Archive for the Internecine Policies Category

Hillary Clinton Says ‘Radical Fringe’ Is Taking Over G.O.P. Under Donald Trump

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Children, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Double-Standard, GOP Wrecking America, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Internecine Policies, KKK, LGBT, Liar, Obama Administration, Politics, Politics 2016, President Obama, Republicans, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Women, Women's Rights on August 26, 2016 by sheriffali


RENO, Nev. — Hillary Clinton delivered a blistering denunciation Thursday of Donald Trump’s personal and political history with race, arguing in her most forceful terms yet that a nationalist conservative fringe had engulfed the Republican Party.


In a 31-minute address, building to a controlled simmer, Mrs. Clinton did everything but call Mr. Trump a racist outright — saying he had promoted “racist lie” after “racist lie,” pushed conspiracy theories with “racist undertones” and heartened racists across the country by submitting to an “emerging racist ideology known as the alt-right.”


“He is taking hate groups mainstream,” Mrs. Clinton told supporters at a community college here, “and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party.”


Mrs. Clinton said that while a racially charged and “paranoid fringe” had always existed in politics, “it’s never had the nominee of a major party stoking it, encouraging it and giving it a national megaphone, until now.”


Mrs. Clinton’s remarks coincide with a conspicuous shift in strategy from Mr. Trump, who has spoken with more compassion about people in the country illegally and expressed a desire to win African-American support. He has even suggested he might revisit his call to deport 11 million immigrants in the United States illegally, a pivot seen as an attempt to draw in moderate voters turned off by his views.


With Mr. Trump’s rise, Mrs. Clinton has often struck a have-you-no-sense-of-decency theme in her critiques — warning sternly and repeatedly that the arc of his candidacy transcended standard political attack. But her effort on Thursday was remarkable for its exhaustive accounting of Mr. Trump’s controversial racial history in business and in his presidential campaign.


Mrs. Clinton detailed the Justice Department’s housing discrimination case against Mr. Trump during the 1970s, noting that the applications of black and Latino residents “would be marked with a ‘C’ — ‘C’ for colored.”


Twitter @sheriffali


Open NYT Link For Full Article:




At this defining moment for George H. W. Bush, he should apologize for the misery his son brought unto the American people!

Posted in Apology to the American people, Completely Wrong, Dick Cheney, Fox News, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush, Hate, Heartless, Housing Market, Internecine Policies, Karl Rove, Kelly Ayotte, Misguided, Politics, Poverty, President Obama, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Sub-Prime Mortgage, The Elderly, United States, Veterans with tags , on December 14, 2012 by sheriffali

George W. H Bush was complacent during his son’s debauchery and recklessness during George W. Bush’s stewardship as President!


Former President George W. H. Bush was fully cognizant of the “monster” he had raised and the capriciousness of his son, George W. Bush, whose policies created an Orwellian Terror State and bankrupted a once great Nation. George W. Bush could never bring himself to admit any wrong; much less apologize to the American people for which his policies left them literally bankrupt and decimated. 


George W. Bush’s actions during his Presidency was nothing short of disdain and impunity. At the end of his Presidential two terms, America’s landing was so hard that we fragmented into so many pieces it may take another five to ten years, just to find the pieces and then, subsequently glue them back together.


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The ungrateful son of a bitch, Benjamin Netanyahu, slapped Obama and Clinton in the face!

Posted in American Tax Payers, Benjamin Netanyahu, Internecine Policies, Israeli Settlements, Palestine, President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Slap in the face, Son of a bitch Netanyahu, United States, War-Monger, West Bank with tags , , , on December 5, 2012 by sheriffali

Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal mind-set is no different than the lunatics – Hamas! Netanyahu has always been a war-monger at the expense of the American Tax Payers. After Obama and Clinton brokered a “cease-fire” between Israel and Hamas, for Benjamin Netanyahu to now once again expand New Settlements in the West Bank, is a direct slap in the face to President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and the good-hearted American people.


We must always defend Israel when they are right and condemn them when they are wrong! In this case of expanding settlements, Israel’s Netanyahu shows his true colors – “He is a war monger; the same as the people he accuses of being war-mongers!”


Now that the Election is over, President Obama “must” show that he is the man we worked to reelect, by exercising America’s power and influence and stop Benjamin Netanyahu from continuing his phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies. By Sheriff Ali



By Maureen Dowd – New York Times



Everyone expected Hillary to lower the boom on Bibi Friday night.

The bullying Israeli prime minister is fond of demanding that America set red lines on Iran’s nuclear ambitions. But he blithely stuck a finger in the eye of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton Friday and went over a red line for successive American administrations: Israel gave the White House only a few hours’ notice that it was defying the U.S. and planning new settlements in the most sensitive territory east of Jerusalem, a move that Washington fears could obliterate any prospect of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“If such a project were to go beyond blueprints,” Jodi Rudoren and Mark Landler wrote in The Times, “it could prevent the creation of a viable, contiguous Palestinian state” by closing off the West Bank from East Jerusalem.


Open the link to read Maureen Dowd’s full article!


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