Archive for the Progress Category

Even After Trump Loses The GOP Is Still Toast

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, HIllaryClinton2016, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Progress, Republican Scam, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , on October 15, 2016 by sheriffali


[WAPO – Bruce Bartlett] “Last year, I wrote an article calling Donald Trump a godsend for moderate Republicans. Trump, I predicted, would lose so spectacularly that the GOP would be forced to transform itself, surrendering its mindless obstructionism, science denial, xenophobia and plutocracy. After a purge like that, the party would finally be able to compete in future national elections.



I was wrong. I now see that Trump’s candidacy has exacerbated the Republican Party’s weaknesses, alienating minorities, fracturing the base and stunting smart policy development. The party’s structural problems are so severe that reform is impossible. Even if Trump loses and the GOP races to forget him, the party is doomed. And very few of our leaders seem to care.


In the short run, it will be easy for Republicans to convince themselves that nothing needs to change. The establishment believes that Trump is an anomaly, an aberration. GOP leaders think the party’s next nominee will be a more typical politician who knows the issues, has well-developed debating skills and who will appeal to the elite and the Trumpkins. Someone like John Kasich or Marco Rubio.


Many leaders also assume that Hillary Clinton is an automatic one-termer. They think she’s incompetent, scandal-ridden and hell-bent on destroying the economy. They know, too, that neither party has held the White House for more than three terms in the post-World War II era.”


Polls are only indicators, we must go out and vote in order for Hillary Clinton to be victorious and continue President Obama’s Legacy, Policies and build on Obama’s Achievements, making America even greater than what it already is.


Twitter @sheriffali





Hillary Clinton Gets Gored By The Dishonest Corporate Media!

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 White House, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Hillary Clinton, HIllaryClinton2016, Politics, Politics 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Progress, Racism, Republican Scam, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Right Wing Extremists, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Veterans, Vote Hillary, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on September 6, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “Americans of a certain age who follow politics and policy closely still have vivid memories of the 2000 election — bad memories, and not just because the man who lost the popular vote somehow ended up in office. For the campaign leading up to that end game was nightmarish too.


You see, one candidate, George W. Bush, was dishonest in a way that was unprecedented in U.S. politics. Most notably, he proposed big tax cuts for the rich while insisting, in raw denial of arithmetic, that they were targeted for the middle class. These campaign lies presaged what would happen during his administration — an administration that, let us not forget, took America to war on false pretenses.


Yet throughout the campaign most media coverage gave the impression that Mr. Bush was a bluff, straightforward guy, while portraying Al Gore — whose policy proposals added up, and whose critiques of the Bush plan were completely accurate — as slippery and dishonest. Mr. Gore’s mendacity was supposedly demonstrated by trivial anecdotes, none significant, some of them simply false. No, he never claimed to have invented the internet. But the image stuck.


And right now I and many others have the sick, sinking feeling that it’s happening again.


 True, there aren’t many efforts to pretend that Donald Trump is a paragon of honesty. But it’s hard to escape the impression that he’s being graded on a curve. If he manages to read from a Teleprompter without going off script, he’s being presidential. If he seems to suggest that he wouldn’t round up all 11 million undocumented immigrants right away, he’s moving into the mainstream. And many of his multiple scandals, like what appear to be clear payoffs to the state attorneys general   to back off investigating Trump University, get remarkably little attention.


Meanwhile, we have the presumption that anything Hillary Clinton does must be corrupt, most spectacularly illustrated by the increasingly bizarre coverage of the Clinton Foundation.


Step back for a moment, and think about what that foundation is about. When Bill Clinton left office, he was a popular, globally respected figure. What should he have done with that reputation? Raising large sums for a charity that saves the lives of poor children sounds like a pretty reasonable, virtuous course of action. And the Clinton Foundation is, by all accounts, a big force for good in the world. For example, Charity Watch, an independent watchdog, gives it an “A” rating an “A” — better than the American Red Cross.”


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton President and Vote for a Democratic Controlled House And Senate! Stop the do nothing Republican Congress!


Twitter @sheriffali


Open Link To Read NYT Paul Krugman Full Article





“We Must Learn To Live Together As Brothers And Sisters Or Die Together As Fools.” [Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 White House, Blacks, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Gun Affinity, Gun Madness, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Poverty, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, President Obama Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton Presidency 2016 Vote Hillary For President United Vote Blue Democratic Senate Democratic House Racism Fascism Bigotry Hate Gun Violen, President Obama's Accomplishments, Progress, Republican Scam, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, United States, Veterans, Women, World on July 10, 2016 by sheriffali

Republicans Bigotry, Fascism, Racism, Hate And Fear Are Destructive To America And The World And Yet The Corporate Media Of Ratings And Mammon, Allow Them Free Air Time To Promote Their Anarchy That Is Creating False Anarchists And Terror On the Streets Of America.


President Obama has been an excellent of love, understanding and acceptance to all people, irrespective of your Ethnicity, Color of your Skin or Sexual Orientation [LGBT] and along with President Obama is his Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton.


President Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and the entire Obama Administration have most certainly pulled America out of the Deep And Unforgiving Water, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, The Bush Administration and The Republican Congress Tossed us into.


We can only continue President Obama’s Legacy, Policies and build on his Accomplishments by Electing Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States and giving President Clinton a Democratic Senate and House along with as many Democratic Governors in order for President Clinton to continue to move America Forward and address the racial injustice that is spiraling out of control and the Gun Violence that is taking the lives of at least 90 Americans every single day.


Republicans phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Polices are directed to America’s uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed that are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome; [Doing Things Against Your Own Best Interest Like Voting].


Please continue to Support our Presumptive Nominee Hillary Clinton For President and all of the Democratic Down Tickets.


Twitter @sheriffali


Twitter @hrcwhitehouse





Frederick Douglass gave us the answer on September 25 1883, as to why Republican Legislators are so unrelenting on President Obama!

Posted in Frederick Douglass, GOD'S GRACE, God's love, God's Spirit, He still stands tall, humility, Impudence, Politics, President Obama, Progress, Republican Legislators, Sean Hanity, Spiritual Strength, Spiritualism, Spirituality, United States, USA - ONE NATION on January 3, 2013 by sheriffali

“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.


If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” [Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]




And he still stands tall…God’s grace and peace upon this man is my prayer, and I pray that before the end of his Presidency, people’s heart, mind and eyes will open.


There will never be another like him!


May he lead and be guided in the way God would want him to lead and guide. He is not perfect and has never claimed to be. He and this whole country are in need of our prayers. It only takes a spark.


No President has ever worked this hard for our country. Many wonder, does he ever sleep?


The juxtaposition of Obama and Romney shed light on the antithesis of who really cares about America!

Posted in 2012, America's 2%, America's 98%, Bush's Policies, Children, Current events, Deregulation, Dick Cheney, Dick morris, Donald Trump, Extreme Views, Fox News, George W. Bush, Hope for better tomorrows, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Patience, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Progress, Racism, Recovery, Right Wing Extremists, Rush Limbaugh, Scrooge, Sean Hanity, Women's Rights with tags , , , , on November 12, 2012 by sheriffali

Mr. Optimist, President Obama, beat the crap out of the whining, Pontificating Pessimists, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the GOP establishment!


The Republican paradox that giving more huge tax cuts that favors the richest two percent of Americans would somehow help the other ninety-eight percent; is incongruous.


We have the facts on our side to prove otherwise. Former President George W. Bush’s 2001 and 2003 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich still exists today and where has it gotten us? It didn’t create jobs during Bush’s Presidency and as a matter of fact we lost more than three million jobs during Bush’s Stewardship of the economy.


We are at the edge of the financial cliff and “we” must rectify by undoing the Republican’s “pledge” to the lobbyist Grover Norquist. Just imagine, Grover Norquist introduced this pledge in 1986 and it was sanctioned by then, former President Ronald Reagan. [The Republicans Greek god]


The pledge that has torpedoed progress for America’s Middle-Class!


Below is the verbatim of the pledge and I have filled it out using Paul Ryan’s name. Mitt Romney also signed the pledge.


“I, Paul Ryan, pledge to the taxpayers of the 1st District of the State of Wisconsin, and to the American people that I will:  ‘ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and TWO, oppose any net reduction of elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.”  


This pledge is not for the greater good of 98% of the hard working American people, but it is about the Republicans using this pledge to sustain America’s 2% upper-class to become even richer!




President Obama carries the weight of the Presidency and the Country!

Posted in America's 98%, Bill Clinton, Children, Colin Powell, Commitment, Current events, God's love, God's Spirit, Heaven, Hope for better tomorrows, Housing Market, Light, Michelle Obama, Patience, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Progress, Recovery, Respite, Sadness, Solitude, Spiritual Strength, Spirituality, The Elderly, Veterans, Women's Rights with tags on November 5, 2012 by sheriffali


In 2012, President Obama looks a little leaner and his hair is a little grayer. In New Hampshire, in the sweltering high school gymnasium, he closed his eyes, lost for a fraction of a second in solitary respite, as he used a handkerchief to dab the sweat off his forehead in the middle of his speech.


If you just squinted your eyes a little, and looked at only the first row of President Obama Supporters at a campaign rally, it might not seem all that different from four years ago.


The raw electricity still radiates around him. At his rallies supporters still sink their fingers into his back, middle-aged men still, on rare occasions, tear up in his presence, and crowds still stand out in the rain to hear him speak.


Mitt Romney’s Candidacy For President Is A PONZI SCHEME Against The American People!

Posted in America's 2%, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Bernard Madoff, Completely Wrong, Current events, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, GOP PLATFORM, Housing Market, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Liar, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Progress, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Shyster, Sub-Prime Mortgage, Super Pac, The Elderly, Todd Akins, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights on October 16, 2012 by sheriffali

That would amount to Trillions of Dollars in Tax Cuts for Romney and his Rich Friends. If after Mitt Romney’s Twenty Years in the spotlight, you don’t know who and what Romney is; then you are truly uninformed or full of so much hate, that you would deny President Obama a second term and allow Mitt Romney to become President that is against not only your best interest, but that of your children and your children’s children and the generations to come.


Everything Mitt Romney stood for when he wanted Former Senator Ted Kennedy Senate Seat [1994] and when Romney ran for Governor of Massachusetts [2003], he became totally against it when he decided to run for President in 2007.


During the Republican Primaries in 2011 and 2012, Mitt Romney became an even greater extremist then Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, just to get the Nomination. And, now that he got the Republican Nomination he totally disavows just about everything he stood for over the past two years.


A vote for Mitt Romney for President is a vote against America and 98 percent of the American people. Perhaps, just perhaps, you should contemplate what you are about to do on November 6th 2012.


No other President was handed the mountain of problems as President Obama did when George W. Bush two terms ended.


Our financial structure was in danger!


Our credibility around the world was in danger from Bush’s go it alone Policy.


Job losses from September and each month thereafter were on the average 800,000.


Obama was handed two precarious wars; “not paid for.”


Two major tax cuts totally one trillion dollars, “not paid for.”


An annual deficit of almost a trillion dollars;


A National Debt of ten trillion four hundred billion dollars;


An Auto Industry that was almost dead;


An OSAMA BIN LADEN that was alive and raising hell!


Now, you take the above information and compare to where we are today and if you are still going to vote for Mitt Romney, then, I haven’t anything left to say to you.


Bush took us into the deepest Recession; Obama kept us from falling into a Depression!

Posted in America's 2%, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Hope for better tomorrows, Housing Market, humility, Michelle Obama, Misguided, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Progress, Republicans, Sub-Prime Mortgage, The Elderly, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights with tags , , , , on October 6, 2012 by sheriffali

Beyond the shifting job numbers, what matters is how, with right fiscal-monetary policy mix, and astute management, Obama has held on firmly against all the odds in preventing the US economy from falling into a Depression.


As for the clearing of the mess that he had inherited from the preceding Republican administration, let alone Obama, no other President in his place could have done much to fix the economy than perhaps he did, despite constant hurdles presented by the Republican opposition.


Again, as far as the employment situation is concerned, it’s not the government driven effort only that matters, rather equally important is private sector push, that was deliberately withheld, leaving Obama alone to do whatever he could to at least not allow further deterioration of our Economy and Employment!


There is rough justice in the way things are playing out. Having spent the last year wrongly blaming the president for high unemployment, Republicans can only stand by helplessly as the unemployment rate goes down at the worst possible moment for them. Fox News scoured the data Friday, looking for signs that the economy wasn’t improving. They found some: high unemployment for African-Americans, for instance, and fewer manufacturing jobs.


Posted in Cruelty, Darkness, Flights of Insanity, God, God's Spirit, Hades, Heartless, Heaven, Hell, Hope for better tomorrows, humility, Illness, Patience, Poverty, Progress, Recovery, Sadness, September 11, Sickness, Sin, Spirituality, Towers of Tragedy on September 10, 2012 by sheriffali

September 11, the innocent were on the flights
And with no comprehension, knew not their plights,
The ideologically demented – they were on board
Fanatically disillusioned, was their concept of God

In their anguish and anger they commandeered the planes
With impunity for themselves, but for life, nothing but disdain,
So with instructions from “Sheol” they crashed into the Towers
Shockingly unimaginable destruction came in less than an hour

With so many lives that seemed headed for the grave
New York’s rescuers, exemplified the true meaning of – ” brave”,
Rushing into the buildings not knowing what to expect
Down came the mighty Towers and the smell of death

O! Father of light and Giver of unmerited grace
In this our darkest moments, show us Thine face,
Bless our aching hearts with a preamble of Your plan
For we trust in Your goodness, when you raise Your “right” hand

This tragedy is so immense, we just cannot comprehend
But this evil, we are sure, You will bring to an “end”…

© 2001-2011 by Sheriff G Ali

Author’s Comments:

“When pain is to be borne, a little courage helps more than much knowledge, a little human sympathy more than much courage, and the least tincture of the love of God, more than all.” [C.S. Lewis] LORD, HELP US TO UNDERSTAND THE MYSTERIES OF YOUR MERCIES!



Money is to Mitt Romney what Carcasses are to Vultures!

Posted in America's 2%, America's 98%, Cayman Islands, Children, Clint Eastwood, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Cruelty, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Heartless, Housing Market, Human Vulture, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, Progress, Recovery, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Sub-Prime Mortgage, Veterans, Vulture Romney, Women's Rights on September 9, 2012 by sheriffali

Malleable Mitt Romney’s statement on Meet the Press that he opposed the raising of the debt ceiling in 2011 without a cut, cap, and balance provision, is one of Romney’s more egregious false declarations and it is simply not true.


In July of 2011 when most of the Republican Leaders were weighing in on the debt ceiling, Romney was in his “Mitt’s Keep Silent Protection Program.” However, when it became abundantly clear that John Boehner would have to cave due to the recalcitrant Republican Congress Boehner was managing, on August 01, 2011, Mitt Romney issued a statement praising John Boehner for working out a deal that avoided The United States of America from defaulting on its debts.


Romney’s deplorable and willful paroxysm is just another reason why the American Voters in November 2012, had better revisit all of Romney’s positions that changed over time – as a means to an end. His so-called plan that he calls a budget for which he states; he would increase military spending by 2-trillion dollars; authorize another 5-trillion tax cut [that would benefit Romney and those at the very top 2%] and that he would avoid any immediate changes to Medicare and Social Security while balancing the budget at the same time without any specificity, proves that Mitt Romney is a Human-Vulture on the Middle-Class, the Elderly, the Poor and America’s Children.


Mitt Romney’s lame excuses of “not” releasing any more tax returns other than his 2010 returns, is self evident as to this Human-Vulture capriciousness that insults the  intelligence of the American people. If the American people cannot see that any concerns for 98% of the hard-working Americans by Mitt Romney is a big fat ZERO, and capitulate to the utter nonsense by this Vulture and propel him into office, when trouble comes, they would have no one to blame but themselves.


At a CNN debate in June, Mitt Romney insisted that President Obama had made the economy worse. Romney said; “What this President has done has slowed the economy. He didn’t create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.”


Then later in the month of June at a campaign stop in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Vulture Romney contradicted himself when he said; “I didn’t say that things were worse. What I said was, the economy hasn’t turned around”