Archive for Trump Treason

Don’t Look Now But Hillary Clinton Is Back Speaking Truth To Donald Trump’s Lies; Facts To Trump’s Denials And Law To Trump’s Treason, Fraud And Conflicts Of Interests!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2017 by sheriffali

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Former First Lady, United States Senator, Secretary of State And Legitimate Winner Of The 2016 Presidential Election Popular Vote By 3,000,000, Hillary Clinton Still Have Much To Offer Sensible Americans That Are Not Blinded By Hate And Falsehoods. In Addition The Former Secretary Of State Has Much To Offer The World.


[The Hill] “Hillary Clinton is moving back into the spotlight as the vanquished Democratic presidential nominee seeks to carve out her role during the Trump administration.


It’s a step she’s taking cautiously after stepping away from the political arena for roughly two months at the urging of her friends and associates. During that time, she emerged in public only for an occasional speech or college appearance. 


But March represented a turning point as Clinton ratcheted up her opposition to Trump on Twitter and made three public speeches.


With her new rallying cry of “Resist, persist, insist, enlist,” Clinton is keeping up her fight against Trump while giving Democrats space to find a new person to carry the torch in 2020. 


“She’s always been someone who gets out there and fights for what she thinks is right,” one former Clinton campaign staffer told The Hill.


“She’s striking an appropriate balance. She still has an appreciation that she’s not the face of the Democratic Party and people don’t want her to be … but having worked for her and having seen how hard she fights, I’d be disappointed if she spent the rest of her career in the woods.” 


For a politician who held White House aspirations for years, Clinton’s November loss — which came despite a victory in the popular vote — likely weighed heavy.”


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Link For Full Article – The Hill

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The Trump/Russia Hearing Puts An End To The Allegation That Clinton Ran A Terrible Campaign

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 21, 2017 by sheriffali



“To publicized Hillary Clinton’s Email and Benghazi Investigations as  falsely making Hillary as some sort of Criminal and at the same time, “Suppress and Cover-Up” a massive Investigation into Donald Trump Campaign and Russia’s Involvement since July 2016, is not only Hypocrisy, it is blatant Misogyny. The FBI, James Comey, Republicans, The Media, Some Democrats and Independents, should be ashamed and let us hope that they have real “Nightmares” of what Donald Trump is doing to America!” Sheriff Ali


[Politicususa] “Pundits and strategists who keep blaming Hillary Clinton for losing while ignoring the impact of Russian interference display a willful blindness that can only be accounted for by a particularly strong emotional bias teetering on hysteria.


Sounding a lot like many smug conservatives and some smug liberals, President Trump issued a hopeful, preemptive tweet that the Democrats made up the Russian interference story to cover for their “terrible campaign.”


Right. It couldn’t possibly be as all 18 intelligence agencies have repeatedly said: Russia interfered in the 2016 election for the purpose of electing Donald Trump, politically harming Hillary Clinton, and ultimately undermining western democracy.


All of the pundits who keep going on and on about Hillary Clinton’s horrible campaign, the conservatives who keep saying that Democrats need to get it together because they had a horrible message, and the liberals who claim Clinton would have won if only she talked about the economy (having covered Clinton’s 2016 campaign, I just want to ask if these people ever listened to Clinton speak because she talked pretty much nonstop about economic issues) should be praised for repeating Donald Trump’s talking points.


Donald Trump won the 2016 election by a small 78,000 vote advantage in three states, having lost the popular vote by almost 3 million, and he did that with the help of a hostile foreign power.


If the topic of how Democrats lost 2016 is being discussed, the Russian interference should be the lead.


To leave this out is to be disingenuous and intellectually dishonest to the point of outing one’s emotional bias.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump The Trump Administration And The Current Republican Congress Are The Biggest Disgrace In American History!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 16, 2017 by sheriffali

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As of January 20, 2017 Republicans control the White House, Congress and basically all Federal Departments responsible for the protection and benefit of the American people and sadly enough, they have had a single viable Policy to help America or the American people, except Treason and Fraud.


Instead, they are rolling back Wall Street Regulations put in place to prevent a repeat of George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republican Congress lies, deceit, fraud, trumped up wars that created one of America’s greatest Economic Collapse, since the Great Depression.


The 2001-2008 Economic Collapse crashed the Housing Market costing millions their homes and sending millions into financial ruins. Banks were failing at the rate of 200 plus per month; the Stock Market [DOW] fell as low as 6,500 and monthly jobs loses at the rate of 800,000 per month in 2008 and yet, short sighted Americans, ignorant, uninformed, uneducated and brainwashed, reinstalled basically everything in Republican Control.


At the present time Trump and Republicans have moved to repeal The Affordable Care Act AKA “Obamacare,” with a fictitious “TrumpCare,” that would take away Health Insurance from more than 24 Million and at the same time, give Millionaires and Billionaires in excess of $600 Billion Dollars in Tax Cuts.


Donald Trump has nominated Thieves, Liars and Crooks to Secretarial Positions and the Corrupt Republican Party are confirming these unqualified people that are implementing Donald Trump’s Racist and Insane Policies such as; Trashing Public Schools and reversing Regulations that protects Clean Water, Air and Ground in order to enhance Billionaires like the Koch Brothers and other Polluters.


On Foreign Policy, Trump proposed a Budget that would add $54 Billion Dollars to the already over inflated Military Budget and at the same time, reduce funding for the State Department, Foreign Embassies and Civilian Americans that labor abroad to keep America safe.


How and why America has fallen so fast and so low since “Dishonesty and Treason” elected Donald Trump and the Republican Congress, is incomprehensible!


How to repair these problems and Impeach, Charge and Imprison Trump and those associated with Treasonous Crimes and Domestic Fraud, is a monumental task, but for America, “Nothing Is Impossible.”


We must remember the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson – “When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty.”


South Koreans months of Protests and Resistance led to the Impeachment and Removal of their President and the Arrest of Samsung’s CEO for Corruption! If South Koreans can accomplish such gigantic victory, Americans most certainly can! 


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump’s Unprecedented Treason And Corruption That Are Being Enabled By Republicans Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell And Others, Is A Direct Threat To Our Democracy And Has Placed America In A “State Of Emergency.”

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 12, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump is removing Prosecutors that have been the Bastion of upholding America’s Democracy by objectively investigating corruption and they are being replaced with “Trump And The GOP Cronies.”


Politico has done an amazing job in connecting the “DOTS” of the Trump Russia Ties using seven charts, please open the link, I promise, you wouldn’t regret it –


Never before in American History of 240 years has there ever been this level of Treason and Corruption and most amazing, Republicans who always proclaim to be Patriots defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they seem to be “Knee-Deep” with Donald Trump ties to Russia and Trump’s Corruption within the United States.


This is a defining and pivotal moment for America because Republicans are controlling the White House, The Senate, The House Of Representatives and 32 Governorships. It is difficult to ascertain what the Republican Voters were or are thinking to have placed “ONE” Party with such outlandish degree of fraud, that has in Trump’s first 50 days as President, damaged the very fabric of America’s Democracy.


Those that stand for Honesty, Decency and Democracy, yes, it is a difficult time, but “Americans have always endured and overcame and yes, we shall overcome again.” The Resistance and the Protests must be enlarged and continue with no respite.


Months of South Koreans Protests led to the Impeachment and removal of South Korea’s President and the Arrest of Samsung’s CEO for Corruption. If South Korea can do it, so can we!


Twitter @sheriffali

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