Archive for Trump Fraud

Don’t Look Now But Hillary Clinton Is Back Speaking Truth To Donald Trump’s Lies; Facts To Trump’s Denials And Law To Trump’s Treason, Fraud And Conflicts Of Interests!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2017 by sheriffali

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Former First Lady, United States Senator, Secretary of State And Legitimate Winner Of The 2016 Presidential Election Popular Vote By 3,000,000, Hillary Clinton Still Have Much To Offer Sensible Americans That Are Not Blinded By Hate And Falsehoods. In Addition The Former Secretary Of State Has Much To Offer The World.


[The Hill] “Hillary Clinton is moving back into the spotlight as the vanquished Democratic presidential nominee seeks to carve out her role during the Trump administration.


It’s a step she’s taking cautiously after stepping away from the political arena for roughly two months at the urging of her friends and associates. During that time, she emerged in public only for an occasional speech or college appearance. 


But March represented a turning point as Clinton ratcheted up her opposition to Trump on Twitter and made three public speeches.


With her new rallying cry of “Resist, persist, insist, enlist,” Clinton is keeping up her fight against Trump while giving Democrats space to find a new person to carry the torch in 2020. 


“She’s always been someone who gets out there and fights for what she thinks is right,” one former Clinton campaign staffer told The Hill.


“She’s striking an appropriate balance. She still has an appreciation that she’s not the face of the Democratic Party and people don’t want her to be … but having worked for her and having seen how hard she fights, I’d be disappointed if she spent the rest of her career in the woods.” 


For a politician who held White House aspirations for years, Clinton’s November loss — which came despite a victory in the popular vote — likely weighed heavy.”


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Link For Full Article – The Hill

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Undeniable Proof Donald Trump Is A Scam Candidate – Only One Issue On His Website As CNN And Other Media Keep On Pimping For The Donald

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Donald Trump Scam, Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2015 by sheriffali

Anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and the ability to think critically can see that Donald Trump is a scam candidate. He’s doing what he always does — running for self promotion. His entire campaign has been based around how “great” Donald Trump is at saying how great he is at everything.


When you actually stop to think about what he’s saying, he isn’t saying much of anything. He’s says catch phrases and slogans. He’ll tell his crowds he has “great relationships” with just about everyone. He’ll tell us that “we will have so much winning if I get elected, that you may get bored with winning.”


What does that even mean?! Does he have a strategy for this winning? Or is he just saying he’s going to be a winner?


Truth of the matter is — he has no strategy… on pretty much anything. Yet another reason he’s a scam artist getting droves of simpletons to fall for his propaganda shtick and catch phrases.



In fact, when you visit Trump’s campaign website, he only has details on one position — one — immigration, of course. [Addicting Information]


Twitter @sheriffali