Archive for the Todd Akins Category

[Rated “R.”] The deceitful piece of shit – Mitt Romney, is a lying ass-hole, Bull-Shitter and Shyster; and that is, without a doubt!

Posted in Abortion, America's 2%, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Bernard Madoff, Binders of women, Brain Dead, Cayman Islands, China, Colin Powell, Completely Wrong, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, GOP PLATFORM, Housing Market, Human Vulture, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Politics, Racism, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Shyster, The Elderly, Todd Akins, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on October 27, 2012 by sheriffali

Not all, but the people that possess so much hate for Obama and would instead vote for this lying fucking ass-hole – Mitt Romney, if he ends up being President and screws the country worst than George W. Bush, then they would have deserved all that Romney dishes out.


One does not have to guess; Mitt Romney is a BULL-SHITTER; SHYSTER; A LIAR; who is fundamentally dishonest, that should be self evident to the public since Romney ran for the Senate in 1994. People are either blind, deaf and dumb willfully, and in addition they perhaps are prejudiced and full of hate, that they would rather see the country go to hell in a basket, than vote for the man that kept us from falling into a depression; stabilized our financial system; got the housing market back on the right track; had Osama Bin Laden killed which Bush should have done, and in addition, he has a long list of accomplishments for which the only reason why some people can’t see it, is solely because they don’t want too!


Just imagine how frigging stupid we have become, Romney made a 180 degree turn during the Presidential Debates from all of his prior positions which is nothing short of duplicity. Mitt Romney’s economic plan that he has advocated, is worst than what Bush did, and yes, The Republican Party who couldn’t stand him, now “STANDS WITH HIM!”


Drunken John Sununu literally called General Colin Powell a racist because Mr. Powell endorsed President Obama for his reelection; Ann Coulter the DIKE, called Obama a retard; Sarah Palin that crazy bitch, in her remarks about Obama used the word “jive,” and many other people within the Republican Party have made very disparaging remarks  disrespectful to the President, and, Mitt Romney, a man without any shame or principle; a man without out BALLS; is bankrupt of any courage to say anything to these people, despite the fact that they speak for him.



Think about this!


Romney only released 2 Tax Returns; he has and continues to bank his money in Bermuda, The Caymans and Switzerland, and has invested his money in China’s Oil Industry, and it is that same man, Romney the SHYSTER, that promises the American people that he would do what is right for them if they vote for him, and yes, many have believed him.


The Republicans and their extremist colleagues have spent the past four years lying about the mythical Obama that they have created, and as such, the most recent Polling data revealed that only 38% of Whites support Obama. All this bull-shit over the past four years about “taking our country back,” the catalyst behind that is really to take us back prior to 1964 and beyond. I wouldn’t be surprised if those “fuckers” on Fox News in the very near future new uniform becomes representative of the K K K!

George W. Bush dropped “DAISY CUTTER FINANCIAL BOMBS” on us and threw us into the fucking CRATERS; and for the Jerk Off Republicans who helped to create the financial mess, they get annoyed whenever anyone reference Bush for our present predicament These are the same Neocons that Romney has surrounded himself with and yes, these are the same schemers that damn near bankrupted us.  Richard Haas told Bush that going to war with Iraq would only last six days. It is the fuck-ups like Haas, John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and others that are Romney’s advisors.



Mitt Romney’s Candidacy For President Is A PONZI SCHEME Against The American People!

Posted in America's 2%, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Bernard Madoff, Completely Wrong, Current events, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, GOP PLATFORM, Housing Market, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Liar, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Progress, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Shyster, Sub-Prime Mortgage, Super Pac, The Elderly, Todd Akins, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights on October 16, 2012 by sheriffali

That would amount to Trillions of Dollars in Tax Cuts for Romney and his Rich Friends. If after Mitt Romney’s Twenty Years in the spotlight, you don’t know who and what Romney is; then you are truly uninformed or full of so much hate, that you would deny President Obama a second term and allow Mitt Romney to become President that is against not only your best interest, but that of your children and your children’s children and the generations to come.


Everything Mitt Romney stood for when he wanted Former Senator Ted Kennedy Senate Seat [1994] and when Romney ran for Governor of Massachusetts [2003], he became totally against it when he decided to run for President in 2007.


During the Republican Primaries in 2011 and 2012, Mitt Romney became an even greater extremist then Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, just to get the Nomination. And, now that he got the Republican Nomination he totally disavows just about everything he stood for over the past two years.


A vote for Mitt Romney for President is a vote against America and 98 percent of the American people. Perhaps, just perhaps, you should contemplate what you are about to do on November 6th 2012.


No other President was handed the mountain of problems as President Obama did when George W. Bush two terms ended.


Our financial structure was in danger!


Our credibility around the world was in danger from Bush’s go it alone Policy.


Job losses from September and each month thereafter were on the average 800,000.


Obama was handed two precarious wars; “not paid for.”


Two major tax cuts totally one trillion dollars, “not paid for.”


An annual deficit of almost a trillion dollars;


A National Debt of ten trillion four hundred billion dollars;


An Auto Industry that was almost dead;


An OSAMA BIN LADEN that was alive and raising hell!


Now, you take the above information and compare to where we are today and if you are still going to vote for Mitt Romney, then, I haven’t anything left to say to you.


What America needs! Hide your money in Bermuda, Caymans, and Switzerland; hide your Tax Returns from the America people:

Posted in Abortion, America's 2%, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Bill Clinton, Cayman Islands, Children, Completely Wrong, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Housing Market, Human Vulture, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Liar, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, Recovery, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Shyster, Sub-Prime Mortgage, Super Pac, The Elderly, Todd Akins, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights on October 13, 2012 by sheriffali

Mitt Romney is just what America needs! Hide your money in Bermuda, Caymans and Switzerland; invest in China’s Oil Industry; hide you Tax Returns from the American people; change your positions as often as it takes in order to win; speak disparagingly about your fellow Americans as “free-loaders; deny what you have said if it is working against you [lie]; and don’t forget, form 137 entities in Bermuda to avoid paying Taxes in America and yes, blame the other guy for everything that ails America!


Polls prove that the first presidential debate upended the race.

Immediately after the debate, coverage focused on polls that moved in Romney’s direction. After all, a Gallup survey showed that 72 percent of debate watcherssaid Romney did a better job, the most lopsided debate readout Gallup has ever recorded.

But there is little evidence that the debate decisively moved the needle in key swing states. In six state surveys released Thursday by two well-regarded polling partnerships — NBC-Wall Street Journal-Marist and CBS-New York Times-Quinnipiac — there were virtually no shifts for either candidate compared with pre-debate polls.

Nationally, the debate effect may have quickly faded. In Washington Post-ABC News polling after last week’s face-off, voters had more positive reactions to Romney on the first two nights after the debate than on the next two. In Gallup tracking, the post-debate tally is nearly identical to what it was in the preceding days. And one new Florida poll shows momentum for Romney but another doesn’t.

The presidential race has long been characterized as tightly competitive and voters as overwhelmingly locked-in. The first debate seems to have done little to alter these basic, well-documented story lines.

The best polls are those that correctly predict an election’s outcome.

Getting elections “right” is a necessary but insufficient reason to put great stock in polls. Some surveys could be well-modeled — adjusted to previous elections or to hunches, including, some surmise, tweaks to agree with other polls. (Few pollsters relish being an outlier.)

Both the Republican-leaning Rasmussen Reports and the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling have track records that some view favorably, but both use automated phone calls with recorded voices to collect data (“Press 1 for Obama, 2 for Romney,” etc.), revealing a basic flaw: It’s against federal law to have computers dial cellphones, so most “robopolls” ignore about 30 percent of U.S. adults.

At a minimum, excluding cellphones means these polls are increasingly reliant on statistical weighting. They might make up for a lack of young people, for instance, by counting several times the answers from the few younger respondents. Peter Miller, a recent president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, points out the root problem with weighting: “The more you rely on weights, the more you risk being wrong for reasons you don’t understand.”

It is always better to look at polls’ methodology, not just their results. What’s more, the “horse race” findings are often among the least important parts of a good poll. What issues motivate voters? And who is motivated to vote? These are more crucial to understanding an election than whether a candidate is up two, three or six percentage points.

Polls are skewed if they don’t interview equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans.

Political junkies quickly scan each poll release to see the “party ID split” — the proportions of self-identified Democrats, Republicans and independents in the sample. It makes sense: With party loyalty as strong as it is, the numbers of Democratic and Republican respondents in a survey make a huge difference. But to think, as many do, that there should be equal numbers from each party is off-base, particularly when looking at polls meant to assess the general population’s views.

Though voters seem split down the middle, there have generally been more Democrats than Republicans in the country since pollsters started tracking partisan allegiances after World War II. There is often more parity in election tallies, as Republicans tend to be more reliable voters than Democrats, but that also depends on the year.

Artificially evening out a poll’s partisan balance or arbitrarily setting it to match someone’s guess at turnout on Election Day may make one side a bit happier — but at the expense of distorting the current state of play.

News outlets are biased in presenting polls favorable toward President Obama.

Media-bashing is at a peak among conservatives, and some on the right routinely dismiss any poll showing Obama ahead of Romney. (And some on the left reflexively scorn polls in which Romney leads.) Before recent surveys turned in Romney’s direction, one conservative blogger went so far as to set up, a site offering “adjusted” public polls, tilted to favor Romney by manipulating the samples to be more Republican.

In truth, news organizations have only one bias — toward news.

Nothing demonstrates this better than the recent coverage of the Pew Research Center’s post debate-national poll, which showed big, across-the-board movements from Obama toward Romney. The Washington Post splashed the poll on its front page, and the survey provided days of fodder for cable news, illustrating that the media gravitate toward a competitive race, big shifts and conflict much more than one political party or the other.

 Article by: John Cohen – Washington post



Mitt Romney, Mr. Shyster, was LYING his ASS OFF during the first Presidential Debate…

Posted in ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Current events, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Housing Market, Liar, Michelle Obama, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Scrooge, Shyster, Sub-Prime Mortgage, The Elderly, Todd Akins, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights on October 4, 2012 by sheriffali

What the Wednesday night Presidential Debate proved is that Mr. Shyster, Mitt Romney was LYING his ASS OFF without conscience or shame and somehow believes that the American people are just dumb and stupid!

Mitt Romney insisted that he doesn’t have a $5 trillion tax cut in his plan, and that he won’t reduce the taxes paid by the wealthiest Americans. On the stump, Romney has pushed to lower everyone’s tax rates by 20%, an amount independent groups say will reduce federal revenue by $5 trillion over the next decade.

Obama charged that for the past year-and-half, his opponent has been running on such a tax plan and now his“big, bold idea is ‘never mind.'” 

CNN took an instant Poll which in itself is very dumb and declared Romney the winner. It would be amazing to see that within the next several days when Mitt Romney is still behind in the Swing States, you would see these same Pundits climbing all over Romney’s ass.

The News Media would never call the Presidential Election in November “as a lost cause” for Romney which perhaps are their duty, but in truth an in fact, Mitt Romney would never win the Presidency and for one sole reason; “The Majority of The American people do not trust Romney.” They are fully cognizant that for the past two decades, Romney has changed his position on almost every Policy and that, “it would be financial suicide to accept Mitt Romney’s word on any promises he makes.” 

The Republican brain drain!

Posted in 2012, Abortion, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Arabs, Bermuda, Brain Dead, Cayman Islands, Children, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Crazy, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Housing Market, Human Vulture, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Sub-Prime Mortgage, Super Pac, The Elderly, Todd Akins, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights on September 25, 2012 by sheriffali

By Richard Cohen, Published: September 24 Washington Post

In 1980 Ronald Reagan won the Republican nomination. He beat a future president, George H.W. Bush; two future Senate majority leaders, Howard Baker and Bob Dole; and two lesser-known congressmen. This year Mitt Romney won the GOP nomination. He beat a radio host, a disgraced former House speaker, a defeated Senate candidate, a former appointee of the Obama administration, a tongue-tied Texas governor, a prevaricating religious zealot who happens to serve in the House of Representatives and a cranky libertarian doctor. Where did all the talent go?

Until the Republican Party can answer this question, it makes no sense to continue to carp about Mitt Romney and the startlingly incompetent presidential campaign he’s running. His faults as a politician are manifest. He is robotic, unknowable (his own wife asserted at the national convention that “he made me laugh” and then failed to cite a single humorous moment), ideologically incoherent and severely out of touch with the average American. He is his party’s nominee because, like the one-eyed man in the valley of the blind, he is just the best of the worst.

Since Republicans are so focused on the individual and not on the system that produced him, they miss the real problem. The system in this case is the series of incredibly damaging primaries and caucuses that, in the crucial early stages, produce a candidate who could sweep Bavaria. The Iowa caucuses alone take the GOP so far to the right that it all but dooms the winner. Romney had to vow to stop thinking. He had to virtually declare himself anti-Hispanic (criticizing Texas for providing tuition discounts to the college-age children of illegal immigrants). While he has now moderated his approach, it is a bit late. Hispanic is not Spanish for Stupid.

Across the board, Romney pandered to the right. He did so on guns, abortion and even Iran. A GOP candidate has to oppose same-sex marriage, deny global warming and insist — against all evidence — that local control of education is the best. The only way around these positions is to skip the Iowa caucuses entirely. It is no place for a moderate. It is, really, no place for a thinking person. It’s just preposterous that Iowa — 30th in population among the states — gets to be the gatekeeper for the Republican Party and, in a sense, the entire nation.

The list of Republicans who looked at Iowa’s daunting demographics and did not run is more distinguished than those who did. At one time or another, Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain (who was forced to drop out) were front-runners. Can you think of any two people less qualified for the presidency? How about Ron Paul, another front-runner, or Mad Newt Gingrich or Rick Perry, the cement-mouthed governor who would eliminate three Cabinet offices, if only he couldremember them? How about Rick Santorum, a fun guy, who actually beat Romney in Iowa, or Jon Huntsman, a decent man with shallow political experience — and, it seemed, aptitude?

None of these candidates were remotely qualified for the highest office in the land. Arguably, Romney was the exception — and that’s the whole point. He won just by showing up. He beat a bunch of nobodies. This is how the GOP wound up with such a weak candidate, one who espouses extreme positions he does not for a moment believe.

Open the window and listen. You will hear the moans and groans of Republican officials and their trained pundits. But where were these people when their field of oddballs was being assembled? Why were they so silent when Hispanics and women were being told to shove it and the long-dead Darwin was being debated? More to the point, maybe, how come they put up with a primary and caucus system — Iowa first, New Hampshire second — that seemingly was designed by a sly Democrat? The answer is that they do not have the courage nor the intellectual integrity to stand up to the know-nothing (dominant) wing of the Republican Party. They have designed a system where, politically speaking, the lowest common denominator wins. We are all the poorer for it.

Contrast the candidates of yore with the collection that took the field this year. The Republican Party has had a brain drain so that now its highest intellectual achievement is — like an infant in the Terrible 2s— simply to say no to everything, especially taxes. To paraphrase Marx, rise up, GOP moderates. You have nothing to lose . . . but losing.

The “ongoing-ordeal” of Raped Pregnant Women!

Posted in Abortion, Children, Cruelty, Extreme Views, GOP PLATFORM, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Todd Akins, Uncategorized, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on August 23, 2012 by sheriffali

Shauna Prewitt bravely shared her story with Soledad O’Brien [CNN] August 23, 2012…of how she became pregnant after being raped, kept the child and then fought her attacker’s request for sole custody. Did you know 31 states have laws protecting parental rights for men who father through rape? Do you think those laws are fair?



Comments by Sheriff Ali


The Republicans [If given the opportunity] will turn American Women to suffer the same consequences of Afghan and Pakistani Women, where Males control all rights over women,, removing g and usurping their dignity and the very hope of life as  human beings.


How or why some American Women follow these hypocritical excuses for men calling themselves Republicans; this is truly beyond my ability to comprehend!


Even in Saudi Arabia where a 19 year old married woman got raped by six Saudi Soldiers, she was the one arrested and sent to prison and ordered to undergo 99 lashes (beatings).


Perhaps, just perhaps, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, John Boehner, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and “all” of the Political Republican men, maybe; “Arabs – in White Anglo-Saxon, outer-skin!” [Wolves in Sheep Clothing, Coyotes against women]

The Official Republican Platform on Abortion…

Despite the Republicans from Mitt Romney and others being critical of Todd Akin’s remarks about rape, The Republican Party Official Platform on Abortion for the Republican Convention beginning on August 27, 2012 is;




“Faithful to the ‘self-evident’ truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn ha a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed, we support human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.”


[Read carefully and notice there aren’t any exceptions for rape or incest or the safety of the mother’s life, and as such, “their position is no different that that of Todd Akin and Paul Ryan when they proposed the “Personhood Act” in 2011 that was endorsed by more than 200 Republicans in the House of Representatives”].