Archive for Traitor Trump

Treasonous Traitor Donald Trump Sides With Liar, Dictator, Murderer And Criminal Vladimir Putin And Russia Against The United States Of America, As Republicans Remain Muted On Trump’s Degrading And Shaming Of America!

Posted in Trump's Treason with tags , , , , , , , on November 12, 2017 by sheriffali


NYT “DANANG, Vietnam — President Trump said on Saturday that he believed President Vladimir V. Putin was sincere in his denials of interference in the 2016 presidential elections, calling questions about Moscow’s meddling a politically motivated “hit job” that was hindering cooperation with Russia on life-or-death issues.


Speaking after meeting privately with Mr. Putin on the sideline of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting in Danang, Vietnam, Mr. Trump said that he had again asked whether Russia had meddled in the contest, but that the continued focus on the issue was insulting to Mr. Putin.


Mr. Trump said it was time to move past the issue so that the United States and Russia could cooperate on confronting the nuclear threat from North Korea, solving the Syrian civil war and working together on Ukraine.


“He said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again,” Mr. Trump told reporters traveling with him aboard Air Force One as he flew to Hanoi for more meetings. “You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did.”


Mr. Trump did not answer a direct question about whether he believed Mr. Putin’s denials, but his account of the conversation indicated he was far more inclined to accept the Russian president’s assertions than those of his own intelligence agencies, which have concluded that Mr. Putin directed an elaborate effort to interfere in the vote. The C.I.A., the National Security Agency, the F.B.I. and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence all determined that Russia meddled in the election.


“Every time he sees me he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it,” Mr. Trump said of Mr. Putin. “I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country.”


His remarks came as the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia deepened, with disclosures over the past two weeks showing that there were more contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russians than were previously known, and that senior campaign officials were aware of them.”

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America And The World Is Upside Down Again. Would Intelligence Ever Trump Ignorance?

Posted in HIllaryClinton2016 with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 4, 2017 by sheriffali

When the 2016 Election got stolen from Hillary Clinton, the good and decent American people and the World, suffered and is suffering that great loss.

In 2009 President Obama and Hillary Clinton inherited a Country and a world in total chaos.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with the help of many others, put America and the World, Right Side Up Again.

Now with the biggest Crook in History, Donald Trump, a Fraudulent Republican Party and ignorant, uninformed, uneducated and brainwashed voters, the World is upside down again.

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Sociopath, Liar, Traitor, Crook And Thief, Donald Trump, Promised His Deplorable Supporters He Was Going To Build A Wall And Mexico Was Going to Pay For It. Essentially, Mexico Told Trump To Drop Dead. Now The Con Man Wants American Taxpayers To Pay For The Wall Or He Would Shut Down The Government!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump whether or not he is a legitimate or illegitimate President, we would soon find out as Robert Muller’s Investigation into Trump Russia Collusion intensifies, but apart from everything, Donald Trump is the “Worst Person To Have Ever Occupied The White House Since America’s Inception as an Independent Country in 1776.”


Donald Trump, The Treasonous Traitor; has brought more scorn and derision, embarrassment, lying, corruption and racism to America by supporting White Supremacy, Neo Nazis, The Ku Klux Klan and Racism, from America’s most “Sacred Buildings – The White House.” Trump and his family have Bankrupted The Secret Service in seven months. The Trump Organization has billed the Tax Payers $59 Million Dollars for 44 Golf Trips and yet, not one word from the Republican Congress that complained about President Obama’s annual vacation that cost Taxpayers $4 Million annually.


Donald Trump has violated perhaps every law imaginable as provided by the Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution and yet, The Republican Congressional Leadership continues to enable Donald Trump in Trump’s take down of America. What has happened to America? How did we get here? The answer is simple, The Republican Party is the Cause and Donald Trump is the Symptom. Let us hope that the Republican Congress would put America over Party and Impeach this Parasitic Parasite, Donald Trump that is sucking the life blood out of America.


Twitter @sheriffali

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Is Vladimir Putin Holding Video Evidence Of Treasonous Acts By Donald Trump? Here Is Why This May Be Factual!

Posted in Uncategorized, United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 6, 2017 by sheriffali


During the Primaries and subsequent to Donald Trump becoming the Republican Nominee and prior to the General Election and subsequent to the November 8, 2016 Election and to this present day, Donald Trump has betrayed America, The American People, All Of America’s 17 Intelligence Agencies, Former Presidents, Secretaries Of States, Judges and every aspect of the American Government in order to “Defend And Protect Vladimir Putin.”


The evidence against Vladimir Putin as an enemy of America and America’s Democracy is indisputable, unequivocal and unquestionable, and yet, Donald Trump stands in “Lock-Step” with Putin and against America.


On Sunday February 5, 2017 during the Super Bowl, fox News Bill O’Reilly interviewed Donald Trump and stated to Trump that Vladimir Putin is a “Killer.” Trump became very upset and then stated to Mr. O’Reilly that “America Has Lots Of Killers.” O’Reilly went on to tell Trump that America doesn’t incarcerate their Journalists or their Opposition or have them killed, but nothing seems to matter to Trump, except to praise Vladimir Putin and denigrate the United States.


The question is “Why would the President of the United States trash his own country while defending an enemy of his own?” 


If Vladimir Putin indeed holds Video Evidence of Treasonous Acts by Donald Trump, Putin may very well be holding Video or other Evidence against some members of the Republican Congress, because Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and other Republicans are vehemently against investigating Donald Trump/Vladimir Putin/Russia Ties.


America is not safe in the hands of Donald Trump. He is a proven pathological liar, fraud, racist, bigot, fascist and a “Traitor.” Donald Trump being in possession of “everything” that protects America, if indeed Putin’s holds evidence that can cause Trump to be Arrested and Incarcerated for Treason, Donald Trump wouldn’t take but a second and totally compromise The United States Of America.


Now, since the Republican Congress continues to support Traitor Trump and wouldn’t investigate anything despite the necessity to do so for America’s safety, the only alternative to save America is to “Embolden, Enlarge And Take Every Step Necessary” to “Resist Donald Trump and the Republicans from selling out America.”


“If you love America then find a way to do your part in and with the Resistance Movements!


Twitter @sheriffali




Obama Administration To Launch Sanctions, Retaliation For Russian Election Meddling

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on December 29, 2016 by sheriffali


“The Obama administration is preparing to announce, as soon as Thursday, a series of retaliation measures against Russia for meddling in the US election, according to American officials briefed on the plans.


The actions are expected to include expanded sanctions and diplomatic measures, the officials said, in what the administration deems a proportional response to a Russian operation that went beyond cyber hacking activities common among nations.


Russia will respond to any “hostile steps” that the US may take in response to allegations of hacking during the 2016 election, according to the official representative for the ministry.


Some of the steps are expected to name individuals associated with a Russian disinformation campaign that US intelligence officials say used hacked information from mostly Democratic Party organizations and officials to attack the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.


Official representative for Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, said in a statement on the ministry’s website, “If Washington really does take new hostile steps, they will be answered … any action against Russian diplomatic missions in the US will immediately bounce back on US diplomats in Russia.” CNN



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Open Link For Full Article [CNN]