Archive for Rudy Giuliani

Intel Sources: First Big Arrests In Donald Trump’s Russia Scandal Could Come Next Week [Palmer Report]

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 14, 2017 by sheriffali

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As much as the Corrupt Media center on Trump’s Bombs of distracting [Syria and Afghanistan] from Russia Gate, the Feds are working behind the scene and they are about to issue Indictments as recent as the week of April 16, 2017.


Apparently, the case is so strong that they have refused Rudy Giuliani offer to “sing” against his old buddy Donald Trump. The Feds have also refused to grant immunity to Michael Flynn for his testimony. Inference – “The Feds have what they need to Indict Treasonous Donald Trump and the other Fraudulent Republicans that have enabled Trump in attempting to destroy America for Trump’s Blackmail Pal, Vladimir Putin.”


Time will tell and we shall see as the shoe drops how many of Trump’s once upon a time “Cronies” are willing to commit Political Suicide by singing in the “Rain.”


In addition, It was reported that German, Britain and Qatar Intel have handed the FBI Tapes of Trump’s Kids involvement in Criminal Activities. The only question now is; “Is it one of the three or all of the three – Eric, Trump Jr., or Ivanka?”



Palmer Report:


“Donald Trump dropped the “Mother of all Bombs” today in Afghanistan (source: CNBC), but it appears to have been a mere attempt at distracting from the mother of all bombshells. Reliable sources, who have proven themselves correct in the past, are now pointing to U.S. intel agencies working with the Attorney General of New York to begin imminently dismantling Trump’s inner circle. In fact the big major arrests may come as soon as next week.


The claim first came from @SheWhoVotes, a Twitter user who is also a Constitutional lawyer and has a solid track record. She tweeted today that she’s “Hearing from intelligence insiders that [New York State Attorney General Eric] Scheiderman is working closely with intel. They’re going to take out the entire three ring circus” (link). This was then quickly validated with the words “Fact check: true” by Louise Mensch, a former member of British Parliament who is now a political journalist, and whose inside sources have been consistently correct about the FISA warrants in the Trump-Russia investigation going back to last fall.


Mensch then added “First arrests maybe next week” (link). She also referenced the arrest of ten low level mafia figures in New York two weeks ago, who were not Russian, but whose crime family has alleged ties to both Donald Trump and the Russian mafia through Felix Sater; Palmer Report covered these arrests on March 28th (link). Two days later the FBI also descended on a casino with strong ties to Trump (link). And of course two days ago the FBI leaked that it’s been surveilling Carter Page since last summer, meaning it has recordings of everyone he conspired with, in what seemed to be a final warning shot to any Trump-Russia conspirators who want to cut a deal before the arrests begin.


There is also more directly tangible evidence that the State of New York is involved in the federal action against Donald Trump and his empire. On March 19th, the Wall Street Journal documented that NY AG Schneiderman had hired a close associate of former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara to specifically focus on Trump’s criminal behavior (link). So Donald Trump’s decision to drop a massive bomb in Afghanistan today may have been because he knows what’s coming as well.”


Twitter @sheriffali 




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READ: Longtime NYC Reporter’s Epic Takedown Of Rudy Giuliani’s ‘Love’

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 20, 2015 by sheriffali

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s recent accusation that President Obama does not love America prompted a scathing takedown of the Republican politician’s ideas about “love” from one of the journalists who knows him best.

Journalist Wayne Barrett, a former reporter and editor of The Village Voice and the author of “Rudy: An Investigative Biography,” left no embarrassing stone unturned in his epic takedown published by the New York Daily News.

Turning Giuliani’s words against him, Barrett reviewed the ex-mayor’s spotted history with women, his consulting gigs for dictatorships, and his evasion of military service.


Take a peek at the op-ed:


Ask Regina Peruggi, the second cousin he grew up with and married, who was “offended” when Rudy later engineered an annulment from the priest who was his best man on the grounds, strangely enough, that she was his cousin. Or ask Donna Hanover, the mother of his two children, who found out he wanted a separation when he left Gracie Mansion one morning and announced it at a televised press conference. …


Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him. And remember Bernie Kerik? He’s the Giulaini police commissioner, business partner and sidekick whose nomination as homeland security secretary narrowly preceded indictments. He then did his national service in prison.


Read the whole thing at the New York Daily News.


Twitter @sheriffali


Everybody is an “expert!” The Right-Wing blames Obama for not intervening enough while the Left-Wing claim Obama is intervening too much – Ukraine – Crimea – Russia.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 18, 2014 by sheriffali


Unlike President Obama or any other United States President that are subject to the Constitution, Congress, The U S Supreme Court and the American people, Vladimir Putin answers to no one except Mr. Putin. All the Dog and Pony show coming out of Putin’s Russia with claims that the Russian Parliament voted for this or for that, “it is just a farce.”



Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia’s billionaire that opposed Putin’s Dictator-Ship was imprisoned for ten years; all of his assets seized and just before the Sochi Olympics, Putin had him released. Mr. Khodorkovsky is presently living in Germany. Putin used Mr. Khodorkovsky’s assets and created one of the world largest Oil Companies, Rosneft. Prior to Rosneft, Exxon Mobile was the largest Oil Company.


However, Exxon Mobile and Rosneft executed an agreement in December 2013 that together, the collaboration of the project is approximately 500 Billion Dollars for the Arctic Research Centre (ARC). With companies like Exxon Mobile and others tied into Putin’s Russia, Vladimir knows that he is playing with a marked deck in his favor. With such leverage and the great Political Divide in America, Putin’s challenges would be fast and furious. Most of the talking heads in the Media and the self indulgent Politicians do not stop to think, much less see that “everything is not just black and white.”


It’s been interesting to observe the large numbers of people who suddenly think they’re experts on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine-both those on the left who blame it on Obama for intervening too much and those on the right who blame it on Obama for not intervening enough.


On the right, you have political figures claiming that Obama’s supposed “weakness” somehow emboldened Moscow to engage in aggressive moves against Crimea. Sarah Palin, for example, claims that Obama’s failure to respond forcefully to Russia’s bloody incursion into Georgia in 2008 made Russia’s “invasion” possible, despite the fact that Obama wasn’t even president then and therefore couldn’t have done much. Even some Democrats, like Delaware senator Chris Coons, claim that Obama’s failure to attack Syria last fall made the United States look weak.


In reality, there seems to be little correlation between the willingness of Moscow to assert its power in areas within its traditional spheres of influence and who occupies the White House: The Soviets invaded Hungary in 1956 when Eisenhower was president; the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968 when Johnson was president; the Soviets successfully pressed for martial law in Poland in 1981 when Reagan was president; the Russians attacked Georgia in 2008 when Bush was president.


In each case, as much as these administrations opposed these actions, it was determined that any military or other aggressive counter-moves would likely do more harm than good. Washington cannot realistically do any more in response to Russian troops seizing Crimea in 2014 in the name of protecting Russian lives and Russian bases than Moscow could do in response to U.S. troops seizing Panama in 1989 in the name of protecting American lives and American bases.


In the final analysis it is self evident that The GOP extreme right-wing megalomaniac torrent is fratricidal to America, both foreign and domestic! Their 24/7 individual and collective outlandish tongues, emboldens the Putins’ of this world! John McCain just returned from Ukraine and one day later, went on Television and said; “Obama is weak and timid.” A tartar may be more at home on Cheapside than the rant against Obama from the “know it all Republicans!”




Republicans vacuous behavior is “aiding the enemy!”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 7, 2014 by sheriffali

Republicans disdain for President Obama has turned them into Patriots bankrupt of Patriotism! Their overwhelming glee for Vladimir Putin for storming his way into Crimea, some in the GOP and their mouth piece – FOX NEWS have buttressed Putin’s arrogance. Rudy Giuliani stated on Fox News; “Mr. Putin makes a decision and in half a day follows through, but Obama has to think before he acts.”


It could be that if former President George W. Bush didn’t allow the extremists that he surrounded himself with to dictate what he should do, perhaps, just perhaps, Iraq’s error would have never occurred.


It is difficult to understand why the Republicans that are always invoking God and Country, have allowed themselves to be captivated with such debauchery that is not in their country’s best interest, to become part and parcel of their daily lives.


These Congressional Republican demagogues and their rabble-rousers that flock to Fox and other News Outlets like white on rice and advocate such narcissistic, internecine deluge, that is backed up by only phantasmagoric rationales, apparently do not ascertain that their vacuous, sanctimonious repugnant behavior, have turned them into reprobates.


What the Republican Legislators and their followers have proven 100%, are the well thought out factual words of Frederick Douglass on September 25, 1883. Mr. Douglass said;


“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.


If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” [Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]


I think for some of us that are fortunate to live in the greatest country known to mankind; The United States of America, we should reflect on the words of Jeremy Taylor;


“It is usually not so much the greatness of our trouble as the littleness of our spirit which makes us complain.”


Follow me on Twitter @sheriffali