America Is An Ochlocracy Not A Democracy! Witnessing 2016 Election Of Russia Hacking, WikiLeaks Leaking, White House Doing Nothing, Intel Agencies Playing Blind, Republicans Stealing, Corrupt Media Lying For A Con Man And Embezzler, This Is Hypocrisy!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 17, 2016 by sheriffali

Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Didn’t Lose; The Presidency Was Stolen From Secretary Clinton By America’s Ochlocracy.


America’s Democracy Is Hypocrisy

Election 2016


America Is Not A Democracy

But It Is An Ochlocracy,

The 2016 General Election

Is An Unequivocal Indictment


An Administration Sat On The Sideline

Intel Agencies Pretending They’re Blind,

As Russia Enhanced Their Hacking

And WikiLeaks Did Putin’s Bidding


US Supreme Court Voided Sec 4 Voting Rights Act

Opening A Fraudulent Republican Track,

The GOP Dishonestly Suppressed The Minority

And Willfully Discarded Mail In Tally


On Election Day November Eight

Con Man Trump Elected To The White House Gate,

As America’s Corrupt Corporate Media

Slaughtered The Qualified Challenger!



History Will Record America’s 2016 Election That Exposed United States Hypocrisy Of Democracy Where Phantasmagoric Rationales And Internecine Narcissistic Deluge Became Facts.

©Sheriff Gerry Ali December 17, 2016


Twitter @sheriffali


Hillary Clinton Drops A Debate Bomb On Trump By Releasing 19 Pages Of His Fact Checked Lies!

Posted in 2016 Presidency with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 25, 2016 by sheriffali


[Politicususa] The Hillary Clinton campaign held a special press call to call on the debate moderator, media, and voters to fact check Donald Trump. In order to help the press, debate moderators, and voters fact check Trump, the Clinton campaign has released 19 pages of Trump lies.


The Hillary Clinton campaign held a special press call to call on the debate moderator, media, and voters to fact check Donald Trump. In order to help the press, debate moderators, and voters fact check Trump, the Clinton campaign has released 19 pages of Trump lies.


HFA Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri said, “Donald Trump has shown a clear pattern of repeating provably false lies hoping that nobody will correct him. As we head into this debate, we want voters and viewers to be on alert that they should keep track. Any candidate that tells this many lies, clearly can’t win the debate on the merits.”


In total there are 19 pages of fact checked Trump lies that can be read here.


The Clinton campaign is specifically focused on Trump’s 7 Deadly Lies:


FALSE: Trump opposed the Iraq War.

Washington Post: Trump: “I was totally against the war in Iraq.” // Four Pinocchios.


FALSE: Trump opposed intervention in Libya. Donald Trump on Libya, May 20 interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”: I would have stayed out of Libya.” // False.


FALSE: Clinton supports open borders.


PolitiFact: Trump says Clinton wants to create ‘totally open borders.’ // False


FALSE: Clinton wants to get rid of the Second Amendment.


ABC News: “Claim: Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment” // False.


“When Trump made this same claim earlier in the cycle, Politifact rated the claim false after finding no evidence of Clinton ever advocating for the abolishment of the Second Amendment… Bottom line: there’s no evidence to support Trump’s claim.


FALSE: President Obama and Clinton founded ISIS.

Washington Post: “Is Obama the founder of ISIS?” // Absolutely not.


“Absolutely not. It’s like saying that Ronald Reagan is the founder of al-Qaeda because the arms he sent to the mujahedeen in Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion led to the creation of al-Qaeda. It’s a ludicrous claim.”


FALSE: Clinton would allow 620,000 refugees into the U.S. with no vetting.


  Washington Post: Trump: “This includes her plan to bring in 620,000 new refugees from Syria and that region over a short period of time.” // This is an “invented figure.”


FALSE: Trump will make Mexico pay for the wall.


NPR Fact Check: Trump: “And Mexico will pay for the wall. 100 percent.” // Mexican President “would not pay” for the wall.


The release of so many pages of fact checked lies was a brilliantly clever move from the Clinton campaign. Palmieri repeated the Clinton belief that the moderator should be fact checking Trump at the debate, but since it has been made clear that this isn’t going to happen, Clinton is giving voters and the press all of the materials that they need to fact check Trump in real time at the debate.


Throughout his entire campaign, Trump has been allowed to lie without consequence, but that is about to change at the first presidential debate.


The Hillary Clinton camp is ready, and they are mobilizing an army of fact checkers to take down Trump.


Twitter @sheriffali







Nate Silver’s “Five thirty Eight” Gives Hillary Clinton 81% Chance Of Being America’s 45TH President. Support And Vote Hillary Clinton And The Democratic Down Tickets!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Better Tomorrows, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Bush's Policies, Children, Democrat, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, George W. Bush, HIllaryClinton2016, LGBT, Liar, Media, Media Bias For GOP, Michelle Obama, NRA, Obama Administration, Obama's Compassion, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, President Obama Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton Presidency 2016 Vote Hillary For President United Vote Blue Democratic Senate Democratic House Racism Fascism Bigotry Hate Gun Violen, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republican Scam, Republicans, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Right Wing Extremists, SANDY HOOK SCHOOL TRAGEDY, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on July 22, 2016 by sheriffali


Ivanka Trump Works For Her Father And Is Fully Cognizant That Donald Trump Is A Con Man, Bankruptcy Swindler, Fraudster And Ivanka Trump Knows Of All Of The Innocent People Her Father Has Embezzled. Yet, Ivanka Stood On The Stage In Ohio, Endorsing Her Crooked Father To Be President To Do To America What He Has Done For His Companies – 4 Bankruptcies; 4.7 Billion Dollars; 3,500 Plus Law Suits, Mostly For Not Paying His Bills And Embezzling Vulnerable People With A Fake University. The Trumps And The Republicans Are Shamelessly And Morally Bankrupt.


We cannot depend on the Anti-Hillary Corporate Owned Media to give Democrats equal time now that the Republican Dog and Pony Convention Show is over. The Media afforded the GOP Nominee, Donald Trump, Con Man, Bankruptcy Swindler, University Fraudster, Bigot, Fascist, Misogynist, Racist and Humanity’s biggest Liar, innumerable Free Hours Of Air Time, during the Primary and subsequently. CNN has hired Surrogates Paid by Donald Trump and also paid by CNN to be part of every CNN PROGRAM. MSNBC is not far behind and FOX NEWS has always been the Republican Mouth Piece.


We Democrats and the sensible Republican Voters must understand that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Down Tickets need all the help we can provide via Social Media. For those that are not aware, Social Media is much more powerful than the Corporate Owned Media. There aren’t any Real Television Anchors anymore, “there are just Puppets posing as Anchors that are being pulled by their Corporate Bosses to not report the news, but to influence your thinking. After all, the only thing The Corporate Media cares about is not what’s best for America; they only care about their Ratings and how much more Mammon they can deposit in their Bank Accounts.


Republicans have been a disgrace to America; however, they have really crossed the line in embarrassing America by Nominating the most Crooked Man, Liar and Racist, as their Nominee for President.


In the words of President John F. Kennedy; “It is never too late to do the right thing!” Stop the Republicans and Donald Trump from entering the White House and remove control from the GOP of both the Senate and the house.


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton President and Vote for a Democratic Controlled Senate and House.


Twitter @sheriffali