Archive for Haters

CNN For The Sake Of Ratings Have And continue to Prostitute Their Entire News Organization To Bigots, Racists, Liars, Crooks And Haters, The Debased Republican 2016 Hopefuls!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 15, 2015 by sheriffali

CNN GOP DEC 15 15 7

Watch CNN’s coverage of the fifth Republican presidential debate live from Las Vegas on Tuesday, December 15. Coverage begins at 6 p.m. ET.


Washington (CNN) Nine candidates will appear in prime-time Tuesday night for the final Republican presidential primary debate of 2015, a critical event that will help shape the contest heading into the Iowa caucuses.


Businessman Donald Trump, the front-runner for the nomination, will again be center stage flanked by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson on his right and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on his left, CNN announced Sunday. The six remaining participants in the prime-time contest will be Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, businesswoman Carly Fiorina, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.


Twitter @sheriffali

CNN GOP DEC 15 15 6

Republican Opponents Of The Iran Deal Are The Same People That Still Advocate Invading Iraq Was A Good Thing. Meanwhile, General Colin Powell Fully Supports The Iran Agreement

Posted in Iran, Peace, Politics, War with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2015 by sheriffali

Republican Colin Powell, former National Security Adviser, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former Secretary of State support the Iran Deal.  He revealed his support in fairly laudatory terms on Meet the Press.


Here’s the summary:


It’s a pretty good deal… I know there are objections to it, but here’s why I think it’s a good deal,” the former Secretary of State said. He continued, “One of the great concerns that the opposition has that we are leaving open a ‘lane’ for the Iranians to go back to creating a nuclear weapon in 10-15 years are forgetting the reality that they have been on a superhighway for the last ten years to create a nuclear weapon or nuclear weapons program with no speed limit.”


And while Dick Cheney Tried to ignore the reality that under the Bush Administration Iran went from 0 Centrifuges to 5,000, Colin Powell was not ignoring reality.


 “In the last ten years they’ve gone from 136 centrifuges up to something like 19,000 centrifuges.” That is something Republicans never talk about. Powell pointed out, “This agreement will take them down to 5,000 cent all of this will be under IAEA supervision and I think this is a good outcome.”


“They had stockpiled something in the neighborhood of 12,000 kilograms of uranium. This deal will bring it down to 300 kilograms,” Powell said. “It’s a remarkable reduction. I’m amazed that they would do this but they have done it.” [Daily Kos]


Twitter @sheriffali



Donald Trump Is The Reincarnation Of Deceased Openly Racist Alabama Governor, George Wallace. To Deny That Trump Is A Racist Would Be The Same As Believing You Are Dead When You Are Not!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 22, 2015 by sheriffali

The Now Owned Corporate Media Are Too Busy For Ratings And Ignore The Enormity Of Donald Trump’s Racism, However, Trump’s Ideas Weren’t Born Because He Is Running For President. Donald Trump Has Been, Is And Always Will  Be A Racist, Bigot, A Charlatan And Mountebank.


Donald Trump is more dangerous than the Iran Deal because Trump is sowing discord from inside America, creating Anarchy with people hiding behind Anarchists to cover up their racism. This man Donald Trump is a product of the extreme right-wing within the Republican Party.   




“Anthony and Henry Lee were no different than thousands of other black Southern teenagers caught in the intense battle over the implementation of Brown v. Board of Education. But their names would go down in history.


Alabama Gov. George Wallace took office in January 1963 vowing “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever.” Two weeks later, Montgomery civil rights lawyer Fred Gray filed Lee v. Macon County Board of Education, seeking to have 14 African-American teens, led by Anthony and Henry, admitted to the all-white Tuskegee High School. U.S. District Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr. granted Gray’s petition in July.


On Sept. 2, the day classes were scheduled to start for the fall term; Wallace issued an executive order shutting the school for a week and instructed the state police to enforce his decree.


Within days, Judge Johnson and four other federal trial judges in Alabama jointly issued a restraining order instructing the governor to stop interfering with the court-ordered desegregation of public schools in Birmingham, Mobile and Tuskegee. When Wallace ordered the Alabama National Guard to stop any nonwhite children from entering all-white schools, President John F. Kennedy federalized the guard and had them return to their armories.


But the governor wasn’t through, and he declared the state would reimburse parents if they sent their children to a new all-white private school or an all-white public school in a neighboring district. When Tuskegee High’s doors opened Sept. 9, the only students attending were the black children. Wallace then ordered the school closed, leaving the traditionally all-black Tuskegee Institute High School as the only option for students of color.


Judge Johnson had the final word. He and two other federal judges jointly ordered the state to bus the black students to the all-white public schools and enjoined the state from offering any payments to white parents who sent their kids to the private school. He also ruled that Wallace’s actions starting on Sept. 2 were evidence that state officials controlled public education, not local leaders. That finding allowed Johnson to issue a statewide permanent desegregation order as part of Lee.”


Twitter @sheriffali


Donald Trump Vile And Filthy Statements About Women And His Bigoted Racist Disgraceful Outburst Is Not New. Republicans And Fox News Has Embraced This Sorry Excuse For A Man For Years. But Now That He Has Become A Clear And Present Danger To Republicans, Both Fox And The GOP Decided To Politically Assassinate Trump During The Fox News Freak Show Debate. Fox And The GOP Are Reaping What They Sowed!

Posted in Extreme Views, Politics, President Obama, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 11, 2015 by sheriffali

[NYT] A defiant Donald J. Trump suggested on Sunday that he had been singled out for attacks by the hosts of last week’s widely watched Republican presidential debate and again threatened a third-party White House bid if he was not treated “reasonably fairly” by party leaders.


In a rapid-fire series of phone interviews with four Sunday television news programs, Mr. Trump defended his record on women’s issues, arguing that his real estate company had been among the first to put women in charge of major construction projects and that he had “always had a great relationship to the women.” He continued his criticism of the moderators of the debate on the Fox News network saying that no other candidate had been subjected to similarly tough questioning.


And he struck back at critics of his remarks about Megyn Kelly, one of the Fox moderators, which had resulted in his invitation to a meeting of conservatives in Atlanta on Saturday being rescinded. He said that his appraisal of Ms. Kelly’s motives for questioning him sharply during the debate — that she had “blood coming out of her wherever” — was being misconstrued by his rivals as a reference to menstruation in an effort to dampen his surge in the Republican primary. He had made similar remarks, he told more than one interviewer, about her co-moderator, Chris Wallace.



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Open NYT Link For Full Article



Fact-Checking Site Proves Just How Good President Obama Has been For America.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 29, 2015 by sheriffali

So When Republicans Say That President Obama Has Been The “Worst President In History,” They Are Clearly Throwing Red-Meat To Their Uninformed, Brainwashed Gullible Crowd!


[Source Forward Progress]

Following His annual State of the Union speech, many Republicans have been quite critical of the supposed” arrogance” President Obama displayed while giving his address. Then again, what’s new? Republicans have been trying to paint the President as arrogant and “out of touch” for years.


But with all recent SOTU address speeches, Fact-Checking Organizations usually work overtime in an attempt to investigate whether or not what the President said during his speech was factually correct. And this year was no different.


And when it comes to the “Truth-O-Meter” over at Politifact, President Obama’s SOTU scored extremely high marks for accuracy and truth.


When he said that America is number one in the wind power, that was rated as “Mostly True” with the only caveat being that China technically has the capacity to produce more wind power, but we convert more of it into electricity.


Then there was when the President said we are creating more jobs than at any other time since 1999, Politifact rated that 100 percent “True.” We all remember 1999, right? You know, the last time we had a Democrat in the White House.


Twitter @sheriffali


You can read the entire report by clicking on the link below;


It is not Politically Correct, so the News wouldn’t admit it, but Cruz, Palin, Perry, Bachmann and the extreme right wing will never accept…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 15, 2013 by sheriffali

The fifty percent African American President! Obama will never mention it because he is too much of a dignified gentleman; however, I strongly believe that Obama is fully cognizant that even if he came up with a cure for cancer, these wretched racists’ mortals would still have hate in them, even in their graves.


Bush and Cheney spent the five trillion dollar surplus; on top of that they added five trillion dollars worth of new debt and if that wasn’t bad enough, they left trillions of dollars in debts, for the unpaid wars they started and never completed.


In 2008 the country and the entire financial system was in a free fall; 800,000 jobs were being lost monthly; banks were crashing by the dozens every month wiping out peoples’ savings; scheming Goldman Sachs and the Banks with their derivatives derived from American Home Owners Mortgages collapsed the real estate market and millions of hard working honest people lost their homes and their life savings. Our financial system was on the verge of collapse with the Auto Industry in the tank; AIG Insurance were on the brink of bankruptcy that would have cost the tax payers 1.5 trillion, had it not been for Obama’s 180 Billion Dollars intervention, for which all of the 180 billion were repaid with interest.


The ill advice war in Iraq cost in excess of 1.7 trillion dollars; our occupation in Afghanistan has crossed over 1.2 trillion and the saddest of all; 4,500 soldiers were killed; thousand of amputees, some of them paraplegics and fifty thousand plus have mental problems, and despite their unwavering service to their country, those that returned home thus far, most of them cannot find work.


The Republicans blocked every attempt to jump start the economy that could have provided jobs for our returning heroes with positive and productive projects, such as totally rebuilding America’s infrastructure. This would have provided millions of jobs to the American people, but, for them, it is about protecting the 2% at the top and screwing the 98% at the bottom, but more than that, trying to obstruct and demean the President at every turn.


This is what President Obama inherited and do you think for a moment that the Republicans in Congress weren’t aware of the ditch that Bush threw us into? And what did they do from the very inception of Obama’s Presidency? Mitch McConnell swore that his main objective wasn’t what was good for the American people, but rather, he said he was going to make certain that Obama was a one term President.


Just look at the House Republicans how they have shut down the Government in their failed Obamacare (ACA) coup d’etat, and have subsequently resorted to playing Russian Roulette with the debt ceiling.


The American people can overcome all of this madness because they have their say at the ballot box. The questions are; would they allow themselves to be placated from hate; being brainwashed or uninformed or both, when they cast their vote again in 2014?


When ever I post articles such as these, the brain-dead, brainwashed and the uninformed comments amount to a few words; “Yawn;” “Liberal;” and, even with a flash light and two pens and paper, it is real hell for them to string a coherent sentence together!