Archive for veterans benefits

4 Billion Dollars Spent To Elect People with 9% Approval Ratings That Are Against 95% Of The American People’s Interest; And It is The Majority Of The Same People That Voted To Elect Them, November 4, 2014. [REPUBLICANS]

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2014 by sheriffali

It defies common logic and beyond any sane person’s comprehension as to why the “Majority of Voters” would vote and reelect the same people that are responsible for almost destroying America during their 8 years rule when George W Bush and Dick Cheney ran the country.


In addition, since the inception of 2009 these elected people have done nothing but obstruct everything that would help 95% of Americans, including our Veterans, Middle-Class, Students and the Poor. They have “blocked” or “voted” against every bill having to do with Jobs, Infrastructure, Education, Health Care, Students, Unemployment Insurance, Veteran’s Benefits and other assistance for the American people.


I think we are living in a time where majority of Americans are uninformed; uneducated; ignorant; brainwashed and totally bankrupt of basic common sense. In the Exit Polls 54% of the Voters disapproved of how President Obama has handled the Ebola Virus. Just imagine, one person died and the approximately seven people that contracted the Ebola Virus have all been cured. Mr. Obama has taken steps along with other countries to contain the Ebola Virus that are only in three countries in Africa in order for it not to become a worldwide problem.


On the other hand, Ronald Reagan sat around until 20,849 Americans died from the HIV AIDS Virus before he even acknowledged its existence. Many of the same people are still in Congress and they are the same people that have cut over 600 Billion Dollars from the CDC Budget since 2010.


At the end of 2008 Bush and Cheney along with Republicans had literally wrecked the country. The Stock Market, Dow had fallen as low as 6,500; NASDAQ below 1,800; The S & P that House most of the 401K plans fell to 730, wiping out 50% or more of people’s pension. The Housing Market had totally collapsed and unemployment had hit 10.2%. The Annual Deficit was 1.2 Trillion Dollars. We had two unpaid for Wars costing to date 5.1 Trillion Dollars and two unpaid for Tax Cut for the wealthy of 1.2 Trillion Dollars.


Today the Stock Market is at record high; the Housing Market has recovered; Over 10 Million Jobs have been created bringing unemployment down to 5.9% and the Deficit has been reduced by 72%.


But yet, Majority of the Voters are totally dissatisfied with President Obama handling of his job. People are so ignorant on the Social Media Sites they blame Obama for the 2005 Hurricane Katrina Disaster; they haven’t a clue that the Deficit has been reduced by 70%. They blame him for America’s National Debt of 17 Trillion Dollars, even though when Bush left Office our National Debt stood at 10.4 Trillion and if you add the unpaid 5.1 Trillion for Wars that Bush started and the 1.2 Trillion Dollars unpaid for Tax Cuts, it isn’t difficult to see why our Debt is at 17 Trillion Dollars.


Irrespective of the Politicians that were Winners Tuesday night and even those that lost, their good life isn’t going to change. They will continue to draw $174,000.00 Plus Salaries and other major benefits including the best Medical Coverage. The people that are going to suffer are the people that Voted them into Power.


What has caused such damage to the Brains of the Majority of Americans?


Twitter @sheriffali


Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and other GOP’S blocked a 21 billion Veterans Bill

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 22, 2014 by sheriffali

The Bill would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, the Senate GOP said the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.  However, the same unpatriotic Republicans that betrayed the Veterans find it fitting to display outrage for the Veterans Administrations fallibilities.



In a shameful display of partisan obstruction by the Mitch McConnell led Senate Republicans that blocked the bill that would have improved veterans benefits.



Senate Republicans blocked the veteran’s bill by using a procedural maneuver to invoke the 60 vote rule. The final vote to waive the budget point of order failed, 56-41. Only two Republicans (Sen. Dean Heller and Sen. Jerry Moran) joined with Democrats on the vote.



(Reuters) – “U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.


Even though the legislation cleared a procedural vote by a 99-0 vote, the measure quickly got bogged down in partisan fighting.


Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans’ programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.”


Twitter @sheriffali