Archive for 2016 Presidential Election

Hillary Clinton Will Always Be The Legitimate Winner Of The 2016 Presidential Election And Donald Trump Will Remain The Treasonous Illegitimate President Until He Is Impeached And Imprisoned.

Posted in Politics 2016 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 24, 2017 by sheriffali

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Vladimir Putin Gave Direct Orders To Damage Hillary Clinton And Elect Donald Trump President With Assistance From Coconspirators Trump, Trump’s Campaign And Republicans.


Months prior to the 2016 Election Russia’s participation was absolutely clear from all of American’s 17 Intelligence Agencies to the point that President Obama approved a previously undisclosed covert measure that authorized planting cyber weapons in Russia’s infrastructure, the digital equivalent of bombs that could be detonated if the United States found itself in an escalating exchange with Moscow. The project, which Obama approved in a covert-action finding, was still in its planning stages when Obama left office. It would be up to President Trump to decide whether to use the capability. [Think About That Prospect]


[WAPO]”Early last August, an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried “eyes only” instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides.


Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladi­mir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.


But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.


At that point, the outlines of the Russian assault on the U.S. election were increasingly apparent. Hackers with ties to Russian intelligence services had been rummaging through Democratic Party computer networks, as well as some Republican systems, for more than a year. In July, the FBI had opened an investigation of contacts between Russian officials and Trump associates. And on July 22, nearly 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee were dumped online by WikiLeaks.”


Twitter @sheriffali


Open Link And Read Washington Post Verified Report:


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The Trump/Russia Hearing Puts An End To The Allegation That Clinton Ran A Terrible Campaign

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 21, 2017 by sheriffali



“To publicized Hillary Clinton’s Email and Benghazi Investigations as  falsely making Hillary as some sort of Criminal and at the same time, “Suppress and Cover-Up” a massive Investigation into Donald Trump Campaign and Russia’s Involvement since July 2016, is not only Hypocrisy, it is blatant Misogyny. The FBI, James Comey, Republicans, The Media, Some Democrats and Independents, should be ashamed and let us hope that they have real “Nightmares” of what Donald Trump is doing to America!” Sheriff Ali


[Politicususa] “Pundits and strategists who keep blaming Hillary Clinton for losing while ignoring the impact of Russian interference display a willful blindness that can only be accounted for by a particularly strong emotional bias teetering on hysteria.


Sounding a lot like many smug conservatives and some smug liberals, President Trump issued a hopeful, preemptive tweet that the Democrats made up the Russian interference story to cover for their “terrible campaign.”


Right. It couldn’t possibly be as all 18 intelligence agencies have repeatedly said: Russia interfered in the 2016 election for the purpose of electing Donald Trump, politically harming Hillary Clinton, and ultimately undermining western democracy.


All of the pundits who keep going on and on about Hillary Clinton’s horrible campaign, the conservatives who keep saying that Democrats need to get it together because they had a horrible message, and the liberals who claim Clinton would have won if only she talked about the economy (having covered Clinton’s 2016 campaign, I just want to ask if these people ever listened to Clinton speak because she talked pretty much nonstop about economic issues) should be praised for repeating Donald Trump’s talking points.


Donald Trump won the 2016 election by a small 78,000 vote advantage in three states, having lost the popular vote by almost 3 million, and he did that with the help of a hostile foreign power.


If the topic of how Democrats lost 2016 is being discussed, the Russian interference should be the lead.


To leave this out is to be disingenuous and intellectually dishonest to the point of outing one’s emotional bias.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Hillary Clinton Drops A Debate Bomb On Trump By Releasing 19 Pages Of His Fact Checked Lies!

Posted in 2016 Presidency with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 25, 2016 by sheriffali


[Politicususa] The Hillary Clinton campaign held a special press call to call on the debate moderator, media, and voters to fact check Donald Trump. In order to help the press, debate moderators, and voters fact check Trump, the Clinton campaign has released 19 pages of Trump lies.


The Hillary Clinton campaign held a special press call to call on the debate moderator, media, and voters to fact check Donald Trump. In order to help the press, debate moderators, and voters fact check Trump, the Clinton campaign has released 19 pages of Trump lies.


HFA Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri said, “Donald Trump has shown a clear pattern of repeating provably false lies hoping that nobody will correct him. As we head into this debate, we want voters and viewers to be on alert that they should keep track. Any candidate that tells this many lies, clearly can’t win the debate on the merits.”


In total there are 19 pages of fact checked Trump lies that can be read here.


The Clinton campaign is specifically focused on Trump’s 7 Deadly Lies:


FALSE: Trump opposed the Iraq War.

Washington Post: Trump: “I was totally against the war in Iraq.” // Four Pinocchios.


FALSE: Trump opposed intervention in Libya. Donald Trump on Libya, May 20 interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”: I would have stayed out of Libya.” // False.


FALSE: Clinton supports open borders.


PolitiFact: Trump says Clinton wants to create ‘totally open borders.’ // False


FALSE: Clinton wants to get rid of the Second Amendment.


ABC News: “Claim: Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment” // False.


“When Trump made this same claim earlier in the cycle, Politifact rated the claim false after finding no evidence of Clinton ever advocating for the abolishment of the Second Amendment… Bottom line: there’s no evidence to support Trump’s claim.


FALSE: President Obama and Clinton founded ISIS.

Washington Post: “Is Obama the founder of ISIS?” // Absolutely not.


“Absolutely not. It’s like saying that Ronald Reagan is the founder of al-Qaeda because the arms he sent to the mujahedeen in Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion led to the creation of al-Qaeda. It’s a ludicrous claim.”


FALSE: Clinton would allow 620,000 refugees into the U.S. with no vetting.


  Washington Post: Trump: “This includes her plan to bring in 620,000 new refugees from Syria and that region over a short period of time.” // This is an “invented figure.”


FALSE: Trump will make Mexico pay for the wall.


NPR Fact Check: Trump: “And Mexico will pay for the wall. 100 percent.” // Mexican President “would not pay” for the wall.


The release of so many pages of fact checked lies was a brilliantly clever move from the Clinton campaign. Palmieri repeated the Clinton belief that the moderator should be fact checking Trump at the debate, but since it has been made clear that this isn’t going to happen, Clinton is giving voters and the press all of the materials that they need to fact check Trump in real time at the debate.


Throughout his entire campaign, Trump has been allowed to lie without consequence, but that is about to change at the first presidential debate.


The Hillary Clinton camp is ready, and they are mobilizing an army of fact checkers to take down Trump.


Twitter @sheriffali







Democratic Debate Will Reveal Subtle Divides, if Not Wide Gaps

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Democratic Debate with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 13, 2015 by sheriffali

After watching two viscerally divisive debates among the Republican presidential contenders, Americans are about to witness a confrontation by the Democrats that will most likely center on differences of degree, not direction, and on how hard they will push a liberal agenda, not where they hope to lead the nation.


Twitter @sheriffali


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MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow And Andrea Mitchell Hatchet Job On Hillary Clinton

Posted in Hillary Clinton, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 9, 2015 by sheriffali

The Left Wing Conspiracy Against Hillary Clinton!

Look around at any popular left leaning reporter in almost any media format, and you won’t find one of them who are willing to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is leading the democratic primary by twenty-plus points in every national poll. Forget about whether they like her, they’re not even willing to acknowledge the most basic facts of the 2016 campaign when those facts just happen to make clear that she has a big lead. So, why the sudden left wing conspiracy against Hillary Clinton?


There are two factors at play, and you’ll have to decide for yourself whether one or both applies to any given liberal reporter and in whatever proportion. One factor is that these liberal reporters are simply trashing Hillary Clinton for street credibility among their left leaning audience. They know Bernie Sanders is trendy right now, and while they’re politically savvy enough to know that Bernie Sanders has no chance of winning this primary, they’re also aware that much of their audience doesn’t know that.


So they keep swiping at Hillary, score some cheap points with purist liberals, and they figure no harm done because Hillary is going to win anyway. The other factor is simply that no one watches a blowout, and in order to get their left leaning audience to keep tuning in, they have to paint this race as being much closer than it is. You can decide who’s doing what and why. But some of these otherwise respectable liberal leaning reporters are stomping all over their own credibility in the process.


Hillary Clinton once quipped back in the nineties that there was a “vast right wing conspiracy” against she and her husband, as those on the right invented one trumped up scandal about them after another. Now in 2015, Hillary faces something of the converse. Oh sure, the right wing is still after her, but by now their concoctions are predictable. Here’s what no one saw coming: from the liberal members of the media on down, there now appears to be a vast left wing conspiracy against her.


On the surface it seems an absurd notion. After the liberals have had control of the White House for the past six-plus years and has benefited from it greatly, Hillary Clinton represents the best chance to keep the left wing’s control intact. So the left leaning members of the media should be rubber-stamping her candidacy for President, right? Hardly!

Take a survey of the tenor of the relatively few openly left-leaning prominent members of the media. MSNBC should be thrilled at the idea of President Hillary Clinton but they just tried to bury her in a hostile interview this week which focused mostly on phony scandals. So perhaps Andrea Mitchell, who conducted the interview, it’s from the left wing. But her MSNBC counterpart Rachel Maddow is. And if anything, Maddow seems more cravenly out to sink Clinton’s chances than anyone. That’s a shocker considering that Maddow is generally considered one of the fairest liberal voices on television.


Is it that Rachel is so enthralled by a can’t-win protest candidate like Bernie Sanders that she’s willing to throw Hillary Clinton under a bus in the hopes of propping up her preferred candidate, or is it that MSNBC is merely shifting to hard to the right this year that Maddow has little choice but to go along with it? That’s not entirely clear. But what is more transparent is the manner in which liberal hero Bill Maher has essentially turned his weekly show into a pro-Sanders, anti-Hillary campaign stump.


When Maher had Sanders on as a guest at the start of his campaign, it was the most puff-piece interview possible. Since that time Maher has made a point of doing segments in which he specifically trashed Clinton for daring to take Hollywood money to fund her campaign – yes, this is the same Bill Maher who famously gives large sums of that same Hollywood money to democratic candidates whenever he feels like it. When Claire McCaskill went on Maher’s show recently, seemingly for the sole intention of talking up her recent endorsement of Hillary Clinton, Maher never let her get to it before moving on to the next segment. But Maher isn’t the only problem either.



Twitter @sheriffali


Jeb Bush – The Tortoise Is Chasing The Man With The Dead Animal’s Bleached Hair On His Head! Methinks Thou Doth Exclaim Too Much!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2015 by sheriffali

Jeb Bush is blaming Iraq’s chaos, ISIS and the total broken Middle-East that his Brother George W Bush caused, on President Obama and Hillary Clinton.


Right now Jeb is in trouble because of the man with the Dead Animal’s Bleached Hair On His Head. Jeb is chasing the “Hair” day and night and he is manufacturing untruths that are putting him in even worse of a situation because, people are not stupid as the Bush’s think they are.

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[NYT] “In politics, the smallest things often turn out to be the most telling ones, and so it is with the man who was supposed to be the Republican front-runner, who once inspired such rapture among party elders and whose entrance into the presidential race they yearned and clamored for.


They not only got their wish, they got it with punctuation: Jeb! That’s Jeb Bush’s logo, and the exclamation point is the tell. None of the other Republican presidential candidates has anything like it. None of the Democrats either. It’s a declaration of passion that only someone worried about a deficit of it would issue. Methinks thou doth exclaim too much.


Before Bush announced his candidacy, talk of his vulnerabilities focused largely on certain positions — his defense of Common Core educational standards, his advocacy for immigration reform — that were anathema to many voters in the Republican primaries. He was sure to catch flak.


But catching fire is his bigger problem. He can’t do it. In a bloated field of bellicose candidates, he’s a whisper, a blur, starved of momentum, bereft of urgency and apt to make news because he stumbles, not because he soars. Can he soar? Or even sprint?


“I’m the tortoise in the race,” he told a group of voters in Florida not long ago. “But I’m a joyful tortoise.”


And Donald Trump’s a demented peacock and I’m a crotchety hippo. Reverse anthropomorphism is a fun game, but if you’re playing it in the service of selling yourself, best not to summon a sluggish creature with a muted affect and an impenetrable shell.


Republicans should have seen this turtle coming. In some sense they did. Bush’s fans and backers praised him as a thoughtful “policy wonk” and conceded that he wasn’t any dynamo at the lectern or on the trail.


But they downgraded the importance of dynamism, maybe because they didn’t expect so much competition, including Trump. (It’s “the race between the tortoise and the bad hair,” cracked Jay Leno last week.) They couldn’t envision the way in which 16 rivals would rob Bush of clear distinction and definition.


Sure, he speaks Spanish and has a Mexican-born wife, but Marco Rubio also speaks Spanish and has two Cuban-born parents. Sure, he was twice elected governor of a state that’s not reliably red, but so were Scott Walker, Chris Christie and John Kasich.


He’s not the most eloquent or the most inspiring, so his backers began to pitch him as the most adult. But at that first debate, Kasich stole even that superlative from him.


What’s left? He’s raised the most money, some of which he’ll use for television ads much sooner than anyone had anticipated. He’ll try to buy the oomph that he can’t organically generate.


Oomph is what that big speech last week — in which he blamed Hillary Clinton for the rise of the Islamic State — was largely about. He was flexing his audacity and independence, showing that his surname wouldn’t cow him from going after a Democratic rival on any matter, including Iraq. It took gall to edit his older brother out of the diatribe. It took guts to go with a diatribe in the first place.


Did it help? Polls suggest not. A CNN/ORC survey that was released on Tuesday showed that he doesn’t fare nearly as well as Trump when Republican voters are asked whom they trust most on the economy, on immigration and on battling Islamic extremists.

He runs afoul of the moment. Voters right now are more enamored of outsiders than usual, as the traction of not just Trump but also two other Republican candidates who have never held elective office — Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina — demonstrates.


Voters have had enough of protocol and pieties. Thus Trump thrives in a party that he constantly browbeats and shows no real loyalty toward, while Bernie Sanders flourishes among Democrats though he has repeatedly railed against them and doesn’t technically identify as one.


For some alienated voters, supporting either of these two insurgents is the same as raising a middle finger to establishment politicians and to politics as usual, and tactful, tasteful Bush can never be a middle finger. More like a pinkie.


he pinkie may prevail. In the Bush camp there’s a theory, or perhaps an anxiety-quelling fantasy, that the Trump mania and the related craziness will benefit Bush, who can methodically build support and incrementally lengthen his stride while the glare and heat are on others.


Trump burns out, the field eventually winnows, and Bush is saved by a superlative after all. He’s the most durable candidate.


It’s a plausible scenario. But it’s hardly a joyful one. And there’s only one way to punctuate it — with a question mark.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump Vile And Filthy Statements About Women And His Bigoted Racist Disgraceful Outburst Is Not New. Republicans And Fox News Has Embraced This Sorry Excuse For A Man For Years. But Now That He Has Become A Clear And Present Danger To Republicans, Both Fox And The GOP Decided To Politically Assassinate Trump During The Fox News Freak Show Debate. Fox And The GOP Are Reaping What They Sowed!

Posted in Extreme Views, Politics, President Obama, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 11, 2015 by sheriffali

[NYT] A defiant Donald J. Trump suggested on Sunday that he had been singled out for attacks by the hosts of last week’s widely watched Republican presidential debate and again threatened a third-party White House bid if he was not treated “reasonably fairly” by party leaders.


In a rapid-fire series of phone interviews with four Sunday television news programs, Mr. Trump defended his record on women’s issues, arguing that his real estate company had been among the first to put women in charge of major construction projects and that he had “always had a great relationship to the women.” He continued his criticism of the moderators of the debate on the Fox News network saying that no other candidate had been subjected to similarly tough questioning.


And he struck back at critics of his remarks about Megyn Kelly, one of the Fox moderators, which had resulted in his invitation to a meeting of conservatives in Atlanta on Saturday being rescinded. He said that his appraisal of Ms. Kelly’s motives for questioning him sharply during the debate — that she had “blood coming out of her wherever” — was being misconstrued by his rivals as a reference to menstruation in an effort to dampen his surge in the Republican primary. He had made similar remarks, he told more than one interviewer, about her co-moderator, Chris Wallace.



Twitter @sheriffali



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CNN Tabloid News, Fox Of Course And Other Media Outlets Are Already Romancing The Female Version Of Donald Trump – Carly Fiorina. Fiorina Wants To Do For America What She Did For Hewlett Packard. She Fired 18,000 Employees, Outsourced To Asia Thousands Of Jobs, Mired In Scandal And Failure, Hewlett Packard Fired Carly Fiorina.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , on August 8, 2015 by sheriffali

Carly Fiorina ran for the US Senate Seat in California in 2010, she lost badly and to this day, she owes campaign workers over $500,000.00. But now she wants to be President! Remarkably and Heartwarming!


Carly Fiorina has “one” target on her mind, Hillary Clinton and she follows Mrs. Clinton around as though Mrs. Clinton stole Fiorina’s Dog. Every News show she goes on she calls Mrs. Clinton a Liar. On MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews asked Fiorina to name one thing Mrs. Clinton lied about; Fiorina constant answer – BENGHAZI!


But we shouldn’t be surprised because Fiorina being a Repugnant Republican Reprobate totally bankrupt of shame, she follows in the footsteps of John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz and the other Republican Despots that wouldn’t investigate George W Bush and Dick Cheney for Billions of Dollars that are unaccounted for; Iraq’s illegal invasion; torture and sitting on their behinds for 9 months with information available to them about Al Qaeda and allowed 9/11 tragedy to occur. Under George W Bush we had 7 attacks that killed 53 people at our foreign Embassies and to this date, there isn’t one question about that.


However, after 13 investigations and more than 57 million dollars spent, Republicans are at it again. And let us not forget what Carly Fiorina and the other Republican Reprobates want to do on the first day in Office is to Repeal Obamacare with no plans for the 16 million plus people.


The Middle Class and the Poor that vote Republican have a serious case of the Stockholm Syndrome and their Party Leaders prey on them because they are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed.


Twitter @sheriffali


Fox Freak Show Tonight, Where Bigots, Racists, Chicken Hawk Warmongers, Bankruptcy Shyster, Religious Fanatics, Homophobes, Liars And Crooks Gather Together To Beat-Up On The 50/50 White African American President That Saved America!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 6, 2015 by sheriffali

Yes Sir, this performance tonight is to find out who can say the dumbest of things; tell the biggest lies; promulgate the most racism and be the extreme obnoxious person that may end up being the Republican Nominee, For President Of The United States.

They wouldn’t have any difficulty because Republicans and Fox News cater to the uninformed, ignorant, and uneducated and the brainwashed, that loyally and consistently vote against their own interest.

Tonight Performers are all educated, so they are not espousing stupidity because they are foolish people, no sir, they do this because of the audience, their loyal voters would be watching and they the Republican Voters, well, they are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome.

Twitter @sheriffali

FOX FREAKS - 3FOX NEWS - REPUBLICAN GOD - DUGGARSBUSH CHENEY 12 BILLION THEFTBARRY GOLDWATER - REPUBLICAN - WARNING11846183_619721581502555_584594109_n11846740_615541361921417_2939483243661503112_nGOP - 2016 HOPEFULS EMBARASSING AMERICA - 2

America Needs To Keep The White House Under Democratic Control. The Economy Is Bouncing Back Strong Once Again And Republicans Are Hoping To Win In Order To Wreck America Again. Please Look At The Three Images In This Blog As It Relates To Bernie Sanders And What The Hispanic Vote Says About Mr. Sander’s Chances.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 10, 2015 by sheriffali

Even as Bernie Sanders moves up in the polls, many people are realizing that there’s a big hole in his coalition: black voters.


Barack Obama won a razor-thin victory over Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primaries seven years ago in large part because black voters supported Mr. Obama by a 5-to-1 margin. Without their support, he would have lost, and lost big — probably by more than 20 points in the national popular vote.


As a result, many have framed Mr. Sanders’s challenge in racial terms. But his challenge in getting the support of nonwhite voters is not simply a problem of race. It’s primarily a problem with moderate and less educated Democrats, regardless of race, which disproportionately affects his support among nonwhite voters. His challenge among black voters may be no greater than his challenge among ideologically and demographically similar white voters.


It’s not very fair to Mr. Sanders, or any liberal Democrat, to judge his support among black voters by comparing him with Mr. Obama. In 2008, there was a strong relationship between the proportion of a demographic group that self-identified as liberal and Mr. Obama’s strength against Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Obama lost all of the least liberal groups of the Democratic Party, except black voters.


Without Mr. Obama’s unusual strength among black voters, another challenge to Mrs. Clinton on her left would struggle to keep Mrs. Clinton from doing well enough on moderates to deny her the nomination. The easiest way to think about Mr. Sanders’s challenge is to remember Mr. Obama’s weakness among Hispanic voters in 2008. Over all, Mr. Obama lost Hispanic voters by 26 points against Mrs. Clinton — worse than his margin among white voters.


Mr. Obama’s weakness among Hispanic voters didn’t fit neatly into the conventional explanation of Mr. Obama’s challenges in 2008. Commentators often presumed that Mr. Obama was weak among less liberal and less educated white voters because of racism, so they undertook tortured efforts to fit Hispanic voters into the same frame, arguing that Hispanic voters wouldn’t vote for a black candidate, perhaps because of urban rivalries between blacks and Hispanics.


Twitter @sheriffali


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See “Hillary Clinton White House” page in my Facebook Account.


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