Archive for CABLE NEWS

The Biggest “Recruiters” For ISIS Are; CNN, FOX, Some Republican And Democrat Politicians And Here Is Why;

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2014 by sheriffali

CNN On both CNN Domestic and International they are persistent in their coverage of the murderous evildoers ISIS. CNN and their Guests can’t stop talking about ISIS in their descriptions; ISIS: A well organized group; A well financed group; A well disciplined group; A major recruiting group; A group like none before that has seized large chunks of territory and other descriptions, that awaken the minds of disenfranchised young people from all walks of life to become part of something that maybe beneficial to them, when in fact, it is the total opposite.


FOX With their disdain for President Obama they seem to always find people from the Bush Administration that are the same people that are the “creators” of all of this havoc by their unwise decision to Invade and break Iraq into fragments that are coming back to haunt us and the world. Their Guests includes the deranged notables like Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and others that are on Fox’s Programs from 7PM through 11PM every day, including weekends. Their remarks are; Obama plan is going to fail; Obama is not going to create a coalition; Obama should put Boots on the ground; Obama is weak; Obama created the most efficient terrorist fighting force; Obama lack of action allowed ISIS to recruit tens of thousands; Obama plan cannot stop ISIS.


Analysis of CNN and FOX: One is embellishing in ISIS and the other is telling the terrorists that they have nothing to worry about. And since ISIS doesn’t have anything to worry about because Obama doesn’t know what he is doing, it emboldens those in charge of running ISIS and inspires the weak minds to want to or join the ISIS madness.


Analysis on Republican and Democrat Politicians; Most Republicans are promulgating that Obama plan doesn’t go far enough and that Obama shouldn’t take off the table, Boots on the ground and that Obama’s foreign Policy is what has turned the world upside down. As for the Democrats, they are insisting that Congress should fully debate this ISIS matter, or, Obama is going back on his word that he campaigned on in 2008 against the Iraq War.


With the two Major Cable Networks and the Politicians behavior, why should anyone, especially the terrorists take us seriously when the unwarranted disrespect for President Obama is so loudly permeated by Republicans and the Democrats Co-Presidency is equally loud. “Together we would always aspire and achieve; divided, we would always fall.”


On BBC I watched earlier Saturday night a full hour of News. BBC spent about 10 minutes of the beheading of the British Aid Worker and Prime Minister Cameron comments. BBC did call the ISIS terrorists barbaric, but, nothing that the BBC said gave any inspiration to ISIS or people that may be contemplating joining this egregious machination.


Twitter @sheriffali



Do most Americans have a clue about the reality of Iraq? Or is their reality Cable News and the Despots that find themselves on Television, like Cheney!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 25, 2014 by sheriffali

The Media’s obsession with Polls like they did in 2003; 80% of Americans had favored Bush invading Iraq. Now, 59% of Americans disagree with Obama’s Iraq Policy. We saw this picture before when it comes to Iraq.


President Obama is no weakling but neither is he a fool. As the President said, “No amount of fire power can fix what is wrong with Iraq.”  


Does most American have a clue about the reality of Iraq? Or, is their reality Cable News and the “Despots” like Cheney and Bush’s Cronies that got us into Iraq!


 If you listen to the Bush Gang that actually “broke” Iraq by invading it and opened a door for more killings than Saddam Hussein regime did, they lie without any thought for the truth and it seems self evident that they are counting on the stupidity of many Americans, who doesn’t seem to have a clue about facts.


When the Russian/Ukraine problem came up, 88% of Americans hadn’t a clue where Ukraine was located. Some 33% thought that Ukraine was a city within one of our own 50 States. Others thought Ukraine was in South America. It is actually sad to see how dumb we have become, irrespective of all of the opportunities and tools available to help educate us.


I would take a wager that most Americans have no idea about Shiites and Sunnis and why they have been killing each other for thousands of years. The same 80% that favored Bush invading Iraq, they turned on him as soon as his “Mission Accomplish” turned out to be a farce.


I do believe that President Obama is a wise and thoughtful man and his reluctance about Iraq at the moment, has to do with the Prime Minister, Nour al-Maliki that was installed by Bush. I also do not believe that Obama is going to re-invade Iraq. He would help Diplomatically and with advisers, but this is a President who isn’t going to send your sons and daughters to get killed and maimed, for other people’s religious wars.


Twitter @sheriffali


[FACT] President Obama has issued the least number of executive orders since the 1800’s!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 20, 2014 by sheriffali

And yet the Fox News Nut Cases, “masters of misnomers” and totally bankrupt of shame, would tend to tell you otherwise and the Fox Wing-Nuts Followers, brainwashed, brain-dead, ignorant and gullible Americans, believe these outlandish lies, perhaps in the same manner as they do that “Climate Change is a fallacy.”


Every American can do their own research and find out the “truth” about anything, rather than take their gospel from CABLE NEWS that have their own agenda; “create commotion with lies; bring on their shows people so far apart in their thinking that if words killed, they would all be dead.


CABLE NEWS HOSTS willingly participate in this hypocrisy at the orders of their Corporate Bosses whose only concerns are; increase viewership in order to garner more advertising to increase revenues in the name of AVARICE!


Of all of America’s Cable News, Fox promotes the most hate; runs down President Obama as if he comes at nights and steals their “only” underwear; have the most notorious, Obama Haters that are bankrupt of truth and decency that never existed before. Lou Dobbs, Smith Varney, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Riley and the rest of Hacking Murdoch’s team lead by Roger Ailes, leaves an open ended question; “why would any sane person listen and follow these people?


Look at any of the shows on Fox and see who their repeated guests are; Rush Limbaugh, John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Sara Palin, Donald Trump, and as for their guests from Congress, “they are the worst of the extreme right of the Republican Party. 


CNN, even the Republican Elephant couldn’t possibly support Rhino Chris Christie!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 30, 2013 by sheriffali

CNN, you have become the idiots of Cable News! The Elephant cannot support Chris Christie on its back and further more, the Republican Party is in such disarray, even a Coyote on the Elephant will Poll better than 24%!


You are obsessed with polling people that changes their minds faster than they change their clothes, just to create commotion in order to enhance your viewership, but, I got news for you, “it isn’t working!”


When CNN became TIME – WARNER – AOL; Ted Turner’s amazing vision of bringing 24 hour News to the world, got flushed down the toilet.  Save that of Anderson Cooper at 8PM, everything else on CNN should be tossed into the trash!


I wouldn’t watch Fox News because it is self evident that HACKER Rupert Murdoch, defecated into the ears of every one of Fox’s Hosts that seeped into their brains. Their obsession with President Obama, that causes them to continually espouse phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissistic deluge, will give you a hang-over, even if you do not drink alcohol!


CNN, you make claim that you are the most “trusted name in News” and Fox lay claim that they are “fair and balanced!” Just how dumb do you think people are?