Archive for The Clinton Foundation

The Disingenuous Media! Criticizes Hillary Clinton For Too Few Interviews, But When Secretary Clinton Does, The Media Bashes The Tired Email Story And The Clinton Foundation That Save Millions Of Lives Suffering From – HIV/AIDS!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Children, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republican Scam, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Violence, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , on September 2, 2016 by sheriffali

At the same time the Television Media Covers Con Man Donald Trump every disgusting word he utters out of his Charlatan Mouth and the Print Media, such as The Washington Post, New York Times and Others, Writes 10 to 15 Articles with a positive spin, about America’s biggest embarrassment, pathological liar, bankruptcy swindler, bigot, fascist, misogynist and racist in America, GOP Nominee, Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton is doing just fine and we will continue to support her for a Landslide Victory on November 8, 2016 that will transfer control from the Do Nothing Republicans to a Democratic Controlled Senate and House.


Hillary Clinton has the support of Democrats, many Republicans and Independents, but we must be vigilant in our defense of Secretary Clinton against the Anti Hillary Clinton Media and the egregious machinations of Donald Trump and the Republicans, that are hell bent on throwing mud at Hillary and Bill Clinton for the past 25 years.


Please continue to support Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine and the Democratic Down Tickets, for better tomorrows for all Americans.


Twitter @sheriffali




Misogyny And Racism Exists In The American Media! Media Endanger The Lives Of 11 Million Plus Children And Adults With HIV/AIDS.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on August 25, 2016 by sheriffali


The AP And Other News Agencies Put At Risk Over 11 Million Children And Adults [Mostly Africans In Africa] That Depends On The Life Saving Drugs The Clinton Foundation Provide To Treat HIV/AIDS World Wide Yet, The AP Wrote A Half Baked Story About The CGI, Endangering The Lives Of Millions, Mostly Africans.


The Clinton Foundation Received An “A” Rating For Spreading 89% Of Funds Received On Charity; The Other 11% Is Used For Operational Costs.


Con Man Donald Trump who wouldn’t even Release His Tax Returns took the story and called for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Clinton Foundation. The Misogynistic Media with hidden Racism has been promulgating Bankruptcy Swindler Trump, Bigotry, Hate, Fascism and Racism on a 24/7 dishonest Anti Hillary Clinton Media.


The Washington Post Took The Time To Publish A More Honest Version Of The Clinton Foundation. Below are excerpts, but you can open the link and read the entire article.


[WAPO] “Surrogates have waxed long on the foundation’s charitable works, its lifesaving endeavors and the “unprecedented” efforts that Clinton put in place to promote transparency. In contrast, they pointed to Trump and what they described as his opaque history of business dealings and entanglements, which they said pose a real conflict of interest.


Late Wednesday night, Clinton called into CNN’s Anderson Cooper to offer a full-throated defense of her family’s foundation.


“We did provide a lot of life-saving work,” Clinton said. “I’m proud of the work that my husband started and he did.


“We provided a massive amount of information and Donald Trump doesn’t release his tax [returns] and is indebted to foreign banks and foreign lenders,” she added.


Clinton has largely stayed out of the spotlight, continuing a multiday fundraising swing on the West Coast. On Thursday, her speech in Reno, Nev., will attempt to train the campaign’s full attention on Trump and his connections to the “alt-right,” a conservative movement often associated with white nationalism.


Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has gone on the attack.


Before noon on Wednesday, the Trump campaign blasted out four separate emails pressuring Clinton on her foundation ties in the hope of keeping the message in the news. Uncharacteristically, most of Trump’s tweets about Clinton have also been tied to the issue.


Since the conventions, Trump has battled controversies including the overhaul of his campaign leadership, his campaign aide’s ties to a pro-Russian regime in Ukraine and an ongoing spat with the Muslim parents of a fallen U.S. soldier. Seizing on those controversies, Clinton’s campaign worked to put Trump on the defensive while largely keeping the spotlight off Clinton.”


Twitter @sheriffali







Associated Press – General Media! Has Donald Trump Never Been Criminally Prosecuted Because His Sister Is A Federal Judge? After All – 6 Bankruptcies 4.7 Billion Dollars; Fake University; Fake Institute; Fake Foundation; Over 5,500 Law Suits And 169 Federal Law Suits!

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on August 24, 2016 by sheriffali

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Frankly, Donald Trump is the scum of the earth, a parasitic parasite sucking the life blood of people by conning them for over 50 plus years. Trump is an outspoken Racist, Bigot, Fascist, Con Man and a Serial Liar that literally robs people, hence the reason why he won’t disclose his Tax Returns, but yet he wants to be President.


AP, you and the Other Corporate Owned Media have gone after Hillary Clinton with twisted, manufactured, bifurcated stories claiming that Secretary Clinton is Dishonest! Hillary and Bill Clinton Released 39 Years of Tax Returns, where is that in your Headlines? If you can’t find wrong doings in 39 years of Tax Returns then there aren’t any wrong doings.


You have gone after the Clinton Global Initiative Foundation, an organization that has saved the lives of millions of people with your Cherry Picking, Sinister, and Egregious Machinations. According to Public Records The Clinton Foundation is a 5 Star Foundation, praised for using 89% of all money collected to help people. There is nothing in the Public Record or otherwise that shows Bill, Hillary or Chelsea Clinton took one dime from the Foundation. The other 11% is used for the Operation of the Foundation.


On November 8, 2016 the easy job would be disposing of Donald Trump for the Loser he is, but the bigger job for America is how to educated the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed that have bought into the Republican Scheming Agenda that created Monster and Thief, Donald Trump, that keeps Voting Republican against their own best interest. [Stockholm Syndrome]


America is already great and under Hillary Clinton’s Stewardship, a Democratic House and Senate, America would become even greater, but unless the Media becomes real Journalism again, rather than Puppets for their Corporate Bosses, “we will self destruct from within.”


Democrats, Republicans and Independents, Vote Hillary Clinton Time Kaine and give them a Democratic Controlled Congress and you wouldn’t regret it.


Twitter @sheriffali

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