Archive for american tax payers

The ungrateful son of a bitch, Benjamin Netanyahu, slapped Obama and Clinton in the face!

Posted in American Tax Payers, Benjamin Netanyahu, Internecine Policies, Israeli Settlements, Palestine, President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Slap in the face, Son of a bitch Netanyahu, United States, War-Monger, West Bank with tags , , , on December 5, 2012 by sheriffali

Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal mind-set is no different than the lunatics – Hamas! Netanyahu has always been a war-monger at the expense of the American Tax Payers. After Obama and Clinton brokered a “cease-fire” between Israel and Hamas, for Benjamin Netanyahu to now once again expand New Settlements in the West Bank, is a direct slap in the face to President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and the good-hearted American people.


We must always defend Israel when they are right and condemn them when they are wrong! In this case of expanding settlements, Israel’s Netanyahu shows his true colors – “He is a war monger; the same as the people he accuses of being war-mongers!”


Now that the Election is over, President Obama “must” show that he is the man we worked to reelect, by exercising America’s power and influence and stop Benjamin Netanyahu from continuing his phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies. By Sheriff Ali



By Maureen Dowd – New York Times



Everyone expected Hillary to lower the boom on Bibi Friday night.

The bullying Israeli prime minister is fond of demanding that America set red lines on Iran’s nuclear ambitions. But he blithely stuck a finger in the eye of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton Friday and went over a red line for successive American administrations: Israel gave the White House only a few hours’ notice that it was defying the U.S. and planning new settlements in the most sensitive territory east of Jerusalem, a move that Washington fears could obliterate any prospect of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“If such a project were to go beyond blueprints,” Jodi Rudoren and Mark Landler wrote in The Times, “it could prevent the creation of a viable, contiguous Palestinian state” by closing off the West Bank from East Jerusalem.


Open the link to read Maureen Dowd’s full article!


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