Archive for Visionless

George W. Bush Six Vulcans [gods of fire] bears responsibility for our economic predicament and the bifurcated world, due to their visionless truncated internecine Policies!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 14, 2014 by sheriffali

When George W. Bush campaigned for the Presidency in 2001 he never flinched or made excuses for his lack of knowledge on International Affairs. He empathetically stated time and time again, that his lack of International knowledge wasn’t necessary, because if elected, he would appoint people that had experience and vast knowledge in determining Policies.


Irrespective of whether or not Bush legitimately won the 2000 election or his coronation was that of the William H. Rehnquist United States Supreme Court, Bush became President-Elect. He had already chosen Dick Cheney as his Vice President and Bush kept to his word and apart from Dick Cheney, Bush appointed five additional Vulcans. Some of the six dated back to the Richard Nixon era; Gerald Ford; Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.


To make up for Bush’s lack of International Experience, Bush sought to bring together a team to convey intrepid; fearless, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, bold, daring, gallant, heroic, indomitable and the likes, because in the past decades, Republicans were always seen by many as the Party that was better at foreign policy than Democrats. Of course such predictions turned out to be very wrong, because this group of Bush’s Policy Makers were so self-centered and conceited; they were visionless about how the world really functions.


Completely ignoring economics, Bush’s Vulcans set out to enact Policies solely based on America’s Military Might. Their arrogance got the better of them and they adopted a much more confrontational approach and completely ignoring our European Allies they pressed forward with missile defense that brought about uneasiness within the world community. They completely ignored international treaties and agreements that the Vulcans thought wasn’t in our country’s interest. What was most astonishing is that the Vulcans abandoned the fundamental tenets of the cold war by disavowing deterrence and containment, solely because they believed that America’s Military Power was so awesome, no one would challenge us and to make matters worse, subsequent to 9/11, the Vulcans new approach was to promote Polices of “go it alone” with preemptive strike.


Bush’s Vulcans totally abandoned our working relationship with the Middle East with countries such as Saudi Arabia; they openly promulgated the cause of democracy and America’s role in transforming the region by forcing democracy through the barrel of a gun. As you can see, the Invasion of Iraq was not a spontaneous one, this came about from Bush’s Vulcans and since George W. Bush had no foreign affairs experience, whatever the Vulcans handed him, he sanctioned it.


In hind-sight one can see how it was easy for Bush to minimize our Afghanistan’s effort that was supported by the world and invade Iraq with the Vulcans shortsightedness of really weighing what is the true meaning of “democracy.” Democracy according to Webster is’ “to respect others even when you disagree with them,” the Bush Administration totally ignored that we are a government by the people and for the people. They also forgot that despite being the most awesome military in the world, we are entwined and intertwined with the world and despite our being ahead on every front, without being engaged with the rest of the world, “alone, we would splinter and fall!” No man or woman lives or dies to themselves and neither is any Nation, whether big or small!”


[Not because former President George W. Bush is no longer President since January 20, 2009 can we simply ignore the damage that was done to The United States by The Bush Administration. Policies and Decisions that were made by Bush’s Vulcans that George W. Bush sanctioned, affected us economically, domestically, internationally, militarily, and within every facet of our lives. To undo the damage caused by the George W. Bush Administration, it is going to take the remainder of President Obama’s Presidency and perhaps, just perhaps, the entire first and perhaps the second term of whomever the next President is in 2017]


[Partisanship and Party Affiliation, Republicans or Democrats,  Liberals and Conservatives and our lack of “real facts” has left most of the American people uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed or otherwise,  and it is going to cause us to self-destruct, unless or until, we stop trying to rip each other throats out, not because of hate, but surely, because of ignorance.]


Twitter @sheriffali