Archive for Russia Hacking

The 2016 Election Wasn’t Only Stolen From Hillary Clinton By Republicans Fraud; Russia Hacking; Traitor Trump’s Treason; But Hillary Clinton Was Stabbed In The Back By People Within The Democratic Party, Even From The Very Top!

Posted in HIllaryClinton2016 with tags , , , , , , on September 7, 2017 by sheriffali

Of all of the Political figures in my lifetime thus far, I have stood with Hillary Clinton right out of the Gates of Yale University; her mission of “The Children’s Defense Fund,” Hillary’s undercover work in the South, exposing the White Racists that incarcerated young “Black Youths” in adult prison; as First Lady of Arkansas and the United States; US Senator; Secretary of State and the First Woman Nominee of a major party for the Presidency of the United States.


In her new book “What Happened, I condone all of Hillary Clinton’s “Score-Settling” and “Criticism” of the “Back-Stabbers” in the Democratic Party and especially, Hillary’s take down of the “Liar and Fraud, Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton also went after the fraudulent Republicans that suppressed and purged the “Minority-Votes,” the Russian Hacking and Treasonous, Traitor and Corrupt Donald Trump, Russia involvement.


Twitter @sheriffali

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President Hillary Clinton Would Be Protecting America Not Wrecking The United States As Donald Trump Is Doing!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 24, 2017 by sheriffali


President Obama and the Corrupt Corporate Media such as the New York Times, willfully suppressed the ‘fact” that the Federal Government had obtained Search Warrants from the FISA COURT for Treasonous Acts between Donald Trump And Russia. As the New York Times pointed out in their Confession of Suppression, “their suppression of these facts as was requested by the FBI could have made all the difference in the outcome of America’s First Undemocratic And Fraudulent General Election in 240 years.”


If President Obama And The Media “Not” Suppressed Donald Trump’s Domestic Crimes, Trump And Putin’s Treason, Republicans Voter Suppression, Trump Wouldn’t Be Wrecking America And Dismantling President Obama’s Achievements, Polices And Legacy, Hillary Clinton Would Have Been The Great Protector.


President Obama has done a great service for and to America and the American people considering what Obama inherited from George W Bush on January 20, 2009, however, in life we are more responsible for the “things we didn’t do than the things we did do.”


Realistically, what good is all of President Obama’s achievements now that it is being dismantled by the most Crooked Person, worst than Richard Nixon, Donald Trump and the Republican Congress?


Donald Trump has signed Executive Orders that would destroy; The ACA [OBAMACARE], Revived the dangerous Keystone Pipeline, Cut Mortgage Interest deductions for the most needy, revived the Dakota Pipeline, initiated moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, incited Benjamin Netanyahu to increase “Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land, attempting to withdraw The United States from The United Nations and “Literally Fracture NATO,” all for his friend, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.


Donald Trump will be impeached, but by the time that transpires, the carnage that would be left from Trump’s and the Republicans Wreckage, America would find it most difficult to reinsert itself as a World Leader and America, Americans and the World would suffer the Egregious Machinations from Trump and Republicans Evil.



Twitter @sheriffali



Donald Trump And Republicans Treason, Traitors, Racism, Bigotry, Fascism, Lying And Larceny Have Taken Over America’s Democracy!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 23, 2016 by sheriffali


Republicans On January 20, 2017 Will Control The White House, Senate, The House of Representatives, 32 Governorships And The Majority Of Local Governments Across The Country. If we reflect on 2001 through 2008 when George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Republicans were in the same position, they wrecked America Financially and America’s Credibility.


Merriam Webster said: “True Democracy Is To Respect Others Even When You Disagree With Them.”


As we are fully cognizant, that is not the Republican way, it is their way or the Highway. The Republican Voters are most definitely affected by the Stockholm Syndrome always Voting against their own interest.


America has become a Country where a large number of Americans are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed. This is really a disease that was born out of Republican Legislators willfully abiding in “untruths” as facts and a Corrupt Corporate Media that does the Republicans Bidding and Selling of the GOP phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissistic deluge.


 The Republicans promote Guns over Books, Ignorance over Intelligence and for certain, Republicans favor an uneducated voter.


Despite the disaster of the 2016 stolen Election all is not lost; America has come too far to turn back now. However, it will take responsible people that are true Patriots to stand up to Donald Trump and the Republican Evil Force and fight for what is right, because might doesn’t make it right.


President John F. Kennedy Said: “It Is Never Too Late To Do The Right Thing,” We Should Heed The Former President’s Words!


“When you are dead you don’t know you are dead, others do, but you don’t! The same is with Stupidity!” Mark Twain


Twitter @sheriffali







America Is An Ochlocracy Not A Democracy! Witnessing 2016 Election Of Russia Hacking, WikiLeaks Leaking, White House Doing Nothing, Intel Agencies Playing Blind, Republicans Stealing, Corrupt Media Lying For A Con Man And Embezzler, This Is Hypocrisy!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 17, 2016 by sheriffali

Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Didn’t Lose; The Presidency Was Stolen From Secretary Clinton By America’s Ochlocracy.


America’s Democracy Is Hypocrisy

Election 2016


America Is Not A Democracy

But It Is An Ochlocracy,

The 2016 General Election

Is An Unequivocal Indictment


An Administration Sat On The Sideline

Intel Agencies Pretending They’re Blind,

As Russia Enhanced Their Hacking

And WikiLeaks Did Putin’s Bidding


US Supreme Court Voided Sec 4 Voting Rights Act

Opening A Fraudulent Republican Track,

The GOP Dishonestly Suppressed The Minority

And Willfully Discarded Mail In Tally


On Election Day November Eight

Con Man Trump Elected To The White House Gate,

As America’s Corrupt Corporate Media

Slaughtered The Qualified Challenger!



History Will Record America’s 2016 Election That Exposed United States Hypocrisy Of Democracy Where Phantasmagoric Rationales And Internecine Narcissistic Deluge Became Facts.

©Sheriff Gerry Ali December 17, 2016


Twitter @sheriffali
