Archive for Spineless Democrats

Two New Polls Bring Great News For President Obama and Congressional Democrats

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 1, 2014 by sheriffali

Two polls, one from Gallup that showed President Obama’s approval rating surging with Hispanics, and one from CNN that showed that 68% of Americans believe that Congress isn’t working with President Obama enough, have brought a bounty of good news to Democrats.



The Gallup poll revealed that President Obama’s approval rating with Hispanics has skyrocketed since he announced his executive action on immigration. In the last two weeks, Obama’s approval rating with Hispanics has jumped from 54% to 68%. It is clear that President Obama has completely captured all of the momentum on the immigration. The president has both the high moral ground, and the popular position. He is benefitting from acting where Congress wouldn’t.




A new CNN poll also suggested that the blame Obama strategy isn’t going to be enough now that Republicans control Congress.

According to CNN,


According to the survey, 50 percent of Americans believe the GOP taking control of the House and the Senate next year will be bad for America, and 52 percent expect it to lead to more gridlock. Another 37 percent, however, expect to see no difference in the levels of gridlock in Congress.



But Americans seem to believe the GOP should be the ones to budge.



Sixty-eight percent of Americans polled say the GOP isn’t cooperating enough with President Barack Obama, while 57 percent say it’s Obama who’s not cooperating enough with the GOP.



The situation is going from bad to worse for the Republican Party. The GOP is trapped between members of their congressional caucuses who are demanding revenge for the president’s action on immigration and the political reality is that what Obama did is popular.



While the American people are demanding that Republicans cooperate more with the president, members of their party want to do nothing. The polling suggests that people elected Republicans, and now they expect Boehner and McConnell to get things done. If Republicans don’t act, the blame Obama strategy isn’t going to work. President Obama isn’t on the ballot in 2016, but the Republican majorities will be.




Both of these polls are good news for Democrats, but they suggest a path forward. The president can continue to take positive steps through popular executive action while Democrats in Congress can go on offense against the Republican agenda.

Democrats are off on the right foot and are putting together a successful strategy. Boehner and McConnell appear to have been blindsided by Democratic aggressiveness. If the Republicans don’t regroup, Democrats could be putting the building blocks in place for a very successful 2016 election.

[Politicususa (dot) Com]


Twitter @sheriffali




Bush, Cheney And The GOP Congress Wrecked America; Obama Literally Saved America And Yet, Spineless Democrats, Republicans And The Corrupt Media, That Is Owned By Big Business, Blames Obama For All That Ails The Country!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2014 by sheriffali

Obama is the only President in US History whose approval rating dropped a single digit over a ten-month stretch and it was described as having “plummeted.” President Obama’s all-time low of 39% is higher than the lowest of any President since John F Kennedy. That’s right. At Republican god Ronald Reagan’s lowest; he was at just 35%. George W. Bush once hit 19%.


Congress has an approval rating of 9%, yet somehow, it’s Obama’s approval ratings that more than quadrupled Congress, that makes headlines and makes Democratic Congressional Candidates turn tail and run.


“Do you still think the Media is in Obama’s Pocket?”


Just imagine, 4 Billion Dollars was spent on the November Mid-Term to elect Politicians with a 9% Approval Rating, the same Politicians that haven’t cared about 95% of the American People and it is the Majority of the 95%, that voted Republican that  gave them control of Both Houses of Congress.

I do not look at Fox News because I have no interest in trash, hatred and lies. However, CNN has become Tabloid News without a doubt. On their summary during Tuesday night’s election return, David Gergen, Gloria Borger, Wolf Blitzer and others kept on exclaiming that Obama’s approval ratings were responsible for Republicans taking the Senate and gaining seats in the House. These are not uneducated people and they live “Politics.” They are fully aware that their willful misleading trashing of President Obama about his approval ratings when no other President since John F Kennedy maintained Obama’s ratings wasn’t going to help President Obama or his Party.


All 1,500 Television Stations; 9,000 Radio Stations; 1,100 Magazines, 1,500 News Papers And 2,400 Publishers are owned by six [6] Corporations. We know factually, Big Business and the Republicans are indivisible, however, Middle-Class and Poor Republicans, Democrats and Independents, had better wake up to the reality of:


“Polls are not intended to measure reality; it is intended to shape it.”


The problem is in our today’s America we have more ignorant, uneducated, uninformed and brainwashed people that get very upset when “facts are presented to them.” The reason being is that if those facts are contrary to what the Media told them, they would die being fools rather than even have an open mind to seek out the truth.


America is on a very slippery slope solely due to the 2% and Big Business that have bought and paid for the Republican Party. And, since the Media is Owned by Big Business, we no longer have Journalists, what we do have are Opinion Makers for which said Opinions are directed by their Corporate Bosses.


Twitter @sheriffali

 BARACK OBAMA - 11-06-14