrase the famous line attributed to Pauline Kael: everyone who conservatives know think the Clintons should be in prison. The problem is that swing voters don’t share that view in sufficient numbers to actually warrant banking a victory on placing those arguments front and center.



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Open Link To Read The Entire Washington Post Article:


House Conservatives Push Trey Gowdy for Leadership Job; the Man and his party that wasted over 60 Million Dollars chasing Benghazi and Emails, hoping to Politically Assassinate Hillary Clinton! The Woman the Republicans and the Media fear the most

Posted in Democrats, HIllaryClinton2016, Politics, Republicans, White House 2016 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2015 by sheriffali

The Media; the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, FOX and other News Outlets have become Stooges for the Republicans!


WASHINGTON — House conservatives, fearful that the post-John A. Boehner era of leadership may look more like a modestly renovated old house than a newly built one, have begun to cast about for one of their own to join the upper ranks: the head of the committee that has been ripping into Hillary Rodham Clinton for well over a year.


While Representative Kevin McCarthy of California appears to have the momentum to become the next speaker of the House, the race for his current job, majority leader, has been thrown into a bit of chaos, with the only female candidate for the post withdrawing from consideration and an incipient grass-roots effort emerging to persuade Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, who has been leading the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email account as secretary of state, to step into the race.


“He is the kind of smart fighter our country needs and the American people deserve,” Representative Mia Love, Republican of Utah, said in a prepared statement Tuesday.


Ms. Love is among a growing number of members getting behind the “Draft Gowdy” movement, begun in part by Mr. Gowdy’s colleagues in the South Carolina congressional delegation. “With impressive communication skills, genuine compassion and the tenacity of a prosecutor, he will unite the party and the people around a truly American agenda,” she said.


Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, also supports a promotion for Mr. Gowdy.



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President Obama Will Endorse Hillary Clinton For President

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2015 by sheriffali

Hillary Clinton is the only Democrat that can keep the White House after President Obama. Bernie Sanders is a good man but his utopian version of projecting what he will do, most of it is just a Pipe’s Dream. I would like to see not just a utopian America but a utopian world, but that is not possible with the indelible wickedness man has within him.


President Obama asked Congress to pass a bill for free two year college and to date the Republicans have rebuked the idea and threw it in the trash. On the other hand Mr. Sanders on the campaign trail is advocating free four years of college. That is a noble idea, but as long as we have to contend with Republicans in Congress that is not possible.


It is going to take Democrats working together in full support of Hillary Clinton in order to win the Presidency that is backed by 900 Million Dollars to the Republicans from the Koch Brothers alone. If you count the other Republican contributors, we would be fighting perhaps a two billion or more war machine. [This is the fault of the Supreme Court when they sanctioned Citizens United].


Mrs. Clinton was one of America’s top 100 Attorneys as certified by the American Bar Association. She was First Lady of Arkansas; First Lady of the United States; U S Senator for 8 years and Secretary of State for 4 years. Like President Obama, Hillary already has a full blown operation.


It is a fallacy by the Corporate Owned Media that is promulgating that 80% of Republicans agree with Bernie Sanders. It is a game and if we play on that field we are bound to lose. The reality of the GOP is that they know Mr. Sanders is not going to get the nomination and their wishes are that Mr. Sanders would run as an Independent which would take away votes from Hillary and give them the White House. Remember 2000 when Ralph Nader ran!


Sheriff Ali


Twitter @sheriffali


Hillary Clinton Social Media

This Site White House Hillary Clinton For President 2016 Should Be Completed July 3 2015


There will be daily blog [s] about Hillary Clinton’s Campaign and all relevant information supporting Mrs. Clinton for President.


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Rupert Murdoch Owner Of the Wall Street Journal And Fox News Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Crushing All Rivals Democrats And Republicans

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 23, 2015 by sheriffali

Hillary Clinton is riding high in a New WSJ/NBC Poll, with a whopping 60 point margin over her nearest Democratic rival and commanding leads nationally against her would-be Republican Opponents.


The Poll found the former Secretary of State garnering 75 Percent of the vote in a potential Democratic Primary. Her closest challenger, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, received only 15 Percent of Democrats’ support, while former Virginia Senator Jim Webb and former Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley were supported by fewer than 5 Percent of respondents.


The results represent a resurgence of Hillary Clinton after Bernie Sanders had appeared to close the gap slightly in recent months.


For years haters of Mrs. Clinton have asserted fact less innuendos and assumptions of wrong doings, something that has never had one inch of truth. If you recall, during the Bill Clinton years as President Republicans rather than do their jobs, used a Special Prosecutor for almost 8 years, wasting Taxpayers money chasing a White Water Land Deal in Arkansas, where the Clinton’s lost $50.00.


For the sake of America, if anyone of the Republicans that are currently official Candidates and those yet to come ends up in the White House after President Obama, The United States would be ruined into a Banana Republic.


Whether you like Hillary Clinton or not that is your choice, but realistically she is the only person that can “Slash And Burn,” the Koch sponsored Evil Does – The Republicans. Bernie Sanders is a good and decent man, but he doesn’t possess the testicular fortitude to “Whip” the lying deceitful, Republicans that supports only the 1% and foreign Governments like Israel.


I have cast my Lot with Hillary Clinton all the way to victory night. Mrs. Clinton is more than qualified to be President.

Hillary Clinton:


She was one of America’s top 100 Attorneys as determined by the American Bar Association.


First Lady of Arkansas

First Lady of The United States

US Senator for 8 years

United States – Secretary of State for 4 years.


Subsequent to George W Bush and Dick Cheney wrecking America and America’s credibility, Hillary Clinton was very instrumental in assisting President Obama in pulling America out of the deep and unforgiving waters, Bush and Cheney threw us into.


Twitter @sheriffali


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Fox News And NY Times Cut Deal With Dishonest Conservative Author For Dirt On Hillary

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 21, 2015 by sheriffali

Major media outlets, including Fox News and The New York Times, have entered into exclusive agreements with Peter Schweizer to access his book Clinton Cash, and to push its story lines in their coverage of the 2016 presidential race. Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, argues that foreign entities funneled money into The Clinton Foundation in exchange for political favors from the State Department.



Understandably, journalists might be interested in having access to the author’s notes for investigating Hillary Clinton’s dealings. However, given Schweizer’s role as a partisan hack with a history of intellectual dishonesty, Fox News and The New York Times, are demonstrating a lack of journalistic integrity. Apparently they have decided that they are more interested in promoting a compelling story than they are in reporting the truth.




Schweizer is the Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large, and he also worked as a consultant in the George W. Bush White House. In addition, he served as a foreign policy consultant to Sarah Palin, and he was paid over 100,000 dollars as an issue adviser for her “SarahPAC” Political Action Committee. While these conservative affiliations do not necessarily disqualify his findings from consideration, they do raise concerns about his objectivity as a researcher. Those concerns are compounded by his history of inaccurate research.


In 2006, USA Today had to retract a column Schweizer wrote because he falsely alleged that Al Gore was receiving royalties from a zinc mine on his Tennessee property.


In 2013.Time debunked a Schweizer claim that appeared inPoliticofalsely claiming that President Barack Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had only met in-person once between March 23, 2010, when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed, and November 30, 2013, when it was signed into law. Contrary to Schweizer’s claims, they actually had met at least 18 times during that period.


A longer list of Schweizer’s research errors and published falsehoods has been documented by Eric Hananoki at the left-leaning Media Matters For America site. Schweizer’s long history of promoting lies and half truths about Democrats should raise serious questions about the credibility of his latest book Clinton Cash. 




Despite Schweizer’s history of mangling the truth, the mainstream media seems all too willing to use his distorted hyper-partisan research as a lens by which they look at Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. While it is possible that the book Clinton Cash may contain tidbits of truth somewhere in its pages, Schweizer’s history of spreading lies while trying to pass his work off as objective journalism, should disqualify him from being part of any credible media outlet’s coverage of the Clinton campaign or the 2016 presidential race. However, since FOX News and The New York Times are apparently interested in pushing Schweizer’s dubious narrative, we can probably dispense the notion that either of those organizations are credible sources of news. [POLITICUSUSA]



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Now they’re trying to steal 2016: The demented GOP schemes to rewire the Electoral College and elect a Tea Party president!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 8, 2014 by sheriffali

Republicans know they can’t win the popular vote. You won’t believe sick schemes they’ve launched to get around it.


Republicans have only won the popular vote for president once in the last 25 years, a steep decline in their fortunes from the period from 1972 to 1988, when they won the popular vote every time but one–1976, the aftermath of Watergate. Add to that massive policy failures and demographic trends against them, and the motivations to cheat are overwhelming.


Voter suppression seemed promising at first—and it’s helpful in many downticket races—but it’s not going to be enough to secure the White House. So they’ve been working on another idea as well—make the popular vote totally irrelevant by leaving red states just as they are, with statewide winners getting all the electoral votes, while making electoral votes more or less proportional in as many blue states as possible—many of which the GOP controls at the state level. If they can rewrite the rules fast enough, they could even win in 2016, with no more votes than Mitt Romney received.


Republicans have been fiddling with various Electoral College schemes since at least 2011 (in Michigan and Pennsylvania), with an upsurge of interest in early 2013, following Romney’s disappointing loss. “How Romney Could Have Won: A changed system would mean changed results” was the title of a January 2013 National Review story, capturing the mood at the time. Romney needn’t have won a single additional popular vote, you see. Just divvy up Electoral College votes by congressional district, and voilà! President, President Romney, Mr. 47 Percent! “[F]or those frustrated over 2012’s results,” the story concluded, “it might be worth thinking about whether it’s time to overhaul the system itself.”



 The buzz faded rather quickly, but now, post-midterm elections, it seems to be staging a modest comeback—and the GOP’s sheer desperation means it would be foolish to ignore this ongoing threat to our democracy. Renewed talk of rewrite schemes actually began even before the midterm election, according to a late-October story by Michigan political columnist Susan J. Demas, and a watered-down scheme emerged after the election, she reported, which would give most of the electoral votes to the statewide winner, but give some to the loser as well. “It’s like a participation trophy in pre-school tee-ball,” Demas wrote, “only Michigan is trying to build up the self-esteem of Republican wannabe leaders of the free world.” [Salon<dot>com]


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