Archive for Cover-up

In A Blistering Op-Ed 9/11 Widow Kristen Breitweiser Rips Condoleezza Rice, George W Bush Dick Cheney And Others – “Stop The Lies!”

Posted in 9/11, Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, WIDOW kristen Breitweiser with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2015 by sheriffali


“Dear Condi:


I’m going to keep this really simple.


In response to your comment that you could personally “plead guilty” to not having imagined terrorists would use passenger aircraft as weapons→please stop lying.



As proof, I provide the “Iron Man” documents from the Asymmetrical Threats Division of Joint Forces Intelligence Command (JFIC), also known as DO5, whose task it was to track UBL from mid 1998-mid 2001.



I would first note that you were National Security Advisor to the President of the United States — that means that you had pretty much access to anything and everything available regarding terrorist threats from groups like Al Qaeda.


Fourteen years later, everyone now knows about the summer of 2001 and the more than one dozen intelligence reports blinking red about an impending Al Qaeda terrorist attack. There was the August 6 PDB, FAA reports, CIA reports, DOD reports, and FBI reports — all indicating and discussing terrorist cells inside the US planning attacks inside the US.


What most people don’t know about is the smoking gun report from JFIC, DO5.


According to the report written in the summer of 2000: “The WMD Threat to the U.S.” (information cut off date 16 July 2000) the briefing slides emphasized that NYC was the most difficult consequence management problem and recommended using NYC as the model for planning/exercises. 


The oral briefing itself was much more sensitive, indicating that the World Trade Centers #1 and #2 were the most likely buildings to be attacked in the U.S., followed closely by the Pentagon. The briefer indicated that the worst case scenario would be one Tower collapsed onto the other. 



The possibility of striking the buildings with a plane may have been discussed then — it was certainly discussed in the Red Cell Analysis leading up to the briefing period. The acting Deputy of DO5 (name redacted), proposed in the Red Cell Analysis that the building could be struck by a jetliner. Discussion followed on contacting World Trade Center security and engineering/architectural staff, but the idea was not further explored because of a command climate discouraging contact with the civilian community.



So please Ms. Rice — with all due respect — stand down and stop spouting lies like, “The idea the president of the United States was warned that Al-Qaeda was going to attack the United States and did nothing about it. Really? Do you think any president of the United States, if he had even an inkling there was going to be an attack, they wouldn’t have moved heaven and earth to try to stop it?”


Because neither you nor President Bush nor DCI George Tenet, nor Vice President Dick Cheney, nor Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, nor FBI Director Robert Mueller, stopped these terrorists from killing 3,000 people.


You had the information; you saw the reports. You were given the briefings. You all knew the facts. Indeed, many in our intelligence community were tracking the 9/11 terrorists and knew more than an “inkling” about their plans. And none of you did anything to stop them. In fact, many of the teams tracking these terrorists were inexplicably thwarted, blocked, and ordered to STOP their surveillance, investigation, and analysis of the 9/11 terrorists who went on to kill 3,000 innocent people like my husband.







[Huffington Post


Twitter @sheriffali

Ferguson, Missouri: Governor Jay Nixon; Captain Ron Johnson; Police Chief Thomas Johnson; A severe Cavity; Dentist and Empirin Codeine!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 18, 2014 by sheriffali

Governor Jay Nixon assigning Captain Ron Johnson to deal with the symptoms of a “cause” created by a White Racist Police Department; is the same as a Dentist giving you Empirin Codeine for severe pain from a cavity. When the Codeine wears off the pain returns and so it is with the People of Ferguson. Nine days later and the Pain from Michael Brown’s animalistic killing is still there, because the “cause” remains unexplained and it is self evident that the Authorities of Ferguson, is in the Middle of Scheming a cover-up of yet, another African American.  


According to the Autopsy Report released by Dr. Michael Baden, the renowned Pathologist, Michael Brown was shot six times, twice in the Head. One of the Head wounds was on the top of Mr. Brown’s head. The Autopsy also revealed that Michael Brown wasn’t shot at close range because there were no burnt marks on his body. This proves that Michael Brown had no Gun and didn’t fire one, but what conclusion can be drawn is that, Police Officer Darren Wilson was merciless when he fired six shots into Michael Brown.


The Police Chief stalled for one week in releasing Darren Wilson’s name and when he finally did release the name, he did so, fumbling and with unclear photos of a “strong-armed” robbery some 2/3 of a mile from where Michael Brown was killed.


Here is a timeline from [Daggerpen @Tumblr] that questions the Police version of the timeline of Michael Brown’s Death.


  1. Here’s a map I made with the route from the Liquor Store to the site of Michael Brown’s murder (map), with notes on locations, timing, etc.  It’s similar to what’s in this post, but has less details and no links.
  2. Through their attorney the Ferguson Market has said that they never called the cops, a customer did.  And they never said they thought this was Mike Brown, the policetold them that it was later in the week. (News story with video)
  3. Timestamps on their surveillance video show the robber didn’t leave till 11:54, which falsifies the police timeline (screenshot, timestamp of 11:53:50 in upper corner).  Mike Brown was murdered 2/3rds of a mile away (see map from 1). 
  4. He was dead by 12:03 (The first @TheePharoah tweet about his death was at 12:03) , so if the police claim they made contact at 12:01 is right, it took less than 2 minutes for Darren Wilson to encounter him, to challenge him, and murder him.  But lets say it’s right, even though that seems awfully, disgustingly, fast.
  5. So, in 7 minutes or less, (and it’s probably less!) Mike Brown would have had to travel on foot 2/3rds of a mile.  If he kept an even speed the whole time he was jogging about 6 miles an hour for 7 of the last 9 minutes of his life.  Possible?  Maybe.  But the police said Darren confronted him walking, not running in the street.  Technically possible,not at all plausible.


A more realistic timeline would say it took a minute to clear out of the parking lot and pick up full speed so call it 11:55 he left and got on a steady pace.  And what was already tweeted by 12:03 probably happened 12:02. The encounter described was probably at least 3 minutes (making it more like 11:59 the encounter started.) So actually the cops are trying to claim Mike Brown covered 2/3rds of a mile in the 4 minutes from 11:55 to 11:59.  .That’s a solid 10 miles an hour the whole way, both him AND Johnson, and not noticeably running when Darren stopped them.  So this is pretty much impossible.


Twitter@ Sheriffali


Did Pontiff Benedict resign, or, did the Vatican Pontificators resign him, to rescue their own dismal image?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 17, 2013 by sheriffali

It is quite possible that Pope Benedict’s resignation wasn’t voluntary, but perhaps it may be the conspiracy of the Vatican’s Collegiums Pontificum in an attempt not only to rescue their faltering dismal image, but to rescue their financial house from all of the egregious misuse of funds, from cover-ups of molestation; to robbing the dead; to the disgraced Vatican Bank and a host of other problems.


The ousting of Pope Benedict is perhaps due to the most significant factor and that is, almost fifty (50%) percent of The Roman Catholic Church Members are Latin Americans, hence the reason for the first Non-European Pope in more than one thousand (1,000) years.


Vatican’s appointment of Pope Francis is perhaps an attempt to hold on to their most loyal Members that accounts for 50% of the Roman Catholic Religion:


Not all but most Spanish people are die-hard loyalist to the Roman Catholic Religion and who else but them, would continue to give their unwavering support in dedication and money to men who seems in their own minds to have usurped God and have convinced others that they are Holier than Christ Himself. When God in the flesh walked the earth in the form of Jesus Christ, He did so in the most humble manner. However, take a good look at Pope Benedict with his costume from his head down to his toe that looks like he is in the Brazilian Carnival Parade.  


Robbing those whose faith could not be shaken – the Dead:


Cardinal Roger M. Mahony used 115 million dollars from a Los Angeles cemetery maintenance fund to pay landmark settlements with molestation victims. The church did not inform the relatives of the deceased that it had taken the money, which amounted to 88% of the fund. The families of those buried in the church-owned cemeteries and interred in its mausoleums have contributed to a dedicated account for the perpetual care of the graves and crypts. But, the Robe-Wearing Gangsters calling themselves Priests, Cardinals and the likes, literally robbed the dead.


Vatican Bank mysteries and scandals!


Robert Calvi, sometimes referred to as “God’s Banker,” was found dead in 1982, hanging from a bridge in London. The Vatican Bank was recently in the news following the Ferrari-driving Lawyer who has been charged with defrauding insurance companies and using the Vatican Bank to hide the loot.


To his credit, Pope Benedict XV1 tried to insert some transparency into the bank’s operations, but ran into the Vatican Political Wall. Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, President of the Vatican Bank was fired because he was getting too close to the truth.


The Vatican Bank has been involved in money laundering and various forms of illegal activities for decades. The Vatican which is the Roman Catholic Religion is the only religion in the world that has Embassies in several countries and instituted self-amnesty for all those in esteem positions in the Church.


In the final analysis, the heads of the Roman Catholic Church/Religion is not about God, it is about cover-ups; schemes; money laundering; sex abuse to innocent children and perhaps murder. The question is why anyone would follow these Pharisees whose deeds are unequivocally – “pharisaic ostentation.”

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