Archive for Support Hillary

President Obama Will Endorse Hillary Clinton For President

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2015 by sheriffali

Hillary Clinton is the only Democrat that can keep the White House after President Obama. Bernie Sanders is a good man but his utopian version of projecting what he will do, most of it is just a Pipe’s Dream. I would like to see not just a utopian America but a utopian world, but that is not possible with the indelible wickedness man has within him.


President Obama asked Congress to pass a bill for free two year college and to date the Republicans have rebuked the idea and threw it in the trash. On the other hand Mr. Sanders on the campaign trail is advocating free four years of college. That is a noble idea, but as long as we have to contend with Republicans in Congress that is not possible.


It is going to take Democrats working together in full support of Hillary Clinton in order to win the Presidency that is backed by 900 Million Dollars to the Republicans from the Koch Brothers alone. If you count the other Republican contributors, we would be fighting perhaps a two billion or more war machine. [This is the fault of the Supreme Court when they sanctioned Citizens United].


Mrs. Clinton was one of America’s top 100 Attorneys as certified by the American Bar Association. She was First Lady of Arkansas; First Lady of the United States; U S Senator for 8 years and Secretary of State for 4 years. Like President Obama, Hillary already has a full blown operation.


It is a fallacy by the Corporate Owned Media that is promulgating that 80% of Republicans agree with Bernie Sanders. It is a game and if we play on that field we are bound to lose. The reality of the GOP is that they know Mr. Sanders is not going to get the nomination and their wishes are that Mr. Sanders would run as an Independent which would take away votes from Hillary and give them the White House. Remember 2000 when Ralph Nader ran!


Sheriff Ali


Twitter @sheriffali


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Rupert Murdoch Owner Of the Wall Street Journal And Fox News Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Crushing All Rivals Democrats And Republicans

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 23, 2015 by sheriffali

Hillary Clinton is riding high in a New WSJ/NBC Poll, with a whopping 60 point margin over her nearest Democratic rival and commanding leads nationally against her would-be Republican Opponents.


The Poll found the former Secretary of State garnering 75 Percent of the vote in a potential Democratic Primary. Her closest challenger, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, received only 15 Percent of Democrats’ support, while former Virginia Senator Jim Webb and former Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley were supported by fewer than 5 Percent of respondents.


The results represent a resurgence of Hillary Clinton after Bernie Sanders had appeared to close the gap slightly in recent months.


For years haters of Mrs. Clinton have asserted fact less innuendos and assumptions of wrong doings, something that has never had one inch of truth. If you recall, during the Bill Clinton years as President Republicans rather than do their jobs, used a Special Prosecutor for almost 8 years, wasting Taxpayers money chasing a White Water Land Deal in Arkansas, where the Clinton’s lost $50.00.


For the sake of America, if anyone of the Republicans that are currently official Candidates and those yet to come ends up in the White House after President Obama, The United States would be ruined into a Banana Republic.


Whether you like Hillary Clinton or not that is your choice, but realistically she is the only person that can “Slash And Burn,” the Koch sponsored Evil Does – The Republicans. Bernie Sanders is a good and decent man, but he doesn’t possess the testicular fortitude to “Whip” the lying deceitful, Republicans that supports only the 1% and foreign Governments like Israel.


I have cast my Lot with Hillary Clinton all the way to victory night. Mrs. Clinton is more than qualified to be President.

Hillary Clinton:


She was one of America’s top 100 Attorneys as determined by the American Bar Association.


First Lady of Arkansas

First Lady of The United States

US Senator for 8 years

United States – Secretary of State for 4 years.


Subsequent to George W Bush and Dick Cheney wrecking America and America’s credibility, Hillary Clinton was very instrumental in assisting President Obama in pulling America out of the deep and unforgiving waters, Bush and Cheney threw us into.


Twitter @sheriffali


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In “Let People Vote” {Editorial June 5, 2015} You Are Right To Applaud Hillary Clinton In Making Voting A Top Priority

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2015 by sheriffali

[NYT] In “Let the People Vote” (editorial, June 5), you are right to applaud Hillary Rodham Clinton in making voting reform a top priority. However, I firmly believe that this issue is not about Republican versus Democrat. I believe that all Americans want the same thing: a fraud-free election in which as many citizens vote as possible. It is a disgrace that turnout in America ranks 138th out of 172 democracies around the world.


It is common sense that if you want to fill voting booths: 1) you don’t hold elections on a single working day when many people with two jobs and single working parents can’t vote; and 2) you make it as easy as possible for all citizens to register, and today that means electronically.


I won’t accept the notion that any of the candidates, Democrat or Republican, who hold themselves out as capable of leading our nation think otherwise. For example, Senator Rand Paul has publicly asked, “Why don’t we be the party that’s for people voting, for voting rights?” and has introduced a bill to restore voting rights for nonviolent felons in federal elections.


So I call upon all candidates for president to follow in the steps of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Paul by speaking up on ways to increase voter turnout.





The writer, a former member of Congress, mayor of Atlanta and ambassador to the United Nations, is currently chairman of Why Tuesday?, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to increasing voter turnout.


Twitter @sheriffali



Republicans Are Trying To Stop Young People And Minorities From Voting

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 9, 2015 by sheriffali

[NYT] HOUSTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday accused Republicans including her potential rivals Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Rick Perry of “deliberately trying to stop” young people and minorities — both vital Democratic constituencies — from exercising their right to vote, as she presented an ambitious agenda to make it easier for those groups and other Americans to participate in elections.


Speaking at Texas Southern University here in front of her largest crowd yet as a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, Mrs. Clinton accused Republicans generally of enacting state voting laws based on what she called “a phantom epidemic of election fraud” because they are “scared of letting citizens have their say.”


“What is happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people and young people from one end of our country to the other,” Mrs. Clinton told a crowd of about 2,000 in a basketball arena at the historically black campus.


She called for automatic voter registration in every state when young people turn 18, criticized Republican-sponsored voting laws in North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin, and urged Congress to take immediate action to reinstate an important provision of the Voting Rights Act that she said the Supreme Court had “eviscerated” in a 2013 ruling.


 In addition to areas she said needed to be addressed, like easier online registration, shorter lines at polling precincts and a minimum of 20 days for early voting before an election, Mrs. Clinton called for a nationwide law modeled on one recently passed in Oregon that automatically adds voters to the rolls when they turn 18, using driver’s license data. Residents would have to opt out to avoid being added to the voter rolls.


But she also used the occasion to attack by name several of her potential Republican rivals.


“There are people who offer themselves to be leaders whose actions have undercut this fundamental American principle,” Mrs. Clinton said.


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