Archive for the Senate

Showdown – Presidential Executive Powers V. Republican Big On Mouth And Short On Brain; Irrationality On Immigration And The keystone Pipeline

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 18, 2014 by sheriffali

18 Months and counting John Boehner has been sitting on a bipartisan Immigration Bill that passed the Senate with 68 votes. However, Boehner brought up the Keystone Bill that passed the House and seems likely it will pass the Senate.


I am certain President Obama will Veto it which is the right thing to do. Some spineless Democrats have in the House and will in the Senate vote with Republicans in the Senate today, November 18, 2014.


John Boehner has and continues to block the Immigration Bill coming to the floor for an up or down vote because he doesn’t have Republican Support. However, the Bill can pass because with most Democrats voting for the Bill and the few sane Republican Representative’s votes, the Bill can reach the President’s Desk and be signed into the Law.


But despite the Obstruction by Republicans they are against President Obama doing his job by using his legal Executive Powers. The Republicans are fantasizing on Impeachment claiming President Obama would be violating the Constitution. Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush and George W Bush used their Executive Powers to address Immigration Policies. That is an inherent right given to all Presidents in the Constitution and by Congress. We shouldn’t be surprised because irrespective of what Obama does, to the hate mongering, deceitful, obstructionist Republicans, they would without any shame whatsoever, claim that the President is breaking the Law.


The CEO of Trans Canada conceded that Keystone will only create about 50 Permanent Jobs but yet Republicans with no concern for Carbon Emissions, somehow convinced their Voters that keystone is the greatest thing since Sliced-Bread.


The Tar/Sand Oil that Canada and the Republicans want to pipe from Canada, through the United States and into New Orleans to be shipped to foreign countries, there aren’t any financial benefits to the United States and the only contribution it will make, is to add more Carbon Emissions at a time when Climate Change is so critical.


Do you ever wonder how uninformed, out of touch or uneducated Republican Voters are? The GOP are hell bent on destroying America in order to give more to the 2% and people still vote them in Control of both Houses of Congress. Amazing isn’t it!


Twitter @sheriffali


Republican Congress Message To The 98%

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2014 by sheriffali

We saw the Poll before we left for Vacation that 72% said that they are dissatisfied with the GOP non-performance; however, 75% said that you wanted us to keep control of the House and take control of the Senate. We are happy that you see the sense in all of this.


We haven’t done anything for you but we are going on Vacation to do nothing until November 4, 2014 and wait for you to reelect us. We are cognizant that you know we haven’t done anything but we also know that you want us to continue to Control The House of Representatives and you want us to take Control of the Senate.


Our Polices are to Protect the high income 2%, but we need you the 98% to reelect us to continue to protects them, because, one day,  and even though we don’t know when that day will come, their riches will trickle down to you. Remember, our Great Greek god President Ronald Reagan made that promise and we are sure he will keep that promise even though he is as dead as Julius Caesar.  


Twitter @sheriffali