Archive for Colin Powell

George W Bush And Dick Cheney Used Private Emails And A Private Server Owned By the Republican National Committee And Karl Rove In 2007 Erased 22 Million Emails.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 23, 2016 by sheriffali


Colin Powell And Condoleezza Rice Used Private Emails, However, Republicans And The Media Have Gone Only After Hillary Clinton; WHY?


Isn’t it amazing, we have Two War Criminals, George W Bush, Dick Cheney having done even worse than what the Republicans have been trashing Hillary Clinton for in regards to Benghazi. The Bush Administration ignored nine months of pre-warning that allowed September 11, 2001 tragedy to occur. And if that wasn’t bad enough these criminals then turned around and invaded Iraq, killing thousands of our Soldiers, injuring hundreds of thousands and costing the lives of more than 250 Million Iraqis, costing the Tax Payers in excess of [2] Two Trillion Dollars.


George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and others in the Bush Administration should be imprisoned, but Congressional Republicans have never blinked an eye when it comes to their own.


However, Republicans have hounded the Obama Administration and specifically, Hillary Clinton over the tragedy in Benghazi that took the lives of four great Americans. But apart from that, look at the time and money Republicans have wasted in investigating Hillary Clinton’s Email, when Bush, Cheney and Rove are guilty by Republican Standards for their participation in the Bush Administration Email Scandal.


President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have spent their entire lives working for America, the American people and the world; they have never been arrested, indicted or are there any facts of guilt against the Clintons, except gossip, lies and innuendos by Republicans and the twisted Media.


Now the Republican Party have decimated America by Nominating a Certified Serial Liar, Con Man, Bankruptcy Swindler, Bigot, Fascist, Racist, a Bona Fide Crook and one of the world’s nastiest people, Donald Trump to run for the Presidency.


Support Hillary Clinton for President and Vote for a Democratic Controlled Senate and House of Representatives.


Twitter @sheriffali





Republican Opponents Of The Iran Deal Are The Same People That Still Advocate Invading Iraq Was A Good Thing. Meanwhile, General Colin Powell Fully Supports The Iran Agreement

Posted in Iran, Peace, Politics, War with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2015 by sheriffali

Republican Colin Powell, former National Security Adviser, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former Secretary of State support the Iran Deal.  He revealed his support in fairly laudatory terms on Meet the Press.


Here’s the summary:


It’s a pretty good deal… I know there are objections to it, but here’s why I think it’s a good deal,” the former Secretary of State said. He continued, “One of the great concerns that the opposition has that we are leaving open a ‘lane’ for the Iranians to go back to creating a nuclear weapon in 10-15 years are forgetting the reality that they have been on a superhighway for the last ten years to create a nuclear weapon or nuclear weapons program with no speed limit.”


And while Dick Cheney Tried to ignore the reality that under the Bush Administration Iran went from 0 Centrifuges to 5,000, Colin Powell was not ignoring reality.


 “In the last ten years they’ve gone from 136 centrifuges up to something like 19,000 centrifuges.” That is something Republicans never talk about. Powell pointed out, “This agreement will take them down to 5,000 cent all of this will be under IAEA supervision and I think this is a good outcome.”


“They had stockpiled something in the neighborhood of 12,000 kilograms of uranium. This deal will bring it down to 300 kilograms,” Powell said. “It’s a remarkable reduction. I’m amazed that they would do this but they have done it.” [Daily Kos]


Twitter @sheriffali