Archive for September, 2014

Do We Have More Stupid People Than Smart In America?

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2014 by sheriffali



Republicans are sucking the life-blood out of the 98% and giving it to the 2% and Americans are voluntarily extending their arms for the GOP-NEEDLE! Why?


Republicans, Democrats, Independents, The News Media And The Pollsters Are Fully Cognizant That The Republican Congress Haven’t Done Anything For The American People, Except Obstruct; So Why Are We Bombarded Every Day With Republicans Are Going To Take The Senate?


According to a recent Poll 72% of Americans are convinced that the Republican Party for the past six years have been the worst Congress, but, amazingly enough in the same Poll 75% said they want the Republicans to Control the Senate in addition to controlling the House of Representatives.


I do believe that if your IQ is 59 you can still see the contradiction and if the Polling is correct, you do not only see the contradiction but you also see, the “stupidity.” According to other Polling Data; the majority of Americans cannot name the three branches of the Federal Government; they cannot name a Congressional Member or Senator of their own State; they have no idea what GDP means much less to know that with 5% of the world’s population we account for almost 25% of the world’s GDP.


The Media, all of them are fully cognizant of how close America was to becoming a bankrupt Country when George W Bush left Office at 12:00 Noon on January 20, 2009 and just how far we have come since then, but, the good things they never tell the American people.


Twitter @sheriffali




Gun Man Shoots Up The White House And The Secret Service Apart from Stumbling All Over Themselves, Failed To Tell The President Or the First Lady For Five Days.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 28, 2014 by sheriffali

Death Threats To President Obama Is Three Times More Than Any Other President. [2011][Washington Post]


The gunman parked his black Honda directly south of the White House, in the dark of a November night, in a closed lane of Constitution Avenue. He pointed his semiautomatic rifle out of the passenger window, aimed directly at the home of the president of the United States, and pulled the trigger.


A bullet smashed a window on the second floor, just steps from the first family’s formal living room. Another lodged in a window frame, and more pinged off the roof, sending bits of wood and concrete to the ground. At least seven bullets struck the upstairs residence of the White House, flying some 700 yards across the South Lawn.


President Obama and his wife were out of town on that evening of Nov. 11, 2011, but their younger daughter, Sasha, and Michelle Obama’s mother,Marian Robinson, were inside, while older daughter Malia was expected back any moment from an outing with friends.

Secret Service officers initially rushed to respond. One, stationed directly under the second-floor terrace where the bullets struck, drew her .357 handgun and prepared to crack open an emergency gun box. Snipers on the roof, standing just 20 feet from where one bullet struck, scanned the South Lawn through their rifle scopes for signs of an attack. With little camera surveillance on the White House perimeter, it was up to the Secret Service officers on duty to figure out what was going on.


Then came an order that surprised some of the officers. “No shots have been fired. . . . Stand down,” a supervisor called over his radio. He said the noise was the backfire from a nearby construction vehicle.


That command was the first of a string of security lapses, never previously reported, as the Secret Service failed to identify and properly investigate a serious attack on the White House. While the shooting and eventual arrest of the gunman, Oscar R. Ortega-Hernandez, received attention at the time, neither the bungled internal response nor the potential danger to the Obama daughters has been publicly known. This is the first full account of the Secret Service’s confusion and the missed clues in the incident — and the anger the president and first lady expressed as a result.


By the end of that Friday night, the agency had confirmed a shooting had occurred but wrongly insisted the gunfire was never aimed at the White House. Instead, Secret Service supervisors theorized, gang members in separate cars got in a gunfight near the White House’s front lawn — an unlikely scenario in a relatively quiet, touristy part of the nation’s capital.


It took the Secret Service four days to realize that shots had hit the White House residence, a discovery that came about only because a housekeeper noticed broken glass and a chunk of cement on the floor.


Twitter @sheriffali


Open Link To Washington Post Full Account:



Disgraced Allen West, War Criminal who resigned from the Army to avoid Court Martial, on Fox News, told Soldiers to disobey President Obama.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 27, 2014 by sheriffali

West, the War Criminal, former Congressman and Tea Bagger can only spout this narcissistic deluge on no other but Fox, The Obama Hater Misnomer Television News.


Allen West, the war criminal who has been peddling feverish McCarthyism about President Obama is self evident of his envy for our President. This Teabagger and war criminal somehow believes that the Military is made up of repugnant reprobates like him. His hate, ignorance and arrogance just do not now allow him to see how wrong he is and what a fool he is. But of course Fox embraces people like West and anyone who would run over President Obama.



It is equally deplorable of Fox News to encourage this type of behavior especially when the sanctimonious folks at Fox, are always promulgating their substandard version of Patriotism.


Twitter @sheriffali


Eric Holder, A Champion of Civil Rights, if Not of Civil Liberties, Just Like His Hero Bobby Kennedy

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 26, 2014 by sheriffali

WASHINGTON — Something was not quite right when Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. had his photograph taken recently at Department of Justice headquarters. The wrong painting was on the wall behind him.


Aides scurried to reorganize the portraits so subsequent photographs would capture Mr. Holder, in the best light, framed by his hero: Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.


Mr. Holder, who announced his resignation Thursday, frequently invoked the Kennedy legacy as he made civil rights the centerpiece of his six-year tenure. He succeeded in reducing lengthy prison sentences, opened civil rights investigations against police departments in record numbers and challenged identification requirements for voters.


“I have loved the Department of Justice ever since, as a young boy, I watched Robert Kennedy prove during the civil rights movement how the department can — and must always — be a force for that which is right,” Mr. Holder said at a White House farewell on Thursday. [NYT]


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New York Times Link



President Obama, UN Assembly And A World Gone Mad!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2014 by sheriffali

Every action has a reaction and George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the War Monger Neocons in the Bush Administration illegal invasion of Iraq, set the world on fire and it is going to take more than water to put out the flames.


America’s overall problems have been in the making for decades, yet Republicans, some Democrats and the uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed right-wing voters; blame President Obama for all that ails America.


All of the nonsense about the Media being 90% or more liberal is truly a farce. Since becoming President under difficult circumstances caused by Bush and Cheney, the assault On Obama from most of the Media, has been relentless. Obama took Office when we were in a Financial meltdown; Housing Collapse; Bank Closures; Job losses that drove the unemployment rate to 10.2%; two out of control unpaid for wars of 5.1 trillion; two unpaid tax cut for the rich totaling 1.2 trillion dollars and a collapse in the Stock Market with America’s credibility out the door, President Obama has done a good job and then some, pulling us out of the deep and unforgiving waters Bush threw us into.


As for the Middle East Gone mad, no amount of American Boots on the ground in the Middle East is going to fix what is wrong in the Arab World, and unless or until the Arabs find a Political solution for their problems, all we can really do, is to stop the madness as best as we can, but, there isn’t any military solution to rectify religious and ethnic problems.


We have firsthand knowledge of being in Iraq for eight years with thousands of lives lost; tens of thousands injured; Military Suicides at a rate of 22 per day; hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed at a cost of 1.7 trillion dollars, and of course, there are those like McCain and Graham beating the War Drum to send other people’s children to get killed in the middle of madness.


So long as President Obama keep his word and do not reinvade Iraq with tens of thousands of troops, his decision that he recently implemented would not solve the problems, but it may buy the Arabs time to readjust.


Twitter @sheriffali


President Obama Critics Wrong Again; Middle Eastern Allies, ISIS, Syria, Iraq!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 23, 2014 by sheriffali

It takes more courage for an American President to use restraint rather than be capricious with the use of Military Force. Obama is cautious and for some too cautious, however, looking back at how former President George W Bush recklessly use the Military and the consequences that follow us to this day, Americans should be proud that the man that presently sits in the White House, are careful with America’s most precious commodity; “The Men and Women in Uniform. “


Critics and those with disdain for President Obama literally questioned as to whether or not the Obama Administration could assemble powerful Allies to take down the ISIS Psychopaths! However, looking at some of these same critics on Television since the inception of the Air Strikes inside of Syria, they grudgingly give the Obama Administration credit for being able to have “only” Middle Eastern Allies to attack inside of Syria. Obama’s hesitancy seems to have always been, “he didn’t want the people of the Middle East to think; there goes the West again attacking another Moslem Country.” For any meaningful resolve, military action is necessary, however, the people of the Middle East working together to resolve their own indifferences, is truly the answer to slow down the terror madness.


The United States with Five Middle Eastern Allies; Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain and The United Arab Emirates launch massive military Air Strikes against the ISIS Psychopaths inside of Syria.


With the use of F -16’s F -18’s F-22’s Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, Drones, The US Carrier George W H Bush and other Navy Vessels, The US Military and its Middle Eastern Allies attacked ISIS in Syria and The US also attacked Al Qaeda in Syria.


Twitter @sheriffali


Republican Congress Message To The 98%

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2014 by sheriffali

We saw the Poll before we left for Vacation that 72% said that they are dissatisfied with the GOP non-performance; however, 75% said that you wanted us to keep control of the House and take control of the Senate. We are happy that you see the sense in all of this.


We haven’t done anything for you but we are going on Vacation to do nothing until November 4, 2014 and wait for you to reelect us. We are cognizant that you know we haven’t done anything but we also know that you want us to continue to Control The House of Representatives and you want us to take Control of the Senate.


Our Polices are to Protect the high income 2%, but we need you the 98% to reelect us to continue to protects them, because, one day,  and even though we don’t know when that day will come, their riches will trickle down to you. Remember, our Great Greek god President Ronald Reagan made that promise and we are sure he will keep that promise even though he is as dead as Julius Caesar.  


Twitter @sheriffali



Since the sad passing of Tim Russert NBC Meet The Press has become a Proxy for the Republican Party!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2014 by sheriffali

The once amazing Meet The Press has fallen from grace since the passing of Tim Russert and was replaced with David Gregory for whom NBC fired and replaced Gregory with Chuck Todd.


Chuck Todd and David Gregory are different people but the common denominator remains the same; phantasmagoric rationales and internecine GOP narcissism as facts.


Chuck Todd is as bad as or even worse than David Gregory, hence, NBC would be doing its organization a huge favor by perhaps “shutting down the program.” Meet The Press has lost its legitimacy in the eyes of impartial people it once had as its Sunday Audience.


Twitter @sheriffali


Ronald Reagan gave America Fox News and the misleading bias that is called today’s news!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 18, 2014 by sheriffali


Ronald Reagan gave America Fox News and the other bias sources with the stroke of a pen when his FCC Chairman replaced the “Fairness Doctrine Act” with the Syracuse Peace Council Decision. The House voted 302-102 and the Senate 59-31 to reestablish the Fairness Doctrine Law; Ronald Reagan Vetoed the Bill. The out-of-control News from all sides is the sole fault of the Republican “Insane Dead Greek god, Ronald Reagan.”


The Fairness Doctrine was plain and simple. When broadcasting news to the general public, those in charge should be required to produce opposite sides to the argument, giving the American people the fair and equal opportunity to decide for themselves where they stand on an issue. In the years following Reagan’s veto, one cable news network has dominated the ratings and does so with the slogan “Fair and Balanced.”


While the Fox News network claims to be impartial, they have made a name for themselves for being the go-to place for news for all American conservatives, demonizing any and all who oppose their agenda. Other networks are also guilty of taking advantage of the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, namely the more liberal friendly “MSNBC,” but it’s presented in a different light. MSNBC, the top left-leaning cable news network, presents itself as a liberal or progressive news station, letting potential viewers known right out of the gate what they should expect.


It started in 1949 when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed the policy that mandated that if the holders of broadcast licenses were to present controversial issues of public importance, they would have do so in an honest and balanced way to “afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views on issues of public importance.” According to, the Fairness Doctrine had two basic elements.


“It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows or editorials.”


It was called the “Fairness Doctrine” and was created to prevent the American people from receiving misinformation in the disguise of fact. Over 60 years after its creation, the Fairness Doctrine is a thing of the past and the American people are worse off because of it.


REX 84: Ronald Reagan’s plan to declare martial law and imprison Americans

10 reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst president of our lifetime

Iran Contra anyone? Ronald Reagan’s historic foreign policy blunder

5 reasons why Ronald Reagan was worse than George W. Bush

From Reagan to Bush, how the GOP has broken the American dream


The history of the Fairness Doctrine can be traced back even further with the passing of the Radio Act of 1927. The Radio Act of 1927 “mandated the FCC’s forerunner, the Federal Radio Commission (FRC), to grant broadcasting licenses in such a manner as to ensure that licensees served the public convenience, interest or necessity.” [Researched from various sources including ADD INFO]


Twitter @sheriffali


Stupidity At Its Best! Al Qaeda Indian Subcontinent Operation attempt to take over an American Aircraft Carrier turned out to be a humongous embarrassment. These Evil Idiots Need To Find A Productive Life Instead of Trying To Get To The 72 Virgins!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 16, 2014 by sheriffali

Failed terror plot. These are three words that al-Qaeda doesn’t like to hear. People around the globe love that news. But Americans will be particularly happy about it today.


Members of al-Qaeda’s newest branch in the Indian Subcontinent had planned to attack and take over an American aircraft carrier last Saturday in Karachi, Pakistan.


 Fighters of the Islamic terror group branch that was unveiled two weeks ago had planned to storm an American aircraft carrier at a Karachi port, but found a Pakistani Navy ship in its place, The Telegraph reports. The attackers suffered heavy casualties as the Pakistani Navy easily overpowered their attempt. Three of the al-Qaeda fighters were killed and seven were arrested according to Pakistani officials. Two Pakistani Naval guards were wounded.


To start, their plan to actually seize an American aircraft carrier was completely laughable in the first place since they’d have to overpower over 3,000 American servicemen and women with a small group.


According to a source interviewed by The Telegraph,



It was a complete failure, they did not do any kind of damage, some were captured and we caught more, seven so far and may be more to come. They were well-equipped and came with the intention of taking a ship into their custody but they were caught in the initial stages.


Of course, when al-Qaeda announced responsibility for the attack on the 13th anniversary of September 11th, they tried to spin it as a near-victory in which several of their fighters were martyred. They claimed that the fighters were former members of the Pakistani Navy.


“The Naval officers who were martyred on Saturday in the attack in Karachi were al-Qaeda members. They were trying to attack American marines and their cronies,” the statement said. Al-Qaeda also claimed to have briefly taken control of the ship.


If this was al-Qaeda’s way of trying to compete with ISIS in the race to be the most dangerous terrorist group in the world, getting their asses totally kicked by Pakistani sailors won’t help their cause. [Huffington Post Telegraph]


Twitter @sheriffali