Donald Trump And Jeff Sessions Have Reopened Private Prisons Avenue That Obama Reversed – “Allowing Profits For Pain That Is Inhumane.”

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 24, 2017 by sheriffali


[ACLU] “WASHINGTON — The Trump administration, through a memo from Attorney General Jeff Sessions, withdrew an Obama administration policy to reduce and ultimately end the use of private prisons by the Justice Department.


David C. Fathi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Prison Project, issued the following statement:


“Handing control of prisons over to for-profit companies is a recipe for abuse and neglect. The memo from Attorney General Sessions ignores this fact. Additionally, this memo is a further sign that under President Trump and Attorney General Sessions, the United States may be headed for a new federal prison boom, fueled in part by criminal prosecutions of immigrants for entering the country.


 President Trump, whose super-PAC received hundreds of thousands of dollars from private prison companies, has issued executive orders calling for increasing criminal prosecutions of immigrants. He has repeatedly expressed support for new legislation to impose harsh, unnecessary new mandatory minimum sentences for these prosecutions.”


Twitter @sheriffali



“Trump’s ‘Deportation Force’ Prepares an Assault on American Values.” Supporters Of Trump And His Policies Are Supporting The Demise Of America, Period!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 22, 2017 by sheriffali


[NYT] “The homeland security secretary, John Kelly, issued a remarkable pair of memos on Tuesday. They are the battle plan for the “deportation force” President Trump promised in the campaign.


They are remarkable for how completely they turn sensible immigration policies upside down and backward. For how they seek to make the deportation machinery more extreme and frightening (and expensive), to the detriment of deeply held American values.


A quick flashback: The Obama administration recognized that millions of unauthorized immigrants, especially those with citizen children and strong ties to their communities and this country, deserved a chance to stay and get right with the law. It tried to focus on deporting dangerous criminals, national-security threats and recent border crossers.


Mr. Kelly has swept away those notions. He makes practically every deportable person a deportation priority. He wants everybody, starting with those who have been convicted of any crime, no matter how petty or old. Proportionality, discretion, the idea that some convictions are unjust, the principles behind criminal-justice reform — these concepts do not apply.


The targets now don’t even have to be criminals. They could simply have been accused of a crime (that is, still presumed “innocent”) or have done something that makes an immigration agent believe that they might possibly face charges.”


Stand up against and Resist Donald Trump and the Fraudulent Republicans in Congress.  They are literally wrecking 240 years of America’s Sacrifices and Greatness. Do your part!


Twitter @sheriffali



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The Trump Presidency Exposed America’s Problem With The Electoral College Whereby Republican Governors Purged Minority Voters In Florida, Michigan And Wisconsin, Allowing America’s Biggest Con Man The Presidency!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 12, 2017 by sheriffali


Philip Roth Of The New Yorker Said It Best!


[“I found much that was alarming about being a citizen during the tenures of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. But whatever I may have seen as their limitations of character or intellect neither was anything like as humanly impoverished as Donald Trump is;


Ignorant of Government, Of History, Of Science, Of Philosophy, Of Art, Incapable Of Expressing Or recognizing Subtlety or Nuance, Destitute Of All Decency, And Wielding A Vocabulary Of Seventy-Seven Words That Is Better Called Jerkish than English.”]


Republicans and the Corrupt Media went after Hillary Clinton like a hungry Lion determined to catch its Prey at all cost. These two Groups never relented on Hillary’s Email or Benghazi, however, Vulgar, Con Man, Rogue, Swindler, Bigot, Fascist, Racist and illegitimate President, Donald Trump and his Staff are violating the Constitution and the Laws of America every day and the Media’s attention span is limited at best and the fraudulent Republican Congress are either enabling the Violations or are blatantly silent.


Republican Governors in Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin Purged Minority Voters in excess of two million plus, allowing the Biggest Crook In History to become President of The United States.


Donald Trump, Kelly Ann Conway, Mike Spence and others in the Trump Administration have and continue to violate the Emoluments Clause and the Constitution each and every day and the Democrats that hold the Minority in the House and Senate are just helpless, while the fraudulent Republicans continue their blatant abuse of America and the American People.


When does it end or should it be when would it end? We can only hope sooner than later, least we end up not having a respected Country but another Totalitarian Government or perhaps a Banana Republic.


Twitter @sheriffali




Donald Trump Aspiration To Be A Bigger Rodent Than His Protégé Vladimir Putin Moving America To Totalitarian Governance!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 8, 2017 by sheriffali


Donald Trump is not “stupid” but he is “Evil” with ambitions of becoming the World’s Biggest Dictator and being able to suffocate any criticism from the Media or the Opposition.


At every juncture Donald Trump Criticizes the Judiciary, Media and any and all opposition, be mindful not to become complacent.


People might find it difficult to believe that Trump could accomplish this objective, however, when you have people like Former Secretary of State James Baker on National Television advocating what a great job Donald Trump is doing, despite the chaos that Trump has created, it may not be as too fetched as you might imagine. 


Considering the fact that Donald Trump phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Policies and outlandish Nominees are being buttressed by the Republican Controlled Congress, people need to be mindful that Adolf Hitler didn’t start with Gas Chambers. Just look at the defining signs on Fascism and you may be moved enough to oppose what Donald Trump and Republicans are doing to America, now that Republicans control the White House, Congress and 32 Governorships.



14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism


Powerful And Continuing Nationalism


Disdain For Human Rights


Identification Of Enemies As Unifying Cause


Supremacy Of The Military


Rampant Sexism


Controlled Mass Media


Obsession With National Security


Religion And Government Intertwined


Corporate Power Protected


Labor Power Suppressed


Disdain For Intellectuals And The Arts


Rampant Cronyism And Corruption


Fraudulent Elections


Americans, whether or not you voted for or against Donald Trump, “factually,” Trump is a Fascist. To some this may be just another word that tags along with Bigotry and Racism, but make no mistake America, a “Fascist” is a very dangerous person. In addition, if you observe Donald Trump carefully, Trump is affected by and with “Bipolar Disorder and Dementia.”


People use Adolf Hitler’s name capriciously, but don’t be lackadaisical, Donald Trump may not be Hitler, but Trump has most certainly studied the Life Of Adolf Hitler and the worst part of all of this, Donald Trump is a “Wannabe” Adolf Hitler and a bigger “Despot” than Vladimir Putin and Nothing could be more dangerous!



Twitter @sheriffali



Donald Trump Has Taken His Life Of Lying, Scandals, Racism And Scamming To The White House Embarrassing America Before The World.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 27, 2017 by sheriffali


It is sad to see America being humiliated before the world as the Corrupt Corporate Owned American Press continues to try and “Dignify” the most “Undignified,” Racist, Bigoted, Fascist, Pathological Treasonous Liar and “Fraud” that is undoing 240 years of Sacrifice, by Millions that have given their lives, wounded Veterans and those presently serving America in the Military or Diplomatic Posts around the World.


Lies, Larceny. misery, misogyny and hate follow Donald Trump as “Flies” follow excrement wherever the stench is present.


The Uninformed, Ignorant, Uneducated and Uninformed Voter that Voted for this Con Man is understandable to some degree, but the Pernicious, Corrupt, Racist Republican Politicians that endorses and supports the Policies of this shameless and morally bankrupt swindler, Donald Trump, they are the worst Traitors that have been and continue to be the worst “THREAT” to America and the American people.


Twitter @sheriffali  




Trump Wants The American People To Stop Protesting So He Can “Enjoy” The White House

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 25, 2017 by sheriffali


President Trump is very upset. According to anonymous White House aides, the women’s march gave him bad media coverage, which is preventing him from enjoying the White House like he feels he deserves.


The AP reported:


After relishing in Friday’s inaugural festivities, the new president grew increasingly upset the next day by what he felt was “biased” media coverage of women’s marches across the globe protesting his election, according to a person familiar with his thinking. Trump was particularly enraged with CNN, which he thought was “gloating” by continually running photos of the women’s march alongside the smaller crowds that attended his inauguration the day before, according to this person, one of several White House aides and associates who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations.


The bad press over the weekend has not allowed Trump to “enjoy” the White House as he feels he deserves, according to one person who has spoken with him.

The President seems to think that the White House is some sort of vacation getaway. The President Of The United States doesn’t get to “enjoy” the White House. He was sent there to do a job, and I am sure that the millions of Americans who protested on Saturday aren’t sorry at all that they disrupted Trump’s enjoyment of his weekend.


Trump was blaming the media for the “bad press,” but the protests were at the heart of why he was so outraged. The protests drew bigger crowds and got more coverage than he did one day after taking office. While Trump was blaming the media coverage, the reality is that the protests got so much coverage because they were massive and well organized.


Twitter @sheriffali



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Justice Department Inspector General To Investigate Director James Comey And The FBI Pre-Election Actions? Obama Why Didn’t You Denounce Creepy Comey Before The Election?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 12, 2017 by sheriffali


President Obama “we,” your Supporters and Admirers do believe that you have been an excellent President, however, your non-actions, verbally and otherwise over Russia’s Hacking, Republicans Embezzling, Donald Trump’s Treason, FBI Shelling, allowed our Democratic Election Process to become “Undemocratic” and now we are faced with a Criminal as the 45th President, Donald, Groping, Swindling, Pathological Liar and Fraudulent Racist Trump to be Leader Of The Free World? WHY?


[Washington Post] “The Justice Department inspector general will review broad allegations of misconduct involving the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email practices and the bureau’s controversial decision shortly before the election to announce the probe had resumed, the inspector general announced Thursday.


The probe will be wide ranging — encompassing the FBI’s various public statements on the matter, whether its deputy director should have been recused and whether FBI or other Justice Department employees leaked nonpublic information, according to a news release from Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.


[The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send his bombshell letter on Clinton emails. Here’s why she didn’t.]


Lawmakers and others had called previously for the inspector general to probe the FBI’s pre-election actions when it came to the Clinton probe, alleging that FBI Director James B. Comey bucked long-standing policies with his communications about the case and that information seemed to have leaked inappropriately — perhaps to former New York City mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.


Horowitz said in a news release that he will explore those topics and more, though he will not re-litigate whether anyone should have faced charges.


“The review will not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the FBI or the Department regarding the substantive merits of investigative or prosecutive decisions,” the news release said, using an acronym for the Office of the Inspector General.


The FBI’s probe into whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private email server when she was secretary of state has long been controversial and politically charged.


Perhaps most notably, Comey on Oct. 28 — after previously announcing publicly that he was recommending no charges in the case — sent a letter to congressional leaders telling them that agents had resumed the Clinton probe after finding potentially relevant information in an unrelated case.


The day before, senior Justice Department leaders had warned Comey not to send the letter, because it violated two long-standing department policies — discussing an ongoing investigation and taking any overt action on an investigation so close to an election. At the time, it was less than two weeks before the election, and early voting had already begun.


Comey sent a second letter to Congress, just days before the election, saying that the investigation was complete and he was not changing the decision he had made in July to bring no charges against Clinton. But the damage — in the minds of Clinton supporters, at least — had been done. Clinton has blamed the renewed FBI inquiry for blunting her momentum in the last weeks of the presidential election.


Horowitz wrote that he will explore “allegations that Department or FBI policies or procedures were not followed” in connection with both letters, but his probe will extend beyond that. He wrote that he also will explore “allegations that Department and FBI employees improperly disclosed non-public information” — which is perhaps a reference to Giuliani, who seemed to claim at one point he had insider FBI knowledge. And Horowitz wrote that his inquiry will extend back to Comey’s July announcement that he was recommending the Clinton base be closed without charges.


In that instance, Comey took the unusual action of criticizing Clinton and her aides as “extremely careless” in their treatment of classified material, even as he said no reasonable prosecutor would charge them. His comments drew criticism from some in the legal world who said it was unfair for him to opine on a person he was not giving the opportunity to defend herself in court.”]


Twitter @sheriffali



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